Days of Our Lives - Mon.,April 7, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of our Lives
Monday, April 7, 2014

EJ is on the phone, bullying someone about making everything perfect. He hangs up, Stefano comes in chuckling, guessing correctly that EJ was talking of his upcoming wedding. Stefano does his usual cryptic commenting, but EJ is in a very happy, jolly mood, warning Stefano to just just drink his brandy and sit in the chair with his doom & gloom, that happiness & laughter will fill this house, and nothing Stefano can say will spoil it. Stefano chuckles, he thinks love and laughter and wonderful. Then adds that EJ had better hope that Samantha never finds out he was banging Abigail Deveraux. (Cue me laughing out loud at this point). EJ's face changes, he denies ever cheating on Sami, would never do that, blah, blah. Stefano smiles, mentions him worrying that he might have knocked up Abigail. EJ looks as tho someone punched him in the gut. Stefano laughs, mentions Dr. Garcia, EJ worries she might have lied to him. No, says Stefano, she did not lie. He then talks of EJ helping him with Katerina, and he will help EJ with Samantha, also guaranteeing that Dr. Garcia is loyal to him, and will never breathe a word. EJ agrees.

Gabi & Nick are going at it hot & heavy on the sofa, as Sami knocks at the door, calling Gabi's name. Nick figures she will go away, but Gabi knows Sami has a key. Nick quickly and quietly sneaks over to the door, puts on the chain, just as Sami opens the door. Seeing the chain is on, she calls out to Gabi, who says she will be right there, She shags Nick into her bedroom, telling him to go out that way (a door to the outside in there, wow! ) She quickly dons a robe, undoes the chain, Sami comes in, has wedding gifts for the two guys. She sees a shoe, Gabi is about to confess about Nick, but Sami assumes the shoe belongs to one of the fellows, and throws it into another room.
Now Sami babbles to Gabi about coming to her or to Kate if she needs someone to talk to, but Gabi realizes Sami doesn't want her confiding in Nick. She doesn't want a lecture, knows how Sami feels, but Sami goes on Gabi seeming to trust Nick, and this puts Gabi in defensive mode, while Nick listens happily to it all.
Gabi mentions them trying to kill Nick, and he did not put them in jail, Sami retorts that instead he blackmails and tortures them, Gabi is right back with the modeling job he suggested with EJ thinking it great, Sami still thinks he is a creep. Gabi reminds Sami that she is marrying EJ DiMera, after all he has done. Sami says EJ doesn't come close to what Nick has pulled off, but Gabi thinks she should tell that to her brother, after all the time he spent in the DiMera dungeon....oh, wait, "guest quarters". Sami doesn't like that, and Gabi ushers her out. Nick comes out, saying thank you, and is still there because of only having one shoe. She gets the other one, Arianna wakes up, Nick leaves saying they will be seeing each other soon. Outside the door, he raises his arm. Yes! Big smile.

Nicole overhears Marlena leaving a message for Eric (this is at the hospital) and she lights into Marlena for trying to poison Eric's mind against her. She is really railing at Marlena, Eric arrives, tells her to stop shouting. The 3 go into another room, Eric cannot believe Nicole carried on like that to his mother in public. Nicole talks of how Marlena has convinced Eric about marrying in church, yada, yada. Oops, this is the first Marlena ever knew of wedding plans. Her message had to do with Eric turning down a job. Uh, oh. She leaves them, they need privacy, and now Nicole & Eric argue. Well, Nicole does. Eric assures her he loves her, and states how much his faith means to him, that it is what helped him after Africa,.
Oh, Nicole understands that, but, they cannot be married in the church, and cannot have sex before marriage. So he loves her, but not enough to marry her outside the church. Well, she is not a celebate type person, and is not going to wait around forever for Eric to make up his mind. She will give him time to decide what he wants to do, but not much. She takes off in a huff.

Hope is sitting with Father Louie, who wants her to head up the fund raising committee for St. Lukes for the entire year. She refuses, at first, but he pours on how successful her last effort was, and she caves, agreeing. As she starts to tell him about one person she is unable to work with, he gets up, saying her partner is there. Yes, Aiden has arrived, and tho Hope tries to make Father Louis understand how they have problems working together, as does Aiden, Father is adamant, then has to leave. Hope & Aiden are frustrated, she says it is all his fault for writing that big check on his own, making the church think they made all that money selling lemon meringue pies. He acually agrees, and tells her he will take care of it all, will confess what he did to the good Father, and then will chair the committee himself. Seems he is very competitive person, lol, and wants to raise the most money ever.

Brady & Theresa are in bed, he is boozing it up, they are talking about her coke dealer. He really doesn't want any, Theresa is claiming she doesn't like the stuff, blah, blah, blah. He gets up, has stuff to do, gets dressed. She asks if he is mad at her, nope, will call later.
She smiles, and when alone, figures he loves coke as much as her, and will be back for some soon.
Meanwhile Brady runs into Hope, asks about Theresa and her troubles in L.A. Was it due to drugs. Hope doesn't want to discuss Theresa's legal problems, Brady takes it as a yes, and takes off. He is in a garden with religious statues, sitting on a bench, when Eric arrives. Neither expected to see the other, Eric comes there to pray. Brady mentions Theresa, that he has been seeing her, wondering what Eric thinks about his cousin. Tactful Eric says Theresa has problems, and Brady should probably not be dating her. Brady thanks him, Eric cautions him about letting Theresa down easy, when he tells her he won't be seeing her any more. Brady replies "who says I won't be seeing her"?

Aiden talks to Marlena at the hospital about a client, then asks about her taking on new patients. Marlena says her case load is pretty full, but if he wants to refer someone, she will make room. She gives him her card. Later, he is alone, takes out her card, and contemplates it.

Marlena runs into Hope, talks about Nicole blowing up at her, mistakenly, and how she thinks Nicole is hiding something. That she thought Nicole let Chyka go on purpose, but when she talked to Chyka, he said no...but there IS something.

Nicole sits in the park, flashing back to finding the files, the evidence, being all excited, then shredding it all, and then shoving it all in the trash can, and setting fire to it. She says aloud that perhaps all this is God's way of punishing her for all she did in order to keep Eric. But, nothing she can do, it is gone, and no one knows she ever had it.

And the camera shifts over to a closeup of a desk, and blue latex gloved hands, carefully matching together long strips of shredded paper.
By now EJ should realize that living with Stefano is like a person's relationship with Santa Claus: "he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake." As for Nicole, by publicly ripping into Marlena, she's the personification of the old limbo stick line: "how low can you go." Finally, if it is Liam piecing together the shredded documents, his sick obsessions have caused him to miss his calling. Instead of selling ED pills to guys who want to match the bedroom skills of EJ, Brady, and the miracle surgeon, he should be working for the FBI, ISA, CIA, or even the Salem P.D. With his observation and document reconstruction skills, the bad guys wouldn't have a chance.
Apparently those shreddings never burned. And yes, I agree it's got to be Liam piecing it back together. Loved the look on EJ's face when Stefano said he knew about EJ "banging" Abigail! LOL Stefano had the line of the day there! They really need to move things along with Gabi/Nick storyline. I find myself tuning out or FF'ing when they are on. They've been having the same conversation for the past 2 months. Same with Sami and her hypocritical warnings to Gabi about getting involved with Nick. So is Theresa planning on getting Brady hooked back on the powder? Great, can't wait. I'm glad we're getting more from Aiden and his backstory. I hope we see him in a session with Marlena soon.
Thank you, Poirot.
It took long enough for Stefano to drop the bomb on EJ. Guess he didn't want to spoil Will's wedding.
Nicole, Brady, & Gabi have only seen very brief glimpses of the Salem brain for a long time. Time to restore them to what smarts they had before.
I'm glad to see (read) more of Aiden. He's the first new character in quite a while that I actually like.
As always, I just love the sparring scenes with EJ and his fatha. Great dialogue and expressions on the actors' faces! Did anyone else notice the look on Gabi's face after Nick left her apartment? It almost seemed like she was thinking 'I'm on to you...and just you wait Buster!'
I want to know what day Sami finds out about EJ and Abby?

EJ asked his father if Abby was pregnant and he said no, well that no doesn't really mean no in soaps :confused:
Is she or isn't she? Stefano says Abigail isn't pregnant, but do we believe him
EJ was funny when he got so red faced.

What a surprise to see those shredded pages being put back together.
I'm going to assume Liam has the pages, but does he have all of them or just a few?

Nicole is going to be shocked when she learns all the pages weren't destroyed.
Nicole should have done the right thing in the first place.
Today, Nicole said that she wasn't annulment material. This is yet another case where the writers are being unnecessarily cruel to Ms. Walker. As regular Days viewers know, Nicole's marriages to Lucas and Victor were invalid because Trent Robbins was still alive at the time and she had never divorced him. Since Trent is now dead, having been done in by Tricky Nicky, the only obstacle is the marriage to EJ. Two grounds for an annulment in the Roman Catholic Church are "deliberate deceit about some personal quality that can objectively and gravely perturb conjugal life" (canon 1098) and "psychic incapacity at consent to undertake the essential obligations of marriage" (canon 1095 n.3). Given EJ's character, both of these arguably apply to him. In fact, in all the Diocese of Salem marriage tribunal should need to hear are "EJ DiMera" and "marriage" in the same sentence to grant a declaration of nullity.
It would seem that EJ's infidelity, (with Taylor) while married to Nicole would be valid reason. But then, we have the whole deceit by Nicole, in pretending another child was hers, plus her attempts to deny parentage to a subsequent child, unjustly accusing someone of a crime, etc.

But then, we have Sami, who has had marriages galore, some annulled, has a twin brother who is/was a priest, and won't be marrying within the church, (guessing)

Whatever the reason, (my guess no one on Days staff does any sort of research) Eric only said to Father Louis that Nicole had marriages that were "questionable". Who knows?
The mere fact that EJ later cheated with Taylor wouldn't cut it with the marriage tribunal. What would be pertinent is EJ's demonstrated, pre-marital pattern of lies, deceit, insincerity, and philandering, which all show that he was incapable of entering into a valid marriage. It's not hard to image EJ, just before saying "I do," thinking: "I'll love this woman at least until the middle of next week," "I'll love this woman until somebody better comes along," or "I'll stick with this marriage until I get bored with it." (Who knows, maybe these same thoughts will be rattling around inside his sick mind if and when he ever marries Samantha Gene.)
"One, I would never, ever, be unfaithful to Samantha; and two, Abigail Deveraux is a lovely girl" - sounds like EJ completely believes the lie he's telling. He should know by now, goodness grief, that if Stefano mentions something, it's because he already knows the truth.
I hope EJ will start to think about things since Stefano knows. He needs to realize that
maybe Abby should go see a different doctor since that one isn't trustworthy
Loved the Stefano/EJ stuff, though I did a double take with Stefano's language choice...doesn't seem like the classy Phoenix to use such gutter language....
I'm pretty sure Stefano's declaration of Abigail’s non-pregnancy was for EJ's benefit. He hasn't fully lowered the boom yet. (Speculation/Opinion)

I really hate Hope and Aiden. They drive me crazy and not in a good way.
Poirot said:
Sami says EJ doesn't come close to what Nick has pulled off,...
Barb, how in the world did you keep a straight face when you typed this? Or...did you? :)

Sparkster said:
Apparently those shreddings never burned.
Come, come, Sparky, did you really think they would?
I was very disappointed EJ didn't seek out Abigail immediately after that talk. I agree the talk was great.

For once Gabi was right about EJ. And I loved Nick's facial expressions too. However, Gabi is still a hypocrite because she herself has been singing EJ's praises.

It's time to start moving Hope/Aiden story forward. I like that he is interacting with more of Salem.

LOVED Marlena's business card! Did anyone else pause that? I wonder if that email address really works LOL. Love how everyone in Salem seems to have the same phone number.