Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 13, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 13, 2017

To sleep, perchance to dream…….and dream they do. Chad is dreaming of laying on the sofa with pregnant Abby, looking forward to being a dad again, so glad the tests were wrong, going to be happy with Thomas & new baby. He starts, wakens, and there is robed, smiling Gabi, bringing him a cup of coffees, rattling on about having made pancakes for Ari….(amazing they don’t get cold???). Chad talks of being grateful he was able to stay, feeling bad for Abby, has to care for Thomas herself. Gabi figures Abby has her mother, Julie, Doug, plenty of help. Ari comes in (amazing she knew which room he was in) was worried Gabi was gone. Nope, never gonna leave her again. Chad offers to read her another chapter of the book. Gabi says something about pancakes first.

Kate is having a humdinger of a dream…….or maybe for her it is a nightmare, as she is asleep next to Ted, but Andre appears, talks of his death, but chastising her for keeping the truth of his child’s paternity from Chad, whom she claims to love so much. She makes all her excuses, including it was Gabi’s revenge plan for being beaten, etc. and Abby sending her to prison. Andre disputes that, Kate only happy the Chad/Abby marriage disintegrating. Kate knows she is doing wrong, has to make it right. Ted wakes up, Andre disappears. Kate claims she was dreaming, Ted gets horny, Kate is agreeable, timing perfect.

Abby is with Kayla, her appt. shows everything normal, she is fine. Abby tells of Chad moving out, unable to cope with Stefan being daddy. Kayla tells her he just needs time, she had difficulties adjusting to Tripp, now loves him, and she hated his mother. Chad will come round, give him time. Steve arrives, Abby leaves. Steve wants to talk, mentions her not showing up for dinner, she makes her excuses of imaginary patients, remembers Stefan ordering her to give reports on Abby. Steve admits he overheard her telling Jen something about what he would do if he ever found out. She denies, but finally admits she has been keeping something from him, but not her secret to tell, promised Jen. He figures it has something to do with Stefan, he already warned him, can do so more emphatically. He opens door to leave, Stefan there, says he is there about making large donation to neo-natal unit when baby is born. Steve warns him to not bother Abby. Leaves. Stefan wants to know all details of Abby’s visit.

Earlier, after Abby left, she ran into Stefan, told him all was fine. He wonders why no Chad there, she mentions he moved out last night. Stefan makes a nasty crack, she slaps him. Tells him her & Chad’s lives none of his business, and neither is this baby’s until after it is born. Gets on elevator.

Will is on phone with Sonny, talking of getting money, don’t know from where. Paul comes in, Will quickly hangs up, makes up a story of it being a secret source for his story, but distracts the towel clad Paul with a kiss, and we see the towel drop to the floor. Later, Will is leaving, got to meet the source, no Paul cannot go with, anonymous, blah, blah, After Will leaves, Paul sees his bag, grabs it, knowing he will need it. He thinks twice, sits on bed with it, mumbling about maybe Will not being honest, finally going thru bag, finding the letter Ted sent.

Kate is all happy in her afterglow, Ted has to go to work, one last kiss, into the shower. She smiles, looks up, there is Andre back, saying that was a disgusting display. He again is warning her to tell Chad the truth of being the father, as it is going to come out, and she is going to be in deep trouble unless she does so first. Knocking at door, tis Will, wants to borrow some money. She goes to get her purse, no, he needs quite a lot, refusing to say if he is in trouble, then says yes he is, She tells him to go to café, she will meet him there, Ted comes out of the shower, shocked looks on his face, but especially on Will’s.

Paul goes to see Sonny……what the heck is going on between you & Will?

Will goes to Sonny’s, they try to figure who could possibly lend then millions of dollars, without asking too many questions. Will comes up with someone, tells Sonny (we don’t hear) who is not keen on the idea. Abby arrives to see Chad, Sonny is sorry how things have gone, mentions it was Gabi’s idea for him to stay there, sends her upstairs, telling which guest room he is in. He sits and stares at fireplace, remembering what happened with him & Will after Leo hit it.

Chad is reading a chapter of Wizard of Oz, apparently, to Ari, who wants another chapter. No, they have to go have breakfast. She mentions taking Ari to Whoopee World, invites Chad & Thomas, but he declines. Ari starts talking of Chad, Thomas, her mommy, Sonny & Will all being together like a family. Gabi is again talking of going to have pancakes downstairs. Door opens, there stands Abby.
By the way....Stefan threatens to take Steve's eyesight you ask. Well, it seems, since he did not really sell the company, the lab engineers still report to him. And Steve bionic eye is monitored by them, some fancy electronic app....Steve doesn't know. And ol Stefan has the app on his phone, so all he has to do is press the button, zap, it all destructs. Nice guy, huh?
And then Gabi, yes, she continues her "Been friends with Abby forever, and you & I are friends" baloney. Oh, Chad, feel so bad for you, blah, blah. She also recalls some ferris wheel at Whoopee World that stops at the top, breaking down or some such nonsense, evidently a place they all went to when in H.S.
I saw someone post about the self-destruct app on Twitter. I had to ask them if it was a joke.

Could someone re-route the program somehow? I'd love a scene with Stefan pushing the button, screaming and limping away after a certain... part of himself exploded instead... followed by a cute little high-five between Abby and Steve.
@LS..almost forgot that electronic app stupidity as it was just toooo over the top, outlandish, ridiculous, etc.
But what do I know. If the lab guys wanted to keep tabs, it would seem Steve would be asked to come to the lab, they would be testing, etc. etc. Since when would any layman, don't care if owner of company or not, be given the ability to put an end to what amounts to an "experiment". It definitely has to be one, if the lab techs are keeps tabs.
Well, it seems, since he did not really sell the company, the lab engineers still report to him. And Steve bionic eye is monitored by them, some fancy electronic app....Steve doesn't know. And ol Stefan has the app on his phone, so all he has to do is press the button, zap, it all destructs.
Yep, several posters on this board called that some time ago. :)
They missed so many opportunities with this storyline. I'm afraid to even let myself get started.

... SERIOUSLY THOUGH. I'm just picturing the writing team sitting around like:

"So, he's going to be blind, so we could have some serious parallels here between that and Kayla's storyline when she lost her hearing!"
"We could have angry Steve throwing something after knocking it over, Kayla comforting him."
"We could bring the kids back in! Have them take care of their Papa just like they totally would!"

Head writer: "Okay, stop, y'all. We're going fix it in a few weeks, show nothing and then give Stefan an "app for that" so he can blackmail Steve's wife into being a Dimera minion."

Other writers: ... "Whatever. Coffee break!"
I was so glad that Gabi finally took that toilet paper dress off. Yuck it was so ugly. Gabi is a very bad girl.
Yes, the self-destruct app is beyond stupid. Imagine if Creepy O. McPerv had a company that manufactured pacemakers. Would those recipients who displeased the slimiest of DiMeras be dropping dead all over the Town Square?

On other fronts, it was good to see Andre appearing to Ms. Blue Chunk and telling her to come clean with Chad about the paternity of his child. Frankly, it might have been a good scene if he'd appeared to a few other shocked Salemites.
  • "Mr. Laurent, I understand that you are blackmailing young William. This is a very poor idea. In fact, if you value your health, you should put on your pants and get out of Salem forthwith."
  • "Stephen, why are you pressing your dear wife about her so-called secret. You know she always puts your best interests first. Besides hasn't she suffered enough from all your misadventures."
  • "Stefan, you are a disgrace to Father's name. Unless you clean up your act, you'll be the next DiMera in the family crypt. In fact, you could have my spot. It's time that I returned to the land of the living again."
  • "Oh, Hope, you really ought to quit harassing young Mr. Weston. If you don't, the Intruder might just receive solid evidence that you cruelly murdered my dear Father and that the "discovery" of him alive in Prague was a crude hoax."
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Stefan being able to destroy the eye isn't as absurd as it seems, via Salem and DiMera standards. I distinctly remember Stefano controlling Vivian's moods through a dental implant. He had a little switch with a red light and green light, as I recall, that flipped her moods at will.
Nothing like a dream of your psychotic ex husband to make one randy, huh Kate?

Ted/Leo/Will/Sonny/Paul - SNORE

Chad/Abby/Rapist/Gabi and their assorted younglings - GROSS and overly FORCED


I'm still rooting for Ted and Leo to swipe millions from Kate. Heck Sami stole a fortune and we're supposed to worship her. Why not Leo?
Thanks Poirot.

I was right. Steve's bionic eye has an off switch sort of (Aug 9 show summary)

Chad dreamed that he's the baby daddy. I hope he considers getting
another DNA test done.

I like Steve's name for Stefan "Little creep"

Nice seeing Ari smile today.

I hope we see what happens in Kate's room tomorrow. Will Will tell her
what Ted is doing? Remember Kate told Ted not to hurt Will.
By the way....Stefan threatens to take Steve's eyesight you ask. Well, it seems, since he did not really sell the company, the lab engineers still report to him. And Steve bionic eye is monitored by them, some fancy electronic app....Steve doesn't know. And ol Stefan has the app on his phone, so all he has to do is press the button, zap, it all destructs


There is not one single redeeming feature about this character and he has joined my Fast Forward button.... I will no longer follow anything about him..... and to think he is a favorite of the new writing team makes me think he will be around for the duration of the show..... with him as the lead I can easily see a cancellation in the future...... :cry: