Days of Our Lives - Mon. Aug. 16, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, August 16, 2010
Episode #11,397 Taped 6/14 Director – Herb Stein

Chloe & Philip are on the pier, he is telling her is he turns out to be the father, they will raise the child together. Chloe frets at how Daniel & Melanie will be hurt if this all comes to pass. Along comes Nathan, who is puzzled at the looks on Philip’s & Chloe’s faces. Chloe claims they are talking about Hope, Philip chimes in how Hope tried to kill his brother. Ooops, Nathan meant to call, then starts talking of the free clinic being funded with Titan money, he leaves. Sigh of relief from Phil & Chloe.

Daniel meets with Carly at the Cheatin’ Heart, shows her the necklace he bought for Chloe for her birthday, Carly pronounces it stunning. He figures she can wear it when they go to the opera. He starts talking of being so happy to be a father, that with Chloe’s medical history, they are so glad the first trimester has passed and they can stop holding their breath. Carly gets a “look”, claims she is just tired, and finally just ups and leaves.
Chloe arrives, Daniel gives her an early birthday gift, she opens the box, something silver for their baby. She is touched, it is beautiful, leaves for the bathroom. In comes Sister Anne, Daniel surprised to see her. She explains how a 15 yr. old homeless gal was giving birth, said her mom hung out here, so Sister Anne came and got her, put her in a cab to go be with her daughter. She sits with Daniel for a bit, apologizes for missing the interview with Melanie, will reschedule… he wants her to meet his fiancee’. Chloe comes back, spots Sister Anne, stands frozen. Carly returns, sees Sister Anne sitting with Daniel, glances over at Chloe, motions for her to get lost, and goes to the table. Seems she forgot her glasses (sun glasses it looks like) , she greets Sister Anne who has to get back to the hospital, and leaves, too. Daniel gets a call and has to take off.
Chloe & Carly meet up on that ever present pier, she thanks Carly for helping her out once more. Carly says not to worry, they will get her results together, she will pick her up first thing in the morning. Along comes Daniel…..”first thing in the morning….for what”?

Meanwhile, the snoop is hacking into St. Mary’s computer, but gets stopped by her nosy ex-friend. O.K. sorry…talking of Stephanie and Melanie. Stephanie immediately shuts the computer, Mel wants to know why she did that, Stephanie claims it is classified, Melanie wonders then why Stephanie is in it. Well, ol Steph uses her excuse of needing to get additional info on the facial reconstruction patient, since there is going to be a story about it, Melanie accepts it, goes off for her interview. Stephanie goes back to the computer, but is unable to get into the test results……”access denied”. She gets a bright idea, call a friend of hers.
Ian, who sort of looks like a 60’s hippy, lol, arrives at Stephanie’s apartment, they rehash old times at college. Seems he is a computer geek, hacked into the mainframe at college to change Stephanie’s records that she had all the requirements for some class. She also had helped him fake a few things, so they giggle a bit, but finally get down to talking about what she wants him to do.

Rafe is in the park, determined to find out what exactly Nicole has on EJ, knows she has additional copies of that disk somewhere. He is tired of playing it by the book, Nicole doesn’t, so he is not going to either. He calls someone, explains he needs help with Nicole DiMera. He waits in the park, and along comes Victor. Rafe explains about taking down EJ, Victor could care less. Rafe knows of Vic’s agreement with Stefano, and he is not concerned with that, but Vic is still reluctant. Rafe finally explains that he is 99% sure EJ hired Anna to kidnap Sydney, that Nicole found out about it. Victor asks why EJ would do that, Rafe says so that he could bring Sydney back himself, look like the big hero….but he thinks at first it was strictly for revenge. Victor can understand that, but is not interested yet, until Rafe reminds him that putting Nicole away would keep her from digging her claws into Brady. Victor isn’t gonna tell him what to do, but talks of Nicole having been in the porn business. Rafe knew that…but Victor informs him how it was her father that got her started, put her in it, and how she was always looking for her “real” father, the nice, good man, who would be the white knight, coming in to rescue her. He advises Rafe to be that white knight, if he wants to get info from her.

Brady & Nicole are kissing, and continue to go at it, hot and heavy, they are on the sofa, her top comes off, so does his shirt. She suggests they take this some place more private, but Brady evidently gets a wake up call, no more, it is over, get dressed. Nicole is astounded, he pours himself a drink, and more or less tells her he has been addicted to her, and better the booze than her.

Sami & EJ are kissing, Stefano comes in, happy that Katherine has been included in the events, she is already on the phone with florists, caterers, etc. Sami is taken aback, EJ says he o.k.’d it, Sami protests they have not even set a date, Will walks in, cannot believe this trainwreck is actually going to happen. He storms out, Sami follows, trying to make him understand. Will asks if she is wearing a white dress, can’t believe this is gonna be at St. Lukes…and what….her 33rd walk down the aisle. LOLOL. Sami has tried to explain that they have all been living together anyway, but Will isn’t buying it. Leaves.
Later, Will comes into the room, only Stefano is there, telling him to come all the way in, he wants to talk to him. He knows Will is not happy, he wasn’t either at first, but he thinks of all the children they created, how wonderful that is, especially YOU. Will asks, you mean you are proud of me, and Stefano assures him he is, and starts yammering about how important family is, how you get mad, but always forgive (hey, Stefano, tell that to Tony, maybe even Benji).
Sami now figures she has to go tell her father and gramma, knows it won’t be easy, EJ offers to go with her. As her future husband, he will be standing by her. She calls Roman, who is at the Pub with Caroline, calling him Daddy. He says she sounds like when she had to tell him some mischief she has gotten herself into, or a D in Spanish. And then, in the Pub door walks Sami & EJ. Caroline asks Sami to have EJ leave so she can tell them whatever it is, but no, he has to stay. She takes EJ’s hand, telling them she accepted Ejs proposal. Silence. Caroline tells her she may have forgotten some things but she sure hasn’t, EJ interrupts, knows they love Sami, he does, too, promises to always protect her, yada, yada. He talks of now having a daughter himself, and thinking if she comes to them having chosen some ne’er do well, he’d want to rip the guy’s head off. But…he likes to think that she would grow up, seeing the love and respect her father always shows her mother, and realize she is worth a lot more. Roman asks if he can speak to his daughter alone, but Sami flippantly tells him to forget it, she did not come there to ask for permission or his blessing…..she & EJ have to leave now to get their license.

EJ comes into the study at DiMansion, grinning from ear to ear, reporting how the Bradys are not very happy with the news, sure won’t be throwing them a shower. Stefano starts babbling about Sami never finding out that EJ orchestrated the kidnapping of Sydney, EJ warns him to never talk about that in this house, as they sort of look around, and there stands Sami in the doorway.

Melanie & Philip are at the free clinic, he doesn’t like the neighborhood, worried about her safety, is gonna hang around. She figures she has a doctor there, will be fine. In comes Nathan. Philip is not too happy to see him, or that they will be working together. Melanie assures him things will be fine. Philip leaves, Melanie is alone, a creepy looking guy comes in, says he needs something. Melanie tells him they only to checkups, and stuff like that, his arm is around her neck, as he doesn’t “believe you, calling her a b****.

Nicole has returned to the Cheatin’ Heart, upset with herself, pushing the CD back into her purse, berating EJ, cuz when she got the info on him, she thought she was sitting atop the world, and instead it has all come crashing down on her. She sits at the bar, head in her hands. Outside, Rafe looks thru the window, sees her, mutters ,,”well, Victor, you said to go when she was vulnerable”.

Thanks for the write-up Barb - looks like it is going to be an exciting show. Was thrilled to read that Sami was standing in the doorway when Stefano and EJ were talking about the kidnapping, but then remembered this is Salem. No one ever overhears what they SHOULD overhear, just everything they SHOULDN'T overhear.
thanks for the great write up barb. sounds like a good show.
Thanks for the write-up.
Rafe talking with Victor about Nicole. That will be interesting. Chloe you are in deep doo doo.

you know how I would love for Sami to have been listening and figure it out on her own without the help of some man. (though I love Rafe...the thought of a woman figuring something out on her own without going crazy and hyperventilating first would be the best thing ever for me)

but oh, how soaps go, she didn't hear a word.

Thanks Barb! love it!
Thanks for the write up.
It all sounds good!! I would love to see Rafe get the best of Nicole.
And did Caroline & Roman really think this wouldnt happen. Sami is crazy! :)
You all will be glad to know Sami finally got out of her bathing suit. LOL...but she is still drinking the DiMera KoolAid..
Thanks for the write up Poirot. It was a great episode (I got to see it today) Victor and Rafe were just super in their scenes together. It was great the way Rafe got the info from Victor on how to get Nicole to open up to him then annouced they never had the conversation. I felt so bad for Nicole, but think she will trust Rafe and spill the beans.

Loved Sami tell Caroline and Roman that she was going to marry EJ.

Just loved Carly, Daniel and Chloe today.
I'm sure she didn't hear a thing. The writers always pull this sort of thing.


you know how I would love for Sami to have been listening and figure it out on her own without the help of some man. (though I love Rafe...the thought of a woman figuring something out on her own without going crazy and hyperventilating first would be the best thing ever for me)

but oh, how soaps go, she didn't hear a word.

Thanks Barb! love it!

DaysLady, you sound like a dyed-in-the-wool feminist. I don't care who figures it out, as long as someone does, and soon!
Finally!! I hope Sami overhears EJ's conversation. I agree DaysLady.. figures it out by herself! No, I'm not a dyed in the wool feminist.... been married 44 years... but I really dislike how soaps tend to protray females as slightly slow, and needing a man and a baby to make their lives complete.

I don't always get onto this site, and don't always log in... so I'm VERY late in saying Thank You, for birthdsay wishes and for the answer about N.B.C. . com.
...can’t believe this is gonna be at St. Lukes…and what….her 33rd walk down the aisle.
:rotfl: :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Will asks, you mean you are proud of me, and Stefano assures him he is, and starts yammering about how important family is, how you get mad, but always forgive (hey, Stefano, tell that to Tony, maybe even Benji).
What Barb said :highfive:
Thanks for the write up!

I love how Will has no qualms about telling his mom what a dodo bird she's being about marrying EJ.
I'm not so much a feminist really... I just think the writers should have at least 1 woman on the show that isn't so dependent on having a man. all I ask for is 1... lol... I like Melanie and Maggie... but TPTB are sure to make them go crazy soon lol
Why is the word "feminist" being used as a slur? I certainly have no problem stating that I believe women should have equal rights, and I definitely wish that the female characters on this show were stronger, more resourceful, and didn't need to rely on a man to tie their shoes. And I say that as a woman who got married at age 21 and is still married 19 years later. Wanting women to be strong and independent doesn't make you a man-hater.
I consider myself a feminist and am proud of that fact. I do not associate feminism with being a "man hater," and think that is a ridiculous idea and stereotype. Feminism is about equality. It is also about establishing equal rights/pay/opportunity and more where they have been denied for much, much too long.
Very true, Paxton. (second that)

The women of Salem used to have more spunk and feist.
Can't wait to see if Rafe can work his charm on Nicole. :)

thanks for the writeup Barb!!!!!

Ditto on the thanks for the writeup Barb!

Rafe recently was talking to Nicole about doing the right thing. She thought about it and decided she might get in more trouble. But I want to throw an idea out here.... what if... Rafe goes to Nicole for confirmation of the evidence. Nicole would typically want something in return. What about her asking for immunity in exchange.
I want Rafe to get the evidence on EJect, but I don't like him throwing Nicole under the bus (his remark to Victor about putting Nicole away to keep her away from Brady). She is actually the one to get the goods on EJ, so I hope Rafe was just trying to pacify Victor.
Great writeup. Even though Doug and Julie aren't on, it sounds exciting and good enough to watch!! LOL!! (They're supposed to be on tomorrow though)