Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 20, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 20, 2018

Replays of Friday’s ending scenes, with not the results some characters were hoping for. Hope cannot believe what she heard, and yes, it is true. Ben is staying there. Although she talks very quietly, she is very upset with Ciara, especially when she asks why he is there, and Ciara says to protect him from you. She knows her mom has used her position to try to force Ben out of town. Ciara saw him, invited him here. Hope attempts to defend, she was protecting Ciara, but she feels he would never hurt any of them. Hope brings up those he killed, telling Ciara to talk to JJ, Paige is dead. She questions Tripp, who says he is not in favor of it, then Claire, who says she is just getting back on good footing with Ciara, trusts her. She then tells of smacking Ben with the frying pan, he did not press charges, she owes him one. Tripp & Ciara are mostly quiet, observing. Ciara finally tells her mother to leave, opens the door, Hope tries once again, Ciara is insistent. Hope tells Ben their deal is off, she is reopening the arson investigation, as she walks out the door.

Steve has called Adrienne to come to the cop shop, he brought Bonnie Lockhart in from Chicago. While waiting for her, he talks a bit with bonnie, who actually puts the moves on him. He is repulsed, she looks just like his sister. Bonnie thinks some guys like kinky. He walks out of the room, paces outside, calls Kayla to remind her their conversation is not over, he knows she is keeping something, and wants to help. Adrienne comes rushing in, he sends her in to talk with Bonnie. Once again, Bonnie tries to wiggle out, especially when she learns Adrienne is no longer with Lucas, but with Justin. Bonnie figures she did her a favor, let her realize who she really loved. She wants Adrienne to give her a break, let her go back to her kids and grandbaby (??). Adrienne has evidently refused, is out in the other room with Steve, talking of Bonnie paying and going back to jail.

Will is about to leave the Kmansion, Sonny stops him, doesn’t want their partnership to end. He ends up telling Will he still loves him, wants to be with him. Will lets him know, that is not going to happen,and while he feels he & Sonny grew closer, as good friends, that is all it is, he loves Paul. Sorry. He leaves, gives the disappointed Sonny a hug, then goes.

Hope has returned to the station, goes to see Bonnie, will be sending officer in for a statement. Bonnie knows her rights, wants her phone call. Hope shoves the phone at her, Bonnie calls someone, needs a huge favor.

Adrienne rushes in to tell Sonny all about seeing Bonnie. She gushes, Sonny is quiet, she realizes something wrong, Sonny says he talked to Will, no go, she is sorry, holds the despondent Sonny.

Kate holds the gun on Ted, furious that he tried to get her money, her husband’s money. He tries reasoning with her, she is not a cold blooded killer. She says Stefan thinks she is, this is same gun she wrestled away from Vivian. She talks of maybe calling Vivian over, to shoot her in cold blood, she also was trying to take everything away. Ted keeps trying to reason with her, we finally see her still angry, shoving the gun in his chest, as she rants.

And the next scene, no Ted in the room, gun on the table, she is sipping a drink, calls Will to tell him Ted won’t be bothering them again, not to worry. She hangs up, talks to herself about Ted, the gun, throws it in that empty suitcase, locks it.

Silence in the loft, as Ciara gets pillow for Ben, he covers sofa with sheet, thanks her for all she has done. He doesn’t like causing a problem with her mother, but Ciara says her mother caused it. Tripp is just watching, Claire has gone to her room. Ben begins to lay down, thanking Ciara again.

John & Marlena are happily talking of their upcoming nuptials, she has a wrapped pkg. doesn’t know from whom. He figures early wedding gift. She opens, it is a Marlena doll in a wedding dress. They talk of who would do this, lots of work, uncanny resemblance. She realizes it is copy of how she looked at their wedding in 1999. Flashbacks of various scenes. Quick shots. She has an idea who it could be, there is a card…”good luck at your wedding”, no signature. A bit later, John in on phone, shirt flapping open, Marlena comes in tucking in her blouse, buttoning, John hangs up. He called the warden’s office, Hattie was in there working, he put her on phone, no she did not send the doll. He points out Hattie is in prison, Marlena figures that has not stopped her in the past. He kids around a bit, and evidently, takes her off for round 2 of afternoon delight. LOL
Guess they both lost their memories because back in 1999, John had the doll made to look like Marlena as a surprise (which was a tie-in to the doll Mattel released at the same time). It's hard to make out, but the doll is within the cake (along with a Ken doll representing John).

Bonnie trying to seduce Steve of ALL people made me laugh, leave it to clueless Bonnie. The Marlena Barbie was quite a retro thing to bring back on screen, LOL! I think I have an idea who sent that doll.
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John was being very flippant about the doll I thought. It's weird and it's never good when weird stuff happens in Salem!

I am so glad Ciara gave it to high and mighty Hope today. I can't wait til they find out who started fire and it wasn't Ben!! Innocent until proven guilty!

Bonnie was pretty funny. "some people are kinky like that".
The pot calls the kettle black: Who's a monster? A case could be made that Hope is even worse than Ben. She murdered Stefano and participated in the cover-up, made Rafe grovel after he "cheated on her," helped kidnap and assault Arnold "Fake Rafe" Finnegar, mugged half the notable men in Salem, and tried to incinerate Bo. In fact, Hope's neighbors might want to consider demanding that she get off their street.

Certifiable: Bonnie Lockhart seems to have lost touch with reality, actually trying to seduce Steve and then trying to get her victim, Adrienne, to help her escape all while a cop is right in the room. Maybe, instead of prison, she could be sent to Bayview.

Dazed and confused: Big Boy Sonny thinks that he and Will were a good team after they made a total hash of the aftermath of Leo's death, which exposed them to Ted's blackmail? If this is how his mind works, he's unfit to work in the Titan mail room.

Overconfidence: John's evil plot radar inexplicably seems to be out of order. The Marlena doll definitely came from Cloud Cuckooland, and he should be marshaling all the resources at his disposal to clamp a tight net of security over his upcoming wedding. That's a fact.
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Does "kinky" mean sick in English? :sick::sick::sick::sick:

Kinky is a word for unusual things: especially things that are sexually unusual. It's also a term for frizzy hair. As a general term, kinky can refer to anything that is far-out, quirky, or offbeat. More specifically, this is a sexual term for acts that are a little odd, such as a foot fetish.

Thanks Poirot.

An interesting day in Salem.

Thanks for the reminder about the Marlena doll, JS.

Bonnie mentioned grandbaby. Did Mimi have a baby? Is it a baby or
a grown up kid?

Claire and Tripp should get a different job since Ben is staying there.
They both have to wear a tie at their present job.

I enjoyed John doing the voice of the Marlena doll. It was funny when
John started mentioning the villains in Salem and dropped the name
The Joker (Batman's nemesis)

Two questions from today's show. Who sent Marlena the doll?
And Is Ted dead?
I can't even begin to tell you how infuriating the scenes with Mrs High and Mighty Hernandez and the teens were. So Hope is concerned about her daughter living with a serial killer but it's ok if her granddaughter does???? Poor writing and execution here! Again, poor Claire gets treated like a friend instead of family. I'm sick of it. Since we know Shawn is en route to Salem for the wedding, I need him to also tell off his mother for ignoring Claire. And for the record, I'd like Hope to either keep the Brady name entirely or change it to Brady-Hernandez.

Bonnie referred to John and Marlena Black

I wouldn't be surprised after today if Bonnie and Adrienne end up being long lost twins. That seems like something Ron would write. Seems really random that after months of no mentions, we had Bonnie on today and John called Hattie. What gives?

Will and Sonny still have chemistry. Bad writing but good chemistry.

I should have bought a Marlena doll when I had the chance. I hope the show reissues it.
I should have bought a Marlena doll when I had the chance. I hope the show reissues it.
It wouldn't be up to the show; it would be Mattel's call, which is unlikely. They were the original sellers, not the show. Mattel got permission/license to sell it. It was released as part of their "Ladies of Daytime" line (or something like that), along with a couple different versions of Susan Lucci as Erica Kane (from All My Children). I think the plan was to eventually release several iconic soap ladies, but the line was't overly successful. You can find them on eBay at a fairly reasonable price.

Mattel actually reused the Marlena doll face mold to create an unrelated grandma doll a few years later.
I can't even begin to tell you how infuriating the scenes with Mrs High and Mighty Hernandez and the teens were. So Hope is concerned about her daughter living with a serial killer but it's ok if her granddaughter does????
Hope should be fired for abuse of power. Her "reopening" the cabin arson case against Ben without a shred of evidence to support such a move is a disgrace. Somewhere, former Commissioner Raines is shaking his head and saying, "And they fired me?"
It wouldn't be up to the show; it would be Mattel's call, which is unlikely. They were the original sellers, not the show. Mattel got permission/license to sell it.
Nobody should mess with Mattel. They are very protective of their copyrighted material, especially all things "Barbie." That said, it did lose the "Enchilada Barbie" case. An artist put a row of Barbies in a baking pan, wrapped them in tortillas, and poured sauce over them. Mattel sued, but the court found for the artist on the grounds that the way he used the Barbies was "transformative use."