Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 21, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 21, 2017

Not gonna fool around.....Nicole killed Deimos! Big long flashback, so we see exactly what happened. In her befuddled, drugged state, Nicole wandered into the living room, only to have Deimos come in. He taunts her, ridicules her. As soon as she saw him, she grabbed the knife, laying on a table next to her. He is laughing at her, going on about her losing her child, admitting he is the one who did that. Easy to find another corrupt judge.

Brady is listening, as Nicole slowly recalls, and tells him what happened. Deimos then drops the bomb on her. The judge gave those 60 days just to placate her. Deimos is leaving town tonight, but going first to the foster home to pick up HIS DAUGHTER, taking her with him, and Nicole will never see her again. He holds up the amulet, telling her some say it is cursed, so he is putting a curse on her. May she remain alone and childless for the rest of her life. Oh, look, it worked. He laughs.

Nik cannot believe this, is shocked, she goes forward with the knife, he is not going to take her daughter, her daughter, not his. Deimos starts laughing at her pitiful attempt, grabs her arm, deflecting the knife away from him, laughing. They struggle, the knife ends up in his chest. He is surprised, sinks slowly to the floor, dropping the amulet. She stands there, picks up the amulet, finally returning to Eric's room. She is still in the drugged state, throws the amulet across the room, it lands in a corner, under a chair. Brady admits this is where he found it. Nicole has to go tell the police, is upset that Sonny was arrested, and Chad, too. Brady stops her, talks of her drugged state, self defense, no jury would convict her. However, she could lose Holly forever. Nicole is distraught, Brady, what am I going to do?

Sonny & Paul are grinning from ear to ear over Sonny being released. Justin brings in the papers, tells them both to go home. Sonny thanks his dad, wonders where Mom is. Justin doesn't know, will try and reach her. The guys leave, Justin calls Adrienne, (Bonnie) who just arrived. She is a bit disconcerted over what she should be saying, but recovers, tells Justin about breaking up with Lucas, that she tried, thought it was what she wanted, her heart not in it, she really wanted to be back with Justin, who is now overjoyed. He has never stopped loving her, nearly lost hope when she chose Lucas, but loves her, big kiss. This startles Bonnie, but she soon gets into it.

Earlier, Anjelica found Bonnie in the square, on a shopping spree, scolded her for not being down at the courthouse for Sonny's hearing. Bonnie is bragging about the clothes she just purchased on Adrienne's credit card, but scoots off, telling Anjelica to save those clothes. Anjelica promptly tosses them into the trash, calls Hattie.

Hattie however is packing to leave, she is done, thru, not going to impersonate Marlena Evans ever again. Anjelica talks her out of leaving, insisting she will get Roman eventually. Hattie is mollified, agrees. Hattie tells of Marlena getting a phone, calling John, tho he could not make sense of it. Anjelica tells her to get down there and make sure Marlena is sedated constantly.

John is pounding on "Marlena's" door, wanting to see her, knows she is in there. Hattie hesitates, but finally gets Marlena's shoes on, opens the door. John is questioning why she kissed Roman. Hattie evading, insisting Roman is who she wants, that life with John was a mistake. John doesn't know why she is saying this, something is off, not right, but he leaves.

John follows Hattie, who goes to the sanitarium, sees Marlena struggling with her straitjacket, tells the guard she wants to see whoever is in charge while Dr. Ross is gone. She goes away, and there is John, looking around, first thru window across from Doc's room, then hers. When he sees her, he breaks into the room (no idea how) and while he is greeting her, hugging, she says NOT A WORD! Finally, when he is getting her out of the strait jacket, she mentions it was Hattie. But bang, the door shuts, Hattie tells them to enjoy their time together at last. They are now locked in together.

Sonny & Paul are in bed, Sonny happy as can be, thought a lot while in jail, the thought of Paul got him thru it all. He asks Paul to marry him, surprising Paul, but he does say yes. another kiss, boy guys very happy.

Replay of Roman & Kate kissing, talking of their past, Roman thinks they still have something, the spark is still there. Talks of how Andre interfered years ago, and tho he has been fine being alone, fine with his life, he thinks there could be something more. Andre came in while they were kissing, watched for a few seonds, then left. Now Kate leaves, and later, Roman is polishing the washed glasses, smiling as he remembers Kate tending to his face.

At home, Andre walks in as Kate is about to leave again. He remarks she seems to have had a busy morning. She says yes, a few meetings at the office (yes, she really said "office", so you all can stop laughing, apparently there IS one, lol) She takes off, Andre ponders, muttering, yes, I bet you did.

Replay of Chad asking Abby to marry him. Both are so serious, Chad makes a long plea, talking of wanting to come home, of loving her, not wanting to lose her again, just wanting to be home again. Please marry me. She can't. They go back & forth, but she reminds him she is still married to Dario, and with immigration involved, could take weeks, months, maybe years. Chad is crestfallen, but she laughs, commenting how he lost his sense of humor. She already has Justin working on an annulment, should not take long. She assures Chad she & Dario never....well, you know. Chad brushes it off, doesn't care (awww, too bad he can't say the same, huh?), she talks of calling her mother, telling her, wants Thomas with them, but suddenly Chad has to leave, will be back, and rushes off.

When he returns, she is puzzled, but he went home to get the ring, puts it on her finger where is belongs, doesn't want it ever to be off. Kiss.
Thank you, Poirot.

I'm thinking that Nicole's stabbing him wasn't the death blow for Deimos. Someone else could've come after her, and delivered the killing stab/blow.

Yep, who didn't see Sonny's proposal coming?

So how will Hattie explain locking an ISA agent in with the real Marlena? Justin swallowed Bonnie's story hook, line, and sinker along with her face when he kissed her. Hopefully, this junk will be over soon.
And if she did, the only way I would accept this storyline, is if everyone at the party, and pretty much everyone in Salem, steps up to defend and support her. Including those who kept calling her a porn star (I'm talking to you, Hope). And in the end, she is declared not guilty: self defense. Then, she gets Holly.
Nicole: What should she do? Nothing. There's no evidence that connects her to Deimos's murder except a Halo-influenced memory. In addition, no innocent person is now being charged with the homicide and everyone would agree that murdering Deimos was a public-service killing.

Hattie: She's digging her own grave. Her latest stunt may have bought her time, but she's doomed.

John: He shouldn't feel too badly about trying to rescue Marlena, but ending up as a captive himself. This is a grand tradition in Salem. Bo and Hope tried to rescue Kayla and Steve from the Vitali compound and were captured. More recently, sourpuss Eric tried to save Nicole from Xander and was also taken prisoner, however briefly. John also shouldn't feel too badly about being called a "second-rate Roman" by Hattie. A real insult would be having somebody call him a second rate Andre.

Roman: OMG, he just picked up his third kiss. He probably couldn't do this well if he signed up for the kissing booth at the next St. Luke's carnival.

Judge Thorpe: Good grief, yet another corrupt Salem judge, accepting Deimos's bribe to take Holly from Nicole. Even Stefano who made a career of buying judges would be appalled. It's about time that the Salem Bar Association led a crusade to clean up the Salem judiciary.
So we saw John basically wandering the halls of Bayview peeking through windows until he found Marlena's room. Since this is a psychiatric facility, wouldn't there be a front desk he would have to check in at? Wouldn't security notice this seemingly random guy walking the halls? I know I'm not supposed to ask those kinds of questions, but I'm going to anyway. That just really bugged me.

Like others, I'm not convinced yet that Nicole actually delivered the death blow to Deimos. But if it turns out that she is indeed the one responsible, I'm hoping to that she not only gets Holly back but also receives the key to the city, but the Presidential Medal of Valor as well.

On a more serious note, I agree with DrBakerfan. Now that both Chad and Sonny are off the hook and no other innocent person stands accused, I don't think Nicole needs to do anything. I mean it's not like there's an active investigation going on or anything.

It was nice to see and hear Chad and Abigail laugh and smile. I would never have known they have that ability otherwise.
Well, at last, a good interesting show! I will admit to getting a bit teary eyed with the action between Kate and Roman. Good guy, bad (but not really) girl.

Chad and Abby, great scenes. I really enjoyed the look, knuckle biting scene with Andre while he watched Kate and Roman. Could he be hurt? Doubt it, just the reason for his "poor me" divorce, I suspect.
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Thanks Poirot. As Ed Sullivan used to say "Another really big show"

gramcracker, we've talked about "Murder on the Orient Express" in spoiler section.

Lots of kissing on today's show.

I laughed out loud when Hattie was telling Anjelica that Marlena called John and did her
impression of Marlena "Help me, save me, Help me, save me" :)

Andre saw Roman and Kate kiss and Roman thinks Andre is the one who ruined
their marriage last time. What's Andre going to do now?

Interesting to see Roman put his finger on his lips. He's probably happy he didn't forget
how to kiss since it's been like forever since he had one.

Deimos turned out to be a real jerk (using a nice word) He paid a judge to take Holly
away and then he was going to take Holly as his own daughter (I figure this was a redo
from the new writer).

If Nicole gets arrested for Deimos murder, I'm sure she'll get off if the viewers of the
show were on the jury.

Good new, John found Marlena. Bad news Hattie locked the door on him. What's going
to happen now?
I think Nicole and Brady didn't know Sonny was being released. They also acted like they didn't even know Chad had been put in jail. When they learn both of them have been set free, Nicole will probably not feel a need to turn herself in for the murder. But I don't want her to be carrying this around. I hope she didn't really kill Deimos.

Good show, for the most part.