Days of Our Lives - Mon. Aug. 23, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, August 23, 2010
Episode #11 402, Taped 6/18 Director – Albert Alarr

And the wedding continues, with Judge Fitzpatrick eventually getting to the part where “if there is anyone here who objects, let them speak now……” Kate leans over to Stefano saying this is the part in Sami’s weddings where someone usually bursts in and stops it all. LOL, as there is very loud pounding on the door. Everyone tries to ignore it, but the pounding just gets worse. Since the servants are with “the children”…(let me stop here and just tell you all that Allie & Johnny seem to disappear and appear in the scenes sporadically, tis tooo funny) Kate goes to answer the door, and Roman is striding in. Stefano has a fit, tis his son’s wedding, Roman tells him to ease up, he is not there to arrest him. Sami goes to stand in front of EJ, like she is protecting him or something, lol, but it is not EJ either. Tis Sami herself, which flabbergasts everyone. Roman figures this is the only way to protect his daughter, bring her to her senses, he will think of a charge on the way down to the station. The judge goes out in the garden to give everyone “family time”, Sami makes this big speech to her dad, telling him how much EJ loves her, she loves him, she wants to make a life with her children, have everyone happy, yada, yada, yada. Roman asks about Rafe, Sami flashes back to seeing Rafe & Nicole thru that window along side her door (Maybe it is sort of a 2-way, one can see IN to the apt. but one cannot see out??? Probably installed improperly. LOL) Roman caves, apologizes, is about to leave. She follows him to the foyer, begging him to stay for her wedding, it would mean a lot. He agrees and goes back in. Lexie has apologized to EJ saying if she had not told Abe, Roman would not have known, and goes out to the garden to see what is keeping Kate & the judge. Stefano takes the opportunity to ask EJ if there is any way anyone could know about him kidnapping Sydney. EJ shushes him, glancing over at Will, assures him all is well. Soon, everyone is assembled back in the room. (Also, when you watch the show, keep an eye on Will, his reactions to all the commotion are a delight to watch)

Stephanie has gotten Ian to come over again, and hack into St. Mary’s. And tho he once again appeared at her door with hair hanging down, it is now tied back again. LOL. Yep, consistency is what shows. LOL. He hacks into the computer, Stephanie has a fit, her world is crashing, the results show “negative” match with the DNA. She rushes out, is in the park/pier crying, Ian finds her. She babbles about all she worried about, this time using names, explaining how Melanie will leave Philip, run to Nathan. They return to the apartment, she begs him to hack in again, change that negative to a positive.

Daniel, Chloe, Philip & Melanie are toasting Chloe’s birthday and their futures with cider, may everyone’s wishes come true. Philip suddenly decides they have to leave, he forgot a conference call he has scheduled. They leave, and next scene has Daniel & Chloe in bed, she is asleep, he is telling her how much he loves her, and wants her to be happy, that he would do anything for her, anything.

Carly is at the hospital with Sister Anne, who has the results up on the computer, but claims there is no HIPAA agreement signed by Chloe, so she can’t tell Carly, but Carly is sure Chloe signed one, gave it to nurse Josie. Ahh, the klutz, Sister Anne goes off to check. She returns, yep, the paper is there, she brings up the results page, turns the computer over to Carly, tells her to log off when she is done.

And now we have a series of scenes. Ian has hacked into St. Mary’s site, but finds the results now have been changed from Negative to Positive. Stephanie is taken aback. Daniel is down by the pier, serious expression, am guessing it is his phone in his hand. He presses buttons, saying aloud “do it”. Philip is outside the Pub, asking someone if it is done, thanking them, owes them one. Melanie is inside the Pub, with her laptop open to St. Mary’s web site. O.K. done. Chloe wakes up, Daniel is gone, she goes to her laptop, opens it to St. Mary’s site, clicks a few keys….it is done.

Rafe & Nicole sit in her room, listening to the confessional CD, running into the glitch, but successfully hearing the entire thing. Tis all Rafe needs, but he is not going to use it until he dots all the i’s and crosses the t’s. He assures Nicole that her 24 hr. protections starts now, take it or leave it…..she says leave it, runs out the door (and folks, no window along side that I can see, lololol).

Later, Rafe has her down at his office, reprimanding her for running away, introducing her to Agent Cooper who will be “guarding” her. Agent Cooper tells Rafe his little sis called, says it was important, Rafe returns the call, Gabi lets him know that Sami is getting married NOW, Will texted her as he was watching the ceremony. Rafe hangs up, leaves. Nicole sits as Agent Cooper, his back to her, dives into a pizza, then gets a call. Nicole takes advantage of the distraction and sneaks out the door.

And back to the wedding, where everyone has resumed their places, Johnny & Allie now sitting on the laps of Kate & Stefano. Roman sits, looking stoic, rather unhappy, as EJ and Sami recite their personal vows. EJ talks of Allie, Johnny, even Sydney who is upstairs with a fever, and how their love helped him to love again, and that even Will cuts him a break every so often….blah, blah, blah. (I am sorry, honestly, but this is all hard to take). Sami now takes her turn, talking of always wanting to marry someone who accepts her for who she is, not trying to change her (gosh Sami, did you forget Lucas so quickly?) but adds how much EJ has changed, citing also how he brought Sydney back to her, how they will be a family together with all the children, more blah, blah, blah. The couple exchange rings, Judge Fitzpatrick now starts to move around to the other side of the couple, as she recites…..”And now, by the power vested in me….I now pronounce…but here comes Rafe striding in, holding the CD, calling out to stop, not to say another word.

Wow!! So they are really throwing us here as far as the who's who of the switch. Guess we are going to have to worry about who done it now!! SHeesh!!
Thanks for the write up Barb. I love to read all your little commets you throw in there for fun. Makes me laugh!! Thanks again!

So are we supposed to believe that everyone is now a computer whiz and can hack into a hospital's computer? And whose DNA were they matching to, I can't remember. Was it Daniel's or Philip's?
I'm lost

OK - So what did we really find out about the paternity of Chloe's baby? All the back and forth and OK it is done...I don't have a clue - what did I miss?:confused:
Dont know why anyone would bother to change the results....they are always wrong when done in a Salem lab anyway! :idea:
Thanks for the write up!

They matched to Daniel's. Carly got a swab from Daniel's cheek saying she needed it for a project.

Love how word gets around Salem about Sami's wedding. I feel, too bad it was stopped.
And whose DNA were they matching to, I can't remember. Was it Daniel's or Philip's?

The DNA used for the test was Daniel's.
Carly got his under the pretext of some sort of genetic/family study, so she went thru the motions of getting Melanie's & Daniel's.
Carly 'knows' that Chloe had an affair, but doesn't know who the guy was, so there would be no way for her to 'know' to compare Philip to the DNA sample as the alternate dad.
ok, its done.

good LAWD how many times did they switch the blasted thing?
lol. poor kid aint even here yet and has changed father figures more times than half of Salem has in 40 years!

I bet it's Abe's kid. he was sleep walking and fell on Chloe and the hoebag flew open her legs like she does with every other guy that happens to fall on her.

lol... Nadia is such a beautiful actress... i guess i can't blame them for wanting all the guys to get a turn to have a sex scene with her.

SHEESH.... her stuff must be lined in gold the way they line the boys up.
ok, its done.

good LAWD how many times did they switch the blasted thing?
lol. poor kid aint even here yet and has changed father figures more times than half of Salem has in 40 years!

I bet it's Abe's kid. he was sleep walking and fell on Chloe and the hoebag flew open her legs like she does with every other guy that happens to fall on her.

lol... Nadia is such a beautiful actress... i guess i can't blame them for wanting all the guys to get a turn to have a sex scene with her.

SHEESH.... her stuff must be lined in gold the way they line the boys up.
hahaha so true.

Ok guys, I have been out of the loop. WHAT is going on. Who is pregnant?! Chloe AND Stephanie? Just Chloe?? And who is the daddy? And who is changing what?

I know Chloe cheated on Daniel with Philip, so is HER baby Philip's? And is Stephanie pregnant, too? Help :)

Okay - if I figured correctly, the first report said that Daniel was not the father, then it read that he was the father (I think this was Philip), then he wasn't (Melanie), then he was (Chloe). Did I miss someone??? If Carly changed it the first time, then everything is off and Chloe changed it to read that Daniel wasn't the father.

Okay, I am totally confused now. Guess we have to wait and see what happens.
Ok guys, I have been out of the loop. WHAT is going on. Who is pregnant?! Chloe AND Stephanie? Just Chloe?? And who is the daddy? And who is changing what?

I know Chloe cheated on Daniel with Philip, so is HER baby Philip's? And is Stephanie pregnant, too? Help :)


no - Stephanie is NOT pregnant. she knows about Philip and Chloe's affair...and doesn't want to lose Nathan, so she wants to make sure the paternity test shows Daniel is the father and not Philip so that Philip will stay with Melanie.

Chloe IS pregnant...she has no clue who the daddy is.
ok- this is so repetative! Switching the paternity test results- really? Again BIG SHOCKER- LOL I just can't express entirely how much I HATE this storyline-

And stopping another one of Sami's wedding's is so LAME! That has been done way too many times- they really could have been a bit more creative there.

And the window in Nicoles apt? WTH? I just can't get past that. LOL! !!!!! I mean seriously? HAHAHAHA! How retarted! I love this show-but come on really?
No Pregnany or Wedding....

No Pregnancy or Wedding is ever complete in Salem with out the switch of the results or the hold on during the wedding ceremony. Of course the father of the baby is alway who you don't want it to be and you are married before the ceremony as it is just for show or at least that is how it is in "real life" but wait this is make believe sorry.
Can i get sick now????

So Rafe FINALLY shows up with the CD but is it too late and will Sami say I don't. She has drank so much of the Salem Stupid Juice her brain is pickled with it. I still like her but I want her with RAFE not EJ! Somewhere I read she is with Rafe on Labor Day so they must drag this out for awhile but how???????

Nicole is in deep do do. I'm glad that she is anyway. She deserves it. I don't like her any more than I like Vivian, Stefano, Chloe OR Stephanie.
So Rafe FINALLY shows up with the CD but is it too late and will Sami say I don't. She has drank so much of the Salem Stupid Juice her brain is pickled with it. I still like her but I want her with RAFE not EJ! Somewhere I read she is with Rafe on Labor Day so they must drag this out for awhile but how???????

Nicole is in deep do do. I'm glad that she is anyway. She deserves it. I don't like her any more than I like Vivian, Stefano, Chloe OR Stephanie.

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