Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 26, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 26, 2013

EJ is visiting Sami, Justin is there, she is worried her chances, she feels it is hopeless. In walks Kristen with a trite "it is always darkest before the dawn". EJ tries to get rid of Kristen, who isn't willing to leave, wanted to wish her future sister-in-law well. Sami is glad she came, makes up some stupid excuses about EJ bringing her the wrong shoes, and wanting Kristen to take EJ back to the house to get them. She whispers to EJ she wants to talk to Justin a bit, so he agrees.
Sami talks to Justin, wondering if Trask will sweeten the deal. Because she thinks giving her Stefano is worth more than 10 years, maybe none.....5 yrs, 1 year. Justin doubts it. She then talks of giving them EJ, something they could get him on, EJ is smart, he could make a deal, serve no time for giving them Stefano. Justin asks her what happens if EJ can't give them Stefano. And how do you think he will feel about her then? Sami is given food for thought. EJ returns with the shoes, minor chit chat. Guard comes, opens the cell, time to go. She rushes out, and hugs EJ.
When EJ & Kristen got to DiMansion, they spend a lot of time opening mail, talking about how all is wonderful with Kristen & Brady, she has what she wants, and knows exactly what to do to get it.

Adrienne sees Roman, says hello, he is very chilly towards her. He talks of his daughter being on trial for murder, a closed trial so he cannot be there for her, and no matter what, it is Adrienne who put her in the position she is in. He stalks off.

Sonny is calling Will, seems he has been subpoenaed, too. He will meet Will at the Club, has texted his dad to meet them. As Sonny is about to leave, Gabi comes out, on her way to history class, but Sonny cannot stay. She protests, they argue a bit, but he explains about both him & Will being subpoenaed by the prosecution, having to testify against his mother, etc. And the jury selection starts today, and maybe the trial, too. He tells her to get someone to take notes, and is gone.
Nick is talking to Aunt Maggie on the phone, is now officially no longer on parole. He wanders into the club, sees Will, says hi, mentions being off parole now. Sonny arrives, another cool hi, both Sonny & Will talk about having to testify, and about Gabi having to miss class. Nick sees they are busy, awkwardly says bye, will see them later. Adrienne arrives, admires the club decor. Sonny isn’t too receptive, Justin arrives, lets Adrienne know he has to talk to the guys, and she has to leave. She does, but stands outside. Justin says he cannot be their attorney, as he is Sami’s, but advises them to tell the truth. He gives them the names of 2 lawyers to call, and leaves. Will decides to go relieve Gabi in taking care of Arianna & leaves. Adrienne comes back in, Sonny realizes she has been outside waiting. He tells her of both he & Will having to testify, and how Will has to testify against his mother, and by telling the truth, could go to prison. She breathes a sigh of relief, saying, Thank goodness you are protected. Sonny gives her a “look” and walks away.

At the apartment, Gabi is on the phone with Shelby, who will take notes for her. Nick is at the door, offers to baby sit, she refuses, not a good idea. He gets why, she is moaning about history and calculus. Right up his alley, he offers to tutor, and does, evidently getting thru to her. The baby cries, he goes to get her, Gabi happy she was able to solve the problem, and Will comes home. He greets Nick, Gabi mentions the baby has to go down, Will takes her. Nick leaves, Gabi thanks him. Will comes out of the bedroom, mad. What the heck was that. Gabi tries to explain, but Will is angry. So he served his time for what he did in the past, and is now off parole. What about what he did AFTER getting out of jail. Blackmailing me. Gabi protests that he said he was sorry. Will is having none of that. He doesn’t want Nick in this apartment, or handling his baby. She is yelling, it is her baby, too. And it is about time you and your boyfriend remember that. Sonny walks in at this point.

And now, over to Daniel’s apartment, where he & Jennifer are kissing, hear footsteps and there is JJ in the doorway. Big bruhaha, as JJ asks about the fake photo shoot, Jen denies, says this isn’t what it looks like, Daniel is trying to get a few words in, but JJ is on a roll, telling his mother all she does is lie to him, that she assured him she was done with this guy and he finds her with her tongue halfway down his throat. Daniel is getting angry, telling him not to talk to his mother like that, JJ is ignoring him, continuing to berate his mother, and calls her a *bleep*. Daniel explodes, grabs JJ by the shirt, don’t you ever, ever talk to your mother like that, don’t you ever call her names. Jen gets them apart, Daniel is literally shaking, Jen is trying to talk to JJ, who just walks out on her.
And now she & Daniel get into it. He is trying to point out how her son manipulates her, lies to her, and that he called her a *bleep*. Her reply.....I am his mother. I am trying..but Daniel says no. That is just the trouble. You are not being his mother. You are letting him dictate your life, and not helping him. He rants about the sneaking around she suggested, but she leaves to go after JJ.
A frustrated Daniel slams the door, which opens and some messenger is there with a pkg he has to sign for, suggesting he get the door fixed. It is an 8/11 manila envelope, which he opens, some kind of certificate or license or something. (Parker’s birth certificate???)
He tries calling Jen, but no answer.
JJ has called Rory, plans of selling some of his stash in the park, Rory can tell he is not in a good mood. JJ talks of partying after the final, wants to himself. He slings on his backpack as Jen comes home, and he is not going anywhere. She pulls him back, they are going to talk. Doesn’t last too long, because he is sorry he called her that name, feels awful about it. He has to go, she stops him, he is to sit down, they will talk. Nope, he has the final, she says o.k. but come straight back here. He leaves, Dan calls. Now they get into it again on the phone. Jen cannot or will not admit her son was out of line, actually is still thinking of sneaking around with Daniel. Nope, he will not do that. What is the point. He saw us kissing, just kissing and called you a *bleep*. No way, no how, will he try to keep it a secret. He hangs up. and there is Kristen in the doorway. What did Jen say to you about me and Brady. Daniel is puzzled, what are you talking about. Kristen realizes Jen did not tell him anything, so makes excuses. She babbles how Brady & I are not a secret, everybody knows. Daniel doesn’t believe a word, won’t let her leave. Shuts the door. She isn’t going anywhere. He is sick and tired of secrets, and she is not leaving until she tells him what she meant.
Roman is upset Sami's on trial for murder. Since it's practically an annual event you'd think he'd be used to it by now!

JJ needs a good smack to his mouth!! He was brutally disrespectful to Jen and she really needs to put her feet down make him learn to stifle those nasty remarks!

Daniel: “JJ doesn’t get to call you a *bleep* in front of me.” Jen: “I’m his mother. He can call me a *bleep* if he wants to!!! Jen's IQ points have reached an all-time low!
Thanks for the write-up.
Man, was this episode boring or what? Nothing but Daniel-Jennifer and Sami-EJ crappola!!! The Nick stuff was nice and it was good to see Roman finally, but all that stuff seemed so brief! I hated that Daniel put his hands on JJ again, but he was right about absolutely EVERYTHING he said to dummy Jennifer!! He is better off without her, and right about now I'm hoping Chloe will come back and get with him just to punish JenJen for her stupidity.
I don't understand why Justin couldn't just meet Sonny and Will at the apartment so Gabi could go to class. What have Will and Sonny done to make Gabi feel like she had to remind Will that she's Ari's mother and they need to remember that? Why is Kristen even at Dr. Dan's apartment in the first place. Why is Will all of a sudden against Nick? He and Sonny were just encouraging Gabi to talk things out with Nick in June. All illogical plot points.
Melina Trask may suffer from delusions of grandeur. EJ's biggest crimes took place while he was number one on Sami's enemies list. If the Salem authorities couldn't get him for the Fake Rafe affair or the Sydnapping back then, what can Sami add now?. She also knows nothing about EJ's most recent coup -- the looting of the Basic Black pension funds. With nothing to threaten EJ with, would Junior turn on Stefano? Perhaps, but the Phoenix is so good at covering his tracks that all Trask may end up with are the unsupported allegations of an estranged son. Maybe the hard-nosed prosecutor should learn from the failures of her predecessors and give up on her anti-Stefano crusade. The Phoenix is just one of those Salem problems that never goes away like Jennifer's absenteeism, Brady's stupidity, the Love Doctor's hospital gown fetish, Maggie's busybodyism, and JJ's troubled-teen routine.
Thanks for the summary. The cable guy was here working on the tv so I couldn't watch or dvr the show. I'll have to check on soapnet or online tomorrow. Or maybe not since this episode is so Dan/Jen and EJ/Sami. Blech! Barf!

I can't believe Jennifer STILL thinks it would be a good idea to sneak around with Daniel. Is she really that hard up for sex? Good grief. Why are the writers continuing to torture us with this crap?? I seriously do not get it at all. I understand with their taping schedule they can't make changes quickly if things aren't working. But we all know tptb read the boards and should be able to see that the vast majority do not approve of this pairing or at the very least are so completely fed up with the constant back and forth and propping by other characters. This has now been going on for a year! Longer, if you include the debacle of Jack/Jen/Dan triangle. But at least with that I could understand if there were fans of Dan/Jen. Ever since Jack died it has been angst after angst, breakup makeup breakup. How is there any rooting value in that? At least with EJ/Sami there are fervent fans on both sides. Are there really any people out there that love Daniel/Jennifer? I can't imagine why. END THIS DAYS.

Rant over.
Sonny's name is Jackson Steven, but his subpoena read "Jackson 'Sonny' Kiriakis. So if I went by PeeWee and everyone referred to me as PeeWee, would official documents read First Name 'PeeWee' Last Name.

We should be lucky the prop department even knew that Sonny's real name is Jackson, much less his middle name. LOL
The episode is boring. Yes, it was. When it began, I just thought later on there would be something that might hold interest. But there was not. Actually, it was all filler material. It was truly hard to stomach Jen saying absolutely NOTHING when JJ called her that vile name.....but then when Dan mentions it, she replies "I'm his mother". So that makes it o.k., Jen. anyway, nearly everything on the show was conversation we heard before, with some added nothings by other people.
I was :rolleyes: at the shoe bit. She wanted cream ones, not nude ones.
Was glad to see Roman come in to visit. He was the only person with fresh conversation. LOL
I'm a huge Will fan. Love the lad, really do, but oh what a selective memory he has. I understand him not wanting Nick around Ari because of the whole blackmail thing, but Gabi could just as easily say she no longer wants EJ hanging around her daughter because of everything he's done to her brother. Nick may be slipping back into looneyville, but he's no bigger criminal than the criminal that has taken up residence in Will's life - his soon-to-be step father. And Will can't throw too many stones because he's also an unprosecuted criminal. But then again, so is Arianna's mother. You guys, that poor kid is surrounded by criminals.
Thanks, for the summary, though I (again !) made the mistake of watching it. Here are the emoticons to display how I felt today : :rolleyes::beat::eek::sick::zip::mad::zzz: ... in no particular order.

I'm, yet again, on the verge of quitting this farce. Not fun, at all, anymore. Hated all scenes with Dan/Jen/JJ, all scenes with Kristen/EJ (FF button), hated Sami and EJ, of course, wanted to reach into the TV to slap Gabi (guess what, little girl, you're a mom now, time to grow up !), and was even bored with Sonny, Will and Justin. Enough said. Oh, right, I forgot : not only is Kristen evil, she's becoming as brainless as Brady.
The only thing that seemed interesting was the scene when it ended. Now we have to wait until tomorrow to see if Kristen will slip up and say something to Dan.
Kristen will make up a lie very easily. She always does. Now maybe Dan has a lot more common sense than Brady, but then again, he is very angry, so might not be able to see thru it.

I think if I had been Jen, I would take him to school for his final, wait for him til he gets out, and be there to take him home.
And really, what was wrong with today was the entire show.....well, 95% of it was filled with scenes featuring unlikeable people (at least for me). And the few I do like...were making unlikeable statements. So the only ones who were not annoying today, for me, were Roman and Justin. LOL Wow.
@cryin4days......Justin was with Sami, and evidently the Club was the closest. Tho, in my opinion, he could have told them that on the phone. However, gotta make use of that ugly club set, so Nick could pop in, Adrienne, Justin, etc.