Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 28, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, Aug. 28, 2017

Justin goes to see Maggie & Victor, all happy over Sonny being released and now engaged to Paul, but really wanting to tell them his own news. He & Adrienne are back together. Maggie is rather surprised, Justin explains Adrienne came to him, said she broke up with Lucas, and wanted to be back with Justin. He also says she is moving in tonight. Maggie worries how Lucas will take this, has gone thru so much these last few years, has lost loved ones, just hopes he will react in a healthy way.

Replay of Bonnie & Anjelica's tussle over the "Adrienne" bible, with Anjelica having her heart attack, and is dead. Bonnie & Hattie accuse each other of causing this, discard the idea of calling 911, then Hattie won't let Bonnie call the cops. Lucas stirs and awakes, Hattie hides, Bonnie soothes him, getting him to go back to sleep it off. Now the two women decide to put Anj in a trash bag, in the trunk of her car, carrying her out like maybe a bag of trash. Good idea. Knock, knock. Here is Justin, come to get Adrienne. Hattie hides again. Bonnie staves off Justin's advances, but isn't dressed, so will do so, meet him downstairs. He leaves, Hattie comes out, oops, now they cannot carry out the trash. Bonnie though has to leave, figures Hattie can take care of Anj, she has to go, as Justin is waiting.

Hope & Rafe bring Abe to the interrogation room, Raines comes out, what is going on. Hope says they plan to question him again, can't hurt, maybe they can get additional info, as right now, they really have nothing, and he will go free. Raines tells them to get to it, has to run an errand, leaves. Hope makes a call.

Valerie runs into Eli, berathes him for arresting Abe, most honest man in town, yada, yada. She is really upset. Eli gets the call from Hope, says he is on it, and has to leave. He actually follows Raines to the Club.

Meanwhile, JJ & Lani are in bed, she is restless, something is not right, they talk about Abe being arrested, things not adding up, decide to do a little digging on their own, without Raines' knowledge, since he threatened termination. She is really ticked off at Eli.

Back at the station, Abe tells Bo & Hope how he suggested being the decoy to smoke Raines out. Eli had told him how Dario gave up the name, had to be a biggie in order to get the witness protection, & he named Raines. Eli accepts Abe's offer (this is flashback)

Maggie & Victor talk about Justin, Adrienne being back together, not fond of the idea. Maggie worries that Adrienne might just change her mind again.

Eli is outside the club, Raines is inside, browbeating Myron. Now Myron knew nothing, has no info, Raines is telling him to find some evidence against Abe, make it happen. Myron is a bit puzzled, Raines talks of how Abigail had that accident, a shame that someone Dario cared about was hurt, and how he would not want that to happen to Myron. He might not be as lucky as Abby. Myron gets the hint, seems to have figured out Raines is the silent partner.

Outside, JJ & Lani arrive, Eli stops them from going in. He & JJ get into a shoving match, Lani sneaks inside. JJ keeps trying to go in, Eli warning him he is going to blow this whole operation. He realizes Lani went in, knows she is a good cop, he trusts her, she is going to be o.k. Raines wants to know why she is there, she came in for a drink. Myron vanishes to do work. Raines is warning her about staying off the case, or else. She is still saying she came in for a drink, but if it bothers him, she will go elsewhere. She leaves.

When she comes out, she tells JJ to vamoose, both go with Eli to the park, where eventually JJ puts 2 and 2 together, finally realizing it adds up to 4 and Raines is probably the culprit, not Abe.

Val comes to the station to see Abe, goes in, he is glad to see her. Raines comes in, asks Hope how it went. She says he was right, they got nothing from Abe. Waste of time.

Justin brings Bonnie into the Kmansion, greeting Victor & Maggie, who have been glued to the sofa this entire show. Bonnie hugs Victor, happy to see him. Maggie says hello to Adrienne (amazing she says nothing about her resembling Bonnie!), who gushes, smiles, is happy to be there, smiles, nods.

Back in the hotel room, Hattie has been busy. She drapes a bra over a lampshade, has strewn Anjelica's clothes on the floor, and put Anj in Bonnie's robe, and into the bed with the passed out Lucas. She pulls the covers over Anj a bit, looks around, happy with her handiwork. She turns out the lamps, grabs her purse, whispers, night night lovebirds, and out the door she goes.

Glad Hattie addressed failure to give CPR! :eek:

Abe/Eli (flashback) had sense enough to look around the square, while talking, to ensure no one was eavesdropping!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Justin could/should have told Adrienne (Bonnie) what to do with her offer to reconcile!

Eli couldn't simply have told JJ that Raines was in TBD? And couldn't have hurried them away when Lani emerged, instead of BSing for a while? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Couldn't help but notice that Lani wears a few clothing items while "sleeping" with JJ. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I hope that Myron recorded Raines' admissions and threats; he did scurry away with his laptop!

I did get a get out of nervous Nellie Bonnie, telling Hattie to do that mouth thing, or pressing on her chest. LOLOL

Also got a kick that Hattie came up with all the disposal ideas, even the final one. Wait til Bonnie learns Anj did not end up in trunk of Hattie's car, and where she was planted.
I had to come online to read about today's show. Someone in Washington DC is hogging tv time AGAIN! It's best I turn the TV off, it's the only one we have. LOL.

If the latest "game" doesn't put Lucas into rehab, absolutely nothing will. Poor guy, wait till he wakes up!! BUT, so very glad he is getting a lot of "face time" on the show. I missed Lucas! Now, what the heck will Justin do?? Things are going to be really good over the next few weeks, I think.
Raines: How dumb is he -- threatening Myron? Sure, the tech geek agreed to work with him, but he'll roll over against the crooked Commissioner in a Salem second if he's ever grilled by Eli.

Eli: How can he stand Salemites? First, he gets seriously dumped on by his formerly estranged, self-righteous mother who just recently had begged and pleaded for their reconciliation, and then he gets serious attitude from make-believe detective, and phony-tough JJ Deveraux. After this is over, he's due lots of apologies. (Yes, being JJ does mean having to say you're sorry.)

Bonnie & Hattie: These two are dumber than dumb. Bonnie is already making subtle gaffes at the K-mansion and any forensic examination of the Lucas-Anjelica faux bedtime scene is sure to raise all sorts of red flags even for the pathetic Salem P.D. "experts."

Lucas: Yes, waking up next to the deader-than-dead Anjelica will be a major shock, but on the bright side, maybe it will be enough to get him back on the wagon.

Victor: When is he going to stop running a hotel for adult members of the Kiriakis family who either cannot or will not get their own homes? Over the years having his relatives (and the people they bring with them) under his roof has brought Victor plenty of grief.
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Ah, you have hit lots of nails on heads here, Dr. B, plus, given me an idea. That said, what is Hattie up to? I mean, she knows Anj died of a heart attack, so why put her in bed with Lucas? Why not in the kimono on the lounge chair?

And why does JJ think he is Bo Brady? Just because he has not shaved doesn't make him remotely the kind of cop Bo was.

Don't misunderstand me. I like that one of the younger set is being groomed for "rebel", hope they add some spunk to his sister, lol.
Myron gets the hint, seems to have figured out Raines is the silent partner.
Typical computer-whiz-genius who's socially obtuse. Raines did everything but snarl like a rabid dog and yet Myron still was like, "Gee Mr Mayor, that would be wroooong." LOL
Maggie says hello to Adrienne (amazing she says nothing about her resembling Bonnie!)
I'm kinda hoping Maggie is the one who torpedoes this whole scheme; then again, I somewhat sympathise with Bonnie's motives for vengeance against Maggie (and Maggie annoys me a lot).

This new & mellow Victor is either working with Anjelica or a DiMera clone. Where is the misogynistic snark? Where are the quips about Lucas's drinking?
put Anj in Bonnie's robe
I'm all for the Lucas/Bonnie sex being undone and/or never mentioned again. He'll think he went to bed with Anjelica, who's now dead, mourn for his relationship, and Adrienne will never know that he went to bed with Bonnie, so will have no reason to be angry with him when he thought he was dumped.
That said, what is Hattie up to? I mean, she knows Anj died of a heart attack, so why put her in bed with Lucas? Why not in the kimono on the lounge chair?
She's probably trying to un-do the damage Bonnie did by going to bed (?) with him. He'll wake up, think he went to bed with Anj, they'll do a post-mortem (and perhaps discover she didn't recently have sex), and he'll be in the clear. I'm just speculating (with a dash of hopefulness).
Just because he has not shaved doesn't make him remotely the kind of cop Bo was.
Uh-oh, I'm not ready for JJ Deveraux is a Criminal threads. :)

I loved Hattie's, "I'm not a doctor, I just play one in Salem."

Victor and Maggie commented that there were 3 wrongful arrests in Salem. Slow month.

How long was Sonny in jail in Salem time? Barely a few days though I have no desire to count.

It looked like it was 3 AM on the TBD set; but the bar was apparently open. But nobody was working. Lots of issues with these scenes.
Thanks, Poirot.

Jason, I loved what Hattie said about not being a doctor.

JJ got the Salem brain today because he figured out Raines is
Dario's partner.

Raines drank stupid juice. Does he really think framing Abe with evidence
will keep him in jail?

Poor Lucas is right. Even Maggie is concerned about his welfare.

Did Bonnie shower before she left to be with Justin? How come Justin
doesn't know it's not Adrienne?

When Hattie left the room she didn't wipe away her fingerprints. Will the
Salem PD take the time to fingerprint the room and find out Bonnie, not
Adrienne, was sleeping there?
Did Bonnie shower before she left to be with Justin? How come Justin
doesn't know it's not Adrienne?
I'm hoping this is the final nail in the Justin/Adrienne coffin. He should be able to tell the "love of his life" with whom he raised four children apart from Bonnie in less than 20 minutes.

I have to say that I really really really really hate that Raines is the partner. GROSS. I don't think that competence will be on the rise, since prior to this left-turn he was the only police officer who showed a dedication to duty and commitment to fighting crime (inside & outside his department).
She's probably trying to un-do the damage Bonnie did by going to bed (?) with him. He'll wake up, think he went to bed with Anj, they'll do a post-mortem (and perhaps discover she didn't recently have sex), and he'll be in the clear. I'm just speculating (with a dash of hopefulness)..

Unfortunately, you are hoping for forensic exams conducted by qualified SPD-affiliated scientists. :)

He should be able to tell the "love of his life" with whom he raised four children apart from Bonnie in less than 20 minutes. .

I'm glad that you said less than 20 minutes! :)
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I have to say that I really really really really hate that Raines is the partner. GROSS. I don't think that competence will be on the rise, since prior to this left-turn he was the only police officer who showed a dedication to duty and commitment to fighting crime (inside & outside his department).

I'll add to this that I think he could have had romantic chemistry with either Jennifer or Hope as well. Very unfortunate. We talk about needing new blood a lot and when we finally get some decent new blood, they are thrown under the bus.

I also liked Hattie's line about playing a doctor in Salem.

Both Justin and Sonny should be able to tell this isn't Adrienne. But in true Days fashion, Maggie will probably be the one to figure it out.

I still can't figure out whether Lani is working with Abe and Eli. That would mean she is lying to JJ. I thought the line about JJ being a loose cannon was relevant but also foreshadowing.