Days of Our Lives - Mon. Aug. 30, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, August 30, 2010
Episode #11407 Taped 6/21 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Stefano comes out of the bushes, glad he found Kate, asking Chad to excuse them. Chad takes off, Stefano comments how Kate left without saying good-bye, she gets indignant that she has to account for every minute of her day while Stefano has all his constant secrets. Before you know it, they are having a verbal war, she is sick of the secrets and lies, he reminds her he has always had his secrets. She yells about all the misery and pain EJ taking Sydney cost them all, he knows, as he also suffered. He didn’t know until afterwards. He talks of protecting those you love, especially your children, telling Kate she would have done the same, then hints about the secret he keeps about what she did. Kate flashes back to reading Chad’s birth certificate, and talking of Stefano being the father. Kate is so worried about losing her grandchildren, especially Will, who comes up just about then. Kate haltingly tells him about the wedding being called off, that Sami learned EJ was the one who hired Anna to take Sydney. Stefano yammers at how shocked they were, Will knows his mom was trying to call him, left lots of messages not to go home, to come to the Pub. Kate wants to explain further to him before he calls Sami back, but Will says no, he is calling his mother first.

Daniel tells Victor, in no uncertain terms he is tired of the way Victor talks to Chloe, and he is keeping her away from him. Victor tries to apologize, but Daniel is firm about it, and walks out, just as Vivian walks in. She babbles on about Isabella’s memorial, says something about knowing Victor would not want to be there for the re-internment but she will and will make sure it is all tastefully done. Victor just fixes himself another drink.

Nicole congratulates Chloe on her pregnancy, Nicole commenting how doctors told her there was almost no chance of her getting pregnant. Chloe smiles, “almost” being the operative word. Nicole is so happy for Chloe, then remembers it is Chloe’s birthday, has her open the gift she brought, looks like a nighty. Chloe thanks her, says she will save it for after the baby is born. Now Chloe is tired, wants to take a nap, Nicole asks if she can hang out there. Sure. Someone knocks on the door, it is George wanting to know if all is o.k. in there. Nicole has to explain it is her FBI bodyguard, protecting her from EJ who is angry with her, she will tell Chloe all about it later. She tells how she has no money, no place to stay, can’t pay her rent on her apt. Chloe invites her to stay in their guest room. Daniel returns, and is filled in, doesn’t seem too thrilled. Chloe send Nicole off to check out the guest room, explains to Daniel, who wishes she would have talked to him first. However, he is o.k. with it, will only be for a few days. He goes out for some take out, Nicole comes out, thanking Chloe for letting her stay. They again talk of the pregnancy, Chloe tells of the KNA test Carly had her take the baby is Daniel’s, and Carly has shut up about telling Daniel of her one night stand. Nicole is glad cuz it would have been a disaster, Daniel returns, wants to know what could have been a disaster. Nicole covers by saying she meant if they did not let her stay there. Now Nicole wants to return to her apt. for a few things, Daniel insists on going with her, despite her objections. Chloe had been getting plates out, Daniel tells her to start without them, they’ll be back soon. Nicole again protests, but Daniel insists, cuz they have to get a few things straight. LOL

Arianna chides EJ on what he did, but he is all for blaming everyone else. He decides he is going to go after Nicole, Arianna stops him, convincing him it would not be a good idea. She tries to understand whatever possessed EJ to do what he did, and now it is Samantha – he wanted to hurt her because she had hurt him. Arianna is appalled, because he hurt his children in the long run, especially Sydney, taking her away from family she knew and who loved her. EJ continues to rant…..not his fault, yada, yada. Arianna is sorry for him, he looks at Sami’s ring, laying on the table, babbles how happy they were going to be, finally asking her to leave. She does so, rather reluctantly, but again telling him she is sorry he is going thru this. EJ sits, staring at the ring, then goes upstairs into Sami’s bedroom. He sees the open box on the bed, the nightgown she was going to wear. A few wedding presents are here and there, still wrapped. He p:icks up a little gift box addressed to him from Sami, opens it. Just stares.

Over at the Pub, Sami is apologizing to Rafe, thanking him for what he did, calling herself a fool for letting EJ lie and manipulate her. He knew exactly what to say and do, causing me to not trust you. Rafe mentions EJ brought Sydney back. No, you brought her back, you never gave up, not for a second. I was such a fool, such an idiot, believing everything he said, I am sorry, truly sorry. You can say I told you so, if you want. Rafe thinks perhaps Sami might want to go tuck her kids in, he is going to leave. She stops him, saying she has no right to say this, it is much too soon, but she wants him to know this….how much, how very much she loves him. Rafe tells her he never stopped loving her, never. Sami smiles thru her tears, goes up, wrapping her arms around him. They kiss, as Caroline comes out, clearing her throat a bit, telling Sami the children are asleep, Allie fell asleep right away, Johnny was a bit resistant, but finally closed his eyes, and is fast asleep too. She leaves to give them some privacy. Rafe suggests they go to his place to talk. She agrees, they leave, and run into Arianna outside. Yes, she has heard the news…Sami gets a call from Will, takes it to the side. He lets her know he has heard about the wedding being off and why. She asks him to come to the Pub, but he has something to do first. They exchange I love you’s. Meanwhile Arianna is giving Rafe a hard time, telling him she just left EJ, who is a mess. Rafe cannot believe she is defending him, she claims not, but complains about all that Sami has done. Sami returns, says she heard her name, and how is all of this my fault.

Thanks for the write up Barb. A little of a slow day compared to the last few days!!
Thank you Barb for your wonderful write-ups! I look forward to them every morning!

Do I sense an Arianna/EJ pairing in the future?
Thanks Barb, a much calmer show today after the last few days of intensity I think we needed a break. Arianna I think feels sympathy for Ej because she is in a similar boat between Brady and Nicole. She also remember that EJ stuck up for her with the muggings. Sami sounds like she is just mentally numb right now. Kate and Stefano do make the perfect evil couple. At first I did not like them together, but I think she really does love him. I am glad that we get to see some tender moments with Sami and Rafe that are not sex related. Kudos to the writers for another great show
Thank you so much Barb for all your hard work. I look forward to your write ups every day. you keep me caught up on every thing, for sure with me taking care of my Mother-in-law (Dr appointments etc) I am sooooo gratefull for you and all my cyber buddies on this site!!
Have a nice weekend HUGS
Days of Our Lives

Sami gets a call from Will, takes it to the side. He lets her know he has heard about the wedding being off and why. She asks him to come to the Pub, but he has something to do first. They exchange I love you’s.


So does this mean Will is going to do what I think he is going to do? :thinking: Something that is in the Crystal Ball spoilers? I didn't want to say it here since this is just the day ahead thread.
Interesting that Daniel thinks Chloe should have discussed Nicole staying with the first --- this from the man that moved Carly in without so much as a thank you ma'am to Chlloe???

Great write-up - and so glad some of the repetitious s/l are wrapping up.
Typical Sami. Leaves a wedding to one guy and goes home with another guy. How disappointing. The girl needs to concentrate on her kids and herself - that's it!
Is Rafe nuts? I get the wanting to bring EJ down, loved that part, but why on earth would he want to take Sami back after she just threw him aside for EJ and believed everything he said. Sami is constantly blaming Rafe for leaving her, but hello, first you moved EJ into the penthouse with you, then you moved into the mansion with him, and you wonder why he didn't think the relationship was working, lol
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

Curious .... at the end of Fri show and on this show, Caroline & Roman went upstairs to put the twins to bed, Caroline, when she came down said that Allie & Johnny were both sound asleep .... what about Sydney? Sami DID carry her out of D-mansion .... so ????
I agree... I want Sami and Rafe back together (since Lucas is long gone), but I would have liked it better if they had, oh I don't know, had a DATE or something.. you know go out to eat, watch a movie, maybe some dancing.

Also, Arianna needs to just shut up. If she knew that EJ was aware of the fact that Nicole framed her (did he ever find out for a fact) then maybe she wouldn't be feeling sorry for him.
Can EJ be saved?

I really loved the Sami-EJ chemistry. Rafe is just too wooden for me. If he were more like Patch or Bo I could root for him.

Speaking of Bo, what was the big idea of bringing Carly to court when Hope was going to be there? Just how much pain does he want to cause his wife, the wife he "will always be there" for?:confused:
Typical Sami. Leaves a wedding to one guy and goes home with another guy. How disappointing. The girl needs to concentrate on her kids and herself - that's it!

But GeorgiaBelle....she didn't go home with Rafe...he took her to her grandmother's pub where she and the kids are staying. She hasn't left the kids.

BUT I'd like to know what is up with Arianna...seriously? She is making it really easy not to like her.
Why Would the Writers Do That?

Typical Sami. Leaves a wedding to one guy and goes home with another guy. How disappointing. The girl needs to concentrate on her kids and herself - that's it!

Georgia, Why would the do that? They know it drives us all crazy... I mean the poor the woman can not make up her mind. First it is one guy and then the other... Never does she choose her kids over a man as it should be.. No that would make too much sense.
I am with you about Rafe

I really loved the Sami-EJ chemistry. Rafe is just too wooden for me. If he were more like Patch or Bo I could root for him.

Speaking of Bo, what was the big idea of bringing Carly to court when Hope was going to be there? Just how much pain does he want to cause his wife, the wife he "will always be there" for?:confused:

Rockaloo: I think EJ can be saved and Sami will have to do it. It will take some time...A long time. Rafe is wooden to me as well and the chemistry is not as good as it is with James and Allison. The chemistry between James and Allison is so great it makes the scenes just come to life and I feel that watching them with Galin and Allison is like watching paint dry. I feel that Allison is always trying to bring the scene out of him and it is too hard to watch he is one dimensional in his acting.
Yep, to each their own.....cuz quite a lot of people do NOT see Rafe that way. And many are still waiting to see chemistry between EJ & Sami, and it has been 4 years. So, it is all in the eye of the beholder, and definitely not set in stone.