Days of Our Lives - Mon. Aug. 9, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, Aug. 9, 2010
Episode #11,392 Taped 6/9 Director – Grant A. Johnson

The show today deals with the aftermath, all over Salem, of the knowledge that Hope is the mugger. Carly arrives at the Brady house, to find Julie in the living room, clearly upset, & definitely not very friendly. No Bo is not there, he is with Hope. She has no idea what is going on, they left, she has not heard a word since. Later, Doug comes back, Julie is still upset, not knowing what to tell Ciara any more, she keeps asking for her mother. Doug’s face is drained, still seemingly in a state of shock, as he tells Julie that he has news, and she had better sit down.

Sami is admiring EJ’s ring, which she has on her finger, the doorbell rings. She quickly puts the ring in her pocket, finds her dad at the door. He has come to tell her they made a couple arrests tonight, one is Dr. Richard Baker. Sami is astounded, but he is dead, she & Rafe saw him, there was no pulse. Roman assures her that being a doc, he knew how to fake that, and he is very much alive. Later, he has told her about Hope, Sami still cannot believe it. She is all set to rush out, but Roman stops her, as her wants to talk to her about something else. Sami guesses Gramma told him about their conversation, yes of course she did. Roman is glad to see Sami is not wearing his ring, Sami starts her excuses, but tells her father she told EJ she wasn’t ready to get married yet. He is glad to hear that, as he would find it hard to believe she would consider getting sucked back into this family again. Sami has a rather defiant look on her face.

Bo talks with the upset Hope, trying to convince her to get a lawyer. She is so torn up over the people she loves, and what she has done to Ciara. Carly has opened the door slightly, is standing there, comes in, saying “they” told her he was in here. Hope asks her to give them a minute, Carly leaves. Hope knows she might not have been herself, that it was the pills, but deep down somewhere inside her, had to be all this anger, otherwise the pills would not have been able to affect her the way they did. Bo starts to leave as Justin arrives. Hope assures him she does not need a lawyer, apologizes to him, still unbelieving that she attacked him, who has stood by her, been a good friend, gave her so much support. She thanks him, again refusing a lawyer. She does not want a trial, she is pleading guilty, she will not have Ciara have to testify, won’t put her thru that.

Bo walks with Carly in the park, sitting on Benchie, they talk of Hope, and how their actions contributed greatly to what has happened. Over in the Pub, Brady sits downing a scotch & water, Arianna comes in, grabs his glass. They argue a bit, he wants it back, Melanie comes in (egads, she is truly everywhere these days, isn’t she?). Arianna wants to call Maggie, no dice, she is at the ballet. Brady insists he is fine, Arianna realizes Nicole has done something, hurt him in some way. He lets her know she is off the hook for the muggings, that it was Hope. He continues to drink up, Arianna leaves, Melanie stays, tries to talk a bit, is about to call Philip, but gets a text from Carly to meet her at home. Melanie gives Brady a hug and kisses his cheek, leaves his to stare in his glass.

Baker is brought into a room at the cop shop, sits down at a table, head in his handcuffed hands, yells he wants a lawyer. And there, sitting across from him is the smirking EJ DiMera, with an armful of files, announcing he is a lawyer. Baker wants no part of him, EJ is sarcastic and insistent, talking of Baker being a baby switcher for money he used to gamble with, but Baker shoots back that EJ should be grateful, as if it wasn’t for him, he would never have been able to raise his own child for that first year. EJ has to give him that…..but notes all the various muggings, and that Baker is in big trouble. EJ is offering his help on the condition that Baker not involve Nicole in any way, for anything. Baker is rather taken aback, why does EJ want to protect Nicole.

And in walks Sami, all huffing and puffing at sleazy Baker, who gives it right back to her, that what she wanted from him was to protect her child from this slimy sleazeball here, and he helped her do that. EJ jumps up, grabs Baker’s shirtfront, threatening his life. Baker tells him to get his hands off him, unless he wants his girlfriend to learn his dirty little secret request. EJ lets him go. Hustles Sami out.

As they arrive back at DiMansion, Sami is all gloating, talking how she loved EJ jumping to her defense, and how she would have cheered if he had killed him right there. She departs the room, EJ smirks…”spoken like a true DiMera”. Later, both are laughing, having just come from evidently putting the children to sleep, talking of EJ singing a lullaby to Sydney, and Johnny’s honest reaction. (I guess poor Allie must be tucked away in her attic room, having had to probably cry herself to sleep.) :sarcasm: EJ is talking of how well they work together as parents, Sami grinning. EJ comments that a lot has happened between them, and now, all there the truth.

Carly arrives at Maggie’s, Melanie makes coffee, they talk about what has happened with Hope. Carly is feeling guilty, Melanie assures her that she is kind, thoughtful, and a good person to be so concerned about Hope. Arianna comes into Roman’s office, he was about to call her, yes she is free. He reminds her he never ever thought she was guilty, apologizes for what she went through.

And, still at the station, Bo has returned as Justin leaves the room where he has been talking with Hope. (who gives today, another stellar performance all the way through). Bo tells Justin he should have realized what was going on with Hope, been more receptive to what she going thru. Justin only says….yes, you should.

Bo goes inside, sits down opposite Hope, who tells him it is time for her to be booked. Bo does not want to do this, Roman comes in for the same reason, but Bo tells him he will take care of it. Hope cries a bit at the thought she is going to be away from Ciara for so long, but knows, this has to be. They go down to booking. We see Hope removing her rings, her necklace with the picture of Ciara. She kisses it, telling Bo to put it in a safe place. There is no further dialogue as we see scenes of Hope being fingerprinted, then standing in front of the height chart, left side, right side, center.

this all very sad, but it helps to be a soap veteran!! It all be OK one day! Thanks for giving us the Day Ahead.
I just love melanie and brady scenes together. I have a feeling after the ONS and baby drama is revealed. melanie and brady are going to be spending alot of time together. they both are going to be hurt and angry. brady by nicole and melanie by philip. and they always seem to be there for each other when needed. I love their relationship. I think these random melanie/brady scenes we are starting to get. like when melanie called brady out of the blue on tuesday's show and now the scenes in monday's show is foreshadowing all of this.
It absolutely drives me nuts how Melanie is popping up all over the place in Salem these days. Whenever there is a new storyline to be told she is always around to be a part of it. It is a real coincidence that Melanie just happens to show up at the pub while Arianna is trying to stop Brady from taking a drink and she starts badmouthing Nicole to him like he doesn't have enough problems to deal with. After Melanie received the text from Carly she should have made sure to call Philip to let him know what is going on with Bo, Hope and Brady. After all this is his family that is going through a crisis right now not hers for once. If Melanie really cared about Brady as a friend she would never have left him alone at the pub to drink especially since she knows that he is a recovering addict.
Also I don't why Lucas didn't take Allie with him to live in Hong Kong since Sami obviously is only concerned about Johnny and Sydney these days.
Poor Ciara is really going to need therapy now.
Well I love melanie so I have no problem with it. but I do get your point.
Want to laugh. When Roman tells Sami about Hope, and comments about poor Ciara, Sami just jumps right in with volunteering to help all she can, having Ciara over to play with the twins, who adore her.
Huh? Guess we haven't been able to see that, but I don't think Bo or even Hope would be too happy to have Ciara spending a lot of time at the DiMera lab.
Hi! I am new to posting - and have no idea what I am doing or if this is even the right place to post this question. But I have been following these posts for a couple of years and know that if anyone has the answer - it would be someone right here. I have had to miss the last couple of wks of episodes and probably most of the rest of the month. I am a big Hope and Bo fan and am following the storyline through Poirot (thanks so much for the Days Ahead). Is there a way to watch past episodes on the internet? Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.
I know NBC has past episodes online......and also there are a few places perhaps on you tube.
Hi! I am new to posting - and have no idea what I am doing or if this is even the right place to post this question. But I have been following these posts for a couple of years and know that if anyone has the answer - it would be someone right here. I have had to miss the last couple of wks of episodes and probably most of the rest of the month. I am a big Hope and Bo fan and am following the storyline through Poirot (thanks so much for the Days Ahead). Is there a way to watch past episodes on the internet? Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.
I know for sure their definitely on youtube.
Hi! I am new to posting - and have no idea what I am doing or if this is even the right place to post this question. But I have been following these posts for a couple of years and know that if anyone has the answer - it would be someone right here. I have had to miss the last couple of wks of episodes and probably most of the rest of the month. I am a big Hope and Bo fan and am following the storyline through Poirot (thanks so much for the Days Ahead). Is there a way to watch past episodes on the internet? Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.

:welcome:Welcome to the Salem Spectator family TJB, so glad you could join us.:D

Thanks for the recap Barb.
Thanks for the great writeup! I'm looking forward to the scenes with Dr. Baker in particular but most of the show sounds good.
Thanks for the recap.

I know it's plot, blah blah, but it makes no sense why Brady would be so angry over something he doesn't know. Nicole hasn't technically done anything "wrong" that he knows. *We do, I know... I guess my point is, why the drinking and "whoa is me" act? How can he be so depressed about something he doesn't know. For all he knows she's got an illegal account, but other than that, nothing.

Sorry, not buying it. And, his behavior, totally uncalled for. Makes me want to bop him V-8 style.
@Trey, I think the point is that Nicole lied to him; that's the primary problem. He does suspect the money was illegally obtained and even though he doesn't know that it was, the fact that Nicole won't just tell him where the money came from but instead keeps trying to misdirect him only confirms his suspicions. If she had gotten a surprise inheritance or won the lottery or something she could have just told him that. Instead she lies and lies and lies. I love Nicole but I get why Brady's mad. I guess since I like both Brady and Nicole but am not invested in them as a couple, this blowout doesn't bother me that much (though I don't love how Brady's acted). I do agree with you that this is all plot-driven, but that's how the entire show is these days--it just hurts more when it's your favorites. :)
Thank you! Usually I'm okay with missing episodes - but this storyline is one I so badly want to see play out.
When berating Nicole, Brady said she had money in an illegal account in the Camen Islands. My question is, is all money put in a Camen Island account considered to be illegal when it's put there by a US Citizen? If not, why would Brady say Nicole's money was there in an illegal account? Other than the fact he knows if it has to do with Nicole it must be something sleezy.
"Baker tells him to get his hands off him, unless he wants his girlfriend to learn his dirty little secret request."

Ok, what dirty little secret request is Doc Baker referring to? Thanks. :)