Days of Our Lives Mon., August 5, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 5, 2019

Confrontations everywhere, it is exhausting listening to them all! Did not get first few minutes as we lost power with big storm. But Sarah is in living room, having told Xander about Rex walking out. He comments about Eric, but does leave as Maggie comes in. Maggie questions everything, makes Sarah tell her all that happened, and seems to encourage her to be with Eric now, with all the reasons why, etc.

Hope has run into Kate, wants her to tell her what really happened, how she & Ted managed to be kidnapped and kept in that room. Kate won't talk about it, Hope tells of Ted's story being false, as he is not on the CCTV footage. Kate only says she warned her about Ted, and further warns her now to stay away from him. Hope tries hard to get Kate to explain what she means, or why, but Kate clams up completely, finally telling Hope to drop this whole thing, if she values the safety of herself and her family.

Rex rakes Eric over coals big time, accusing him of breaking up his marriage, stealing his wife. Eric denies, says he got them back together, even married them, but Rex thinks all the while Eric was marrying them, he was thinking of sleeping with his wife. He is really truly nasty, punches Eric out, his lip is bleeding. Rex smashes the picture of the 3 of them that sits on a table, and just goes on and on. He wants Eric to hit him back, he won't, Rex says that is what he always does, turn the other cheek. Pretends to be the pious nice guy, while stealing his brothers' wives. He cites Brady, the shambles he caused there, Jennifer, Nicole, and now him, Rex. Says Eric causes carnage wherever he goes, whatever he does. He walks out.

Eric lip is bleeding, he stares, kneels on floor, picks up the picture, holds it, cuts his finger on the broken glass. Contemplates all that has happened.

Stefan & Gabi are having their verbal confrontation at DiMansion. Stefan shocked she has told him to leave. She says it was her revenge. They go on and on, over and over the same items. He says that despite this being a plan on her part, he knows on some level she was developing some feelings for him. She denies this, says she had him where she wanted, until Chloe came on the scene. He was trying to help her, but Gabi knew this was a bump in the road, she had to overcome. Stefan realizes she purposed seduced him so Chloe would find them. Gabi smirks. They go on and on, she brags of owning the house, having the money, yada, yada. He vows to get it all back, citing the pre-nup she signed. She says she will drag the divorce on for years, til they both are old and grey. She again orders him to leave, or she will call security, and have them throw him out. Smirking that Ben works for her now. Stefan leaves, but vows he will be back as soon as all these charges are dropped.

Fake Nicole is talking with Tony, who is trying to make her see that killing Gabi is not the smart way to go. She gives him the gun, loud knocking on the door. Tis Ted, he wants to talk to Nicole.. She wants him to go away, he is persistent, she opens the door. He is all worried, as figures Kristen is not to be trusted, wants them to work together to defeat her. He mentions Holly being alive, fake Nicole says yes , she knows, wants her child back, but is leery of crossing Kristen. Tony chimes in as well, how dangerous Kristen is. Ted asks if he doesn't want to help his wife get her child back. Tony says he will do whatever it takes to help his wife get back what is hers. (LOL). Both Tony & fake Nicole do not want to cause waves with Kristen. Ted says then he has to go the police, tell them everything, including that Kristen has disappeared again. He starts to leave, fake Nicole takes off the mask, saying Kristen has not really disappeared. And they cannot have Ted going around telling people.Ted is shocked, stares. He eyes the gun on the table, in slow motion he is imagining taking it, Tony trying to get it away. He lunges for the gun, Tony goes for him. They struggle for a bit. They are close, the gun between them. Gunshot!
Thanks Poirot for doing this summary while a storm interrupted your power. So glad you are safe!

This show is exhausting to read -- after a sad weekend in America, NBC should have pulled this confrontational episode and ran a classic Days episode. Just my opinion.
Foolishness and self-delusion were the order of the day in Salem.

Rexy: He thinks that his marriage failed because of gloom-and-doom Eric. He should guess again. It failed because his bride was the fickle Sarah. Xander was right. Being married to big-mouth Sarah was no bargain.

Stefan Zero: Instead of squawking, complaining, and denying reality, he should run, not walk, to the nearest matrimonial attorney and start an annulment action. The way Gabi dumped him minutes after the "wedding ceremony," It's clear that she entered into marriage for fraudulent purposes. Even Justin could win this case in a Salem second. If Stefano's portrait could talk, it would have had one word for Zero: "fool."

Tony: He actually said to creepy Kristen, "I never saw you as a murderer." Hasn't he ever paid attention to her schemes? If Anna doesn't save him from his bad decisions, things won't go well for him.

Ted: He made his living as a fast talker, but apparently he never learned there are times when it's better to shut up and get lost. He should have fled the scene the moment Kristen revealed herself.
My favorite line ~ When Kristen/Nicole said she would make Gabi's death look like an accident, Tony asked if she was going to make it look like Gabi fell on the bullets. :rotfl:
Thank you for Tony's remark!! I missed it for some reason.

Poirot, I don't want storms, but we need rain badly.
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my weatherman indicated this front is moving south, down to south of Chicago
IT ENDED AROUND 4 p.m. and sun is out!
Hope please please please get rid of that horrible white blazer.
I have to wonder if some of the actors get to come up with their own lines. Why is it that Tony and Victor and maybe Xander get to be funny? Are they the only ones with the chops to do it?
Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Xander. He was hoping Sarah wanted to be with him.... and I know robin is happy
Xander hasn't worn a shirt for the past three episodes.

I enjoyed Rex and Eric discussion because Rex said we have have said about Eric for
months and his attitude.

Did anyone else notice a new picture over the DiMera fireplace? Or maybe we haven't
seen so much of it before.

Is Ted dead? If so, Tony must be a lot stronger than he looks if he was able to shoot

Will Rex and Xander become good friends because of Sarah wanting Eric?

Line of the day goes to Xander talking to Sarah "I can't believe you're still pining after
that bore Eric"
I was out of town so just kind of watched today. Eric is despicable. Cannot believe he used to be a priest. I'm glad Rex decked him. I wanted to hit him!!