Days of Our Lives - Mon. Dec 14, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, December 14, 2009

Another rather slow moving episode, as Justin tries to tell Daniel (who apparently is a member of the hospital board or something) about this new female doctor who has applied, and he thinks should be denied the job. And then, surprise, along comes Carly, calling Daniel’s name, they embrace, turning out to be old friends of way past. Justin admits she is the person he was speaking of, stands off to the side as Daniel & Carly sort of catch up. Daniel says Carly introduced him to his late wife, Rebecca, thanks her for the card and words of condolence at the time. He offers his sympathy on her recent loss. He comments on her not coming to so many of the medical conferences, and then he heard she was no longer even practicing. Carly only says she & her husband were having some difficult times, and so she was spending her time with family. Justin has left, Carly hopes Daniel has found love again, yes he has, thank you. He hopes she will be able to find someone, too, they bid each other good-bye.

Now Justin is meeting Bo at the Java Café, trying to warn him that his relationship with Carly is not helping the problems in his marriage. They really go round and round, Bo telling him to butt out. Justin tries to say that no matter what Carly says….whether she wants to apply for a job, put down roots again in Salem, has some secret that is keeping her there, the truth is she is in town for one reason, to disrupt Bo’s marriage to Hope. Bo tells Justin to use all his energy to focus on his own marital troubles, that he is only helping out a friend, and to mind his own business. Justin says fine…he won’t say another word…..and leaves.

Carly is down on the docks, there seems to be a scattering of snow everywhere, her cell phone rings and it is Daniel. (Dang, amazing how 5 minutes ago he did not even know she was in town, and yet he now has her cell phone number. Salem cell phone service is just marvelous,isn’t it?) He tells her he got a look at her application and it is looking really good. He thinks she will get the job, no problem. She thanks him, hangs up, has a flashback to talking with Justin about the “connection” he saw between her & Bo, and suddenly, there is Bo. He mentions talking with Justin, Carly assures him that whatever Justin told him, it wasn’t true.

Earlier, Stefano is on the phone at DiMansion, telling someone all will be revealed in time. He turns to find Bo has arrived, wanting to know who he is talking to. Stefano says it was Warren Buffet, wanting to borrow his yacht. They go back and forth about Sydney, and how much Stefano knows. He gets indignant, tells Bo to go talk to that maniac, Nicole, who is behind bars. Bo says Stefano is their one and only suspect, and they are gonna stay on his case. Stef says all he knows is that Nicole claims she was hit on the head, and that is when Sydney was taken. He also assures Bo that his men are on the case, Bo objects, but Stefano spits out that his resources are more far reaching than Bo’s could ever be. He cares naught for Elvis or Samantha, only cares about Sydney.

Inbetween the various scenarios today, there are several scenes of the woman kidnapper, talking to Sydney, singing bits of lullabies, rocking, telling Sydney how they are going to be spending so much time together, etc. etc.

Rafe & Arianna are talking in the Pub, Sami is not eating or sleeping, it is like losing Grace all over again. Gabi comes in, telling them that Mom saw the newspaper story about the missing baby and is concerned. Rafe takes off to check on Sami, says he will call Mom tonight. Gabi worries about Rafe to Arianna, wondering if, when the baby is found, Sami & EJ might bond together and Sami dumps Rafe. Arianna talks of how much Rafe loves her, worries, too. Gabi tries to encourage Arianna to call Brady, inasmuch as Nicole is in jail now. She leaves.

Nicole asks her jail guard if there is any news about her baby…..she means Sydney DiMera. Nope, but maybe your visitor has news, and here comes Chloe, who comments on Nicole’s “nice hair”. Nicole is glad Chloe came, they both have missed each other, Nicole keeps saying “my baby” but corrects herself each time, saying Sydney or Sami & EJ’s baby. She worries about the baby, realizes this is all her fault. She doesn’t care about herself, just that Sydney is o.k. She talks of initially wanting to be 1 up on Sami, (going after EJ), but fell in love with him. And then nothing ever mattered except EJ….and then Sydney. She knows EJ still cared about Sami, tho. She asks Chloe for a favor, wanting her to ask Brady to come see her. He may have info about Sydney. Chloe will try, she leaves. Nicole is pacing her cell, hears a woman’s voice telling Sydney everything is going to be fine….stops dead, realizing that the person who took Sydney was a woman!

EJ is in Sami’s apt. telling her of his plan to get his father to perhaps blurt out some piece of info. Sami always rubs Stefano the wrong way, he says things to her he might not otherwise say to anyone else, she is able to push his buttons, so with EJ at the house, Sami has a perfect excuse to come over there and needle Stefano. Sami gets all excited, wants to start right now, EJ is not so sure, let’s not get so impulsive, but Sami thinks they should strike while the iron is hot. EJ is not so sure, but Rafe comes in, Sami is right, and he thinks she should wear a wire. He & EJ will be outside, making sure nothing goes wrong.
A bit later, Rafe has Sami all wired up, and off they go. Rafe stands outside the front door, EJ around the side outside the French doors and Sami comes into the all purpose room, confronting Stefano. She starts out slow, (Rafe is urging her to take it slow thru the earpiece) and she wants her daughter. They go back and forth, with Stefano getting angrier and angrier. He cannot even stand to hear her voice, it is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Sami keeps it up, he knows where Sydney he, he has taken Sydney away from her parents’ arms. She says she would tell him to go to hell, if he should die, but not even the devil wants him. Stefano assures her that she will live in hell, because she will never, ever see her Sydney again, he will make sure of that! Outside we see the camera on Rafe, then EJ, and finally back inside on Sami.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. I saw the show, but think I enjoy your write ups more. Loved the scenes with little Sydney. Just loved the looks on her face when the kidnapper is talking to her. Am still waiting to see the kidnapper's face. According to the spoiler it was to be the 11th so very closely watched on the 10th and 11th. Just loved the scenes with Sami and Stefano. I am sure he knows something by the way he said all will be reveled in time, then telling Sami she will never get her baby back he will make sure of it.
Thanks for the great preview, Barb. I had to laugh a little at Rafe lurking around at the front door of DiMansion, talking with Sami on the wire thingy. Stefano's security is about as big a joke as the Salem Police Department. :rolleyes: Sounds like a good show though. Thanks for watching and writing this up.
In all of this....and there is a lot... I keep wondering...what truly is Justin's motive for being such a big BUTTinski? I liked him at first but he really is becoming a pain in the ashhat. If I was Bo, I would just deck him! LOL!, we see hands, legs, whole body, back of head, blond hair.....but not the face. But we do hear the voice.
Thank you, Barb.

Justin & Carly are both big pains. Either change the characters / story lines or get them the heck out of Salem.

Yep, I agree with you, gramcracker. Daniel probably got the number from her job application.
Oh, yes, definitely sounded like Anna. Even the back of the head looked like her. No idea why the filming continues to be attempting to not show her face...If they released the info out already(?????)
Oh, yes, definitely sounded like Anna. Even the back of the head looked like her. No idea why the filming continues to be attempting to not show her face...If they released the info out already(?????)

They hope there are fans out there who aren't as savvy as us...thanks mostly to you and this board Barb.:D
ooooh, flattery will get you everywhere, Rew....:rotfl:
Thanks for the great summary Poirot! :)

Loved the scenes with little Sydney. Just loved the looks on her face when the kidnapper is talking to her.
The baby that plays Sydney is amazing. She is in a category all by herself in terms of babies on soaps as far as I am concerned. Days definitely received a gem when they picked her.

Oh, yes, definitely sounded like Anna. Even the back of the head looked like her. No idea why the filming continues to be attempting to not show her face...If they released the info out already(?????)
There are a few people out there that avoid message boards, soap news, and any spoilers at all. They like the mystery of not knowing what will happen next. The couple that host Daystalk say they avoid spoilers as much as they can so they can contemplate and be surprised, but this is often foiled because their viewers keep giving them spoilers. lol

I agree, I think it's Anna and I believe dear old Stefano is definitely behind the whole thing.

BTW, these latest story-lines were getting a little better but now . . . . I'm not so sure.

I've watched Days since it began and there have been so many better story-lines. I believe the powers-that-be may also see that. That's why they may have been bringing back some of the "older" characters. I'm disappointed that they got rid of Steve and Kayla, and Marlena and John.

I love and really enjoy the days ahead write-ups and am so happy I found this site. I remember when I was working, I would tape each day and watch it later. Before that, if I missed it - that was it - no story for that day.

One request - is it possible to tell us what the previews are for the next day at the end? Thanks, and keep up you good work.
I enjoyed Daniel more in his brief scene with Carly than I have in the entire time he has been on the show. I'd rather see them together than Carly/Bo or Chloe/Daniel. I also enjoyed Nicole coming to her senses about Sydney, and finally showing more concern for the baby than herself. I found the part where she heard a woman's voice very interesting - makes me wonder what they have in store for Sydney and Nicole!
Megan, I agree with all that. I could see Daniel and Carly together. I might FF them, but she's the first person I wouldn't mind seeing with him.

Sharpei, welcome to posting! :welcome:
Megan, I agree with all that. I could see Daniel and Carly together. I might FF them, but she's the first person I wouldn't mind seeing with him.

Exactly how I feel! I liked Daniel when they first brought him on to Days, but I haven't liked him since. I'm looking forward to seeing more scenes with Daniel and Carly, who I have liked so far but not really the story she has been involved with.
Exactly how I feel! I liked Daniel when they first brought him on to Days, but I haven't liked him since. I'm looking forward to seeing more scenes with Daniel and Carly, who I have liked so far but not really the story she has been involved with.

He always seems more "charming" when he first meets up with his new "victim" er "love interest" lol!

sorry had to add that bad. :D