Days of Our Lives - Mon. Dec. 19 , 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 19, 2016

Lots of short scenes today, plus flashback, but first, Philip meets up with Chloe in Chicago, tells of being kidnapped, drugged, not remembering a thing about it all, just waking up, being told to go. He thinks it may have been Deimos, has a feeling he may have wanted info on Chloe's baby's paternity, but he really doesn't know. He suggests she, Parker leave with him, go somewhere else, away from all the trouble. She is grateful he would give up his job, and go away with her, he says why wouldn't he, he loves her, she only says thank you. Philip realizes feelings are only on his side, decides to leave her now, he knows what he has to do. Take care, you need anything, just call me.

JJ has brought in the Christmas Tree, set it up, Jen admiring it, perfect, will go upstairs for the decorations now. She loves Christmas, JJ comments about Abby being back, Jen smiles, Abby is showing her self to Chad as we speak, will be great. She leave, JJ mutters that he can now tell Gabi the secret he is keeping.

At DiMansion, replay of Gabi & Chad passionately kissing, as Andre & Abby stand in the doorway staring. When Chad turns, only Andre is there, & when Chad asks what he thinks he is doing, Andre starts yelling at Chad, what is he doing, this is all unacceptable. Chad yells right back, telling Andre this is his house, Andre does not live there, cannot keep barging in on him any time he feels like it, and orders him loudly and several times to get out.

And then he & Gabi talk, she tells him about JJ sleeping with another woman while drunk, not remembering, she forgave him, but no more secrets, he has one now, she has no idea what it is, but it is what JJ does. However, he doesn't know she is done with him, so this really was not right. They jabber back and forth, about her attraction to Chad, feeling so comfortable around him, he is talking of how beautiful she is, how he loves looking into her eyes, they pull him in, he always wants to kiss her. She asks then why don't you. Now Chad talks of going slow, but he is all ready to move on, is ready, wants to. More of the same......

Abby has gone to the park area, sobbing as she sits down on the bench near that angel. She cries, , looks at the angel & plaque dedicated to her, flashes back to the long scene where she overheard Chad talking to Thomas about her, and how much he loved her, etc. etc. She slips to the ground which should be really cold in my opinion, and stares at the angel statue. Along comes Andre, sorry for what happened, has her get up. He tries to convince her that Chad loves only her, will be so excited to have her back, wants her to go back to the house with him, but she refuses. She is dead, loves Chad, but he has moved on, and she has to stay dead.

JJ has gone out to pick up a special gift he bought for Gabi. Along comes Lani, they chat a bit, he doesn't have time now, but maybe they can have coffee another day and catch up. Lani, who claims she was unable to come when her father was shot, so came now, suddenly says she wants to spend as much time as possible with her dad, maybe next time. She takes off.

Now she runs into Abe & Valerie in the square, hugs, introductions, Theo comes along, Abe invites them to sit with them, but Theo wants to talk to Lani privately. She figures it is Christmas gift stuff, goes to the side, where Theo evidently fills her in on Valerie's being a liar in his opinion. She tells him nicely to butt out of Abe's life, he is a big boy, can take care of himself, and that adults sometimes have very good reasons for lying, perhaps to protect another person. He offers to show her proof.

Nicole comes downstairs, Deimos greets her, she is going to Chicago to meet up with Chloe. He offers to go along, she nixes that idea, remember how upset Chloe got last time when you forced her to have another paternity test. I want to make up with her, and try to talk her & Parker to come back with me to Salem, have her baby here, stay here, be my friend. Deimos backs off, agrees. Brady comes in, she bids them both farewell. Brady notes a snowstorm is due to hit in Chicago, let him drive her. She will be fine, laughs. (Deimos has already noted her ring is off her finger and she has said she decided it was time...kiss, kiss). Nicole leaves, Brady wonders how Deimos feels about all this. Oh, yes, Deimos doesn't like it all. Brady warns him about doing something rash when he gets upset, don't do that now.

Later, Deimos sits alone, fireplace going, Victor asks what he is thinking about. When Deimos mentions Chloe & her baby...Victor doesn't even want to listen to a thing. He obviously doesn't think much of that woman, leaves the room.

JJ has picked up the gift for Gabi, he stops, opens the box. Takes out....yep, a Christmas ornament with Gabi's name on it. Perfect. She will be so happy with this.

Abby has come home, thrown her things on the floor, marches in tears, plopping into Alice's chair. Jen comes in, picking up the things, What is wrong. Abby tells her what happened. Jen is shocked, that cannot be, Gabi & JJ are back together. and fine. No, I saw her & Chad before, I knew what was going on, I told you. Gramma Laura said I could come and stay with her as long as I wanted, so that is what I am going to do. I am dead as far as Chad is concerned, he moved on finally. I love him with all my heart, this is best for him, I have to stay dead. You & JJ can come visit me at Gramma Laura's, but you can never tell. See, I am fine, not even crying. Jen's arms go around her daughter, who now bursts into tears.

Chloe is on the phone with Parker, hangs up. In comes Nicole, big smile, plops on the chair, saying Surprise! Chloe is startled, what are you doing here, how much do you know?
Seriously, while I get that people do have mental illness, I cannot have one ounce of sympathy for Abigail. She's as selfish as she is stupid. I guess Thomas does not matter to her at all. All that matters is Chad. Can you imagine how many babies would be abandoned if everyone reacted the way Abigail did ? Wow... just wow ! Yeah, stupid is what it is. So, yeah, Abigail, stay dead. Leave and never come back. This character is ruined.
I appreciate the summary. Dealing with a loved one with any kind of lengthy illness is difficult in real life and takes tons of patience. It isn't the kind of thing that plays well on a soap, when it is dragged out beyond a short time span. I am way past having any compassion for Abigail. I just want this ordeal to be over, one way or another.
JJ has picked up the gift for Gabi, he stops, opens the box. Takes out....yep, a Christmas ornament with Gabi's name on it. Perfect. She will be so happy with this.
I guess they're pretending he had a duplicate made of her "broken" ornament last year.

They made a reasonable facsimile to break last year. When you blow up the pictures, you can see that while they do look alike a first glance, the broken one is slightly different. The one JJ held today is the original (on the left).

Please make it stop! The back and forth, wishy washiness that is Abigail. The back and forth we're done, no I forgive you, we're done that is Gabi. Why didn't she just tell JJ what she heard instead of trying to trap him into a lie? :confused: Yeesh!
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They are dragging this Abby crap out way too long. She is not stable. And as far as Chad suddenly just falling in love with Gabi guess he's just gonna forget all about Gabi's previous obsession with him which lead to Melanie being kidnapped. I am glad they said they are gonna take it slow. But here she is making out with Chad when she is still with JJ. She's got no room to be mad! And she is stone sober and cheating on him!

Poor Philip. I love you. Thank you. Reminded me of Ross and Emily on Friends but that did have a happy ending. Well, kinda.

And Theo is just way too annoying. I am so tired of him trying to "protect" his dad. Lani and JJ, it sure looks like it was her in Florida.
Yep, Lani seemed ticked a bit that he was acting as though he had not just seen her a couple months ago. LOL

It really seems to seems to me that Gabi is constantly the agressor with Chad. And being so ticked about JJ keeping a secret......gee, has she told him about the makeout session on the sofa with Chad a few weeks ago.....the one where they nearly began taking off their clothes? She says she quit, that was all, and then lied about the reason. You know what they say about people in glass houses not throwing stones. :rolleyes:
As much as I love Gabi I just can't defend her today. :cry: It pains me to no end to admit that. :cry: When she initially said that she didn't "feel good about this" after Andre left I was hoping that she would pay attention to that feeling. She's making a big mistake here and I need her to come to her senses pronto.

So Lani was definitely frosty with JJ today wasn't she? We got confirmation-if we didn't have it before-that she had indeed returned to Florida. Where JJ was when he had his drunken tryst. Well isn't that just a big ol' coinky-dinky? :sarcasm:
The only thing that got me through watching this drivel was knowing I could look forward to JS' commentary on the "duplicate" ornament for Gabi.

Sal Stowers (Lani) mentioned in her SOD interview last week that she took acting classes during her time off. I think it showed today. She was much more animated than she was last time. I saw Jason47's list of guest stars for this week and Lani is also recurring now so not on contract.

I'm beyond sick of the whole Abby/Chad/Gabi thing and now I'm annoyed Gabi did what she did without telling JJ first. And I have no words for Chad bashing his wife. Both Chad and Abby have been ruined by this abominable writing. Too much to ask for Joy Wesley to come to Salem for JJ?

Also sick of Deimos. Get rid of him!

I felt for Philip today. I've always been a bigger fan of Chloe and Brady but I didn't hate Chloe and Philip. Certainly much better than any other pairing either character has had.
All I think about when JJ held the ornament was if was going to get broken again.

Yep, there's something up with Lani. She felt rejected the way JJ talked to her.

Poor Philip, Chloe rejected him today.

I understand there isn't much money for sets, but why have Chloe sitting outside
in the middle of winter in Chicago. And Brady told Nicole a snow storm was coming.

I think today was the first day I realized Andre isn't the Andre we knew before. Is he
turning into Tony?

I'm not sure what to say about Abigail. When she disappeared before, she wanted
to get better. Now she doesn't want Chad to know she's alive and she's upset he
was kissing Gabi. It's too bad she didn't go up to them and said "excuse me you're
kissing my husband"
Where to start? OK, in no order. While I love being comfortable when I am home, wardrobe, could you please put something at least semi nice looking on Jennifer rather than that, that, ugly pajama type shirt thing?

The Gabi ornament, I can just see it, Julie: " oh hmm JJ dear, how nice of you to get Gabi a new ornament. You know she only got one because she was married to Nick, but then she killed him." (not the best Christmas gift/memory there JJ)

I do like Chad and Gabi together. No, Gabi shouldn't be moving on before telling JJ, and I disliked Chad speaking ill of Abby, but, I feel like Chad and Gabi are honest, caring, down-to-earth people and good together. Abby was drama and snobbiness.

Poor Philip, you are better off leaving this crazy town, come back when Salem has better people (writers!) in charge.
how he loves looking into her eyes, they pull him in, he always wants to kiss her.
She is dead, loves Chad, but he has moved on, and she has to stay dead.
Soaps are facing an existential crisis. Ever since the 1980s convinced us every super couple was "the one," each new pairing loses a spark. Why should I care about Abby and Chad if this can end their love? Why should I root for Gabi and Chad, or Gabi and JJ? As soon as DA PLOT demands it, or a thespian departs, the couple will be deader than the dodo and the next pairing will be the "one true love." *end rant*
adults sometimes have very good reasons for lying, perhaps to protect another person
Ouch, that anvil may have caused permanent damage.
You & JJ can come visit me at Gramma Laura's, but you can never tell. See, I am fine, not even crying. Jen's arms go around her daughter, who now bursts into tears.
Let's call that nasty nurse from the sanitarium where Laura was held and get some of whatever she was giving Laura for Abby. Seriously. I could give two rips about you and Chad but what about your baby!?!?! And where on Earth is the connection to the origin of your torment, Ben? Am I supposed to believe that Abby had this much psychosis just waiting to be tapped into?
I. Don't. Buy. It.
You know what they say about people in glass houses not throwing stones.
Gabi's not too hot with the stones. If she were, she could have avoided that nasty little prison stay by offing Nick on her first try, when it was easily and clearly self-defence.
I understand there isn't much money for sets, but why have Chloe sitting outside in the middle of winter in Chicago. And Brady told Nicole a snow storm was coming.
When I saw this scene my first thought was, "OMG, Salemites wearing winter clothing!" Then it dawned on me that Chloe and the lovelorn Philly K. were in Chicago. This showing of Chicagoans all bundled up makes Salem's climate all the more remarkable. In Salem, people still are waltzing around in light jackets and t-shirts, while not so far away people are all bundled up. As for outdoor dining in the depths of a Chicago winter, when I was at Northwestern University in Evanston, on the lake just north of Chicago, nobody during the month of December spent time at outdoor cafes and no students relaxed on patios enjoying a coffee between classes.

As for the Abigail plot, enough already. :eek: You know things are bad when Andre is talking to somebody and he's making the most sense.

Finally, regarding the reference to watching It's a Wonderful Life at the K-Mansion, Victor would probably say that George Bailey is a loser and that Mr. Henry F. Potter, the rich, curmudgeon banker, is his favorite character.

Mr. Potter -- Victor's kind of guy.
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