Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 25, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas from the Salem Spectator, but not so merry in Salem today, Lani wakes up, remembers last night, shakes Eli awake, questions what they did. Eli talks of Gabi & JJ having their own romp. Lani resents having revenge sex, as she calls it, has to get to the hospital, leaves.

Gabi is dressed, ready to leave, JJ sleeping in the chair, wakes up. He thanks her for staying, for saving his life. She asks him to call someone for help as he promised, he hesitates, but calls his mom, is coming over, says he wants to talk to Eric about getting some counseling. And to save him one of Gramma’s donuts.

While she is on the phone with JJ, Eric is chomping one down. Earlier Jen had told him of JJ still being so despondent, and how she went to talk to Abe. Eric asks if it did any good, she isn’t sure, but it seemed to do so.

Val comes into Theo’s room, where Abe has been all night. He tells her of Jen coming, reminding him of something that happened some years ago, and he has been thinking of it all night, realizing he has been unfairly punishing JJ. She asks if Abe will be able to forgive JJ.

Steve & Kayla are wishing each other Merry Christmas, talking to Joey on phone. She hates that the prison won’t let them visit today, and also is missing Stephanie. Steve notes Christmas is not the same without the kids, but along comes Tripp, Steve gives him a hug, goes somewhere, then Tripp talks of not having much family for holiday before, and so appreciates Kayla & his father making him a part of theirs, giving him a second chance.

Claire & Ciara both show up at the pub, squabbling immediately about going to see Theo, who should be the one, things get heated, but Roman yells at them to stop it, RIGHT NOW! Steve Kayla & Tripp arrive, Tripp wishing the girls Merry Christmas, Ciara with her nose out of joint, Roman yells that Ma is calling, so, of course, everyone talks to her, including Eric who came in.

Gabi appears at Eli’s door, wishing him a Merry Christmas, giving a hug, but he is not having any of it. She figures he is upset she did not come last night, should have texted or explained further, but he lets her know he knows she slept with JJ last night, Lani saw them, goes on about Gabi assuring him they were over. Gabi tells him she is friends with JJ, who has been having a rough time, and she was not going to leave him as he was about to kill himself. Eli deflates, feels bad, is sorry, etc. etc. Gabi gives him JJ’s gun & loaded magazine, says she was going to give it to Rafe, but can he take it, until JJ is able to return to work. Gabi is not a happy camper over his distrust, has to go get Arianna, promised her ice skating after the presents. He asks if he can meet them later, she agrees.

Gabi sits with Arianna in the square, along comes Eli with a big pink bear. Gabi is embarrassed when Arianna admits she asked Eli for the gift. LOL

JJ answers a knock at his door, finds Abe, who wants to talk to him. Abe tells JJ about Jen coming to see him, reminding him of something from long ago, and the man eventually forgave him. He remembers the pain and suffering he was in, and admits he punished JJ far too long, he was not to blame. (Long scenes, but very good between the two. Abe is going back to the hospital, and thinks JJ would probably like to see Theo, too. Yes, he would.

Claire & Ciara arrive at the hospital, both insisting to Val they want to see Theo. Val says they both can go in, no stress, fighting, tension, etc. They promise.

Steve & Kayla are talking with Jen about her reading the Christmas story to the kids, and Santa perhaps not showing up. A small group of kids sit on the floor, as Jen tells of her grandfather starting this tradition…..and in comes Santa, ho hoing all over the place, but telling the kids first they must listen to the story. Jen reads the first line or two……….fade out, returning with the last few lines. Kayla tells Steve that is his cue. He pulls out the harmonica, tells the kids, o.k. not, just like we rehearsed. Give them a note, and they all begin to sing Silent Night.

Over near Theo’s room, Lani sees Abe & JJ come in, learns Abe has forgiven JJ, hugs him, is so happy to see him. (Earlier, when she arrived, she was starting to tell Val what happened last night, but Eli comes rushing in, takes her aside to tell her of JJ’s suicide attempt. Lani is upset.,….she should have been there for him.) Lani goes in Theo’s room, Abe comes in, tells JJ to come in as well. Val follows. They all stand round Theo’s bed, as Abe takes Lani’s hand on one side of him, JJ’s on the other, they all are holding hands as Abe offers a prayer, crying, tears coming down his cheeks, and tells Theo they all love him, want him to wake up, but if he never does, none of them will never stop loving him. Never! Theo’s head moves a bit, his eyes flutter open, astonished expressions on everyone’s face.
Was that Eric dressed as Santa? He was so happy and jolly; I didn't think Eric was capable of those emotions.

It's funny how several of the hospital kids had bandages around their heads. Geez, what are the chances so many of them would have head wounds?
I liked Steve and Kayla talking to Joey on the phone, and mentioning Stephanie, too. Was also a nice touch to have Caroline calling (or video chatting) Roman and the others at the pub.

So, Eli and Lani agree "last night" never happened? I guess since they're fairly new to Salem, they can be forgiven such stupidity. Veteran Salemites know that "last night" always comes back to bite them in the behind.
Indeed. Merely the statement that "last night never happened" is an anvil that not only did it, but it will have repercussions. Hopefully not for long. I'm not down for seeing the wrong couples pining for their right couples (shades of Belle, Philip, and Shawn-D and Mimi - no thanks).

The Ciara/Claire feud needs to end by New Year's Day.

I really liked the Abe/JJ stuff and the hospital observation stuff.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad Eli said they had sex and not make love.

What a strange Christmas gift Eric made Jennifer, a friendship bracelet
and he's wearing one the same. When Eric was dressed as Santa,
Jen held up her hand and pointed to her bracelet.

Abe forgave JJ. I call that a Christmas miracle too.

I think Theo woke up because of the bad singing in the hallway
Thanks for the summary. It sounds like a delightful episode full of miracles--Theo waking up. Eric not being sad. Abe forgiving JJ. Ciara and Claire taking a moment to stop fighting and think of someone besides themselves. This was a Christmas miracle indeed. Good mentions of off-screen characters, as well. The writing these past few weeks has been at its best for a long time. Hopefully it continues.
I still can't get behind an Eric and Jennifer pairing. And the friendship bracelet seems a little junior high-ish but she loved it.

I started watching in real time while preparing for guests but when I saw Abe at JJ's door I thought I can't watch this now, I'll be bawling! I did get teary eyed but it wasn't as heart wrenching as I thought it would be. JJ and Gabi really made me cry. So happy Abe was made to see the error of his ways. Also so happy Theo finally woke up! I'm sure he'll love his shrine in HTS.

I am happy and sad that Gabi and Eli are ok now. I was glad she didn't immediately storm out. I like them as a couple so happy for that. But sad that she was so forgiving because he really tore into her. I hope Lani feels like crap now for jumping to conclusions.
I guess we're lucky that we heard a tiny bit of the story Jen read at the hospital. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It's a good thing that Lani was interrupted before she blabbed to Valerie (Eli's mother!) about flapping the sheets with him. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I reckon that I should be ashamed about liking what Eli initially told Gabi to do when she went to his room, but I'm not. His somewhat misplaced guilt regarding his/Lani's sheet flapping seems to have gotten Gabi off the hook. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Now, if only Lani can keep her lip zipped!
His somewhat misplaced guilt regarding his/Lani's sheet flapping seems to have gotten Gabi off the hook.
There was NOTHING to get Gabi "off the hook" about. There was NOTHING sexual between Gabi and JJ the night before. If you think there was, then you must not have watched everything that happened before that point, when she spent the entire episode talking him off the ledge. Stop trying to make that scene into something it clearly wasn't.