Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 4, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, December 4, 2017

Slow show today. Opening scenes mostly repeats of Friday’s closing scenes

Steve comes to see Kayla, he has talked to Tripp who is upset about Kate. Now they talk of Tripp’s donation, Kayla told no one but Kate, Steve told no one, so what is going on? Steve doesn’t trust Kate, something else is up, he is going to talk to Tripp again. He does call Tripp, who flashes back to Kate blackmailing him, but puts Steve off til tomorrow to talk.

In the square, Ciara arrives on the motorcycle, and immediately lights into Claire about cheating on Theo with Tripp. Claire denies, mentions the candle vigil. Ciara is feisty, and really is laying it into Claire, brings up the letter Claire took, Ciara saying that things might have been different if Theo had read it. Claire says he did, but Ciara notes – not til after you got your hooks into him. Well, Ciara cares about Theo, too, and she is going to pay Claire back for what she did. She puts the helmet back on, gets on the bike and we hear the motor as she takes off. Tripp & Claire comment how Ciara is very different from when she left.

Kate is talking to Stefano’s portrait again, bemoaning Theo’s condition and it being all her fault. Lucas arrives, asks what did she do. Kate evades, tho tells him of Theo being shot, in coma, claiming Theo worked for DiMera, she is head of it, therefore if something happened to him, tis on her watch. Lucas is a bit disbelieving, but they soon get into her wanting him to stop drinking, go to rehab. Nope, he doesn’t want to, and though Will is alive, for which Lucas is thankful, he doesn’t know who Lucas is at all, doesn’t remember him. Lucas doesn’t want to stop drinking, as when he gets enough, it erases the pain, he doesn’t care what happens to him. He is tired of people trying to stop him, and leaves, Kate crying out after him, imploring him, she loves him, etc.

Hope is at the Pub, looking at her now ringless finger, in comes Shawn & Belle. Smiles, hugs, happiness. They mention Ciara changing, they were looking for her, she became withdrawn, something bothering her. They will tell her all about what went on with Ciara in Hong Kong a bit later, they will be back. After they are gone, now Ciara arrives! More smiles, hugs, etc. but Hope is rather taken aback. Where did you get that helmet? In the garage, same place I got the motorcycle. Hope is appalled, but Ciara misses her dad, feels closer to him. Hope asks when she learned to ride, Ciara evades, is not hard, used to watch dad. Fine says her mom, let’s see your license. Uh, oh, no, she doesn’t have one. Hope demands the keys, Ciara angrily gives them to her, storms out. Hope mutters she is only trying to keep her safe.

Tripp & Claire are back at the apartment, have pizza, Tripp gets a call from his dad who wants to see him. Tripp puts him off, saying he has to take care of Claire. When he hangs up, Claire tells him she doesn’t want him to feel he has to take care of her. He points out how it proves she is not spoiled and selfish (as Ciara called her) she thinks of others. You are the best, replies Claire, hug. Knocking at door. Hey, there is Shawn & Belle, Claire so happy to see her parents, More hugs. She introduces Tripp, who leaves them to catch up. Shawn says they were looking for Ciara, Claire replies she did see her earlier in the square, things did not go well.

Sami & Rafe kissing on the sofa, backing off, both feeling sorry for the other, more kissing, clothes being shedded, fall on the bed, fade out, return to “afterglow”. Amazing says Sami, you were always the best. Amazing how easy to fall into old habits. They obviously have enjoyed the romp, no regrets, but Sami is telling Rafe he needs to go talk to Hope, but not tonight. Stay here, we can be platonic, shower, clean clothes, and go see her tomorrow. They settle down into bed, turn out the light, she is on his chest, his arm around her, off to slumberland.
I loved when Shawn and Belle walked in and asked where Claire was. Hope looked like "ahh, I have a granddaughter?? Was I supposed to look after her???"

Wow, angry Ciara. Not sure I can take too much of this. Sort of different from say, angry JJ, angry Tripp, angry Joey. Cool angry girls. So new and fresh.

Thanks for writing this up.
Today was an excellent episode in my opinion. Just all around the acting was excellent especially with Lauren Koslow (Kate) and Bryan Dattilo (Lucas). The scenes between Kate and Lucas were pretty deep. It's sad to see Lucas throw his life away and using the fact that Will can't remember him as a excuse to drink more.

I had a feeling Ciara might have thought something was going on between Tripp and Claire but even so, it was in my opinion, jumping to huge conclusions. I am loving the new Ciara however, she is sassy and has a lot of fierce this show has been missing. I am speculating perhaps Ciara might have gotten into some kind of trouble as it seemed Belle and Shawn didn't want to explain to Hope about what's going on with Ciara. For the first scenes the actress playing Ciara is doing amazing, she was intense.

Another thing that bothers me, Stefano is supposed to be alive right? Why is it that Kate talks to Stefano's picture as if he is deceased like as if he is a spirit watching. Even though truly alive, Stefano is still always watching lol.
:angry::angry:Ciara: With her hostile facial expression, wild accusations, fractured reasoning, ugly threats, and overall rudeness, Teen Ciara 2 seems as if she's trying out for the part of Sami Brady Jr.

:sick: Sami and Rafe: At first glance, this seems to be an unlikely coupling, but considering that the screecher was once part of the infamous EJ "hate boink," and Rafe once dabbled in granny sex with Ms. Blue Chunk, it's not all that surprising. As for Sami's frantic, head-first dive into a tryst with Rafe, it's clear that she doesn't share the sentiments once expressed by the Pointer Sisters in the song Slow Hand: "I want a lover with a slow hand. I want a lover with an easy touch.I want somebody who will spend some time. Not come and go in a heated rush "

:sad: Lucas: Now he's drowning his sorrows with DiMera booze and refusing to go to rehab. He should be reminded of the sad fate of the late singer Amy Winehouse whose best-remembered lyric is: "They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said, no, no, no."

:sick: Kate: She's in such a bad way over Theo's sad fate and Lucas's non-stop drinking that she's now talking to Stefano's portrait? She'd feel ever worse if she knew that the mighty Steve Johnson had her in his sights. In the midst of her guilt trip, Kate did get one good line, saying about Sami that she "could wring her neck sometimes." A lot of viewers probably wish that she would do just that ASAP.
New Ciara: Um, yeah okay, that's one direction they can go in I suppose. :confused: At first I thought she was waaaay over the top. Then in her scenes with Hope I got the impression that she is just trying to convince everybody *most importantly herself* that she is now the biggest, baddest female to walk the streets of Salem since, well Sami Brady, I guess.

Since I did see some vulnerability, I'll be patient for a bit before passing judgment. Although, I do hope that we don't have to wait too long for her to dial it down two or three thousand notches at least. I don't really want Jade 2.0.
I loved the Sami and Rafe scenes. They found comfort in each other in more than physical ways.

He was supportive of her as she addressed some of her own hard truths and she was able to offer some advice to fight for Hope if he wishes to really be with her.

They also discussed Sami's other children as a nice touch. And I think Sami said something about her always yelling. It is like further proof that the writers actually do read these boards.

I am impressed by this random hookup of two characters I never thought lucky enough to do the two sheet tango again.
Thanks, Poirot.

Another parent/child episode. Hope with Shawn, then with Ciara. Kate with Lucas.
Shawn with Claire.

I thought it was interesting Ciara told Hope riding the motorcycle helped her not be
a doormat. Maybe being back in Salem will help with her attitude.

I laughed at Tripp's line "obviously Ciara's not the same girl when she left." How observant
Thanks for the summary. I was cracking up when Sami said Rafe was "the best". Guess that is the writers' way of attempting to rectify the EJ "love of my life" statements. Her and Rafe were a bit awkward, but not them together necessarily. I guess it was just the timing, and the fact that Sami encouraged Rafe to get back together with her aunt after she's romped in the sack with him. I'd rather see Rafe just be honest with Hope and they stay apart, but I have a bad feeling this will drag out and get ugly.

LOVED the Kate & Lucas scenes. Brilliant acting, and nice to see a heart to heart between this mother-son duo who often are always shouting at each other. I also really liked Ciara confronting Claire, and don't feel bad for her at all. Shawn-D & Belle's return is also welcome. Otherwise, I'm over the teen set. And Kayla and Patch felt like filler that belonged in another episode.
Wow, angry Ciara. Not sure I can take too much of this. Sort of different from say, angry JJ, angry Tripp, angry Joey. Cool angry girls. So new and fresh.
Right? Or angry Carrie, angry Sami, angry Jennifer, angry Julie...I'll skip this. I feel nothing for Ciara since Theo told her over & over again how he felt and she dumped on him.
[Kate]'d feel ever worse if she knew that the mighty Steve Johnson had her in his sights.
Remember when Kate told the comatose Rafe that he was the best, and Stefano demanded a thug cut off I wonder if ghost EJ heard Sami's comment. Good morning.