Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 8, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, December 8, 2014

Replay of Melanie running to the park, and being followed by her stalkers, who have her surrounded. Meanwhile, Nicole has told Brady, who runs off to the park, she then calls Daniel. He is reading the paper Melanie left behind, tells Nicole, not call the police, I will take care of this. He is off to the park as well, while Nicole cancels her 911 call and decides to join the party. Brady gets there first, gets physical with the male thug, while Melanie wrestles a bit with the female. She manages to shake Melanie off, grabs a rock to smack Brady, Melanie warns him, he ends up unconscious for a bit. But now Daniel arrives, followed by Nicole who is ready to call the cops, but Daniel says no, these ARE the cops, sort of. He insists everyone go back to his place and sort this all out. Brady has come to, and all trot off to Daniel's.

And guess what. Seems Melanie is very good at blackjack, was counting cards in some casino that caught her, and banned her, only she snuck back in, with a disguise, managed to win $70,000. They want it back. She claims she was booted out of that casino, was totally embarrassed, which is why she went back, (if you are already rolling eyes here, join the crowd). Melanie is shooting off her mouth, Daniel tells her to shut it, Nicole tries to help a bit, he tells her the same. Brady notes how tightly Mel holds onto her purse, she sighs, opens and brings it all out. O.K. they got their money back, but start claiming relationships with Interpol & the FBI, and will be making a call, so Mel will leave in handcuffs. Now Nikki steps forward, all in their face about this great story she just happened upon, and how their casino won't have to worry about card counters as they won't have any customers when she is done. (Gotta love Nicole, she is so fun). The two stalkers back off. Brady makes the woman sign a paper promising no repercussions for Melanie, and they finally leave. Mel starts babbling an apology, Daniel is just glad she is safe, hugs. Nicole takes her leave, Mel thanks her, Nicole whispering she has to teach her how to count cards. Daniel goes with her out in the hall. He thanks her, she had fun, doesn't like bullies, etc. Hug. She scurries into the elevator, teasing he should ask Mel to go with her to Vegas. LOL
Inside, Melanie is thanking Brady, applying a cold pack to his cut lip & bruises, apologizing, but Brady says life really has gotten interesting since she came back to town.

Over at the hospital, Serena is doing some paperwork, Maxine is telling her about the ogre in Human Relations who outdoes Attila the Hun. She offers to tell Marlena that Serena is in town, but Serena says not to bother, she probably doesn't remember her, it was a long time ago, and she only met her once.
In his room, Paul is doing his exercises, daydreaming about Sonny coming in. Instead it is Abigail. Uninteresting conversation as he signs baseballs for her, and wonders where Jordan is. Abby evidently texts Jordan, who had forgotten, and comes rushing in. A bit of exercising, no she cannot tell him if he will pitch again, both Dr. Jonas & Dr. Brady will be checking and when they know, he will know. She leaves, Paul does a long flashback to having to hide Sonny in the bathroom while he got rid of a manager or someone, Sonny upset, Paul talking him out of it, and them making out.
Meanwhile Abby is talking with Chad, insinuating he was responsible for her being late. He lets her know Jordan had a run in with Rafe, was upset, so it wasn't him. Small talk, as Abby lets him know that Jordan is her friend, she doesn't want her hurt.

Earlier, Jordan was with Chad, suggesting they go somewhere else, as their kissing was getting intense. She suggests her place, then gets the text from Abby about Paul. When she is done, she & Chad are together again, with her once more suggesting they go to her place, but Chad decides they do dinner instead. He figures that when he came upon her & Rafe, she was upset, and he doesn't want their time to be about that, but about just the two of them, when they are both ready. She smiles, is appreciative, he is one great guy.

Adrienne comes to talk with Sonny, and they have a long and very nice conversation about Paul. Sonny says he isn't defending Paul, but tries to explain to his mother all the various issues Paul was facing, not just with baseball, but his mother, grandfather, etc. He says they were together for about a year, he traveled with Paul to the different cities, was fun at first, exciting, but then it wasn't any more. He notes that Paul was amazed at how Sonny could talk and communicate with his parents, which in turn, has Sonny knowing how lucky he is to have his mom & dad.
Later, Sonny is on the phone, getting angry, something about costs for the new club, that $200,000 is owed. Sonny says to just keep working, slams the phone down, snaps his briefcase shut and takes off.

Marlena enters the Pub to find Eric on the phone, yelling NO, absolutely not. I said NO. He is very angry, Marlena asks what is going on. He is minding the Pub for Gramma for a few hours, til she returns. Then he said he is mad at Sami. Seems someone she met wants Eric to participate in a reality show, tell the whole sordid story of Eric the priest and what Kristen did. Sami gave the guy Eric's number, and the fellow claims Eric could tell his side of it. Eric is furious, Marlena calm, wondering if perhaps he needs to get it out, that a lot of people still are thinking about the priest having sex and filming it, etc. Eric is very angry, Marlena thinks perhaps it isn't Sami, but Nicole he is mad at. Now Eric goes off on a passionate rant about how he is unable to forgive Nicole, something that is the core of his being a priest. Forgiveness is top, he prays about it, but cannot seem to forgive her. And he cannot be a priest because of losing that ability.

Later, Eric sits, thumbing thru some pictures on his tablet. A female voice says, "Hello Eric". He turns, and stares. It is Serena.
After today's episode, I am starting to like the idea of Daniel and Nicole as a couple. They have chemistry and are fun together, always on some adventure. At least now Melanie likes and owes a lot to Nicole and will stop judging her if a relationship happens with Daniel. Eric/Nicole and Daniel/Jennifer were more boring than Mayberry.

Though it will probably be slow since they are just friends now. Plus I do think Nicole will get jealous of Serena; the show ended with her arriving, saying "Eric", hmmmm something there, maybe? They both are definitely tough ladies. Though oddly enough, Serena reminds me a lot of Melanie, even not related they could pass as sisters.

The thing with the casino plot was lame somewhat though Nicole put that Cher look alike in check. I expected the Moroni's or the mob much more than a casino plot (then again aren't most casinos owned by the mob or Native Americans?), but it brings Melanie back to her roots when she first started the show. Scheming and scamming, thanks to Trent.

Jordan and Chad......why can't I digest that, I don't know.....not much chemistry. I actually see a lot more chemistry with Abby than with Jordan.
Any doubts that Melanie was a true airhead were settled today. She goes to the trouble of learning how to card count effectively and then foolishly goes back to the same casino from which she was banned. If she was good enough to win $70,000, why didn't she instead make the circuit of U.S. casinos, where card counting is perfectly legal under state and federal law. (Because of a ruling by the New Jersey Supreme Court in Uston v. Resorts International Hotel, Inc. (1982), she couldn't be banned from Atlantic City casinos even after being spotted as a card counter.) Another person showing little sense is Paul "1.42 E.R.A." Narita. If memory serves, he foolishly went to third-rate University Hospital for rotator-cuff surgery, but based on the location of his bandage today, Dr. McScruffy made the incision in the wrong place. Good luck getting your fastball back now, Paul. Finally, a lack of good sense was also demonstrated by who else, Sami, thinking that reality TV and the Father Eric scandal would be a good fit. Hopefully, Samantha Gene won't now suggest that her hack-writer son restart his journalism career by writing a tell-all article about her twin's misadventures with witchy Kristen.
LOL, that is what Melanie said at one point.....I can't help it if I have a good memory. Wonder how you prove someone is card counting. ??? And yes, this casino thing was ridiculous in my opinion, and why the heck she did not tell anyone, especially her dad. What is so hard about saying she won a lot of money playing blackjack, but the casino did not like it too much.
Heck, if you win big, usually casinos are offering you free stays in their best suite, complimentary food, all s you will play more and lose, perhaps, and they get their money back that way. Strong arm? Seems off some how.

But yes, she did have a photographic memory, or at least one that worked extremely well. It is how she got the combination to Max's safe, watching him turn the numbers in the lock, so she could steal those plans and go around trying to sell Nick's wonderful engine blueprints.
Haven't watched yet but Melanie's big secret that's been teased at for weeks in Molly Burnett (Melanie) interviews lasted a day???? And it was that lame too? Between this and the hospital coffee being supplied by Club TBD, it's time for new writers.

So it sounds like the show is teasing Melanie and Brady as a couple now too.

The Eric scenes sound interesting. Glad he recognizes that he has issues, unlike his twin.

The $200,000 comment also sounds interesting. Will Sonny get the money from Victor, Chad or Paul?
So, I guess I'm in the minority, but as lame as the Casino storyline was, I'm glad it's over and the "mystery" didn't last a year. Contrary to boring Jordan's storyline, which is a complete snooze fest zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. So, we won't have Melanie hogging the screen time for this "mystery". Well, maybe she'll hog (knowing these writers), but at least, I won't get completely bored and frustrated. And, as a bonus, we got to see Nicole in action in other scenes than her pining after boring, sanctimonious sourpuss Eric. So, bravo for that ! :clap: So, writers, please put Nicole and Dan together for good (they do have chemistry and Dan the Man is so much more tolerable with Nicole !), and write good adventure storylines for them. That would be so much better than Nicole and Eric and shrew Jen Jen and Daniel. :beat:

The rest ? Jordan, Abigail, Chad : boring !!!! And Abigail, frankly, had no right to comment on Chad and Jordan. And why was Abigail the one to text Jordan on being late ? I wasn't aware that PR persons ( :rolleyes: ) were also in charge of physiotherapists' schedules. :rolleyes: Only on Days !!!!

And while I'm on the subject, since when is a patient left alone doing exercices bare chested ? When I was in a hospital (unfortunately, been there, done that), some nurses or beneficiary attendants would bring me to where I needed to go, and then, bring me back to my room. But hey, maybe it does not work that way everywhere in the world. I just found it odd that Jordan said it was enough, that Paul should rest, and next scene : there he is, still exercising. :rolleyes:

Now, about Paul. I kind of like the guy. I think it's interesting to tackle being gay in the world of sports. Now, can these writers actually do a good job ? That definitely remains to be seen.

Lastly, Eric : Dude, get some much needed therapy ! While being raped is horrible, you're not gaining any sympathy from this viewer. And this new woman in town ? I don't believe she'll make me like Eric's character anyhow. And I believe, I'm going to dislike her from the get go, because of Eric. Poor girl...
LOL, Writer, read my comments on Melanie today in the Melanie thread. Yep, echoed your sentiment about her intro being over quickly. LOL. And that I do expect melanie to hog screen time.
I do love Nicole & Daniel together, it was fun today, in his apt., and in the hall. Abby texted Jordan only as her friend...nothing else. And since she learned from Chad that Jordan had been upset in a conversation with Rafe, she rightly figured Jordan may have forgotten. That said.....Hospital Employees work time schedules. 7 to 3, 10 to 5, etc. They do not get time off in middle of shift, except maybe for lunch.
And yes, I have been the therapy route, several times, never, ever saw any guy barechested. And never are any patients/clients allowed to be exercising alone in a room.
And.....having had rotator cuff problems, but thankfully no surgery, I think perhaps whoever is in charge of applying bandages, should check google first. Lots of's one pic....
Wonder just what Dr. Dan did??? And amazing such a small bandaid bandage after just a couple of days. Yep, Doc is certainly a miracle surgeon.

I am hoping Serena perhaps will be able to wipe that scowl from Eric's face for a while. Would you not love to see him smile?
And what the blazes is wrong with Sami to even think of putting her beloved twin brother onto a realty show such as was described. Egads.
Hopefully this means the end of Melanie saying nasty things about Nicole. And it didn't even take a year of craziness and a near death situation like it did for JJ to revise his opinion of Daniel.

You're right. Her apology to Nicole was the only good part of the show. I'm seriously starting to worry about DAYS' future if they keep writing boring crap like what we saw today.
I'm glad Melanie's bag of money story is over too. I don't think this
needed to be done to have her come back to Salem. She could
have come back just to be with family.

Interesting way Daniel saved the day :)

I wonder who Sonny is going to ask for money too. Will it be Paul?

Does kissing DiMera men make women forget? Sami forgot things
when she was with EJ. Jordan didn't remember her appointment
with Paul.

I laughed when Eric talked to Marlena about being on a reality show.
Is The Biggest Loser a reality show? really bring up some interesting points. Agreed about the money that Sonny has to come up with some way. Victor? Chad? Or does Sonny have some?
LOL, and yes, Biggest Loser IS a reality show.

@Daysdg.....I would not have described the show today as "crap", and do know you are entitled to your opinion. While not all was interesting, in my opinion, at least half or more was definitely not boring. The reveal and ending to "Melanie's secret" was entertaining, fun to watch. Marlena's conversation with son Eric was dramatic, and led to the ending, where he was shocked to see Serena.

And Adrienne's conversation with Sonny was informative, gave background to the Paul/Sonny affair, and was a great mother/son interaction.
I didn't find it boring either. Melanie's secret was silly, but the scenes with Daniel and Nicole and Brady were great. Actually, my one thought as Nicole confronted those people who were bothering Melanie at the end, was that I wished more than ever that instead of wasting time on Eric, she had followed Eve to the park and found out what was going on with JJ. I don't think Nicole would have stood for what sounded like harassment of a teenager by a 50-ish woman, and it would have been entertaining to see Eve try to respond somehow. That might have made that stupid storyline a little more entertaining.

Anyway, I enjoyed Adrienne's conversation with Sonny as well--however I thought it was a bit out of place, because I felt like she was advising him on a current lover rather than discussing someone who Sonny wants to keep in the past. Nevertheless, I thought those were some good scenes.

I didn't feel sorry for Eric one bit. I did feel however that as a psychiatrist Marlena needed to respond the way Jen responded to JJ last week and suggest that professional help was in order to get over this inability to forgive.

The part I did find annoying was Abigail's conversation with Chad. I think Abby has had too many unnecessary conversations recently around the nurse's station with people she'd be better off ignoring.
SNORE. 10 Days of Melanie pawing money and the woman with the ever-shifting accent for this? Yeesh. Can we get a 10-day break from her now, please?

They seem to be hinting at a Brady/Melanie pairing. Which makes sense because it's a nice solid friendship now. So let's ruin it. OY.

I don't know much about Jordan, but she's moving a heckuva lot faster with Mr Smarm Chad than she did with Rafe, even after he wasn't her patient. These hacks can't even keep people they created in character. Truly atrocious.

I wish Eric would take that reality show so we don't have to see him anymore. I'm pretty sure there are folks who would say the same about Maxine, and how she sees fit to do her job, as she talks about Anne.

Nicole was fun as always.

Paul - okay, we've already talked about his surgery being inaccurately portrayed - how about the therapy? I have worked with dozens of PTs and none of them would touch a rotator cuff injury - that's usually the domain of OTs. Maybe in an outpatient orthotic clinic - but NOT in a *ahem* major Hospital like Salem U.

Meanwhile I'll second my own motion that if we're to believe Paul & Sonny were this great & amazing love connection in the six months prior to his being in Salem, we should have heard something about him prior to this. A single line, spoken upon Paul's casting, between Sonny & Adrienne or Sonny & Will. (Example: Sonny says he loves Will more than he's loved anyone, ever, Adrienne says, Even Paul? Sonny says, YES. Twenty-five seconds in a recording booth and loop it in. DONE.)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found the revelation of Melanie's secret to be entertaining, sure it was dumb but dumb can be fun sometimes and I found this to be fun.

One question I have though are we really supposed to feel sorry for Melanie because when the casino threw her out when she got caught breaking the rules by counting cards her delicate little feelings were hurt? As much as I did enjoy those scenes they still made me think of the bit Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers would do when they hosted the "Weekend Update" on Saturday Night Live when they found some news hard to chew they would say "Really *fill in the blank* really?" I bring this up because that aspect of those scenes had me saying "Really writers, really?"

Chad and Jordan: Meh, not feeling it especially since Chad is being a dirtbag.
I thought it was kind of funny that Nicole saw Melanie running and two people chasing after her, but didn't think twice about it until Brady asks if she's seen Melanie. Then - suddenly - Mel's in trouble and Brady runs after her and Nicole calls Daniel and even wants to call the cops! Just made me laugh.

l also wasn't impressed with Melanie's big secret, but the way in which it was revealed was entertaining. Nicole was funny, and frankly, if it means that Nicole and Melanie will stop being rude to each other, I'll take it!

I have a feeling that Sonny will go to Paul for the money, because he looked at the magazine with Paul on the cover as he left the club. I just wonder what Paul will want in return...
Adrienne Kiriakis continues to be my favorite Salem mom. This woman tells it like it is when it comes to protecting her son. I loved it when she did it when Sonny first began dating Will and I love it now that she's trying to protect the same marriage she was once so against.

Why is Jordan trying so desperately to get into Chad's pants?