Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 9, 2019

Just Samantha

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May 18, 2010
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Gina's whining to "Stefano" about Abby requesting access to the police files on Jennifer's accident. She asks him to ask his son (Chad) to get Abby to drop this investigation. Gina continues chattering like a monkey and calls out "Stefano" for not paying attention. He goes off on a rant about how he's stuck in a room with another man's face and depending upon Chad to do his bidding. He now paces, wondering why Chad hasn't responded yet. Gina heads out to find a good bottle of wine to share to with John while Marlena is at work.

Abby goes to see Jennifer to tell her she got access to the police files. Jennifer has a laptop and tells Abby that Jack gave her a flashdrive with all of the Spectator news stories for the past year, so she can get caught up. She says that putting the flashdrive into the laptop gave her some sort of flash of memory. She remembers Will giving her Rolf's flashdrive after the Spectator IT dept had hacked into it. She remembers putting it into the laptop at the bistro and that's it. She doesn't remember ever removing the flashdrive. Abby looks at the police report and sees no mention of the flashdrive in the inventory. Jennifer says that Rolf threatened her for the flashdrive, so he was willing to kill for it.

Jennifer suggests calling Hope, but Abby tells her Hope isn't happy about her digging into the file. Jennifer's shocked, but Abby is quick to explain that Hope is afraid of Jennifer having a setback or something. Then Abby tells Jen about her idea to take her to the bistro to see if anything triggers her memory. Jen thinks it's a great idea.

Abby's now pushing Jennifer in a wheelchair, through the square, over to the bistro. Jen is remembering how beautiful the bistro was decorated, then asks Abby to take her to the balcony, where she takes some tentative steps with Abby holding her arm. Flashback to last year, of Jennifer putting the flashdrive into the computer (as she does the same thing now with a different flashdrive), and Abby asks what happened next, while Jennifer struggles with her memory.

Gabi goes to Julie's Place. Julie is delighted to see Gabi and asks if Eli is joining her. Gabi says he's in Italy on a business matter. Julie is shocked when Gabi says he's over there to get Kristen's shares of DiMera. Then Gabi starts to gripe to Julie about Chad about trying to push her out of DiMera. Julie is sympathetic and hopes it all works out, as she cares for both of them (Gabi and Chad).

Julie brings up Gabi killing her darling Nicky and regrets how badly she had treated Gabi for years. Gabi sympathizes, says she's done things out of hate that she regrets. Julie asks, like what? Gabi covers and says she was so upset when Stefan died that when Eli asked her to donate his heart, she denied his request and said Julie was a hateful witch who should die for all Gabi cared. Julie understands, as she had said some terrible things about Gabi, too. Julie brings up the awful things Gabi had done to Abby, but notes Gabi isn't that same vengeful woman.

Then Gabi tells Julie that she made Lani beg on her knees for Stefan's heart. Julie's kind of blase about it, understands where Gabi was coming from, plus, she has no sympathy for Lani after breaking Eli's heart. But things turned out for the best, as Gabi has been good for her grandson. Who'd have thought she'd have turned out to be Gabi's biggest fan now, as she happily laughs. Julie pours both of them a glass of wine; here's to second chances and unexpected friendships as they toast.

Replay of Eli and Lani coming face-to-face in the convent. He says Abe just told him she was in a committed relationship. She replies she is, with God, then says he can't talk her out of this. He says that's not why he's there, he didn't even know she was there, he came to find Kristen. He explains why he's there and she's surprised he quit his job and now works for DiMera. He then coldly tells Lani he works with Gabi, he lives with her, he shares her bed. Lani is sick over the thought of Eli falling in love with Gabi. They bicker back and forth a bit and he storms out after spitting out "good luck" on the whole nun thing.

Kristen is praying in the convent garden when JJ comes upon her, drawing the gun he took from Eli's bag. JJ tells Kristen he's going to take from her what she took from Haley, her life. Apparently Haley was the one who had to tell Kristen that her baby died. JJ says he's going to correct what went wrong in that courtroom and puts the gun to Kristen's forehead. Kristen asks how high he is.

JJ's kind of ticked that Kristen doesn't beg for her life. She also keeps chattering like a monkey, telling JJ about her past as a social worker, helping children. That kind of stops him, and she talks of falling in love and losing the man she fell in love with, lost her baby to him and buried two babies. JJ talks of losing two lovers (Paige and Haley). He calls her a monster. She tells how she came to the convent to deal with her grief and pain. She kneels down and shuts her eyes, telling him again to do what he needs to do to find his peace.

She talks about revenge and how it doesn't take away the pain, then gives in and says let's get this over with, do what you came to do, and she shuts her eyes again, tells him to pull the trigger, as Eli comes upon them and yells JJ's name. JJ tells how he stowed away in the DiMera jet, followed Eli and stole his gun and Eli can't stop him. Lani walks up and says maybe she can.

Chad sees Kate at the pub and gripes about Gabi. Chad tells Kate he has a plan, but doesn't go into detail, even though Kate tells him he can confide in her. He then tells her about Kristen being in Italy and he was trying to go around Gabi and get the shares for himself. But Gabi got wise to him and sent Eli on the DiMera jet. Kate jokes that's he's too good for a commercial flight. She gets up to get her server tray and Chad's phone beeps. He sees a text from Stefano asking if he's in Rome yet. Kate looks over his shoulder and is shocked, asking if it's from Stefano?? He confides Stefano has been in touch. She's stunned, really believed he was dead. Chad talks of being a disappointment to Stefano. Kate says no way, after parenting the likes of Kristen, Peter and Andre, that Stefano was very proud of Chad. He asks her to keep this all quiet as she gets ready to clock out for the day.

Chad finally replies to Stefano's text that he's working on closing the deal (Kristen's shares) and Stefano replies he has full confidence in him.

And then Kate walks into Gina's lair. Stefano tells Kate that Chad has everything under control. Kate says nope, your son is lying to you.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised Kate knows about Steve being Stefano. After all, I am going to assume it was on Stefano's orders to revive Kate back from the dead after Vivian shot her. Lani is dragging this out, she should tell Eli already!
Oh, thank you, JS.......Am glad you got to see the show & write it up for us.
@Eras.....I thought Vivian was the one brought back from the dead after Kate shot her????
So Kate is in on it all, huh? From Day 1, it appears. What a back stabber she is.......and Gabi is such good friends now with Julie, but says she made Lani beg on her knees.........not telling she made Lani dump Eli at the altar. Oh, I hope this all comes out soon.
@Eras.....I thought Vivian was the one brought back from the dead after Kate shot her????
Vivian was brought back after Kate shot her.

But remember when Kate was "brain dead" and Lucas had signed papers to donate her organs, then Rolf went to her hospital room and injected her with something and she regained consciousness when they were about to take her to the OR to remove her heart for Julie?
I did think it was funny when Eli asked JJ how he got there and he said he stole his gun and hid onboard the jet and that he (Eli) had to be the WORST security officer anywhere!

I was disgusted (once again) at how low a person Kate is. Right after promising Chad that his secret (that Stevano is alive), she ran right to hideaway and told Stevano that Chad was lying. What a piece of work she is.

In the hideaway lair today, there seemed to be a lot more decor and light - there were pictures all over the walls and lots of windows. Isn't this hidey-hole supposed to be in the "secret" tunnels? How can there be windows in a tunnel - someone can see them from the outside.

Do people think that with a snap of the fingers, Kristen is redeemed and is now a nice person? That's even faster than the Ben redemption was. At least he got some medical treatment, and still people don't think he has been redeemed. I hope we find out why Kristen got off without jail time for killing Haley - it sounds like she is just claiming postpartum depression and it worked. I am not ready to buy a kinder, more gentle Kristen. But, I do hope that she tells Eli what Gabi did since it doesn't look like Lani is going to. Now that Gabi and Julie are besties, she can probably delete the killer app. And today, Gabi wore a sweater or something over her inappropriate midriff showing WINTER outfit. Ridiculous, even though Julie loved her outfit.
Ooops, forgot that one. Thanks, JS. Hmmm, so that means Rolf did this favor for Kate (or Stefano) or maybe Kate has been in cahoots all along, which is why Rolf saved her????
Isn't this hidey-hole supposed to be in the "secret" tunnels? How can there be windows in a tunnel - someone can see them from the outside.
No, it's a loft somewhere, but not in the tunnels. There's always been a window in it. It's actually the old loft set that a bunch of Salemites have lived in at one time or another., that lair is an apartment. We have seen the hallway, and door. There has always been the one window there, when Hope/Gina hung the Stefano portrait. Rolf has said he furnished it (throne chair, etc.) later.

Amazing that JJ, high as a kite, can get to an airport, sneak aboard a waiting jet, hide for 9 hours as it flies to Italy, then follow Eli around to learn his hotel, manage to get in without a key, while Eli is IN the hotel, JJ can do all that... he truly needs to get back onto the police force.....or go work for Black Patch! And Eli needs a refresher/brush up course, or does dallying with Gabi sap all his brain cells.
Kristen is still trash. If a person was truly reformed they would face their well-deserved punishment (prison time) not try to dictate the terms while playing the victim card for sympathy. For someone who supposedly doesn't want to live anymore, she did her dammest to talk JJ out of pulling the trigger. Could it be she is manipulating him, hmmm?

I felt like the Emperor from Star Wars today while watching JJ hold his gun on Kristen - "Do it!"

Also, are we supposed to honestly believe that Kristen never killed anyone herself other than Haley during her "lost years"? On-screen she sure has tried a lot to murder people since her legendary split from John. It was dumb luck she did not kill poor little Belle with penicillin lacked chocolate intended for Marlena at the end of her first stint in Salem. And it wasn't too long ago she shot Marlena and then almost shot Susan.

I've always found Eli annoying but I downright loathe him as Gabi's loyal lapdog.
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Eli seems to have misplaced his brain cells, must have left them in a desk drawer in the commissioner's office when he resigned.
Agree, not buying Kristen's remorse, not at all. And she played JJ for sure.
Julie pours both of them a glass of wine; here's to second chances and unexpected friendships as they toast.
I hope this is setting up some fun.
Kristen, Peter and Andre
One of these things is not like the other...
The one who was raised by someone NOT Stefano DiMera.

I have nothing to say about Kristen until she's dead, whether by JJ or any other way.

Big surprise that Kate was lying. I wish she'd died.
Thanks, JS.

OnDemand had Days on earlier today than the last time I tried to watch it there.
Maybe they will do that from now on.

I loved the ending with Kate not being surprised to see Steve as Stefano and
said Chad was lying to him. It will be interesting to learn how long she has known
about the transformation.

Julie is freaking me out being so nice to Gabi. Julie used to say so many things
bad about her, especially about Nick.

There were funny lines here and there on today's show. Eli said to Lani was he
supposed to be monk after she left him.

I was surprised to see Abigail with the file in Jennifer's hospital room. I don't think

she was supposed to take it from the police station.

Gina call Abigail "Little Miss Reporter"

Will Gina get to the Bistro before Jennifer remembers more what happened

when she fell?
I was laughing when Eli just can't believe Lani is going to be a nun. Has to be a joke. Yes Eli that's what we all think!! How did Lani not see this as a sign from God what she is suppose to do and tell all to Eli?! For Pete's sake, he's sleeping with Gabi!! Frustrating!

JJ was funny too. To Eli - stowed on the plane. Stole your gun. Does Gabi know how bad you suck?!

Seriously, Kate knows and has known that Steve is Stefano?! She is a despicable human being!!