Days of Our Lives - Mon. Feb. 11, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, February 11, 2013

Have to say I hate these 10-20 second scenes that the show seems to favor of late, but some interesting items right off the bat. And the night in Salem has a thousand stories, it seems. Nicole is in the rectory office, standing in front of her desk, shuffling thru something on it. Father Eric gets up, comes behind her, turns her around, kisses her, and bingo, sweeps off part of the desk and down they go. Nicole wakes up with a start, puzzled look on her face. No, no, she says, and lays back down, and behind her is a naked (well, at least shirtless) Eric. This time she jumps up, gets out of bed, she has to put a stop to this.

In her apartment, Sami is visiting with her mother, who doesn't want to talk about John any more, asks what is going on in Sami's life. Tis awkward for her, but Sami finally blurts out that she and EJ are back together. Cue a shocked Marlena, who manages to remain calm, mentions knowing she & Rafe had an argument. Sami interupts, it is all over and done, she realized the kind of man Rafe was. (Doubt that, Sami) Marlena counters with you take up with a man who has treated you so cruely for so long? Sami gets indignant, and tells Marlena to stop shrinking her and act like her mother. Marlena tells her she loves her very much, wishes she could be happy for her, but she can’t. Sami wants her to be open minded, drags out the “EJ has changed” spiel. Marlena asks if this change has happened since Stefano left town. Sami admits that is so. Marlena wonders if EJ will remain so “changed” when his father returns.

Meanwhile, in the square, EJ is phoning a surprised Stefano to tell him that he is back together with Samanther. Stefano is not pleased, wonders how EJ managed this, but EJ insists it just happened naturally. Stefano is shaking his head. Between Kristen & that idiot she is dealing with and now EJ back with Sami...well, Stefano is sure Sami engineered this, she always doesn’t hesitate to go after something she wants. Stefano is suspicious.

EJ arrives at Sami’s, has brought some dumb file. (Sorry, it just seems flimsy excuse.) Seems that though Johnny & Sydney are sleeping, Allie is out at some show, and a BABY SITTER is supposed to bring her home in a couple hours. Wonderful, and they are canoodling on the sofa in record time.Sami wants to tell the kids they are together, EJ agrees, wants to tell the whole world. Alas, a child has woken up, is crying. EJ goes to take care of it, and for some reason, Sami pulls the file apart on the coffee table, papers are all over, and she cannot find a pen. Gee, you know what, maybe EJ has one. She grabs his jacket, searching all the pockets (don’t guys usually keep a pen in their inside jacket pocket, or else the one in the shirt?) and oh, my goodness, she finds a ring box. She takes it out, looking around, and cannot help herself, opens it up to see a huge rock of a diamond ring. She appears thunderstruck.

Over at the hospital, a frantic Chloe realizes it is Daniel on the phone, tells him of Parker’s high fever. Daniel does seem a bit skeptical, but she hands her phone to Kayla to confirm. Daniel is on his way, rushes out with Jennifer. He arrives at the hospital, promises a nearly hysterical Chloe he will go check. (a nurse came to tell Kayla that Parker had a convulsion). Meanwhile Anne is making tea as Jen comes up, and they get into an argument, Anne complaining how a nearly hysterical Chloe was trying to reach her child’s father, and was unable to do so as he was out clubbing with Jen. Jennifer is getting her hackles up, but Anne reminds her that Chloe is Parker’s mother, Daniel is his father, and their child was very ill, and no one could find Daniel. Jen realizes Anne & Chloe are friends, and according to Anne....from way back. Anne leaves, Jen recalls the phone number of Child Protective Services on her desk, Dan getting upset, and her trying to trace who put the message on her desk.
Daniel comes out, assures Chloe that things are under control. She is beside herself, talking of being unable to reach him. He mentions his phone was broken, and Jen did not have hers with her. (That’s odd). Kayla comes out, fever broke, the convulsion was just a one time thing because of the fever, it is a virus and they can go see him, which they do.
Later, they come out, happy their son will be o.k. and once again talking of her being unable to reach him. Daniel comments she could have had him paged at the Club, Chloe notes she was told by Jen they were going to be there in Salem at Club Inferno, Daniel insists Chloe is mistaken, they were in Chicago, and it had been the plan all along. He keeps insisting Jen would not have led Chloe astray. He is adamant, Chloe is frustrated, finally telling him to ask Jennifer himself, here she is. Daniel turns, and asks Jen if she purposely did not tell Chloe where they would be. Jennifer is silent.

In the Square, Marlena walks and her phone rings. Yep, tis ol Stefano, telling her that John had been there, but rubbing it in that their two families will be intertwined soon, what with Kristen & Brady, plus now Samantha is back with EJ. He should be happy your other son is a priest. Marlena hangs up in disgust.

Back at the club in Chicago, Kristen continues her pretense of being drunk, acting silly, proclaiming her love for Brady, even jumping up on the booth to tell all of Chicago. Brady is trying to get her to leave, she won’t, grabs a drink off a tray, continues to act up. She tries to dump the drink, Brady spots her, but she takes a swig, talks of wanting to water the plant, she loves Mother Nature so much, blah, b lah. He finally gets her to some lounge with a sofa, and she babbles and babbles about wanting to marry him, say vows, tell the whole world how much she loves him. Brady is smiling, but insisting she has to get home and to bed.
And sure enough, that is where we next see them, she in a short, very fitted nighty, having sobered up quite a bit, claiming to be ashamed, yada, yada. But, there she is talking again of getting married, knowing he doesn’t want to because of John & Marlena. He now says there is something else, it is him, but they will talk about it tomorrow. Later, in the dark, Brady has fallen asleep next to her, she sneaks out of bed, out into the hall, calls Daddy dearest, complaining that she hasn’t been able to snare Brady, but she is not defeated yet. She will have him on his knees proposing soon. She sneaks back into the room, and the bed. In his sleep, Brady snuggles up next to her. She hugs her pillow, muttering she will get what she wants.

It is dark in the rectory as a woman comes in, sits at Nicole’s desk, and takes items from a drawer, as the light gets flicked on by Father Eric. Nicole is wearing a black strapless top, her hair up, dangling earrings, and is going out to have some fun. She gives Eric a hard time about the sexless life there, she is tired of the austere lifestyle, and wants to go have some fun. She chides Eric about perhaps not remembering sex, but then wonders if perhaps he does. He tells her she can go anywhere she wants, but there ARE some rules. She wonders if there is a curfew. No, but she cannot go out in that dress. (Frankly, she sort of looks like a hooker, but that might just be me) She protests, then it seems as tho she is coming on to the priest, but then decides she is going out now, and going to have some fun. He tells her to go ahead, have fun, but don’t come back. Nicole stops in her tracks. “You would kick me out”? Eric thinks there is a lot Nicole isn’t saying, that she should go back to bed, get some rest, they will talk in the morning. Or you can go right now, and it is all over. Which is it, what you do you want. Nicole gets up close and personal...I’ll tell you what I want.
Nicole and Eric are a bit the scenes with Stefano and Marlena...the rest is a bore. I won't be watching, as is usual these days (pun intended).
When the first scene opened the show, I was a little upset with Eric...thank goodness it was just a dream! Loved Sami trying to rationalize her relationship by telling Marlena to stop "shrinking" her...that is exactly what that girl needs right now... a SHRINK she is not related to!!!
Jen did say she forgot her phone (Friday), was looking in her purse for it when Dan's got broken and realized it wasn't there.
Why wasn't Chloe by Parker's side? I wouldn't leave my dog in that condition for a man! (I admit I haven't seen the show yet, though.)
The nurse/doctor would not let Chloe stay with Parker. Odd, really, because a mother, I think, is allowed to stay with her child. And Parker was not in the intensive care unit or anything. Guess it's because of the law regarding working kids on television. It doesn't make sense, but that way, the child is not always in the scenes. Plus, no offense to the little boy, who's adorable, he has so little reactions and it's clear he does not really have a connection with the actors who portray his parents, it's better not to see him much.

Now if only they would invent a law against too much Sami and EJ... Oh, well !
At first Chloe wasn't allowed to go back into the treatment room. Once Daniel came and Kayla told them Parker would be OK, they both went in to see him. Then they stepped away to let him rest (and so they could talk).
Those very short scenes sure keep one attentive. I was scared to blink. lol

I enjoyed the Marlena & Sami scene. I hope the ring Sami found is just a soap thing and won't be meant for her or if so, not an engagement ring. It's too early.

That dream got me too, krw627! lol

The Eric & Nicole scenes were deep & heavy to me, when she was talking about not being the goody person he thinks she should be and Eric telling her that he just wants her to be herself. Those were great scenes!

Addition: How nice it was to see Kayla in her doctor's coat, in the hospital!!!
Addition: How nice it was to see Kayla in her doctor's coat, in the hospital!!!

After she was done seeing Parker, she ran over to the pub to serve some chowder on her break!

OK, this made no sense. Johnny and Sydney were in bed, so one has to think it was about 8:00 pm.

Then, Sami says that Allie is at a show with a friend, and the babysitter will bring her home after, in a few hours.

So, Allie is allowed to go see a movie at 8:00 at night, while her siblings are in bed?? That was so stupid.

They should've just had Sami say that Allie was with Lucas.
How soon till we get the delightful treat of everyone calling Nicole a desperate whore while Sami is treated like some poor creature who's just making a mistake the poor dear, but we all still love her:mad:

Why couldn't that fantasy have come from ERIC! He is a man who hasn't had sex in years!
Eric is so torn right now.. either that or he was just chopping onions!! His eyes are so filled with what looked like tears..
He cannot have Nicole but does not want anyone else to either...
I got a kick out of "forbidding her to come back if she went out to the bar" who does he think he is??? :confused: he is just her boss .
He did not want her to go out in that dress. It DID make her look cheap.
As for Allie, I just could not get over that ......Johnny is in bed asleep, and if it is 8 or 8:30, Sami says Allie will be coming back in a couple hrs. So...the 5 yr. old gets to stay out until 10 or 10:30????? Heck, even Nicole was asleep already.

Sami could have just said Allie was spending the night at her dad's. Period. End of it. I guess tho, they wanted this time frame, wherein EJ & Sami had two hours before anyone was going to bother them.