Days of Our Lives - Mon., Feb. 11, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, February 11, 2019

Hard to believe we are in middle of Feb. sweeps, but.........Ben enters his room to find sis Jordan there. She is trying to convince him that he should check himself back into Bayview, make sure he is o.k., as he keeps insisting. She reminds him he went off his meds, he says he is back on, is healthy, it won't happen again is fine. He talks of finding Ciara. Of being so close, how he even felt she was right there, and promised he would find her. Jordan leaves. Outside, she returns a call to Eli, and talks of how she thinks Ben is off the wall, using some of what he said, twisting it to appear unhinged. She mentions how agitated he was when talking of Ciara, how he said he “talked to her last night”. Eli thanks her.

Hope gets a call from Rafe, he is constantly breaking up, so she can barely make it out. She eventually hangs up, tells Ted that Rafe is stuck on a runway in Iceland, his plane will be delayed. She mentions him wanting to help Johnny, and missing him. (Iceland? I thought he went to Italy??) She needs him, Ted offers to help as a friend. She starts talks, creating a bad scenario, wherein, Ben, who already killed 3 women, has learned Ciara is returning from Africa, meets her, they argue, Ciara tells him they are done for good, so Ben...............Ted stops her, telling her not to go there. They go to see Eli, who has some info from Jordan to report.

Abby & Chad sit lamenting no news of Charlotte. He goes to call Eli, Kate arrives. She apologizes for all she did (helping Gabi I guess) is very sorry, blah, blah, blah, She does say she knows how Abby feels with her child missing, relates how her ex kept Austin & Billie from her, told her they were dead, she grieved them for years, until finding they were alive. Chad comes back, more yakking, Abby says she doesn't forgive Kate or will ever forget what she did, but is sorry for how she treated her when she first arrived. Kate is on their side, promises to help if she can in any way.

After she is gone, Chad decides they have waited around long enough, makes a call, next thing, a news reporter is there, with Chad and Abby making a televised appeal for the safe return of their daughter.

Over in their room, Eve is really pushing Jack to tell her what JJ is so worried about that has to do with immigration. He is refusing, she is pestering, and manages to wheedle out it being about Haley, JJ putting her up, and also figures that Haley is the immigration problem. Now she is jibing at Jack about how he should help JJ, but Jack says no. He tried to help Abigail, it was a disaster. But Eve pushes and prods, talking of how JJ could get in trouble when Haley gets found out, so Jack could make a quick phone call, JJ doesn't even have to know.

Haley is appreciative of how much JJ helped her, including giving her a place to stay. Now she wants to help him JJ finally spills about Charlotte missing, his sis devastated, he is sure it was Ben, went over to confront him, search his room, was stopped, sent off, no longer a cop. He takes a while, but tells of Ben killing his girlfriend, Paige, the cops now wanting him away, afraid his emotions will get the best of him with Ben.

After Jordan left, Ben paces a bit, calls Ciara again, muttering she should pick up. He hears a phone's muffled ringing, walks over to his dresser, opens a couple drawers, finding a phone (Ciara's) in the 3rd one. He is staring at it, as pounding on his door. Police, open up!

Kate is walking in the square, evidently staring at her phone, collides with Jordan, who is doing the same, tho carrying a big bag of groceries, which all fall down. Kate is surprised to see her, acknowledge her. Jordan. Who does the same, saying...Kate. Now Kate looks down at the ground, evidently at the spilled grocery items. What have we here?
Thank you, Poirot.

This doesn't sound like a sweep's worthy episode to me.

Just an FYI...Rafe being stuck in Iceland on his way back from Italy is definitely possible. When I went to the UK, my flight went over Canada and Greenland. My brother's flight from California to Rome last September went over Canada and Greenland, had a lay over in Sweden, and then flew over Germany.
I realize international flights have very different routes than one would expect. When I went to UK we flew out of DC and flew over Newfoundland. But rafe is on the ground, on the runway in Iceland.......which seems a bit really out of the way stop when flying to America from Italy.
Iceland is a major stop en route to many European cities. I flew Icelandic Airlines to France, stopping in Iceland on the way there and for the return flight. Icelandic Airlines, to encourage tourism, will even let you have a layover of 1 week, without extra fees, before going on to your final destination. Iceland is beautiful.
which seems a bit really out of the way stop when flying to America from Italy.
Especially when he could've used the magic portal and been back in Salem within minutes. :rolleyes:
She [Kate] does say she knows how Abby feels with her child missing, relates how her ex kept Austin & Billie from her, told her they were dead, she grieved them for years, until finding they were alive.
Nice nod to Kate's history.
I had to laugh when JJ said "my buddy Eli". Right the guy that slept with your girlfriend and got her pregnant?

JJ also didn't really tell the story right when he said Ben targeted Abigail and her husband before. Chad was not her husband then and Ben took Thomas because he thought the child was his!! But it was Chad's before the oh so perfect Abigail cheated on him!

Not liking the Jordan story. I thought she'd have her brother's back not try to put a knife in it!! I hope this frame up doesn't last as long as Gabi framing Abigail.
Thanks for the summary. Days is preempted here due to weather coverage. Local channel is spending the day on this storm, but they have 2 local channels and BOTH have the same feed. Usually they put Days on 1 and the news coverage on the other. Not sure why the change in practice today.
I realize international flights have very different routes than one would expect. When I went to UK we flew out of DC and flew over Newfoundland. But rafe is on the ground, on the runway in Iceland.......which seems a bit really out of the way stop when flying to America from Italy.
The typical flight to London or Western Europe could fly over Newfoundland, but would not overfly Iceland. It's too far north. To end up on the ground in Iceland, Rafe would have to have booked a flight with an Iceland stop-over. (I did this once years ago to get a cheap flight to Europe.) Maybe, he hoped that the Iceland-Chicago leg of the journey would fly over Greenland, giving him to the opportunity to observe its little-known forests and the wreckage of the Black jet. On other topics:

Total insincerity: Who's Eve kidding when she told Jack, "Let me be here for you." Those words would be more convincing even coming from Xander.

Fractured Thinking: Obsessed Hope thinks that Ben could have rented a car? How? Even the Salem Rent-A-Wreck location would want a driver's license and credit card, neither of which Ben appears to possess.

How low can you go?: Lying Jordan wins first prize for turning into a conniving, snake-in-the-grass sibling. Eve gets second prize for suggesting to Jack that he use Haley's plight to his advantage and suggesting far-fetched scenarios that would put JJ in danger.

The pigs are flying yet again. Those pigs who fly loops around the roof of Salem City Hall will get another chance to show their stuff: somebody (Abigail) actually apologized to Kate. How often does anyone apologize to the scheming, back-stabbing Ms. Blue Chunk?
Thanks, Poirot.

Hope did her usual blah, blah, blah about Ben today. Then she came up with scenarios
to prove to herself Ben "did it". Ted probably thinks she needs to go to Bayview.

Poor Ben, he finds Ciara's phone then the police show up.

Is Ben wondering how the phone got there or maybe there is something
wrong with him?

Jack told Eve about Haley. Did JJ tell Jack that Haley was Melinda's sister? Eve
doesn't know that.
I’m very disappointed in how the writers are making Jack, a grown man look so incredibly stupid, clueless, naive and/or gullible. Now I know someone is going to bring up the memory loss/amnesia but that certainly should have nothing to do with that.
Yes, you're right on with the bumbling buffoon. He is easy on the eyes but other than that quite annoying.