Days of Our Lives -Mon., Feb. 26, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, February 26, 2018

Vivian comes to visit Victor, having seen Maggie checking into the Salem Inn. Victor is just leaving Maggie a loving message, wanting her to come talk, he hangs up to have Vivian propose a business proposition. Victor is his usual insulting and snarky self, thank goodness, as Viv is proposing a merger between their companies. Victor cannot believe she thinks he would ever merge Titan with DiMera company, even though Viv talks how beneficial with her son & her. No way. So now, she thinks perhaps a personal relationship might be better, he reminds her he is a married man, she thinks not for long, calls Maggie a few choice names. Vic is not interested, so she gives him a private showing of what he is missing. He covers his eyes, crying out about his eyes. He orders her out before he throws her out by her hair. She leaves, figures he will be sorry.

Chad is knocking at Stefan's door, Gabby wants to open it, let him in, Stefan prevents her from doing so, reminding her that with Andre's murder, it would be very awkward, raise a lot of questions. Chad can hear voices, knocks again, Stefan opens, (has hidden Gabby/Abby in the closet, and they go round and round about whether someone was there (Stefan claims it was his mother on speaker phone), Chad's belief that Stefan did away with Andre, Stefan's denial, arguing, defending. Stefan finally tells him to search his room, feel free, opening the closet door where Gabby/Abby is hiding, pulling a drawer out of the desk, throwing the contents on the bed. Go ahead, feel free. Chad declines, commenting that he doesn't think anything Stefan wants to hide would be in his room, he leaves.

Gabby/Abby comes out of the closet, wants the urn lid, Stefan won't tell her where it is, she is leaving, he grabs her hand, wanting to know when he will see her again, he is intrigued by her. She says she will come again, when she can. Leaves.

Marlena has brought ice cream to visit with Claire, who doesn't take long before she is talking of knowing something horrible, wanting to tell, not sure, etc. She finally gets Gramma Marlena to promise not to tell, spills about Rafe cheating on Hope with Sami. Marlena asks how she knows, Claire says thru Ciara, Marlena asks what exactly Ciara said, since Claire doesn't really have any details, like when this happened, how Ciara found out......and now Claire admits she did not talk to Ciara,'s all here on the phone. She plays it, (we don't hear) but Marlena wonders why she taped the conversation. Claire admits she knew Ciara had a secret she did not want Claire to know, and claims she thought it was about her, or maybe Theo. She goes on about telling Hope, she only wants her to be happy. Marlena wonders if that is the real reason, if Claire is not trying to get back at Ciara for some reason, and also wonders how being told this would make Gramma Hope happy, while causing so much destruction.

At the hospital, Kayla is with Steve, letting him know that while the antidote is working, stopping his body from destroying itself, his vision has been damaged. John arrives, Kayla is pretty cool, goes to check the test results. John & Steve talk, Steve understands John did what he had to, what they were trained to do. John is sorry things are not progressing faster, Steve figures it will just take a bit longer. Kayla returns, wants John to leave, Steve wants him there, she tells him the poison damaged his cornea, his vision is not going to get better, will get worse. Doctor is looking into options, but outlook is dim. Steve takes it all pretty well, John very upset, is sorry, leaves. Kayla mutters she cannot even look at that man, Steve defends him, reminds Kayla they have been in tough situations before, and managed to get thru them, they will this time, too. As long as they do it together.

And over on the island, Hope is very excited and happy about the justice of the peace arriving, explains to Rafe, tells the justice where bathroom is to dry off. While he is gone, she goes on and on to Rafe about wanting this for just the two of them, he figures Julie will be so ticked, she got ordained especially just to marry them. (And let's all have a huge eye roll here – ORDAINED??? Is Julie now a pastor?) Hope figures they can tell everyone at the party tomorrow, no stress about it, they can really party. Rafe says o.k. , laughter, hugs, kisses, Justice returns. Hope has brought their rings, and the laza, all is well. Rafe drapes the laza around them both, talking of being together forever, Hope tells him how much she loves him, he is her partner, friend, lover, protector. (Actually, this all is really very nice) He starts out saying he has a confession, but no, not what we might think, it is that he has not prepared vows, but tells her how he feels about her, the family, their life together, woman of his dreams, etc. They put the rings on fingers, take turns reciting the marriage vows, and finally the Justice pronounces them husband and wife. Kisses. Thank the Justice, bid him adieu and be safe. (wonder is he has to operate the boat or snowmobile himself, or is there taxi or ferry service?)

John sits on the park bench, in tears, as Marlena rushes up, starting to say she thought bringing ice cream to Claire would..........then seeing him upset, asking what is it, what is wrong. His arm goes around her, he holds her, very upset.

Chad comes into their bedroom, finding Abby asleep on the bed. He wakes her, surprised she is napping again after sleeping so late this morning. She blames stress over all this Andre stuff. He leaves to get changed, she sits on the bed, looking a bit confused.

Claire ponders what she is going to do, looking at wedding invite and then her phone, remarking Hope needs to know, and at least they are not married yet.

Stefan is doing a Ewe search on line about split personalities, wants to see what is going on with Abby.

Rafe and Hope have champagne, fluted glasses, and toast each other. She is on Cloud 9, calling him husband, he wants to tell someone, even a stranger, they did it. She is joyous, repeating “we did it”, as he says it, too. They toast, and tenderly kiss, as a song plays in the background, with lyrics something like.....kissing you is like being in paradise.........
he figures Julie will be so ticked, she got ordained especially just to marry them. (And let's all have a huge eye roll here – ORDAINED??? Is Julie now a pastor?)
She'd be a minister, not a pastor. Anyone can get ordained online to be a minister. That's what Marlena did for Will and Sonny's wedding.

The Big Bang Theory gang all got ordained online to do Howard and Bernadette's wedding.

On Friends, Joey got ordained online to do Monica and Chandler's wedding. He maintained the certification and was able to perform Phoebe and Mike's wedding a couple years later.
Do they really get "ordained", or are they given permission to marry people, becoming a sort of Justice of the Peace or something. Sorry, but these people are not pastors, they have no church they run, they are not ministers, pastors, reverends, priests, or any other title of a religious denomination. Maybe they are appointed, or something.......

Ordain | Definition of Ordain by Merriam-Webster
Definition of ordain. transitive verb. 1 : to invest (see1invest 1) officially (as by the laying on of hands) with ministerial or priestly authority. was ordained as a priest.

ordain Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
ordain definition, meaning, what is ordain: to officially make someone a priest or other religious leader, in a religious ceremony:
Sorry, but these people are not pastors,
As I said above, they are not pastors, but they become ministers of online "churches" and it's legal for them to perform wedding ceremonies. A pastor typically heads up a physical church. While a pastor is a minister, not all ministers are pastors.
Well, they may be called ministers, but they have NO church, and as I said, it is a title, and they definitely are NOT ordained. My opinion, as being ordained is a religious ceremony......I just did not like the playing fast and loose with these sudden ..."pay your money, we send you a certificate and you can marry folks". Baloney.

And no, did not like it on Big Bang, or Friends, not even Marlena. These people never conduct another ceremony, so, as I said, Bull..oney.
I agree it's hokey, but unfortunately it's legal in the real world. Some states even have "self uniting" marriage licenses where no minister, justice of the peace, etc. is required. Just a witness. The marriage couple and the witness all sign the document and mail it back to the county to be recorded.
I don't think it hokey, I think it is stupid and foolish. Days is so cheap...if they got a JP for the island wedding, then a JP could be there for the one they plan to fake for family & friends. As Hope said, she already had all the fancy weddings, didn't she? And while Hope is a widow, Rafe is divorced so they cannot be married in the Catholic church........of course, Rafe could have gotten a "church" divorce and then could do so..... but am fine with the JP........I just do not like the idea of these fakes being able to marry people.

I know a couple that went into church all by themselves, no one else there, went up to the altar, made vows to each other, exchanged rings, called each other husband and wife thereafter, and stayed together all the years, until he passed away. Would rather have characters do that, make their vows themselves, in church, and "be married in the eyes of God". But, that is just me. I know others feel differently.

Meanwhile, Chad is still clueless about his wife, and Abby seems to feel something is amiss, but no clue yet. Kayla hates John, Steve tries to make her understand he is not at fault, but Claire is out to make trouble. Yep, trouble.........right there in Salem City......trouble with a capital T, rhymes with C, and that stands for both those girls. LOL
Justice of the Peace: This poor man should get double his usual rate: coming to wet, cold Smith Island only to be given a rude reception by Rafe. He ran the risk of being attacked by the heavily-armed Horton Cabin Raccoon Team who don't really appreciate visitors.

Vivian: She brings new meaning to the term delusional -- actually thinking that Victor would ever enter into any kind of relationship with her. As for her threat to "come after" Titan, that's laughable. Victor more than held his own when competing with the real DiMera, Stefano.

Stefano O.: Delusions must run in the family. As mommy-dearest was making a fool of herself at the K-mansion, he's consorting with a homicidal schizophrenic. This is not going to end well.

Marlena: She was awfully easy on brat-girl Claire after she fessed up to illegally recording Ciara talking about the "secret." Somebody, anybody needs to crack down hard on the YouTube flop before she becomes a junior version of Sami Brady.
Except that it took place with a guilty secret lurking beneath the surface, which is sure to bubble up soon.

While they were broken up when he had sex with Sami, I'm guessing Hope is going to blow a gasket when she finds out.
Thanks Poirot.

Interesting to watch Hope and Rafe marry while Claire tells Marlena what Rafe did.
Marlena really tried to talk her out of telling Grandma Hope. I hope it worked.

Hopefully, Julie won't be too upset she got ordained and she won't be marrying

Too bad Rafe's confession was telling Hope what he did. It was nice to see them
married without someone interrupting the proceedings.

Sad to see John with Steve and Kayla. I hope the eye doctor finds some options
for Steve.

I laughed when Victor covered his eyes.
Loved Victor covering his eyes!

Ugh it is time for the secret to come out. Though it's too late since they are married. The more they try to convince me that Hope and Rafe are great loves the more i want to :sick:. I just do not see any chemistry between these 2. Official wedding should be fun with Claire knowing big secret.
:clap::clap: No wonder Vic's eyes were affected! LOL:rotfl:
Victor covering his eyes brought to mind an episode in the old Married with Children TV series in which Al Bundy accidentally saw his hated neighbor, Marcy Rhoads, in her negligee. His reaction was: "I'm blind! I'm blind!"


Al Bundy: "OMG, seeing Marcy
was bad enough. Please don't
make look at Vivian!"