Days of Our Lives Mon., Jan. 13, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 13, 2020

Another day of long conversations, as Steve-ano tries to convince Kristen he is Stefano, and Ciara pleads with Grampa Victor to tell her the truth. But first let's start with Roman, Kate & Hattie at the Pub, with nothing really going on. Roman berates Kate for sticking her nose in Will & Sonny's life, she insists she thinks Evan up to no good, trying to get info on him. Roman refuses to get involved. Hattie sticks her nose in, talking about their secret, Kate about having a fit, Roman takes off for the kitchen, Kate tries to tell Hattie to keep her lips zipped. Hattie tells her how Steve Johnson told her to leave John & Marlena's, could be in danger, Kate comments yes, because she looks like Marlena. Hattie hopes Stefano is caught soon, Roman calls her for help on the grill, she leaves, Kate calls, leaves message for Steveano that Hattie is going to ruin everything.

Meanwhile, Will reads a letter from Ari about missing him, wishing he could have come to her recital. And Clyde is trying to convince Ben to bust out of prison with him. They argue some, & while Clyde may have a difference of opinion with Ben about some things, he doesn't want him to die. Will comes in, Clyde bullies him, Will stands up to him, Ben tells Clyde to relax, leave Will alone, Clyde leaves, Ben fills in Will on the lost appeal, and how the date for his execution is being set. Will is sorry, thinks unfair Ben sentenced to death for something he did not do. He thinks he should be the one since he did kill someone.

Chad & Abby are in the bedroom, she is working on a story about Ben's appeal being denied, wondering if he is really innocent as he claims. Chad is wondering how things are going with his father...if he really will see Kristen in person. He decides to go see Kate.

Steve-ano is trying to convince a disbelieving Kristen that he is Stefano, she orders him out of the room. So he tells her about Rolf putting his essence into Steve's body, he is not too happy about that, but choices were limited. She doesn't believe him,. So he starts to talk of her taking him to Nashville, the fire, Rolf getting him out of there, how he almost died. Calling her “my darling daughter”, long road to recovery, took months, even after he got into Steve's body. He talks of hearing about the loss of his granchild, how it broke his heart, she starts crying. He has already brought out the phoenix ring, telling her the Phoenix has risen again, but now, she evidently finally believes him, crying as she hugs him, holding on to him.

Ciara has threatened to go tell Maggie all she overheard, and Xander burning his confession. Vic stops her, tells Xander she has to be told the truth, Vic admits they framed a man, but not Ben. Xander says it was Will. Ciara is stunned, Xander tells her how all this while she has been after the wrong people. We do not see Victor telling Ciara the entire story of what happened to Adrienne, only that she can tell no one, and now knows why? Ciara though is saying not fair for Will to be in prison, when he did not do anything. Vic is adamant that no one get told, but Ciara thinks it is not right, and dashes out of the room.

Abby has been thinking, wondering if Stefano did go to see Kristen. She stands outside Kristen's door, says o.k. Stefano, if you are in there, I will soon know.
I will be unable to do the show on Tuesday, Jan. 14th. Hope someone steps up and volunteers, as I just will be unable to do the summary.
Will: He'd be even sorrier for poor Ben if he knew how awful his legal representation was. In addition to all the errors I've noted in other posts, why would Ben even be a suspect if he wasn't cut, bruised or scratched? After the murder of Jordan, the gatehouse looked as if a tornado went through the place indicating that Jordan must have put up quite a fight. Her assailant almost certainly would have suffered some injuries and his DNA would likely be under her fingernails. (Both Ben's trial lawyer and Justin need to sign up for Salem University School of Law's remedial course in criminal defense practice.)

Steve-ano & Kristen: Hopefully, the writers weren't expecting the viewers to get emotionally involved with the reunion of a heartless criminal mastermind and his diabolical, psychopathic daughter. A reunion between Orpheus and Clyde would be more compelling.

Ciara; Now that the truth is out that Xander and Victor's dirty doings had nothing to do with Ben, it's time for her to put the pressure on the master fixer, Victor, to pull strings to get her true love off death row and out of jail. Based on past history, Victor could have saved John Wilkes Booth from federal justice if he had been captured alive.
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While I do agree that Salem's attorneys, D.A.s & police are a sorry lot....I think the writers need to use their week a month time off to do just a bit of research when they try to foist off these improbable scenarios on a much smarter viewing audience, who at least possess common sense, which is sorely lacking in not only the writing section, but wardrobe & set design (referring here to weather).
Thank you for the summary.

I don't recall Kristen and Stefano having so much affection for each other. Maybe it has just slipped my mind. Honestly, I don't even remember them interacting that much.
Thanks, Poirot. I'm going to a movie so I can't help tomorrow. Hopefully, someone can.

It's getting frustrating to me to find something to talk about the show anymore.

So, Ciara knows what happened to Adrienne. How much longer do the viewers
have to wait?

I laughed when Hattie called Stefano "Count Chocula"

Sad to see Chad and Abby in their bedroom both playing on their laptops
instead of being romantic.

They need to send Arianna to a drawing class. She's still drawing like a little
kid unless Will put a picture up she drew a long time ago.

Kristen asked Stevano a good question, why he picked Steve Johnson for
his essence. He should have told the truth as Stephen Nichols (actor of
Steve). At the time, the writers thought it was a good way for me to come
back to the show and I wouldn't have to wear the #@# eye patch. :)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Stefano messed up Kristen when she was kid. Same goes for Andre (who came to live with him as a teen) and EJ (same as Andre). Chad is very lucky he was practically an adult when he found out Stefano is his father. Stefano's "love" was toxic to developing minds.
So, since it was a "consciousness transfer" that happened (which I kind of figured anyway), do we think Steve can be recovered? Will his everlasting love for Kayla transcend everything and somehow manage to kick Stefano's consciousness out?
You know it will eventually. Same as with Hope. Eventually the real Hope will emerge, somehow. (not a spoiler, just don't see them being Gina and Stefano forever)

So, "Stefano" will then (once expelled from Steve's body) become a body-hopping ethereal parasite? :huh: It'll be like Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th Part Nine guess who Stefano will possess next,:rotfl:
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Ooh, good point Poirot. I forgot about the chip - that would explain everything. Or someone bangs Stev-ano on the back of the head (someone getting revenge from way back in the day or something else unfortunate) and it damages the chip. Then Steve is back and totally confused about why he's where he is, and goes to get his wife back, not realizing she's not his wife any more. (but they'll reconcile, we know they will)
In the past, they had Kayla hook up with her sister's ex........(Shane), a disaster........and now it is her ex-brother-in-law. Sigghhhh. Small pool of people in Salem, huh?
Just once, I wish the writers would do something unpredictable and let Justin and Kayla marry and have a long married life. I wish that Steve, when he gets to be himself again, and tries to win Kayla back, she would stand firm about her feelings for Justin. Of course, either Steve or the "back-from-the-dead" Adrienne will throw a monkey wrench into the whole works. Same ol', same ol'.