Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 14, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 14, 2019

Replay of all the closing scenes of Friday, January 11, 2019. Eric answers the knock at his door, to find brother Rex standing there. Sarah, for a change, seemed uninterested in who was at the door, sits with her back to it (so contrived!) hears Rex's voice, turns, and is not a happy camper. Rex has given Eric a big bear hug, spots Sarah, who stands throwing angry looks. She wants Eric to throw Rex out, Rex claims he wants Eric to let him crash there for a bit, no room at the Pub. Sarah want Eric to decline, Eric says he's my brother! Rex gives an impassioned speech to Sarah about knowing he done wrong, missing her, especially on New Years (was supposed to be their wedding day) but she never gave him a thought. She grabs her coat, tells Eric thanks for dinner, and the shirt, won't be returning it as long as he is here, out she goes. Rex tells Eric he is going to be needing his help, wants to get Sarah back.

Eve is looking over the contract from Chad, knows he wants to get her out of town, comments aloud how at one time in her life she could be bought, but not any more. She tosses it into the waste basket, grabs coat & purse, off she goes.

JJ comes upon Melinda & Haley, was looking for Haley, worried about her. She says she is fine, he won't back off, like a dog with a bone, just keeps pestering, asking questions, despite Melinda being there. Melinda claims their Asian community is small in Salem, so she reaches out to others, did so with Haley, blah, blah. Finally, JJ decides he has pestered enough, leaves. Melinda has told Haley she has to leave the apt., right away, cannot be connected with her, no one can know they are related.

Kayla is on phone to Steve, tells of Stefan being cited for treason, talks of him being able to come home soon. She knows he wants to see Jack, will be so happy.....along comes Eve, not so fast, Jack is missing. Kayla tells Steve she loves him, hangs up, learns Jack was not “home” when Eve returned, and now they get into quite the conversation. Kayla thinks Eve should leave town, she always gets her heart broken when she come back, so before this happens, why not go. Eve tells of Chad's offer for job in Paris, told him no, is not leaving. Kayla knows Eve & Jack never loved each other, Eve only wants revenge on Jennifer, then talks of Paige. How she cannot imagine the pain of losing a child, and Salem has to hold those memories for Eve, especially, with Ben Weston back. But how does Eve think Paige would feel, knowing what her mother is doing? Kayla goes on about honoring Paige's memory, doing the right thing....etc.....etc. Along comes JJ, Eve asks him if he knows where Jack is. Yep, with my mother, they are alone. Where? None of your business. Eve takes off, will find him herself.

JJ is sorry he blurted that out, but was just so glad his parents are getting to talk alone. Kayla thinks maybe her chat with Eve had an effect, and it won't be so bad.

Jen sits with Jack, talking of their life together, how they should be together. But Jack pulls away, no, no, no. Life was not all that great, we got divorced twice. Things were not all that rosy. People who try to relive their history just repeat their mistakes again and again. Obviously we did. (I will tell you, this conversation put me in tears, I don't know why, but it did). Jen negates what Jack is saying, no, no. She tries to make him understand not to believe the things Eve is telling him. He had an abusive childhood, given to orphanage, adopted by evil & violent Harper Deveraux. He says no excuse. She says no, not an excuse, a reason. She goes on about being loving father, devoted husband, kids think he is the moon. She goes on at how, when she was raped, he was the one who got her thru it all, helped her recover. How he got them all thru it when Abby was sick, how he stood by them, fought for them. She loves him so much, they had a wonderful life together, and can do again. Will do so again. Their faces are close, lips nearly touching.....and Eve comes in the door. There you are. She begins yapping away at him disappearing again, always with the disappearing acts, same as she herself. Could not believe you stood me up for dinner. She is pulling at him, time to home now, since you did not have dessert, when we get to the room, we can...........Jen interrupts, no, no. You are not going to do this. Jack, please do not go with her, comes home with me!. Jack looks from one to the other several times. Then says to Jen, I just came to dinner for the money. Eve says what money, he will tell her later, they leave.

Abby arrives at DiMansion, surprising Chad, he stands. She thanks him for the family dinner, was good. She admits she did not want to have dinner with him, Julie guilted her into it, but she appreciates that he even got her family altogether. Even dad, despite you paying him. Chad says he was not supposed to tell you. She knows Chad loves her, she loves him, but she is not ready for anything yet. He talks of how much he loves her, made mistakes, is glad she is well, how much he has wanted to kiss her. Gets closer, does kiss her, but she pushes him away, no, no. She knows he was angry about her sleeping with Stefan, he says wasn't her fault, but she notes it did bother him anyway, so much so that he could not get past her being pregnant, could not even accept Charlotte for just the beautiful baby she was. Chad tries to apologize again, he is glad for their children, wants them to all be together. He wants her to stay for coffee, no, she has to get back to the kids. (yes, it was plural). She thanks him again, leaves.

Kayla enters the Pub, Sarah at the bar, downing some booze. Kayla notes something must be bothering her, Sarah talks of her no good, womanizing, sleaze of a nephew being back, and grabs her stuff, out she goes.

JJ is getting ready for bed, is in shorts, knock at door. He struggles to get a pair of pants on (good for you, JJ) opens the door to Haley....sorry to bother you, had no where else to go.
Ugh I have never been a Chad/Abigail fan and I am even less of one now. He did some unforgivable things to her. He was not there when she needed him. He was with Gabi believing every word out of her mouth and not one word out of Abigail's.

Haley's secret better be big. It was funny when JJ asked Melinda if she was her mom. Do I look old enough!! Well, yeah, that's kinda what we all were thinking.

So dumb when Sarah didn't even turn to see who was at the door. It appears she may have a drinking problem.
Thank you, Poirot.

I'm liking Sarah less and less. She thinks that being hurt by Rex trumps him being Eric's brother? She needs to learn the old saying "Blood is thicker than water".

Eve is just plain horrible. She's ordering Jack around as if he was a small child who ran away from home.

Haley, er..nevermind. I have nothing. I just don't care.
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I was surprised to hear Jennifer mention her own rape to Jack and how he helped her deal with it (and his shocked face at that revelation). For those not watching back then, Lawrence Alamain raped Jennifer when she pretended to be Carly and married him.
Jack just returned, and whatever is planned for him, we are not gonna hear a word. His reactions are really great. He knows nothing of what his life had been like, and has people telling him things he is finding hard to accept, but has to. Eve had told him what a nasty person he was, but Jennifer is saying something else. Kayla has told him something horrible (& Eve was just so awful bringing it up) but here is Jen, telling him how much he helped her when it happened to her. When the kids were there, and all were reminiscing,all were happy, laughing, talking of how fun.......what the heck kind of person was I...he thinks.
Eve is going to keep her hooks in him, obviously, but yes, he really needs to get out of her control I hate when she says, let's go home. Huh. It's a room! One stinkin' room.
I have a question for you all. I want to know how many of you go out your door without putting your coat/jacket on mid-winter. In the midwest? So many did that today....just drove me up a wall. And when we saw the character later, actually WEARING the coat, wide open, no scarf, not buttoned or even wrapped shut with hands holding, as they came in from outdoors.
Oh my goodness! I went out the door this morning with thermals on under clothes, jeans tucked into boots, heavy winter puffy coat with fur lined hood up, scarf around my lower face, and heavy insulated glove on left hand. I can't get my door open with a glove on my right hand, but I put it on while on my unheated enclosed porch as soon as the front door is shut behind me.
So........if you were going somewhere, anywhere, walk, car..........would you don your coat before you left the house, or just grab it, go out into the weather, and put it on as you walk away???
Sales pitches were the order of the day in Salem. Here's a highly-subjective ranking.

1. (Very Good): Kayla: Despite Eve's nasty little performance at Doug's Place later, Kayla seemed to have scored some telling points with the perpetual schemer. Eve's a tough sell, but Kayla appeared to give her pause.

2. (Good) Jenny: It's a tough sell pitching true love to an amnesiac, but Jenny did seem to be getting through to Jack until Eve showed up. If Jenny can keep it up, there's hope for the future.

3. (Fair} JJ: With frowning Melinda standing there, JJ had no chance. However, now that Haley has showed up at his place, he might score some points down the road despite the barracuda D.A. lurking in the background.

4. (Poor) Chad: His pleas once again fell on deaf ears. Chad seems to up against a brick wall with the aggrieved Abigail. The way she was talking, the only way he can regain her trust after sending her to Bayview is down the road when Jenny or somebody else wants to ship the former Ms. Perfect back to a mental hospital, Chad climbs on his white horse and rides to the rescue.

5. (Fail) Rex: This guy should give up and go home. His cheater status makes his case hopeless, plus his audience, Sarah, is an angry, self-righteous loudmouth. It's time for lover-boy Rex to fold his tent and take his show elsewhere.
So........if you were going somewhere, anywhere, walk, car..........would you don your coat before you left the house, or just grab it, go out into the weather, and put it on as you walk away???
I definitely put my coat, scarf, and gloves on before I leave, and depending on how cold it is a hat sometimes too.
I'm glad I'm not the only one bothered by people carrying their coats out the door instead of putting them on first. This has been bothering me for a long time. The north wind must not blow in Salem like it does in Texas!

Thanks for the summary. Eve. :angry: Why oh why couldn't she have a desire to go to Paris? I'm really enjoying Jack but I don't know how long I can, if he continues to be led around by Eve.

I wanted to enjoy Rex but they messed him up from the beginning. It doesn't help that his story is tied in with Sarah. There just hasn't been anything about her to like, and now it does appear she may have a drinking problem.
So how long before Eric weasels into another relationship with a brother's love all the while being sanctimonious? Also - Sarah's response to pain seems to be drinky, drinky, drinky. I think they're building an alcoholic storyline. How's that going to work out with Eric?

Abigail needs to get over herself already. She was a mentally ill murderess 10 minutes ago, and she's mad at her family because making her out to be crazy was so easy. They were wrong. They shouldn't have believed Gabi, but she didn't make it easy for them by refusing to be evaluated by professionals. Remember how she ran off instead of talking to Marlena or some other doctor? All she had to do was say, "I'm not psychotic. I'll be evaluated," and things might have been different. But she ran, which only fueled the fire. She's been rightfully committed TWICE--both times after killing or nearly killing someone (trying to burn Ben alive in bed). In my opinion, Chad's a trooper.

Jennifer is being kind of selfish. At this point, can't she offer Jack help in recovering his memory and deal with his raping Kayla without pushing the, "you and I belong together" story? It doesn't make sense for her to push that now.

I did like Kayla's speech to Eve. I'm waiting for Jack to find out about the Eve, Paige, and JJ triangle.

Questionable clothing is like questionable living situations on the show. I think it's a matter of convenience. Less wardrobe, fewer sets.