Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 22, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 22, 2018

Let the games begin! Replay of Abby coming in to find Andre’s body, but differently from last Friday. She gasps, startled, drops what she is carrying. She goes over, takes his pulse, is obviously upset, shocked, calls Chad.

Chad has come into the DiMera living room, study, whatever that room is, Kate sits on the sofa, he notes she has had a bad night. She figures he did as well, cannot believe Andre fired Gabi, rants about how he lied to her over and over and over. She goes on about him saying he loved her, wanted a real marriage, she did so, etc. etc. And all the while he was plotting behind her back. He never once mentioned it to her. She did not sleep all night. Chad suggests a shower, and they will regroup and counter all this. She leaves, he gets Abby’s phone call. Abby is hyperventilating, can barely speak, jumps around in her sentences as she says Andre is gone, there is blood. Chad will be right there.

When Chad enters the room, Abby is kneeling by the body, holding his hand. She babbles about no pulse, she took it, and is still in shock, talking in short bursts. Chad holds her, attempting to calm her down, says they have to get the police over, and he takes her out of the room.

Rafe wakes up, in bed with Hope, who is on her tablet. He cannot believe she brings her commissioner work to bed, but she is planning a wedding. This pleases Rafe, kiss, kiss, morning delight. Back to the planning, picking a date, whatever it is, Rafe is fine with it. Phone rings, tis Chad.

Gabi sits on the park bench reading the news flash about her being out of Gabi Chic. Eli comes along, gets the news, starts ranting about making Andre rescind the firing. She figures that is no go, Eli is adamant, gets a call from the station, has to leave, possible homicide. But will be back and they will confront Andre together.

A panicky Vivian is telling Stefan they need to get their stories straight. The police will be finding Andre, and their stories have to match. Stefan isn’t worried, nothing there will tie them to the scene, he made sure of that. Later, (he is now dressed) they have evidently got their stories down pat, he tells her to go to cook and ask for her usual, and be sure to complain about eggs too hard, as she always does. (warning, lots of flashbacks today).

Rafe & Hope arrive, see Chad & Abby outside the door, go in, check Andre. Rafe stays to check things as backup is coming, Hope goes to talk to Abby & Chad, who are now in Gabi’s “workroom/office” whatever it is. Abby tells of finding the body, talks of how good Andre was to her, but tho she remembers the conversation with Gabi, doesn’t mention it. Chad does say he was upset with his brother, who had just fired Gabi from the company. Hope is surprised as the launch was to be today.

Viv is in the study with Kate, both throwing digs at each other. Kate has to more or less defend Andre firing Gabi, tho she doesn’t want to, but Viv is doing her usual smirking and making inuendos. Kate leaves in a huff. Later, Viv talks to herself, as she see a news reports, unconfirmed, about Andre being found dead.

Stefan is in the square having coffee, reading the paper, Gabi arrives. She has a favor. (O.K. folks, NBC broke in here to give their special news report about Congress putting the government back into operation for 3 weeks, so I missed 5 or 10 minutes).

But, evidently, she wants Stefan to go over Andre’s head, and unfire her. He is refusing, she accuses him of doing so because she would not have dinner with him, he says Countess W & GabiChic are Andre’s area, he won’t interfere.

Meanwhile, Rafe is looking around, notices something on the carpet, follows a small trail of it, to under the desk. Eli has arrived, he shows him. Eli calls it a martini shaker, but Rafe says no, it an urn, yes, the kind that is used for dead people’s ashes.

Forensics has arrived, they are about to zip Andre up in the body bag, in comes the sobbing Kate, all upset about her husband, wanting to know what happened. This was her husband, boo hoo, tears, etc.

Stalwart Chad is holding onto Abby, she stares over his shoulder at the Gabi poster on the wall, recalling the angry Gabi threatening to kill Andre. She says nothing, just keeps it in.

Roman is wiping off the bar, in comes Anna, wants to talk to him. Oh, he stops her, has to first apologize all over again for bringing in Marlena, should have talked to Anna first, he knows she is so devoted to Tony, which is fine, he cares about her a lot, but since she hasn’t brought tony out, perhaps they can start fresh, have some fun. She agrees, but has to tell him something first. Whatever it is that she has done, Roman promises to support her.

So, she opens her mouth to start, and in comes Rafe & Hope. No, not there to eat, they came for Anna, gonna take her down to the station to answer some questions.
Mostly filler today but at least the plot is advancing. The urn places Anna at the front of the list who killed Andre. But one has to think why would Anna use that urn she loved so much for blunt force trauma? She did however change her tone fast to get back with Roman. Unless someone else stole the urn from her?
Oh, heck, more than filler. Stefan & Vivian knew Andre was dead and had to make their stories match. Kate was up all night, Gabi was really ticked off. And yes, Anna no longer had her Tony urn.......... Days gave us a bunch of suspects, and I don't even think Chad or Abby will escape being suspect. Viv already noted "one down" at the pic of Chad & Andre.
The red herrings are really schooling in Salem, which is sure to leave Hope's hapless police force more dazed and confused than usual.

Hope & Rafe: The intrepid pair being the first on the murder scene was straight out of the old TV series McMillan & Wife, with Rafe playing the wife and Hope in the role of Commissioner McMillan.

Stefan O.: The Big Zero should know better than to wear a black shirt when a crime is committed. It will make him an automatic suspect. After all, in the old movies, the bad guys always wore black shirts. (All the fake DiMera needs to complete the look is a white tie and a fedora.)

Anna: Something is fishy with the plot here. If she'd really lost Tony's sacred urn either because she bashed Andre with it or somebody stole it, she would have been so distraught that she'd have been unable to talk to Roman. Maybe the red-hot lover, Eli, was right when he called what was found by the desk a cocktail shaker.

Abigail: She achieved another first today. Who in Salem history has ever before shed a genuine tear for Andre? The last time he died, it was an occasion for widespread rejoicing.
MY thoughts on the suspects so far:

Anna: If all my years watching "Murder She Wrote" when it first aired and in syndication has taught me anything, it's that the first suspect is rarely the guilty party. There were a few exceptions to that rule, of course, but I don't think that will be the case this time. Plus if Anna were guilty, I don't see her leaving her beloved Tony behind.

Stefan and His Mumsy dearest: I'm putting these two down as red herrings. I think they are guilty of something, I'm just not sure it's murder. That's just too obvious. I have to say I found Vivian's jitteryness kind of odd, especially since she was all a thirst for Andre's blood on Friday's episode.

Gabi: This one I get the feeling they are going to leave somewhat murky for a while since they highlighted the scene of Gabi threatening Andre if he touched her again in the promo and had her repeat the threat to Abigail. And of course we had Hope declaring to Chad and Abigail that they all know Gabi is capable of murder. But I don't believe it, no sir!

My business expertise is limited to having watched movies like Wolf of Wall Street and The Big Short so I could be off-base: But I got the impression that Andre firing Gabi just before the IPO launch didn't make sense from a business standpoint. So I have to wonder, was Andre deliberately trying to tank it? :confused:

As far as Abigail's grief is concerned, I don't how long I'm going to be able to stomach her going on like Andre was some kind of prince among men. I mean who does she think he was, Dr. Dan? :rotfl:
I think Salem PD need to seriously look at these two as suspects! :rotfl:

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LOL, Troy......have to agree with some of your theories. We have to have a lot of suspects, otherwise we don't have an Agatha Christie story. (You really have to read And There There Were None, plus Murder on the Orient Express)It bothers me that there was absolutely no signs of a struggle, that Andre was perfectly attired, even perfectly laid out on the floor.

Also, that tho there WAS some blood on the floor, when they were zipping him into the body bag, there was no blood on his face, head, just that red mark on the side of his head. Did they clean him up first??

I know some folks have thought (before the fact) that perhaps Andre fakes his death. Could that be?
As to Anna, would she actually have left Tony's ashes scattered on the floor, after carrying them with her constantly all this time?

And while Andre was kind to Abby (and he did have an ulterior motive) has Abby really forgotten all the horrible things he did to members of her family, and her friends. She needs to sit and listen and do a reality check.
Yep...and it seems Viv & Stefan came into the office, and probably Andre was already dead! Anna also seems to either about to tell she purposely left the urn there, or Andre took it from her.but it could have been stolen, too.
Thanks, Poirot.

Was Andre killed with the urn? Does this mean Tony killed Andre?

Ewwww, Rafe touched Tony's ashes.

Too bad Hope and Rafe got to the pub before Anna could talk to Roman.

So, Stefan and Vivian knew Andre was dead. Were they there when it happened?

The big question is, will the Salem PD figure out show did it? We're still waiting
on them to figure out who killed Deimos.
This was a pretty good episode. They really did leave us a lot of suspects. I hope that it is more intriguing than the last murder scenario (Deimos), instead of being dragged out for too long or wrapped up with an unreasonable storyline. I wonder if Abby is going to tell about the conversation with Gabi, and how that will impact their already-strained friendship.