Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 5, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's just first replay all that happened at the end of Friday's show....except we open with Abby knocking on Ben's apartment door. He comes around the corner with flowers, sorry he is late. They evidently were planning to welcome the New Year in together, and they bed. We have seen it before, same stuff, new day. Except they both tell each other they love each other.

Over to Paul's apartment, replay of pouring champagne and toasting, Paul taking steps forward to be soooo close to Will. Paul's phone rings, but he just stands there, til Will suggests he answer, might be important. It is his mother, he speaks a lot of Japanese, but is apparent she called to wish her son Happy New Year. the call ends, Will & Paul start into one of those inuendo conversations, that could have other meanings, mostly about when Paul first began playing ball as a kid, and how he now has to go into something new.
Meanwhile Sonny is having flashbacks of Paul offering to help him out with the club finances, starts to call, but decides to go in person. He is about to knock, Derrick stops him, telling him Paul has someone in there, and did not want to be disturbed. Sonny gets it, Derrick flirts with Sonny a bit, suggesting they go for a drink. Sonny declines and leaves.
Inside, more small talk as Paul pours a bit more champagne, but Will actually leaves. Later, Paul is coming out of his room with the empty bottles and glasses, Derrick is right there offering to take care of that, tells him of his visitor, describes him, Paul thanks him, goes back in the room, grins. So, Sonny came to see me.
Will arrives home, Sonny is asleep on the sofa, Will says his name, but Sonny doesn't wake up. Will picks up what seems to be an empty bottle wine or something, puts a blanket over Sonny, kisses him on the cheek, wishing him a Happy New Year.

Eric arrives at the Pub, greeting Kayla, who mentions she has a date who is very non-talkative, hopes Eric can help. Poor Eric tries, but the guy, Bob, is just like a clam. Kayla returns from checking the rest room for Eric, Nope, Serena is not there. And of course, she is outside, laying into Nicole for searching her room, for not getting it thru her head that Eric is done with her, warning her to stay of her room, her life, etc. Nicole is starting to give it back, Eric comes out, hears her, sends Serena back inside, and rips into Nicole as well. She admits she has been suspicious as to why Serena suddenly came to town, but assures Eric she won't ever make that mistake again. He goes back inside, later has taken Serena home. She doesn't invite him in, he agrees not a good night, both agree there would be 3 people in the room. Eric notes that Nicole won't be in their lives any more, with Serena sweetly remarking that they are good and will be moving on. She closes the door, rips off her coat, throws it on the bed, marches over to where the safe is, opens it, takes out a large brown envelope, pulling a paper partially out of it..

Daniel & Maxine are toasting each other with apple cider, she asks why he got so upset before when she asked about his canceled plans, admitting she was hoping he & Jen would be back together, and YES, she knows it is over. Daniel apologizes, only saying he thought he was ready to move on, guess he wasn't, and neither was the woman he asked out.
He is in the lounge area when Nicole arrives, pleading with him for just 5 minutes. She sadly admits that she thought she was over Eric, but events tonight showed otherwise. However, both Serena & Eric tag teamed her in telling her off, and she thinks that probably did it. But she then is saying that it really was not just Serena, but herself. That Serena is a real journalist, not some half baked falling off the edge one like she is. Nicole beats herself up pretty well, talking of what a great person Serena seems to be, just like Jennifer, a good person, and she has been afraid that some other woman just like them, is going to come along and Daniel will be gone, too. Daniel tells her she is not a bad person, and that he doesn't live his life or have friends based on what others think. And he decides who he will be with. Maxine comes in, Daniel needed in E.R. He wishes Nicole Happy New Year, and leaves.

And now over to the kindergartener and her big brother. Replay of watching fireworks, saying Happy New Year, little kiss, BIG kiss, awkwardness between them, as Victor & Maggie pop out saying Happy New Year. They were at a dull party, so left early, Vic suggests the two come inside the house, they will make their own party. Brady & Melanie both decline, making dumb half words, Vic gets ticked, goes inside, Maggie suggests they do the same, and they do. they toast the New Year, both Melanie & Brady are jumpy, awkward, avoiding saying anything about their evening. Melanie finally admits that she had a fight with her dad, ran into Brady, blah, blah. Daniel calls her, she goes outside, (yep, in just that dress, they sure are lucky in that town that it is hardly ever even chilly there, lol). Another bumbling conversation on the part of Nurse Betty Boop, who assures her apologizing father she is o.k., all is fine, she is at Victor & maggie's, Brady is there, too. Meanwhile, Brady is doing the same sort of bumbling around inside.
Melanie returns, finishes her glass of whatever, has to go, since she has to go into work tomorrow. Brady insists on driving her home.
At the apt. door, more awkward, bumbling conversation, as Brady apologizes for the kiss, that good friends don't do that, it should not have happened, blah, blah. Melanie says she kissed him back, so don't worry. Both decide to just forget it. She goes inside, Brady seems frustrated as he buzzes for the elevator.....while Melanie sits in the dark, evidently thinking about it all.
2014 was a year of downers in Salem, so why should New Year's Eve be any different. Perhaps, the evening's low was Nicole and Serena arguing about Eric. Two stray cats fighting over the contents of a Salem garbage can have something more valuable at stake. Speaking of the Salem sourpuss, what was Kayla thinking by sending him over to talk to Silent Bob?? Instead of opening up, the sight of Eric would be more likely to send him fleeing into the night. Finally, Nicole was selling herself way short by telling Dr. McScruffy that she was "a cheap-shot artist who's living on the edge." That description better fits hack-writer Will whose only talent is turning out badly-written hatchet jobs.
I don't have much to say about today's show, as I already stated how much I'm bored with Abigail and Ben, how much I hate Eric, how irritating baby Melanie is to me, how I don't get Brady's attraction to her, and how a "writer" like Will can be with the subject of his so called article on New Year ! So... Nope, I won't go there.

The only parts I did watch was Nicole talking to Daniel. And while I don't think Doc McScruffy is worth Nicole's angst as he's not perfect himself, far from it, I understand her. After all, when everybody keeps telling her how much of a screw up she is, she's bound to believe it. But Nicole did have me shed some tears. Very, very touching scenes.

Lastly, I guess now, we're going to see Serena looking in the safe over, and over, and over again, much like Jordan did with her different IDs. :rolleyes: Can we send Ciara in there so the mystery gets resolved faster this time ?
I couldn't take they way Melanie and Brady were stumbling over their words to Maggie and Victor. It was a little over the top to me or maybe it's just the baby voice.

Kayla looked great!

I also am not a fan of tag teaming to chew out Nicole - but I suspect Nicole and Serena will cross paths many times.
Melanie & Brady...:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:
Will & Paul...:sick::sick::sick: Derrick & Sonny...not so bad, Sonny stood his ground nicely. But still on a holiday :sick:.

Eric: Please die. Serena: I tried to like you, but that ship has sailed.

Maxine needs to be reassigned to another floor. Really sick of her pimping Daniel & Jennifer.

Where were John & Marlena? More Kayla, please.
Too bad we didn't get a replay of John and Marlena kissing :love:

I kept wondering if Victor and Maggie both took a nap to stay up
on New Year's Eve. I was asleep by 10:30 :)

Poirot, I love your description of Melanie and Brady. I think of
Brady has a her big brother so I'm not to happy with the kissing.
I loved Victor's line about them acting like "squirrels in a bag"

I wonder how Kayla got Bob for a date. Is it because it's Salem? LOL
Kayla said she met Bob on an online dating site.

Serena was also angry at the end when she opened her safe. I couldn't figure out if she was angry at Eric or Nicole. Let's hope this secret gets revealed quickly. I do want to see the tables turned here.

Victor was funny as usual. Too bad he was wasted on Brady and his toddler. Perhaps we will see mature Melanie once she goes back to work.
I know a few people who have tried online dating...and said the same thing. Met or were paired up with .....well, let's just say VERY incompatible. However, I know one or two, where it worked out great. I am amazed now the huge numbers of different online dating services that have cropped up (ads on TV)
I am guessing the show/directors must like the childish manner of Melanie's scenes, since none of them seem to get her to calm down. When Victor & Maggie came upon Brady & Melanie they were not doing anything, just watching fireworks, and yet both were unable to put a coherent sentence together, but Mel seemed worse, at least to me.
I wholeheartily agree with most of what has been said about the 'Holiday ' episodes...boy I sure hope we see some happiness soon...the storylines are as gloomy and cold as the weather here!

I cannot believe that Brady would be interested romantically with 'the toddler' after experiencing the maturity and classiness of Madison and Kristen...c'mon Brady wake up!

My wish for 2015: Rafe getting a great story and appearing on my tv screen at least 3X a week! Guess it's wishful thinking:confused:
I hope Ben's mentioning that he took the champagne from the club wasn't some kind of petty foreshadowing.

ONE-TAKE ALERT: Abby was wearing a wedding band in bed.

When Nicole cornered Daniel in the lounge, it looked like she locked the door. But, Maxine had no trouble opening it. Terrific, Hollywood-quality acting from Nicole in this scene! She is one of Days' finest.

The Paul/Will scene was teeth-gritting. I kept telling Will to get his tail out of there! Was also glad that Brady escaped his friend...