Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 6, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 6, 2020

Sonny comes to visit Evan at Rafe's, telling of trying to tell Ari about the divorce, while Xander pays a visit to Ben in the prison. He threatens Ciara, wanting Ben to get her to stop investigating him. Ben doesn't know what he is talking about, tries to leave, door locked, Xander has paid off the guard. Xander says Victor doesn't want him to do anything to Ciara, he won't, but he threatens to end Ben's life if he doesn't stop her. He also says he would kill Ben, and make sure Ciara died, perhaps motorcycle accident, then they can be together in the afterlife. Ben shoves table, grabs Xander, leave Ciara alone, if you touch one hair of her..........and in comes Will. Nope, don't know how, but now the door is open. He stops the guys, warns Ben that if he continues, he could ruin his appeal chances. Ben calms down, Xander leaves. Will gets Ben calmed down.

Replay of “Hope” coming in, firing Rafe. He asks why, she claims undermining her authority. He is pretty calm, she asks for badge & gun, he notes that he has a union, that there is procedure for this, she has to have a file, like this one, showing the one he has on her, listing all her inconsistencies. She accuses him of spying, no, just observing. He decides to go home for lunch, see David, takes the file with him.

And so, he walks in on Sonny & Evan, about to kiss, but they don't. Evan shows Rafe some video of David, Sonny says he is going to leave. Prior to Rafe walking in, Evan had been telling Sonny about his lousy childhood, rotten dad, and this is why he probably is good with kids. They even talked a bit about Ben killing Jordan, with Sonny mentioning his dad is now going to represent Ben with this appeal. Evan makes a comment about perhaps Ben did a good thing, David is better off (they have cited all the bad things she did). So now, Sonny is going to leave, Rafe asks him to give an envelope to his dad, Sonny agrees, hopes it is not urgent, might not be til tonight. Rafe notes the paperwork all came thru, he is adopting David. Rafe leaves, Evan doesn't seem too thrilled with this news.

Kayla is trying to get “Steve” to tell her who the woman is that he now loves, he refuses, she is insistent, he agrees, John & Marlena walk in, having heard raised voices. Stevano only says she is beautiful, smart, intriguing, and that is all Kayla needs to know. Kayla leaves. Marlena goes after her, John questions Steve-ano, claiming he knows he is not in love with any one else. Steve-ano says Kayla has moved on, in love with Justin, fine......but agrees with John, asking him to keep his secret. John promises not to tell Kayla, but will tell Marlena.

Victor is questioning Ciara, knows she was lying to him, has not broken up with Ben, is still visiting him, and is investigating Xander. Ciara admits it, Vic asks why, she flashes back to all kinds of scenes, mostly between Vic & Xander, then says she overheard them, etc. She knows the innocent man they sent to prison is Ben, that Vic had Xander kill Jordan. Vic denies this, but Ciara is firm, doesn't believe him. Vic's voice begins to falter, he passes out. Ciara calls 911.

Marlena is talking to Kayla at the hospital, telling her not to blame herself for all this with Steve, just be happy now with Justin. EMTs bring in Vic on a gurney, he is rushed to Room 4. Ciara rushes in, Marlena comforts her.

Gina comes in to see John, sends Steveano off for some info on his tablet, tells John she knows he told Marlena about Hope having feelings for him. Yes, he did, she should know. Gina says fine, just don't want it to interfere with us all working together to find Stefano.

Evan did not realize Rafe was adopting David. Sonny did not know either. They talk of about to kiss when Rafe walked in. Now Evan kisses Sonny.

Ciara calls Ben, all upset about Victor. He tells her Xander paid him a visit, made all kinds of threats, she needs to be careful.

John has told “hope” they work together, but he lets her know there are boundaries she cannot cross. He gets phone call from Marlena telling of Victor being brought in, had a stroke. He leaves. Steve-ano returns, Gina tells him she tried firing Rafe, thinks perhaps he is onto her,. Steve-ano says to stay away from him. She replies they had better get the plan into action fast.
So, I wonder why, assuming he IS David's father, he can't just claim him and say that Jordan took him without her knowledge/permission, so he should have legal rights to David as his father. If we believe Jordan, she said he is a very bad guy, so I wonder how that will play out? And, I agree with JS and others who have predicted that it will be the case that he is David's bio-father.
It was noted there is no father's name listed on David's birth certificate, so he'd have no legal standing to him (as of yet, if this is the case). I'm guessing he'd have to petition the court to establish paternity first. Then again, this is Salem, so we know they have their own laws.
Right now, my guess is that he has not claimed paternal rights all this while, plus, if he did, he then could be looked at as a possible killer of Jordan...........and if he did do it, he certainly doesn't want that.
The odd thing is, Rafe has been legal guardian for over a year now, while Evan obviously came on purposely as Nanny, in order to be able to be with David. If Evan was o.k. with Rafe being legal guardian, why get down in the dumps if he adopts him?
Victor: He should have stuck to his usual bluster and threats. It was probably the stress of pulling off an injured-innocence routine that caused his stroke.

Evan: He may or may not have a dark past, but he should take his recipe for sugarless brownies to Roman. The Pub could then offer a low-calorie dessert to those who are worried about their waistlines after pigging out on a Brady Burger platter or a heaping plate of Wanchai Ferry.

Rafe: Detective Hernandez gets a big round of applause for actually knowing that in all employment actions, he gets due process and will have the support of the police union.

"Gina": This one is too dumb to survive in Salem. In addition to not realizing that somebody like Rafe would know his rights, she ought to be aware that if the news of his attempted firing reached Jenny's Spectator, they'd be a big fuss in the media. Getting media scrutiny would be fatal to her idiotic plans and cause Steve-ano to drop her like a hot rock.
Oh joy! Sonny is going to fall for another conman. I hope Uncle Vic didn't hire Evan to woo Sonny away from Will. However, Evan as the baby daddy is intriguing! Jordan could have been killed while Evan was fighting to see his son. Well, being strangled is not exactly accidental but in Salem, anything is possible!
Well, being strangled is not exactly accidental but in Salem, anything is possible!
She ran towards him, tripped and fell, with a scarf around her neck. He leaned down to tie his shoe, not realizing he was pulling/tying the ends of the scarf and before he knew it, Jordan was dead and his tennis shoe was still untied. :rotfl:
So, I wonder why, assuming [Evan] IS David's father, he can't just claim him and say that Jordan took him without her knowledge/permission, so he should have legal rights to David as his father.
Because it's Salem and every story/plot has to drag on so long we sometimes lose interest. :)
I'm guessing that Evan is David's biological father and he's the one who killed Jordan. (pure speculation on my part)
I'm hoping, if this speculation is true, that Evan is actually bisexual rather than just meddling in Sonny's relationship on someone's dime (a tried and true Days trope). Though I'm actually hoping that it's not true, especially not about killing Jordan.
If Evan was o.k. with Rafe being legal guardian, why get down in the dumps if he adopts him?
I'm hoping, if the speculation about Evan is true, that there's more to the story.

I'm actually hoping this is one of those times where the groupthink has gotten the wrong answer and the writers are cleverer than we.
Oh joy! Sonny is going to fall for another conman.
It's still speculation at this point.
I hope Uncle Vic didn't hire Evan to woo Sonny away from Will.
Me too - my money would be on Clyde, who would have reason to kill Jordan as well as holding a grudge against Victor and Will.
Thanks, Poirot.

A nice surprise about Rafe adopting David. He was a great dad
with Sami's kids.

Evan did act oddly when Rafe mentioned adopting David.

I laughed when Gina in her monotone voice said "Oh my God,
how horrible" when she was told about Victor.