Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jul. 11, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Pub: Roman and Eric are getting ready for Lucas and Sami's "second" wedding. Eric recaps learning about the Rafe/Nicole elopement. He doesn't plan on messing up Nicole's marriage because he still believes in marital sanctity.

Allie's (yes, she has taken over the lease, thank you Sweet Bits): Allie talks about her parents' wedding. Nicole makes remarks, apologises. Allie is aware of their enmity. Allie thinks this marriage will be good, even though she didn't in the past. Nicole thinks Sami isn't over EJ; Allie thinks Nicole married Rafe to forget Eric. Nicole denies this.

Townhouse: Sami is ready to dance with her husband on her wedding day. Sami doesn't understand why Belle's nearly murdering Jan is preventing her from appearing. Marlena asks for slack for Belle. Sami thinks John is avoiding the wedding because of what she did at the last Marlena/John wedding, but Marlena explains the sudden nuptials were less planned than John's longstanding plan to visit Paul. Marlena asks if the rush is due to EJ, by whom Lucas has allegedly felt threatened for years. Lots of recap about her talks with EJ and his memories of Clyde.

Salem Inn: Will arrives to Lucas's room, Lucas is happy to marry the love of his life. Will helps the damaged Lucas with his cuff links. He asks about the bandage on his hand, Lucas admits he fell off the wagon. Will wonders why, Lucas blames it on the skiing accident. Will reminds him that it's a bad idea to get married so close to a slip. He doesn't want Sami to know, Allie enters, know what. Blah blah. Allie prayed for her parents to reunite when she was little. More revisionist history. Then some recapping about how Clyde must be guilty.

Square Private Zone: Chad has false memories. His ex-stepmother/sister-in-law stops by to talk to him. She lets him babble on and he updates her on the Clyde/EJ revenge stuff. He's glad Clyde will pay. She reminds him to put Charlotte and Thomas first. She is plagued with guilt over her lie of omission, and lets slip that Lucas knew that Abby learned that he was the kidnapper.

DiMansion: EJ reiterates his belief that Lucas kidnapped Sami to Johnny. Johnny doesn't believe it, thinks it could have been anyone what with the Possession and everything. Johnny misquotes things he learned in college to put the screws to EJ, who he still believes loves Samantha.

Square: After some time has passed, who knows how long, Eric and Nicole bump into each other. He picks up things she dropped, including a picture of Holly. He reminisces. They blah blah, he leaves, EJ walks up to slime on some smarm.

Townhouse: Johnny arrives in his red suit to congratulate his mother on marrying Lucas. They talk about how EJ took the news, and everyone lies about everything.

Square Private Area: Chad is still sitting. Will happens upon him, sits down. They talk about Lucas's falling off the wagon the day Abby was killed.

Salem Inn: Kate is in Lucas's room. Lucas knows he didn't kill Abigail.

Square Behind Pub: EJ and Nicole are still trading barbs. EJ brags about getting Belle into bed, Nicole recaps, Sami walks up. END
I hate how they are trying to play it like Eric still loves Nicole! He left a month after their wedding for Africa. He went back to the priesthood!! He is not in love with Nicole! He's annoying!! Of course they can't let Nicole be happy!!

I hope Lucas is outed before the I dos!

And ya know Sami did not hear Nicole! Though she should have but ya know how hearing works in Salem!!
RS.......I think you are right about the bunch of filler scenes. Glad Sami commented on "the color of your suit" to Johnny. Can't imagine why Sami is out walkin around on her wedding day. Oh, guess so she can run into her ex-husband, chatting with HIS ex-wife, who was once married to the man Sami is supposed to marry now.
Don't ya just LOVE Salem? LOLOL
Even with Eric fessing up to Roman about his own wrongs, it was hard to swallow his sudden change.

Also, I don't believe Kate - who has been a hooker, exchanged sex for stock, poisoned people, murdered a woman, kidnapped babies and adults, and slept her way through a third of the DiMera sons - has booby-oopsie feelings about a little lie of omission.
Yeah, Kate is a piece of work all right. She is involved with an ex-cop, who was even the police commissioner, she has gotten away with all her ....let's just say "wrongful deeds" for years, has interfered and ruined so many things for her kids, and suddenly she is wracked with guilt over NOT spilling what she knows her son did? Ahhh,'s gonna come out. You know it. Soon as ANYONE in Salem tells someone else what is supposed to be a secret, or not be told......the entire town knows. LOL

In fact today seemed to be the day where more than one Salemite told something to someone they should have kept to themselves......Lucas told Will about his bender, Will told it to Chad. Kate told Chad that Lucas kidnapped Sami. Eric told his dad he was too late telling Nicole of his feelings for her, she had already married Rafe, Johnny told his dad, ....well not a secret, but a few truths about himself that EJ was denying.
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While it's nice that Eric admitted to his misdeeds, I didn't need Roman pushing Eric to go after a married woman in the first place. I sort of hate this episode because it reminds me they have or will wreck everyone. Lucas is ruined, Nicole is obviously headed for drama, Belle sleeping with her sister's ex while waiting for the ink to dry on her separation papers.

I think the only way I accept any of this is if there's a big uproar over EJ being a rapist and Sami realizing that it's always been Lucas for her and forgiving his nonsense. After all she's gotten a pass for her stuff for years. And Rafe needs to flip out on Eric and fight for Nicole if they're headed down some horrible road.
I forgot about Johnny' suit! He looks very devilish in it!!
He actually looks foolish. Who told him that this was proper attire for a wedding? And where did he get it -- the Salem Santa Claus Shop? And what other fetching colors does he have in his suit collection:
  • Lemon yellow;
  • Shocking pink;
  • Day-glo green;
  • Potent purple?
Bad advice: Roman has clearly lived in Salem far too long. Why else would he be advising his adult son to break up a pair of newlyweds?

Know-it-all children: Pity poor Lucas. He has enough problems without his foolish children who despite their lack of years and life experience feel free to give him relationship advice.

Let's blame Clyde for everything: People are oh so sure that Clyde had EJ shot and murdered Abigail despite the fact that was seen on-screen clearly indicates that this is not so. How long will it be before Clyde starts getting blamed for the price of gas and an increase in hot summer days?
Thanks, Jason.

I don't know what's worse Marlena's black suit or Johnny's red suit to wear at the wedding.

Johnny acted the way he first came to Salem talking the way he did to EJ wearing that suit.

I thought Chad was talking to Benchie when he was talking out loud to Abby.

Nicole moved out Eric's apartment. Hopefully, Holly left too.

The bakery must be making a lot of money for Allie to pay for the apartment herself.

Kate better tell Roman the truth about Lucas before Chad starts blabbing to someone.'s gonna come out. You know it.
This is what she's really guilty about, in my opinion.

Frankly I didn't mind Johnny's suit, other than its connection to the previous crud of a storyline. However, it also might send a message that he is not happy for his mother, at least in a family that wasn't evil.
Thanks for the summary.

Johnny's suit is hideous. But I did enjoy his conversation with his dad, and Will's conversation with Lucas.

Roman telling Eric to interfere in someone's marriage--someone that used to be his coworker and son-in-law, at that--is so out of character and ridiculous. Who thought writing that was a good idea?

I enjoy Kate's scenes with Chad. However, her constant behavior around him regarding Lucas is baffling. Also, why wouldn't she be giving him the space he clearly needs?

I love that Allie's now living on her own. I guess Nicole moved in with Rafe? That certainly makes me happy, and definitely should make Eric stop thinking about her.

EJ and Nicole's conversations are always interesting. Will she be the one to tell Sami that Belle slept with her ex-husband?