Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 12, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, July 12, 2010
Episode #11,372 Taped 5/7 Director – Albert Alarr

Vivian is at the nurses’ station, complaining about the décor in the hospital, yammering about grasscloth, texture, as a nurse ignores her, working at a computer. She starts yammering about being Victor Kiriakis’s wife and speaking to the hospital board when along comes Daniel, grabbing her arm, taking her off to the side, and wanting to know why she is bothering Chloe. Vivian asks if Carly did not tell him, (Gad I hate these non-conversations), doesn’t really say why she was there, he warns her to stay away from Chloe, from Melanie and from Carly…or …he promises…there will be hell to pay.

Philip is obviously in a state of shock at the news Chloe is pregnant, Melanie is a bit puzzled, he poorly tries to cover, as he just keeps pondering the news. Melanie knows she should have told, he asks how far along Chloe is, Mel doesn’t know, what does it matter, and what a strange question to ask. He tries to cover, she gets a call to cover a shift at the hospital, Philip says he will go and check on Chloe, they go way back. Melanie doesn’t think her dad will mind she told, after all, Phil is her husband. She leaves.

Chloe & Carly continue their conversation about paternity testing. Carly is also stating that the only way she will keep quiet is if the test proves Daniel the daddy. She finally takes her holier than thou attitude and departs, and next Philip arrives, not happy that Chloe did not tell him she was pregnant. They go back and forth about daddy possibilities, with Philip promising that if he is the father, he will stand by her, not like with Pocket. They will go thru it together, admitting also his world will get shaky. He contemplates telling Melanie now about their one time indiscretion, but Chloe convinces him not to do that.

Melanie is back home, evidently not needed for the emergency shift, answers a knock at the door to find Vivian standing there. Melanie tries her best to get Viv to leave, even trying to shut the door in her face. Vivian is rather persistent, insisting that she only came to say hello to her daughter-in-law. Melanie reminds her she is not her daughter-in-law and Philip is not her son. Vivian now pointedly looks at a picture of Maggie & Mickey, then starts chattering about getting Philip & Melanie to move back into the mansion, how Victor would love that. Mel reminds her for the 3rd time that Viv tried to kill her, and Philip definitely would not want to move anywhere where Viv is. Now Vivian starts in on Carly, telling Melanie that her mother ruins all those she loves, first Lawrence, then Bo, and before you know it, she will be blowing a wide hole right through you.

Daniel meets up with Carly at the Pub, wants to know what Carly knows about Vivian bothering Chloe. Carly admits running into Viv outside Daniel’s door last night, and talked to Chloe today. They talk without saying anything or explaining anything, as usual. Daniel knows Vivian has it in for Carly, who just talks about wanting Daniel to be happy. She realizes what having kept truth from him long ago has done.

Philip has accused Chloe of being unable to keep her mouth shut, that because of that, Nathan & Carly both know something. She promises to never tell that the person was him, that they will both just keep quiet and deal with this. The door opens and in walks Daniel, and am not liking the expression on his face.

Sami is in the park, or rather the area where they had the picnic last night, looking around for Johnny’s penguin, which he left there. And along comes Rafe, all wet, just returning from a swim, and yes, shirtless. Awkward pauses, greetings. He grabs a towel, she explains why she is there, he dries himself off, spots the penguin on the other side of a log, brushes it off, hands it to her. A greatful Sami goes on how much Johnny loves his penguin, and then the FBI jacket, and how they ask about him. Rafe is surprised the kids remember him, Sami assures him they do, and miss him. He misses the kids, too. A lot. Sami explains about the family picnic last night, Rafe mentions EJ, Sami admits he was there, yes….you already knew? Yes, replies, Rafe, Gabi told me. Sami nods. Along comes Gabi herself, as Rafe is putting on his shirt. Sami takes her leave, Gabi tells Rafe she is sorry, she could see she interrupted something, and tells him how Sami told her last night that she misses Rafe.

And over to the pier, where Nicole continues to berate EJ, and all that he did in regard to the kidnapping of Sydney. She talks of how he paid Anna to attack her, just when she was about to bring Sydney back, spiriting her away to a hiding place, and then putting on this big act, all the while causing Sami, herself, the entire family much torment. She recites the entire litany, including what EJ said about her in court, sending her to prison, etc. EJ listens, sort of smirking, reverts to the blame game, and that Nicole only spent months in prison when she should have been there for life. (These are excellent scenes). EJ now berates Nicole for what she did, but Nikkie has the upper hand here. EJ tries to bluff to no avail. He finally plays his trump card, that she has no proof. Nicole’s face falls as she says….Oh, yeah, proof. I forgot about that. EJ turns his back to her, starts walking away, smirking. Nicole says….I lied. He turns back. I lied about the proof…I didn’t forget it. She hauls out a little recorder, turns it on, and EJ listens to the conversation between him and Stefano, admitting how EJ was behind Sydney’s kidnapping. EJ face is changing, as now Nicole taunts a bit, saying she should play it again, and she plays the last part. EJ grabs the recorder from her, pulls the tape out, throws the entire thing to the ground, stomping it to bits, then kicking it aside.
Nicole says she is not a fool. She has made copies, lots of copies, and along with letters addressed to Abe Carver, Bo Brady, and every law enforcement official in the state. EJ wonders what she wants, but she assures him the almighty dollar is not the answer here. She set up this meeting to see his reaction in person. That what he did was far far worse than her, and he is going to pay. EJ’s menacing look causes her to step back, saying he wouldn’t, this is a public place. EJ replies “What have I got to lose”, as he takes a few more steps, Nicole retreating. And around the corner comes Sami, surprised to see them. Nicole ducks around EJ, saying, “Sami, just the person I wanted to talk to”. EJ turns, his angry look changing into a big smile. LOL

Watching EJ squirm is going to be fun. Ahhhhh a shirtless Rafe, can it get any better? I am so over Carly. Thanks for the great write up as usual
Finally we are getting somewhere in this Chloe baby saga.. This is going to be a train wreck. I cannot wait!

thanks for the write up
Thanks for the write up. Sounds like we are in for a real treat in the acting department between James and Ari. I love when they both get their evil on and go after each other. Looks like today's points go to Nicole but I don't ever count EJ out..he will come back at her with a vengence.
thanks for the great write up barb. looks like a good show.
Thanks Poirot. Boy can't wait for todays show. Bet EJ and Nicole are wonderful. Philip and Chloe are going to be fun to see as well. ARE gonna love the show today.

And for all you who look forward to "shirtless" scenes.....Tuesday's previews show a shirtless Brady. LOL Summer time, and the pool/lake/swimsuit scenes are definitely front and center. LOL
Great write up!! Thanks Barb!!!
Ready for the Chloe baby drama to be over.
While I am a Rafe fan...Rafe & Sami just dont do it for me. Dont know why???

Nicole & EJ scenes shound great!!
iI guess they have to make use of the new beach set so we should be getting alot of bare chested men. Just keep victor and Stefano away from the beach
Barb, I just read my first Agatha Christie novel, "The Mysterious Affair at Styles." It was hard to read about Poirot without thinking of you and the Spectator site. :-)
Barb- I rarely post, but I usually read your summary and the summary on the prevuze site. Thanks for posting your summaries- it wouldn't be lunch hour without 'em!
I have a question for you about the conversation between Philip and Chloe, on the prevuze site it mentioned him saying something about "when he tried to conceive with Belle...." Do you remember this line?
I only ask because it seems quite relevant to bring up his trouble conceiving with Belle (wow, the writer have actually referred to Philip's history twice now!), it makes it more unlikely that Chloe's baby is his, I wonder if it really will be Daniel's?!?!
I'm so tired of Chloe taking the brunt of the blame for the affair from Nathan, Carly and now Philip. Philip should keep his mouth SHUT, Chloe has never told anyone that he was the other guy and is taking all of the blame and accusations from Carly. I think if I were Chloe, I would have belted Carly in the face a long time ago. Don't these people even care that this may be a high risk pregnancy and added stress is NOT good for her or the baby? I'm sick of miss holier than thou Carly!!!! Were Chloe and Philip wrong, YES YES YES!!! But no one else in this situation is perfect either. Carly needs to SHUT UP and mind her own business.


Sorry, Carly just makes me mad, and I really did like her character the first time around.
Charlie, you are truly a stitch, and made me laugh.

@Dr. Chip.....LOL, as you know that is where my name came from. Wait til you read 10 Little Indians or Murder on the Orient Express. :wink:

@Erisa.....yes, Philip does start to say something to Chloe about "when Belle & I were trying to conceive"........but he breaks it off, saying never mind. Somehow, this seems to be eventually coming into play. Chloe also mentions her chances of getting pregnant were almost nil.
This is getting interesting.... however, I would so love for this storyline to come to a fantastic conclusion and move on for all the characters' sakes.
EJ needs to get his just desserts. Sami needs to know how she has been punished, manipulated out of hate and love, Rafe needs to be exonerated for his persistent and dogged search for Sydney and his suspections of the DiMeras. In short, Sami needs to wake up and smell the coffee and EJ needs a lap full of hot coffee. Ouch!!! but he's so deserving of any and all the bad karma Salem has to offer. p.s. And to add some frosting to this well done cupcake, a paternity test needs to be done on all of Sami's kids so the story can be told that they all belong, with the exception of Sydney, to Lucas. :clap:
After watching the Nicole and EJ scenes it reinforces why Dool would not be the same without EJ. By the end of the episode EJ though reeling from Nicole turned the tables on her pretty quickly and she was ****ting in her pants because if Sami hadn't come when she did , Nicole would have been in the Salem river where she belongs. This is not going to end well for Nicole. If I were EJ, I would join forces with Stefano and Victor to gaslight Nicole. Victor would love in on the action for his past as well as protecting Brady. Great show all around and finally moving. Ari and James really brought it in their scenes. Just can't wait for baby switch storyline to finally be over as it has dragged on much too long. EJ will rock when the truth comes out and he must regroup.
LOL, and I beg to differ, in spades. EJ never for one second turned any tables on Nicole, and she never was shaking in her boots. (Ladies underwear is not appropriate conversation in mixed company!) Don't ever sell Nicole short. She is not afraid of him, and if Sami had not turned up, and EJ continued to attempt to intimidate Nicole, he would be very lucky if he did not find himself with a stilleto heel or pointy toe to the groin, his head bashed in, in the river himself....or worse. Sami's arrival probably saved EJ, which may be why he smiled so happily. LOL

EJ is a sniveling coward who usually gets someone else to do his dirty work, not that he is reluctant to pick on those weaker than himself.