Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 13, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 13, 2015

zzzzzzzzzzzz, Hard to believe this is a sweeps month. However, we have characters interacting who do not usually do so, that is a plus, and good scenes between Kayla & Abby today. Replays of Friday's closing scenes, and a lot of flashbacks to Chad & Abby sex scenes, plus Ben with Abby, too. Daniel is thanking Eric profusely for his help with Nicole when they were near death, but Eric angrily stops him, Daniel doesn't know what he has done. Eric then talks of how he took up with Serena again, and thus Xander as well, having known both in Africa, how Nicole was wary and suspicious, knew something was wrong, and he would not believe her. Daniel tells him not to beat himself up over it, Daniel did not listen to Nicole as well. He spots Victor, stops him to ask if there is not something he could possibly dig up about Xander to put him behind bars. Victor claims no, he has already disowned Xander, thrown him out of his house, yada, yada. Eric leaves, Daniel asks the questions again, figures Victor has connections to check into Xander's dealings. Nope. Along comes Roman, who is also upset they have been unable to put Xander behind bars, figures Xander used his super clean business dealings to front the diamond smuggling, so is going to contact Interpol, etc. He leaves, Victor insists to Daniel he had nothing to do with Xander's businesses, Daniel hopes he is telling the truth, as he loves Victor, his mother loves Vic very much, and Xander tried to kill both the woman he loves and a very dear friend.

Nicole is confronting Serena in her hotel room, they argue back and forth, mostly over whose fault it was that Nicole & Eric were nearly killed by Xander, each blaming the other. Each threatens the other, Serena is going on and on, Nicole says to shut up, Serena says "Make me" as she shoves Nicole....and yes, they are soon wrestling around a bit, as Eric bursts thru the door, pulling them apart, and Nicole out of the room. In the hall he is telling Nicole to stay away from Serena, but Nicole wants to knock her teeth out. Eric just doesn't want Nicole hurt any more, not ever again. Nicole is trying to tell him all they did was survive, but Eric is talking as if more. Serena opens the door, stands looking at them.

JJ shows up at Club TBD for his job, helps Sonny with some boxes as Sonny's shoulder bothers him at times...they talk a bit about the stabbing, he still is feeling after effects. Roman comes in to talk to JJ, aplogizes to him for last night, was sorry to scare him about the way he was brought in, JJ made the right call in refusing, he would hate to tell his mother that her son got into the middle of something and got hurt. He somments that Kyle is a very dangerous man, his boss even more so. After he is gone, Sonny asks what he wanted, it was nothing says JJ. They talk a bit about Paige & JJ breaking up, Sonny figuring there is always a chance, JJ protesting they are definitely over. They talk about Sonny getting stabbed, the drug problem on the rise, neighborhood trying to get together to do something. Back to Paige, JJ is talking of just forgetting it, he is seeing someone else now, not worth the risk to try and do anything, but Sonny says it is always worth the risk. No more odd jobs for JJ, so he is free to go enjoy the rest of the day.

Chad runs into Kayla, tells her he wants to expand on Lexie's scholarship, hopes she will support him with the Board. She might, but wants to see the paperwork first. She then tells him that unlike many people, she doesn't hold his name against him, but she does hold what he did to Abby against him. A bit of talk about the brain tumor thing, all in the past, everything over. She mentions with his father back in town, people get a little concerned. Chad figures it is because he is Stefano's last chance to corrupt a family member. She notes that Lexie held out against Stefano, was a very good friend of hers, and she hopes Chad can do as well.

Daphne & Paige are in the park, chatting away about Paige's scam on her mother, making her lose $$$$ which Paige gave to charity. Mention of Kyle, the party, seeing JJ, who got upset seeing her talking to Kyle. Daniel notes the guy is a druggie, Paige has no idea, and of course, here he comes, convenient call from Daphne's mom send her off, so that Kyle can come on a bit to Paige, and JJ is passing by and spots them.

Will is asking Abby if she is pregnant. A clearly upset Abby says yes, the test was positive. Will starts reassuring her, but Abby is upset, not wanting Will to tell anyone, especially Ben, but claiming she wants to be 100% sure. Will starts talking of Gabi considering an abortion, and that he assured Gabi whatever she decided, he would support her. Abby is just more upset, starts to call her doctor, hoping she can get in today, he suggests seeing Aunt Kayla instead, she would do the favor. Abby agrees, panics about the pregnancy test package, (and instead of taking it with her to shove into a waste bin even at the hospital) she figures Ben won't look in the trash, shoves it into the one in the apartment, pushing it down to the bottom, so unseen.

Abby enters Kayla's office, and is clearly nervous, upset, finally asking her to do the pregnancy test. Kayla promises not to tell anyone, will draw the blood, will take it to lab and wait for the result. While Abby waits for Kayla to return, she paces, has flashbacks galore, Kayla comes in, yes her home test was accurate. Abby is all upset, Kayla is trying to comfort her, soothing words, Abby is talking of how scared she is, so totally scared, and finally manages to blurt out that she needs another test, a different one. Kayla puzzled, Abby is near tears, she needs a paternity test. Cue Chad to pop open the door with the paperwork for Kayla.
LOL, right on, KL.......Oh, he will either knock over the can accidentally, or go to throw something in and miss the can, so have to pick it up, making his eyes much closer to it, and he spots the box. Sheesh.
At this point, what is the exciting thing that we are supposed to be waiting for to happen this sweeps?? Abigail's pregnancy?? Or her almost abortion where she talks about it but never goes through with it??? Because gosh, that's almost as riveting as the Eric/Serena/Nicole/Daniel stuff. At least Xander is creepy enough to hold his own in this extremely poorly written story.

Thank you so much for watching this 37 minutes of total on the edge of sleep fest.
Well, hopefully this is the Sweeps that will sweep the boring garbage stories out while also sweeping out the writer's scripts that trashed this show. I honestly appreciate each of you who take the time to watch the entire show and post summaries. May I just say thank you and

I find it interesting to see characters who rarely are in a scene together, well, maybe never, and today, there they were. JJ & Sonny, Kayla & Abby, Victor & Eric (even if Daniel was there), Roman & JJ, Roman & Victor. I will say Kate Mansi (Abby) did a really good job of portraying the entire Nervous Nellie scenario....the angst, the realization she has a BIG problem, the reluctance to ask Kayla, but knowing she has to, and the anxiety in not wanting anyone to be able to know (especially Anne & Theresa, lol).

I do wonder about Victor, as it did not seem like he threw Xander out to me, nor that he has not gotten benefits from Xander's underhanded business dealings. I mean, how Victor will wiggle out of it.
And I can only add I am sick and tired of Serena's NON conversations. Nicole is saying Serena could have put Xander behind bars, could have given info, etc. and all Serena can say is "not my fault, is YOUR fault, I warned you to drop it, that Xander was dangerous". What kind of baloney is that? She has said much the same to Daniel, to Eric......but then, are we not used to same conversations, just different locations?
Thank you for watching this, Poirot.

The only rootable part for me is Nicole going after Serena.

Roman made an appearance? With more than one line? WOW!

Anything to do with Abby or Ben just bores me to tears. I can't stand either one of them. Too bad that Chad is caught up in a storyline with them.
Someone, anyone...remind me how Daniel and Eric became such very good friends for Daniel to be lamenting the value of this friendship to Victor and making vague threats to Vic. (Don't make me tell my mom :rotfl:) Seems to me Eric isn't the least bit concerned about this friendship at the moment LOL.
In addition to those who sat through today's snoozer, sympathy might also go out certain Salemites.
1) Daphne the Gossip who really needs a new friend. Listening to Paigie-poo as she turns into a typical Salem sicko must be anything but uplifting.
2) Kayla whose day at dysfunctional University Hospital couldn't have been brightened by the histrionics of the latest star of a who's-the-baby-daddy plot.
3) Whoever is in the room next to Bluebird's for having to overhear the latest pointless Salem confrontation. Even master-confronter Jenny would have been shaking her head over this one. Buried among today's nonsense was the news that sourpuss Eric doesn't hate Nicole anymore. Now he can forgive Bluebird and Xander, rejoin the church and go to work in the Vatican Archives where only the dusty documents will be exposed to his miserable personality,
Nicole/Serena: As critical as I've been of this whole storyline I'm going to say something nice so hold on on to your hats. Nobody can say the actors tasked with bringing this thing to life aren't earning their paychecks. Especially Arianne Zucker (Nicole) and Melissa Archer (Serena), I gotta give those two ladies mad props. *hits chest with fist as show respect.* That said the whole time I kept getting this image in my head of a 4 X 4 trying to get out of a patch of really wet sand. It was spinning its wheels mightily but alas it wasn't getting anywhere.

But to be totally fair that can unfortunately be said about pretty much every storyline going on right now.

I do have to say that I did enjoy character interactions we don't see very often: JJ/Sonny, Kayla/Abigail, Victor/Eric, I just wish the conversations were more interesting.

I also have to say to that if I were one of the citizens of the fair city of Salem nothing would feel me more with confidence then the sight of the Police Commissioner openly discussing an ongoing investigation in the public square with two people who were not police officers. One of which just happens to not only be the uncle of the suspect under investigation but a reputed crime boss to boot. Yes sirree bob, I would have no trouble at all sleeping at night with my door unlocked after seeing that. :rolleyes:
The show is totally treading water until the new writers kick in. The editing wasn't so jarring today as Friday, but it really seems to be its being edited to make key changes asap.

I love Kayla. I get Abby was being an emotional wreck but a please wouldn't have killed her. Kayla is going to work out Chad's a potential babydaddy in the first 10 seconds of tomorrows show and she's totally going to be Team Chad because she's got a soft spot for misguided young men with secret hearts of gold.

Speaking of Kayla, it's interesting to me that Chad gets scenes with lots of the key vets (Marlena and Kayla are recent examples), and JJ has scenes outside his little niche too (Sonny, Roman, Kayla, and as much as it pains me to say it, Daniel). Whereas Paige never moves out of her Eve/Daphne bubble, and Ben never moves out of his Clyde/Abby/serving people at TBD bubble. I find it amazing that they can flesh out some characters reasonably well and not at all with others.

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS

I fast forwarded all of Daniel/Eric/Nicole/Serena. I did stop for Victor but I shouldn't have bothered. Yawn.
Please tell me that at some point during the JJ/Sonny interaction, JJ laid it on thick about what a scuz he was, how he was slime, and there was at least one one-shot of Sonny thinking about how JJ/Paige relates to him/Will??

I did TRY to watch the episode today but I just didn't feel I could subject my poor hubby to it. Even though our suite has two rooms, and two televisions, this is not a show I can proudly watch or defend at the moment. Thanks for watching Poirot!!
Well, Sonny did say he was JJ's wise older cousin.....but JJ only said that Paige sees him in a certain way, no matter what he says or does.