Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 2, 2018

@Poirot, Thank you for the information. I really feel it would result in much, much better writing if they paid attention to fan input. We could actually be their ghost writers enabling them to produce 100% better stories. I’m very serious when I express my concerns and fears for the future of Days.
Thanks for the write-up. After a good end to the week last week, this one doesn't make me feel good. Other than Paul's conversation with his dad and Will telling Sonny the truth, everything else just kind of felt boring and lame. This is definitely a filler episode better suited to the middle of the week.
Clearly taking Chad's toothbrush would be too easy. Why go for simple when you can steal cutlery from a restaurant. You gotta be rich to think that's preferable to taking some of his hair. Then again, Abby just got away with murder why would she care about minor theft?
@TobyJ......It is claimed they do not.....but I remember when a line posted by one of our members was used on the show. LOL...Staff does scan various forums, reporting the general feedback to the bosses. Days sets great store by handwritten comments, but in these day, know it is social media. When I was doing Early Edition, I got e-mails from one of the writers, so they are aware of some areas....
That was back in the good old Days!
Ugh, this storyline with Leo and Sonny is just dumb.

But one thing I think that is being foreshadowed that I picked up on, besides the obvious of Chad wearing Stefano ring and has been for a while now but didn't notice. Is it just me or is Chad beginning to take on the look of Stefano with the beard and shape of it?

Maybe it's been obvious to everyone else but hey, nuttin' gets past me, nope, nope, nope.