Days Of Our Lives - Mon. July 21, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 21, 2014

Jennifer is on a roll today, lol, maybe she is angry over having to wear that ugly outfit. but then, so is Eve. Jen opens the door to find Eve, wanting to blather about the book, and slam the door in her face. But Eve just bursts in anyway, following Jen, going on and on about getting more money for the movie rights. Jen claims present producer will be protecting Jack's integrity and his book, but Eve figures other producers would do the same and pay way more money. They argue, scream at each other, both yelling at the same time, with Jen telling Eve she is now in for a fight. Jen throws her out of the house again.

Eve goes to the hospital, runs into the distraught Theresa, and becomes aware that Theresa has done something, gotten herself in a mess. Theresa doesn't tell, however, ends up throwing Eve out the door (I think it is a waiting room), and Eve is on her merry way.
Oh, but she spies the exhausted Dr. Dan, who has decided to go for a bite to eat, then come back to do rounds. Maxine is not too happy about that, thinking he should go hope for some sleep. He leaves, and Eve merrily skips along right behind him. And when Dan arrives at the Pub, sits down, in walks the ever so surprised Eve, "didn't know he would be there", and can she join him. She sits down, talks of Parker, and kids, telling tales of something that happened when Paige was very little, and she got upset, drove all the way back and found little Paige had dumped her food all over her hair, which the cousin had washed, and all was well. And now Dan tells a few tales of his, has pictures, they are laughing and having a good ol time. Meanwhile, Maxine was bemoaning poor Dan's exhaustion to Jennifer, and talking of how she thinks he is just lonely. Of course Jen runs off to the Pub, and there is Eve & Dan, having a wonderful, fun time. Jen's jaw drops.

Nicole is having a dream of Eric coming to her in bed, loves her, has to be there. Alas, the alarm clock goes off, and boy, lucky Nicole gets to sleep til 9 a.m. LOL Later she is dressed and Eric arrives. He needs a favor. She knows about DiMera Enterprises, Sami has been active, but Eric hopes Nicole will not make a big deal thing of it on her news program. People are talking anyway, he doesn't want it to get out of hand. She tries to have him stay a while, he refuses, she gets upset, he tries to make her understand how she betrayed not only him, but Daniel as well.

Hope & Abe are questioning Theresa. Seems they lifted two sets of prints, one belonging to brady, and a single print belonging to Victor. Theresa claims with all the cleaning done there, so what? Abe & Hope figure it seems the poker had been wiped clean, also that in brady's condition, he would not have been able to hit John with the force that was used. they also talk about the bodies being moved.Theresa squirms out of it all, just as Aiden arrives. Seems Theresa hired him for Brady. But Brady comes out, wants no lawyer, will talk to Abe & Hope, and wants to do it alone. Tells Theresa to go away. She walks with Aiden to the elevation, thanks him for coming, may need him later. Brady has admitted he does't remember anything, goes back to sit with John. Theresa returns, gets more questions from Abe & Hope, gets upset, goes to join her husband. Abe & Hope think that there are a few different scenarios possible, one is that Theresa may have done it herself.

Brady is with John, is very upset, wants Daniel to tell him some good news. There isn't any. John is stable, but has slipped deeper into the coma. Since it is not a medically induced coma, they have no control over it, ...and it could be that John may never wake up. Theresa is fussing away at him, but Brady wants no part of her or her fussing. He wants to go to a meeting. He needs one. She will go with him. No....he doesn't want that. And they will talk about this marriage later.
Warning - lots of flashbacks, of Theresa hitting John, and of Hope dancing with Aiden. And I do mean more than one.

Jennifer runs into Aiden in the park, tells him that though she had already told him she was going to talk to Eve one on one and come to an agreement, that is not possible, so she wants Aiden to make sure Eve gets not one penny.

Aiden returns to the hospital to tell Hope that he has a lot of complimentary e-mails in his box, so has she. They still have to write up their report, make suggestions for next year, etc. But Hope thinks that if Aiden possibly working on this case, if they are seen together, it could be misconstrued. He is understanding, and will take care of this all himself.
Folks, I do apologize for the helter skelter summary. I had so many interruptions while trying to watch today, just over and over and over. I am glad I watched the video clip over the weekend, as it helped, but I know things are mixed up, and I probably left things out.
Thanks for the summary, sounds boring thoughh. But we need a few boring days after the Kate and Sami excitement we have been seeing.
"All's well that ends well" is a saying that could be applied to Eve today. She gets tossed out of the Horton house by Ms. Priss and then run out of a hospital waiting room by the brat girl only to end up yukking it up at the Pub with the Love Doctor. Speaking of the tanned wonder, he would have been better advised to have a cup of coffee with poor Nicole than share a table with the duplicitous Eve. Nothing good can come of a social relationship with that conniving creature. Today was also a day for pointless arguments: Eve vs. Jenny and Eric vs. Nicole. Been there, done that. What else could be left to say? As for the hapless Salem P.D., nobody has seemed to notice that John was hit on the head from behind. This would tend to cast doubt on any self-defense theory. Finally, the Salem miracle of the day goes to Jen Jen: she actually locked her front door. Given the ease with which people waltz in and out of the Horton house, the K-mansion, and the DiMansion, this is definitely a Salem rarity.
I feel sorry for Nicole. Does Eric not realize that she was trying to tell him she got the evidence when he then said that he loved her? She loved him so I'm sure that made her really happy and she was torn. Eric and Daniel act like she is the most horrible person in the world and what she did is absolutely unforgivable. She risked her life to get that evidence. I was hoping she was gonna slap the "holier than thou" out of Eric today but he stopped her. I hope she stands up for herself and washes her hands of all of them. Personally I thought it kind of cut into her when he was asking that she go easy on Sami and he said "she has children", since the writers have seen fit to never let Nicole have a child. It cut into me anyway. :wink:
Nicole has told Eric that, and he has even mentioned it to someone else himself, that he was telling Nicole he loved her when she was about to tell him she had the evidence. He understands that.
What he is upset about now is that Nicole not only shredded it all, but when Daniel found the pasted together evidence, Nicole promised to tell Eric, and didn't. Kept making excuses, then promising again, and again. Eric wanted mostly to clear his name, and Nicole had the means to do that, and kept it from him. Even when Daniel gave her the ultimatum that he would tell Eric if she did not, she STILL did not.
That is what both Eric AND Daniel are upset about. Both stood by Nicole when she was down, were her friend, and she betrayed them both. They can no longer trust her.

On another note, Abe did mention that the force with which John was hit makes it impossible that Brady could have done it while up close in a confrontation where he was "defending himself". Theresa is sticking to her story, and they are finding holes.
I keep thinking about the height thing. Brady is so tall, that if he did whack John it would be from above, while Theresa is short, but....John WAS sitting down.

Forensics had just better come up with the angle, and also, it has to be mentioned that Brady's prints are from his right hand.....and he is left handed.
Oh, I love Nicole. The actress really comes across as making you dislike what Nicole may be doing, but sympathize and feel sorry for Nicole at the same time. I really think Nicole has had to deal with more than her share of hard knocks in her life. She is becoming more and more desperate to hold onto whatever little bit of happy she can squeeze out.
I am not liking the direction they are heading with Eric and Nicole...seemed today like they could have had angry sex. Either have him forgive her and reunte with her, or let him stop being around her and be a priest. I am tired of him asking for favors and then trashing her-it gets old.
Angry sex on Days? Surely you jest.

Eric & Nicole - I vomited a rainbow of hate during these scenes. Repetitive and disgusting. I liked Nicole's idea/reason for continuing to have "hope," but she needs to get over this clown. If Eric went to mail a letter and we never saw him again, I'd be thrilled.

Jennifer & Eve - sophomoric and stupid. Jenn is trying to be the injured party & she's not. If this is an attempt to make me like her/forgive her for hopping Daniel's bones 45 seconds after chucking Jack's ashes, it is sorely late and highly misdirected.

I would have liked Eve to support Jeannie Theresa. But it would have been too unexpected and too likable. So, again, the writers stick to trope instead of originality. :(

I liked Brady for the first time in countless aeons.

Abe & Hope, wow, good work. I hope Jeannie Theresa is outed quickly so we can all move on.

Jen Lilley is playing Jeannie Theresa's cavalcade of emotions so well I am actually feeling more sorry for her than Brady. However, I feel the worst for John.
Yes, I am enjoying Brady as of late, and loving seeing the Salem PD actually work and do a good job investigating for a change. It is also nice seeing Abe and Daniel sharing scenes with Eve.

Writers, if Daniel cannot forgive Nicole now, instead of having her whine...let her have coffee with her other BFF. You know, the one she has chemistry with and has never judged her since becomong her friend? RAFE!!! It gives him something to do other than kiss Jordan on benchie.
So Victor's partial print is on the poker. Does the forensics report even
mention what hand of Brady's prints are on the poker? I'm glad
Hope and Abe come up the three ideas.

Now's not the time for Justin to be away because there
is only one lawyer in town. Hope told Aiden they shouldn't
be talking to each other because of the case.

Brady is going to a meeting. Hallelujah. I hope when Brady
talks to Theresa about the marriage he'll tell her to go away.
Maybe he'll have to do what Jack with Eve if they get an annulment Ha Ha

So John is in a "deeper" coma. Will John wake up? Will Marlena
give him a wake up kiss? Will John remember what happened and
by whom? How long should we stay tuned :)