Days of Our Lives Mon., July 29, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 29, 2019

Gabi gives all her reasons for her to become Stefan's wife, saying it would be temporary, she'd be a placeholder til he got cleared, and could resume his position. Stefan is very hesitant, Abe thinks it a good plan, Stefan wants a pre-nup, Gabi gets indignant, but eventually says o.k. Fine. Stefan is still hesitant, she says fine....forget it, starts to leave, he stops her, is agreeable. O.K.

Jack is screaming at Eve not to break the vials, she has a large piece of marble, he swears he loves her, would not stop. She beings up Paige again, he begs, she finally puts the marble down, they kiss passionately, he repeats how much he loves her, etc. She picks up the marble piece, smashes the vials. He cannot believe she did that, calls her a witch (spelled with different letter) she thinks he never loved her, he says that had everything, she just smashed it all, including their ,marriage. He wants a divorce.

Jen shows up at hospital, sees Kayla, tells her all about the failed date with Dr. Shah, Jack taking the serum. Suddenly Jack appears, tells them what Eve did, including taking the diary, keeping it for months, now burning it, his marriage over, he is getting divorce, is hoping ,maybe hospital has notes. No, Kayla says all were destroyed. They only made the dose and one antidote, but what about his private lab. Jack did not think of that, call them, gets some sort of unsettling news.

Xander talks to Brady, about Susan, the mask, just silly stuff. Brady leaves, Sonny comes in, Xander has the wrestling mask on, more silly stuff. Sorry, I really did not pay attention, Xander goes out for a run.

Replays of Nicole coming into the room where Tony is, he gets upset, how did she get in. She has key, no, only 2 keys, fake Nicole removes her mask, tis Kristen, and they chat away. Apparently Kristen saved his life, he has been recovering all this while, wants nothing more than to get back to his Anna. Kristen yaps about Stefan trying to run the company, but into the ground instead, and she wants control back, with Tony's help. He refuses, doesn't want any part of it, she did not mean him, she meant herself, wants him to marry her. He remembers father tried to have them do so once, despite the incestuous implications, but they are not blood related. He says no, he is already married to Anna. Kristen claims he was declared dead, so not so any more, just marry her, she will get settled in, and manage to get out of legal jeopardy. Not to worry. He can then go back to the loving arms of his Anna.

Jack & Jen have rushed to the cop shop, where Eve is just finishing shredding some papers. They know she had the lab raided, the supervisor jailed. She says she heard recently they engaged in making some unapproved drugs, tis illegal. And she was just doing her job, protecting people of Salem. Jack says she no longer has that job, she is fired.

Xander is ending his run in the square, sees Eve sitting there. He makes his comments, she tells him her marriage is over, and so is her job, he fired her, admitting she smashed the vials containing the serum. He asks if she is sure? That there might be a loose end.

Kristen threatens to take back the apt. Tony is living in, if he doesn't marry her. He doesn't think she'd really throw him out on the street. She talks of not letting father's company run into ground. He finally agrees to wed her, but wonders how she will explain Nicole being alive, and knowing Tony is also alive. Oh, not to worry, has it all figured out.
Wow Xander's hair is really long! I didn't realize til he whipped that mask off. And seriously Brady you don't say Nicole was wearing that mask when she answered the door with Gabi. He wouldn't just let it go!! Dumb just dumb!

I am glad Tony had pause about marrying his sister. Blood or not it's till creepy. Can't wait to hear how "Nicole" explains it!! And would the Dimera board be so quick to put the wife of a quickie marriage in charge?

Glad that Jack and Eve are over at least.

Was glad Stefan said well of course has to be a pre nup. I was afraid with the quickness it would be "overlooked".
Kristen stated that Nicole didn't make it out of the warehouse alive. Wonder if that's true? Finally, finally, finally we get Jennifer and Jack sharing scenes and Jack showing a little interest in Jennifer. I loved when Eve said something along the lines of "no surprise seeing you two together". That marble heart Eve was holding, and used to break the vials, I kept thinking it looked like a breast implant or a bra filler. :rotfl:

Xander's bits of humor are a nice break.
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SPECULATION,,,,I wonder if perhaps Xander rescued real Nicole, but has not let Kristen be aware of as not to interfere with her "fake Nicole" ploy. Or Kristen knows Nicole is still alive, but lied to Tony.

Tony mentioned having been in that place in Nashville.............and so far, Kristen, Xander, EJ (gad I hope it isn't him)Jack, have all turned up alive. Plus Will, and evidently Vivian - since we saw her alive after she was shot. Just stands to reason Nicole is, too.
Had to laugh when Kristen called Stefan the illegitimate son of Stefano (using a different word). Uhhh, ALL of Stefano's kids were illegitimate except Benjy since Stefano was actually married to Ellen Hawk (he used the name David Hadley on the marriage license and birth certificate, as he was presumed dead at the time).
SPECULATION,,,,I wonder if perhaps Xander rescued real Nicole, but has not let Kristen be aware of as not to interfere with her "fake Nicole" ploy. Or Kristen knows Nicole is still alive, but lied to Tony.

Tony mentioned having been in that place in Nashville.............and so far, Kristen, Xander, EJ (gad I hope it isn't him)Jack, have all turned up alive. Plus Will, and evidently Vivian - since we saw her alive after she was shot. Just stands to reason Nicole is, too.
Nobody stays dead in Salem, even they have to use hocus-pocus Dr. Rolf to do it.
I remember this coming up with Hattie having her real name on the marriage license when she married John as Marlena that time. Can't remember what DrBakerFan said, though. I think if the fake name is used in order to commit fraud, it wasn't legal. But like when Stefano married Ellen Hawk, using the name David Hadley (back in the 80's), he wasn't really doing it to defraud anybody, just using an alias since he was presumed dead at the time (only on the soaps can you say that. LOL). DrBakerFan will have to weigh in on this matter.
Isn't Tony committing bigamy if he married fake Nicole?

Sort of reminds me of that poor judge in the movie Move Over, Darling. Doris Day had been declared dead (marooned on some desert island) for several years, Hubby James Garner married again, then Doris is rescued........and by end of movie the judge is trying to annul 2nd marriage, declare his first valid, but he has to declare Doris not dead first, but can't, because bigamy then for Garner......yes a comedy. I think he decides to annul 2nd marriage, then declare her undead, then declare 1st still valid. LOLOL
Isn't Tony committing bigamy if he married fake Nicole?
That's what I thought, too, but I think DBF said if the person is legally declared dead, the bonds of matrimony were broken. We'll have to get his expertise on this.

Interesting trivia, that was Marilyn Monroe's last movie (it was titled Something's Got to Give, and Dean Martin was her co-star). Then she died and it was shelved, until they hired Doris Day and James Garner to start over with. There are some clips of Marilyn in that version on YouTube.
Off Topic..........I thought Monroe's last film was one with Clark Gable...The Misfits...........
The Something's Got to Give was one she was working on, got fired, Dean Martin said he would not do it without original co-star, so she was rehired, but she died, and studio just left it, lthen decided to use all the sets, etc. & some footage, in a remake, which stuck closer to the original Cary Grant movie, My Favorite Wife.

Right now on Days, Brady & Eric both seem to be playing "My Favorite Girlfriend". With Rafe divorced, maybe he will join them. :)
I thought Monroe's last film was one with Clark Gable...The Misfits.
Yes, that was her last completed movie. Something's Got To Give was unfinished at the time of her death, but footage remains.

Back on topic, I thought the scene with Xander and Brady with the Mexican wrestling mask was really funny.
Legal Matters: If the fake name was used to fool the other party to a marriage, then it's fraud and the marriage can be annulled. (E.g., A young Salem woman agrees to marry Xander after he fooled her into thinking that he was Johnny Depp.) However, if both parties are aware of the false name then the marriage is legal. (E.g., A wanted Dr. Rolf gets married under a false name to avoid the attention of the authorities and his blushing bride knows all about it.) As for the validity of Tony's marriage, if a valid death certificate was issued after his apparent death from being impaled then his marriage to Anna legally ended.

Other points:
  • How bad is DiMera Enterprises' financial situation if GabiChic is its best performing division;
  • When Tony's resurrection becomes public, should Victor demand an apology for the shooting of Philip, which was revenge for his "death";
  • Jack should take heart. RoboJohn eventually regained his memory despite the fact that Rolf downloaded all of it onto a couple of CDs;
  • If Xander wants to help Titan why not do some TV ads promoting it while acting in the role of "El Erotico";
  • Jack and Jenny should not despair -- shredded documents can be put back together with enough time and effort. After they seized the U.S. Embassy in Teheran back in 1979, the Iranians were able to piece together many shredded U.S. documents;
  • If Kristen is wanted for murder how could she take over at DiMera when Zero was suspended for merely holding Kate and Ted prisoner?
Kristen plans to do it as fake Nicole. Thus Tony will marry "Nicole" Walker, be Mrs. DiMera, & eligible to be DiMera CEO