Days of Our Lives -Mon., July 6, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 6, 2020

Well, it is Kayla & Justin's wedding day, that was fast. But it will probably take all week anyway. Jack & Jen are seated at a table, talking about Kayla not knowing Steve still loves and wants her. Both think Kayla should know, but, Jack points out it is Steve's place to tell her, not theirs. Jennifer agrees to keep her mouth shut, as hard as it will be. They kiss, Jack playfully zips her lip, & she talks out of the side of her mouth, saying o.k. LOLOL

Xander has come down with suitcases, moving out, Victor thinks it is because he was fired from CEO, but Vic thinks Brady will be stepping down, said Xander did excellent job, just don't go away mad. In comes Sarah, “just go away”. Xander says he won't be bothering her any more, and he leaves.

Hope wakes up sleeping Steve, on the sofa (Hope raised kids in that house, there has to be vacant bedrooms). She brings hot coffee, more chatter about him not telling Kayla how he feels, but Steve maintains he wants her to be happy, Justin will do that. Hope reminds him today is Key to City day, he knows, so won't be going to wedding, even tho Kayla invited him. Too many would be uncomfortable.

Sonny is having breakfast with his dad at the Pub, they talk of Adrienne, of Justin being nervous, of his worries about Kayla.....Adrienne died, but Steve is still here, it is different for her. Sonny is encouraging, supportive, Justin feels a bit better. They leave, but Justin wants to put flowers on Adrienne's grave first. However, here comes Steve. He asks Justin to talk in private, Sonny goes to get lapel flowers, Steve tells Justin he wishes him and Kayla all the best, hopes they will be very happy. They shake hands. When Justin meets up with Sonny, tells him, he says big weight lifted from his shoulders.

Will shows up at Kayla's, is very worried, Maggie is sick, bad cold, the justice of peace cancelled. He has called all others, no one can make it. She suggests Abe, no he has Key to City thing. Hope & Jennifer arrive, get filled in, all concerned. No, Marlena & John will be at the “Key” thing, they give speeches, so she cannot. Julie can't because she has Maggie's cold. Looks like they will have to postpone. Kayla is frantic, no, everything is in place, flowers, caterers, house decorated. Will gets an idea, and within a few minutes, he has managed to get ordained, online, by some church no one ever heard of, (probably has a membership of 10), even has his certificate. HE can marry Justin & Kayla, legally. He takes off to study whatever he has to say. The 3 women now drink a toast, then ask Kayla how she hooked up with Justin, since Jen was in coma back then. Kayla talks of Justin getting tickets for a concert he was going to surprise Adrienne. They arrived, he got upset, called Kayla asking her to go, they had lovely time, then he brought over lasagna (which evidently is renowned) etc. etc. One more toast, Hope has to go, so does Jen. Kayla forgot to pick up Justin's gift, Jen promises to do it.

Jack runs into Xander, who tells him about losing Sarah, doing good things, then doing something that upsets her, turns out wrong. Jack says there is still hope, if Jennifer Horton is still with me all these years, & I have done some awful things, anything can happen.

Victor talks to Sarah, thinks she has been too harsh with Xander. He goes through all of Xander's bad traits, things he has done, but says that after he met Sarah, he began to change, more caring towards others, Maggie, you, Rachel.....he thinks of that baby as his own. Vic continues, giving Sarah food for thought. He tells how he was the same as Xander, but Maggie had him changing, just as whatever you did has changed Xander. Maggie always has forgiven me, says she'd rather love and imperfect man , than be alone and miserable. Think about it.

Xander goes to his room at Salem Inn, starts unpacking. He stops, looks up a number on his laptop, then calls, asking for “your services”. And later, the hooker arrives, he notes she comes highly recommended, she hopes she lives up to it for him. She goes in, he closes door, putting Do Not Disturb sign on the doorknob. And around the corner comes Sarah, sees the sign, turns and goes away.

Jack runs into Steve, playing the blues on his harmonica. He sways a bit to the music, tells Steve he's come a long way from Camp Town Races. They talk, yes, about Steve not telling Kayla he loves her still and so much. Jack thinks it's a mistake.

Hope & Jen are in the park area, yakking about Steve still loving and wanting Kayla, her not knowing, Steve not letting her know. Jen so glad Hope knows so she can talk to someone about this. Jack thinks it is up to Steve, all should be quiet, but Hope & Jen both say they really think Kayla should know before this wedding. Camera moves, and there is Justin, having overheard it all near the archway.
Hope wakes up sleeping Steve, on the sofa (Hope raised kids in that house, there has to be vacant bedrooms).
I though the same thing. For Pete's sake, there must be at least two other bedrooms in Hope's house. I remember when she and Bo had grief therapy about Zack. She mentioned going into his room to say his name every day. That's when Ciara was little, so there were at least three bedrooms back then (Hope/Bo's, Ciara's and Zack's).

Was nice to get the brief mention of Sonny's brothers (although not by name) when Sonny and Justin were talking and Sonny asked if his brothers had given Justin a hard time about marrying Kayla.
Justin: I know the kind of marriage Kayla had with Steve, it was like the one of kind marriage I had with your mother, which is why I cheated on her, left her alone every opportunity. (not actually said, just the thought bubble that appeared in my brain)

Ya that's kinda like my one of a kind marriage. Only my "soul mate" is now living in another state with his current "soul mate", and I never really give him a thought.
Robin...when Justin was saying that.......first thing that popped in my head was him in Dubai, with....Elsa? Cheating, causing divorce papers to be filed, Adrienne being with Lucas, (eventually that poor guy lost out once again). But Justin was a cheater, and not just once....
Hope, Jack & Jenny: Salem has long been plagued with busybodys, but these three are bringing the fine art of sticking your nose into somebody else's business to new levels. Ordinary, run-of-the-mill busybodying as practiced by Maggie is one thing, but discussing trying to stop a wedding on the day it's supposed to happen is really beyond the pale.

Justin: He should have invited Xander to the wedding. After all, he's family and he'd be one of the few guests who wouldn't be thinking that Kayla should dump Justin and go back to Steve.

Will: He gets high marks for initiative., Now that he's been ordained as a minister in the Church of What's Happening Now, he could perform weddings as part of a Pub wedding package -- Steve keeps out desirables, Will performs the ceremony, Roman acts as a witness, and then the guests enjoy an unforgettable reception that includes an open bar and all the Pub's tasty favorites.

Sarah: She's as rude as ever -- butting into Victor's private conversation with Xander. Just who does this creature think that she is? By all rights, she's the one who should be exiled to the Salem Inn. (A scene in which she calls a male escort service for "company" would be better than one involving the lovelorn X-Man.)
I must say, Victor surprised me today.

I think we all wondered if Hope's house shrunk since they all lived there!
I mean, I guess they could say she turned Ciara's bedroom into an office or workout room. And she probably wouldn't want anyone to disturb Zack's room. But even a brief line of "sorry you have to sleep on the couch since I turned Ciara's room into a home office after she moved out" would've worked.
Frankly the housing situation that worries me the most is Lani & Eli living in JJ's apartment while Eli owns a mansion!

Love Jack & Xander.

High school stuff with Justin. Why does Kayla think Steve doesn't love her? He took himself out of the running for her to be happy, he didn't want to hurt her anymore. He never said he didn't love her - is she as crazy as Ciara?
Agreed; Eli and Lani living in that cramped studio apartment is ridiculous when he owns the Martin House. Guess they don't want to bother building that set anymore. JJ's apartment had parts of Gina's lair, the fridge from the Scooby Gang's loft (which was part of Rafe and Sami's loft), the kitchenette from that little apartment JJ had before (that had previously belonged to Will and Sonny).
Did perhaps the Martin House get turned into something for charity? Like the homeless? Or recovering addicts? or mentally disabled?
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

So, Steve is sleeping on a sofa and not using a bedroom. Maybe Hope never
got rid of her children's stuff.

So, Will has to get ordained by the "Church of What's Happening Now" because no
one in Salem can do the ceremony. Will mentioned Marlena, Julie, Abe couldn't help
out. Could Eric do the job since he's a priest?

It was funny when Will said "even the judges Victor bribed" couldn't do it.

Did Sarah see the woman go in Xander's room? Is the woman a "lady of the evening"
or a masseuse?
I have been gone since last Thursday so had to catch up today.

I don't know if this has been said but I think it's Stefan's twin. Vivian thought the baby died so definitely could be. I'm sure he and Gabi will still fall in love though.

Xander got a hooker? And of course Sarah stops by then. Maybe she's just a masseuse.

Will Justin back out now that he knows? I don't hate Kayla and Justin but I loved Kayla and Steve.
Love Jack & Xander.

Why does Kayla think Steve doesn't love her? He took himself out of the running for her to be happy, he didn't want to hurt her anymore. He never said he didn't love her - is she as crazy as Ciara?

I haven't watched yet but I really like what I've seen of Jack and Xander before.

It has bothered me right along that Kayla can't see that Steve still loves her, and how much he's hurting. With the connection they're supposed to have shared, this should be obvious to her.
Nothing has ever been said. It [the Martin House] just stopped being shown or mentioned.

Jason47 would know the last time it was used.

Records checked and here's the info:

Martin House Living Room was last seen on 8/22/17. There were still 5 people living there though, and their rooms were last seen on these dates:

12/8/17 Paul's Room
1/25/18 JJ's Room
4/6/18 Eric's Room
8/21/18 Will's Room
12/31/18 Eli's Room

Will's Room is memorable for me since that is where he spilled the water on Rolf's journal and the J47 appeared!
@kat......Eric left the priesthood, so is no longer able to perform any ceremonies....

To tell the truth.....I don't remember Rex & Sarah getting married.....oh, engaged, break up, engaged again, and another breakup..........
They got married in the hospital chapel and Eric did the wedding. The next day, Kayla gave them a framed picture from the ceremony, with Eric standing in between them. It was back on the Fourth of July holiday last year.

Seems as tho Sarah is just as impulsive as Sami. LOL.