Days of Our Lives Mon., June 17, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 17, 2019

A very moving and emotional wedding today, but first, Xander returns to his room, whistling merrily, and notices the Holly file gone. He remembers Ted asking him about it, calls Ted, who doesn't answer his cell, leaves a message, indicating Ted will be sorry if he has shown it to anyone. Maggie hears the end, Xander claims he was trying to deal with a persistent telemarketer. She just thanks him again about the diary, then is curious as to why he said he got the diary in Nashville, when it was here in Salem. Xander did not want Maggie to know he stole anything, she notes he could have held out for money, he said he thought about it, time was of the essence, he knew how much it meant to Maggie, to Sarah, and to Will.

(I lost the show a few times, plus the pic would halt, so there were evidently storm problems causing the losses, bear with me.)

Will opens his eyes, Sonny is there with the good news about the diary, Kayla & lab working round clock for antidote. Will smiles, somehow Ari is there, along with Marlena, Ari wants to be sure Daddy not going away again. Will says he doesn't want to, but if he does, just remember he loves her very much. Marlena takes her for ice cream, Will tells Sonny he wants to get married tonight, not wait til tomorrow. He can barely talk, (is whispering more than anything) and harder to breathe. Does not want to leave this world without being married to the person he loves most.

Gabi is talking to Kate about Nicole getting job with Stefan, she thinks being pushed out maybe, Nicole was really talking weird. She told someone on phone she is gonna have everything she every wanted, which is strange, she lost her daughter, dumped Eric, is supposed to be grief stricken. Kate wonders if Nicole was talking to Xander, whom she hates, because she saw them making an odd handshake, & she doesn't believe the excuse it was celebrating their divorce.

Roman talks with Hope a bit, who ends up going out for coffee & vittles for everyone. She refers to herself as a Horton, Roman reminds her she is also a Brady, always will be. Hug.

Sonny comes out, tells everyone Will wants them to be married now, Ari is still a flower girl. Roman, Kate, Marlena, Gabi & Ari all enter the room. Sonny gifts Will with an anchor pin, Will has to ask Gramma Marlena to get something out of the nightstand drawer for Sonny, it is the MP3 player Sonny gave to Will 6 years ago.

Nicole meanwhile tries to move Ted (not dead), hears Stefan coming, manages to get him behind the sofa. Stefan answers door, tis Abe, they go into living room to talk over Stefan's offer, find Nicole, who is pushing briefcase with her foot out of way, standing near Ted so they won't come. Phone on floor, she claims hers, (it is Ted's), fell out of purse she knocked over. Stefan notices file on floor, picks it up, sees it is autopsy report. “Nicole” grabs it, is holding on, it is Holly's, she makes some flimsy excuse why she wants to hold it, then asks Abe if he decided on the job. Abe actually decided no, as experiences with Lexie, and then Theo, saw how they got sucked up into the DiMera life, was not good. However, Stefan wants to turn all that around, Hired Nicole, and Abe thinks Lexie would be happy to see him trying to help Stefan do that. “Nicole” covers her disappointment. She acts a bit upset, asks the men to leave her alone. Ted is beginning to come round. She calls Xander.

He arrives , she wants him to get rid of Ted. Too heavy for her. Take him down into the tunnels. Then what? She says they will figure it out later.

Marlena begins the wedding, Will makes a lovely speech to Sonny, who reads something from a book by E.M. Forster. All very touching. Now come the vows, Sonny does the “repeating after me” using his name, Jackson. Now it is Will's turn, but he can barely get the words out, haltingly, and Gramma Kate helps him along, more of the vows, he stumbles some more, Roman, Gabi chime in, as does Kate. Marlena declares them husbands for life, by the power vested in me, and the love, you may kiss the groom. Sonny tenderly kisses the weak Will., who is smiling. He holds his face, kisses him again.
Will & Sonny's wedding done very well. So last minute, so everyone is casual. Marlena is wearing jeans, Roman a casual shirt. Will & Sonny both get emotional..."in sickness and in health".
It was lovely that it was all close family. 2 grandmothers, a grandfather, a daughter, and the daughter's mother.
There is mention that Sami & Lucas ("my parents) would be arriving tomorrow, but Will wanted to get married right away. He feels himself slipping and without saying so, that he could go any time.
You'll need the tissues if you are anything like me.
I was doing well until Doc said "All the days of our lives" For some reason, through all of these years that phrase still does it to me, and the tears rolled.
Miracles and more miracles: Salemites should take note. if you want your wedding ceremony to be miraculously free of shooters, disruptive uninvited guests, and the playing of sex tapes, have small intimate affair. And a second miracle is sure to happen. If Kayla doesn't rush into Will's room right after the ceremony to announce that a cure has been developed, it should happen very soon.

Self-awareness: Kate hit her own scheming nature right on the head when she said: "I know people conspiring when I see them."

The truth has been told: Kudos to Roman for noting that the hospital's coffee "is so bad." Now, maybe someone will speak the unspeakable, saying the University Hospital's medical care is a combination of quackery and malpractice.

Be careful whom you associate with: Should Abe really accepted a job from Zero? If after Jack's inevitable ouster, will it really help an Abe effort to reclaim his old job if it's known that he went to work for the infamous DiMeras.
Thanks, Poirot.

I got teary eyed when Marlena at the end talked about the hands that will never
let you go.

So Ted's not dead.

Nice to hear Abe talk about Fay and watching over her kids.

I laughed when Xander told Maggie telemarketers are the Scourge of the Earth.
I agree with him.
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I thought the wedding was very touching and beautiful. My only issue was there wasn't any mention of Adrienne and Justin. They probably should have been there or at least mentioned why they couldn't make it.
Will wanted to get married "now"...and whoever was at the hospital were the only ones to see the wedding. Will did not even want to wait for his own parents, who he knew were arriving tomorrow. So time was what was important....and they were not going to wait for anyone.

In my opinion, Will was feeling he had very little time left. If those there had not been at the hospital, they would not have been at the wedding either. I really liked just the few important to them...people in the room. And that Marlena performed the ceremony.
Will wanted to get married "now"...and whoever was at the hospital were the only ones to see the wedding. Will did not even want to wait for his own parents, who he knew were arriving tomorrow. So time was what was important....and they were not going to wait for anyone.
But yet they had enough time for Sonny to go home and change into a tux. Surely enough time to shoot a text to his parents and say "meet me at the hospital in 10 minutes". Would've made more sense had Sonny still been wearing his casual clothes.
Since they planned to be married the next day, the tux may have already been at the hospital.
But excuses aside, that was probably all the people they were willing to pay for Monday