Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 18, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 18, 2018

Kayla is on phone with Stefan, warning him not to call her at work, says something about Kate hiding something. Will comes in, questions what she said about Kate...Kayla fakes that it has to do with hospital board, hates hospital politics. Will is there to say the serum did not work, he wants a 2nd dose. They go back and forth, she cannot, the hospital found out, put their foot down, she cannot either administer or give him the remaining vial. He will sign paper, promising not to sue, he knows risk, decision is his. Kayla realizes how much he wants to know his past, but has to say no.

Sonny goes to see Will, not there, wants Paul to dig into Leo's background. He was so thorough in framing Sonny, there has to be something. Paul promises to help. Will returns, tells of Kayla unable to give him 2nd dose, he has not remembered anything, all for naught. Paul leaves to go see his dad, see what he thinks, kisses Will goodbye, is sorry about Will not succeeding.

John & Marlena sit in the square, talking over wedding plans, big one, small one, etc. Marlena is concerned, has not heard from Will about whether the serum worked. John says it was iffy all the time. Paul arrives, tells them the lack of success, Will disappointed.

JJ sits with Lani in the Pub, she is dismissing her cramps etc., but he is concerned, insists on taking her to hospital to be checked out. They arrive, he tells nurs Lani 6 mos pregnant, cramps, placenta previa, etc. get hold of Kayla. Lani is in a bed, Kayla orders meds & IV's, Lani asks JJ to call Eli. He leaves the room, so Kayla & the nurse can tend to Lani.

Hope, Rafe & Eli have pinpointed the last location of Ciara's phone, and rush out to Berry Rd., outskirts of town. Hope cannot imagine why she was way out there. Yep, they find her bike, her helmet, look all over, no phone. Hope is calling her name, Rafe calling hospitals in that vicinity (since they had not checked out that far before), Eli goes looking in the woods for her, her phone. He returns, no luck, gets the call from JJ, and leaves. Hope is getting panicky, Rafe says no accidents at the hospitals. Hope is praying, wishing she never let Ciara have the bike, she talks to Bo, asking him to watch over and protect Ciara, who has been through so much, let her be o.k. Please, please.

In the cabin, Ciara stops Ben from leaving, doesn't want anyone to know where she is, what happened, tired of people feeling sorry for her, calling herself a loser. She finally tells Ben about finding her boyfriend naked under the sheets with someone she trusted, and yes, they denied having sex, but that doesn't matter. Ben says not her fault she fell for a cheater. He knows how she feels.

Ciara realizes he means Abigail. At first he only says there was a girl, a guy, and they were under the sheets. But he admits it was Abigail, he loved her so much, and when he learned of her and Chad, well, his doctor says that was the trigger, his breaking point. Ciara isn't planning on killing anyone...they do talk of him killing 3 people, he says he never thought he would get released, and when he did, returned to Salem, wanted to try and make up for what he did. She asks if he thinks Chad, Abby would ever forgive him.

He notes both Will & Chad ran him out of town on a rail, and lucky they did, as he would not have found her, saved her, she would have died all alone. He has to go, she needs some pain meds, some antibiotics. She knows they need to get something for the generator, he mentions food. He promises not to tell anyone about her, will keep a low profile.

Will and Sonny are talking, Sonny wants Will to interview him for the Spectator, tell his side. He is tired of all the negative stuff out there about him, his dad may advise no, not his decision. So, Will agrees, does so. When they are done, Will gets a 2 second flashback of him and Sonny from years ago. It puzzles him, he ignores it. Sonny thanks him, gives him a hug, leaves. Will now gets another flashback of him & Sonny, this one longer, and realizes......this is a memory!!!

Eli arrives, sorry it took so long. Lani is actually having contractions, Kayla says they have to operate, Lani is upset, too soon. But Kayla says this is only way to save the baby.

As Hope talks to Bo, Rafe spots something, calls her over. It is near the guard rail, a boot print, a male.boot. Showing up as he stepped in oil spill from bike. Had to be after her accident. Someone else was here, with Ciara. Where is she.

Ben is tying the laces on his boot, finishes, tells Ciara he is leaving, will get back as soon as he can. Ciara says “hurry back”.
I'm really bummed about the direction they are taking Kayla, not to mention their refusal to use Steve in most of the scenes. I'd love to see Steve figure out her game, confront her, remind her of the oath she took as a doctor, convince her there has to be some other way to get the eye. I'd love to see them break into a compound somewhere, find the prototype, steal it, rebrand it. They could have even tied in this whole "Dr. Rolfenstein" storyline by having them "discover" a lab with test subjects we thought were dead (Jack Deveraux, anyone?).

But, nah. Let's just have her sell out Kate. That's so much more interesting.

At least Ben and Ciara are entertaining. I'm loving the chemistry between these two!

Thank you for the summary!
I don't mind Kate going down so much as Kayla taking confidential files and feeding the information to Stefan. I see this becoming a big deal, Kayla possibly being fired or at the very least getting a hard to scrub off black mark on her record, and of course, losing Steve in the process.

Then again, this is a town where murder gets you a slap on the wrist, so maybe not! :rolleyes:
Thank you, Poirot.

Geez, the Ciara/Ben stuff sounds like it is the best part of the show today. I still get the "ICK" factor from those two making nice.

I didn't like the storyline of Lani being pregnant with Eli's child. Now it seems like Days is trying to "correct" the direction they had originally had it headed in. Course corrections can sometimes be as bad or worse than what they wrote to begin with.

I'm glad Kayla is on the screen more, but I don't like her storyline especially since she's now beholden to Stefan.

So Will is now having memories. I love the character again since he's returned to Salem. He better not revert to acting in the selfish way like the pre-dead Will. Pre-dead? :rotfl:
Geez, the Ciara/Ben stuff sounds like it is the best part of the show today. I still get the "ICK" factor from those two making nice.

To be fair, Ciara is not letting him forget that he killed 3 people. She keeps reminding him of that fact when he tries to get sympathy for not being given a servic chance.

Couldn't they have put a fetal monitor on Lani today? Give us a bit of realsm? Anyone who has ever been pregnsnt knows that's the first thing they do when you go to the hospital.
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I don't mind Kate going down so much as Kayla taking confidential files and feeding the information to Stefan. I see this becoming a big deal, Kayla possibly being fired or at the very least getting a hard to scrub off black mark on her record, and of course, losing Steve in the process.
Even if Kayla gets away with her part in the anti-Kate plot, there could easily be more trouble down the road. By doing something illegal for Sleazy O. McSlime, he now will have permanent leverage over her. E.g,, Slimy: "Kayla, you'll do this for me, or I'll tell everybody how you once stole confidential hospital files and spied on Kate."
At least Ben and Ciara are entertaining. I'm loving the chemistry between these two!
Yes,they are entertaining, but pistol-packing Hope won't appreciate this if she comes on Ben and Ciara together. Hopefully, she won't shoot first and ask questions later. The last thing Rafe needs is to have to cover up yet another Hope Brady felony.

Finally if Big Boy Sonny wants to blow sneaky Leo out of the water, he should tell his story to the Intruder, not Jenny's tepid Spectator. By the time the hard-hittng Intruder gets through with Leo and his sleazy lawyer, they'll both be in jail or will be run out of town by angry Salemites.
I don't think Kayla is using confidential hospital files. She is snooping around Kate's apt., isn't she?

They probably put the fetal monitor on when we were watching Ben & Ciara. LOL (Days cannot afford something to be used just once for 2 min. )

I really resent the absence of Steve of late. When he & Kayla would do anything for each other, they have proved it over and over. And this time, it is Kayla, who is really putting everything on the line to help Steve. I so want Stefan to be proved to NOT be a DiMera.
Really Ciara, you caught your "boyfriend"? They had like 2 dates and she told him she wasn't interested! Yeah, he moved to Claire pretty quick but he was not her boyfriend. You can see already she is totally going to fall for Ben.

Will getting his memory back. If he gets it all back, he will remember that he was very interested in Paul then too. Plus some other guy that we never saw. I just don't see him just remembering the good times with Sonny. It's weird how the 3 of them are like a couple. :rotfl:
Thanks, Poirot.

I, also, think it's weird Ciara calls Tripp her boyfriend. Maybe in Salem that's what you
call a person when you go on a date once or twice.

Kayla needs to learn how to lock her door if she turns her back on it. I knew when
she did someone was going to come by because her door was ajar.

I thought it was strange everyone was sad when Will's memory didn't come back
right away. Well, there is one that probably isn't sad, Paul. :)

So, Will is remembering things after all. Will he tell anyone or keep it a secret?
since they had not checked out that far before
OK, I guess they are farther from Salem than the initial cutaways would have suggested. Nice touch.
this is a memory
Frankly I'd have preferred a kiss or something heavy falling on his head (like in the old cartoons), but this was a nice touch, too.
Couldn't they have put a fetal monitor on Lani today? Give us a bit of realsm?
In the land of Dr Rolf's magic serum? Surely you jest!
The last thing Rafe needs is to have to cover up yet another Hope Brady felony.
I don't know about that - the last one didn't seem to harm either of them too much!!