Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 21, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 21, 2010
Episode #11,359 Taped 4/16 Director – Albert Alarr

Maggie, Laura & Jennifer are together as Bill Horton comes down, telling them all that Alice is not doing well at all. Her breathing has become labored, and it doesn’t seem she has much time left. Eyes are tearing up as they all talk of her, and the impact she has had on all their lives. In the living room, Melanie is leaving, opens the door to find Nathan. Awkward pauses, she explains about coming to see Maggie, who seems to be doing o.k. Nathan gets a call from Stephanie, who will be coming over to meet him. Melanie gets a call from Daniel, who wants her to come back to the hospital, the wedding will be tonight, and to find Philip, bring him, too. Stephanie arrives, Melanie leaves.

Over at the hospital, Daniel sits with Chloe, trying to get her to tell him what is going on, why she suddenly wants to get married tonight. He is puzzled, perplexed with this on again off again wedding. Chloe is hesitant, (folks, this just drags and drags, sigghhh), finally telling him she had a nightmare about him leaving her, how she called and called him, and he was no where around. He assures her he loves her, will always be there, promises to try and find his JP friend, leaves the room. Melanie arrives, another interminable conversation over how she has this bad feeling, yada, yada, yada. Daniel convinces her Chloe makes him happy, they are getting married, and remembers something, leaves (he manages to get in touch with his friend, who evidently will be coming over to perform the ceremony). Melanie, meanwhile, gets an idea of her own, goes to Chloe’s room. Chloe is leaving a message for Nicole, thanking her for the idea, telling her she was right, if she marries Daniel before Carly has a chance to tell Daniel she slept with someone else, all will be fine. Chloe looks up, seeing Melanie at the door. Melanie walks over to the bed, says…, Chloe, what’s up?

Sami sits at the Pub, seemingly impatient, when in walks Lucas with Allie, who runs over to Mommie. Sami scoops her up, hugs, so glad to see her, so happy she is home. Lucas grimaces, asking and where exactly is home these days, Sami? Your place or EJ’s? They are now sitting at a table, Sami asking Lucas not to talk about this right now, she has Allie in her lap…he agrees. He asks if she has been over to see Alice, yes she has, and they both are telling Allie how she is named after this wonderful woman, who will always be living on thru her. Lucas flashes back to Alice giving him his very own Horton Christmas ornament. They leave to go to the Horton house, Sami explaining to Allie, how her great-gramma will be so glad to see her, but is so very tired and might be sleeping, but she will be so glad you are there.

They arrive at the Horton kitchen, to be greeted by Maggie, Bill, Laura, Jen, all so happy to see them, especially Lucas & Allie. They go up to see Alice, who apparently was sleeping, evidently Nathan goes up at some point, too, because Sami & Stephanie are looking thru photo albums, talking of how much family Alice has, laughing at some photos, etc.

Over at the DiMera house, Stefano & Kate sit down to watch the tape…SHOWTIME exclaims Stefano. We do see bits and pieces of the tape. There is a very young Madeline, very long hair, taking off her robe, revealing a very skimpy bikini type bra & panties, saying to some guy….Hi, I’m Maddie…..then falling on top of the grinning fool. LOL. Kate admonishes Stefano, who seems to be enjoying the show, but he reminds Kate that he needed that guy’s vote! And Kate adds how she managed to get the very young Maddie to entertain the man for Stefano….. as now the guy is shirtless, they are lying across the bed, but he suddenly calls a halt, getting this weird feeling that something is not right. He guesses they are being video taped, gets angry, wants to know where the camera is hidden. He has grabbed hold of Maddie, who wants him to let go, says he is hurting her, he is shaking her, when we hear Stefano’s voice saying “let go of her you SOB”. Congressman Andrews jumps up, is out of view as we can hear a struggle, a noise, and suddenly he is stumbling back, falling face forward on the bed as a broken lamp lands there, too. Maddie is calling his name, no answer. And as they watch, Stefano talks of how Kate saved his life, and she talks of how he covered it all up so neatly.

Madeline is walking in the park, telling herself she knows Stefano & Kate emptied her box. She calls Stefano, telling him to meet her at Pier 13. Kate is concerned, but Stefano assures her to just leave Madeline to him. He leaves. Kate calls Lucas, happy to find him in Salem, wanting to meet him for dinner. He says no, she talks of how she missed him, he says they will have plenty of time to catch up. She stares out the window, wondering how things are going with Stefano & Madeline.

Ah, Stefano arrives, he & Madeline have a few words, she knows he has the tape, claims he shouldn’t think her stupid enough to not have made copies. He is very upset that she threatened him, big mistake. He reminds her of the money he gave her, enough to fund her education, and then some. Madeline backtracks, wanting to go back to the way things were, living in the same town for years, both going their separate ways. She tells him to keep the tape, she just wants the rest of her things in the box, whatever they were.

And Kate decides to put her thoughts of Lucas aside, as she begins to rummage thru the other items that were in Madeline’s safety deposit box. She doesn’t think much of the jewelry, opens a couple of documents (bonds??) then picks up the brown envelope, wondering if it contains a deed, or the title to an environmentally safe SUV. She opens the envelope, reading as she pulls out a sheet of paper. She is shocked, muttering to herself that Stefano must never see this.

sounds like a good episode. thanks for the great write up.
Sounds like a good show! Thanks for the summary Poirot.

Did you get the impression that Melanie heard what Chloe said on the phone? If I know Melanie, she would probably NOT have entered the room and started chatting nonchalantly if she had heard. She would have walked out and run straight to Carly.
I don't know, Melanie seems rather confrontational. To me, who would not notice the second the door to their room opened, but there is Chloe, babbling away to Nicole and then suddenly looking over to see Melanie already clearing her throat and closing the door. Awkward convo as Chloe says she was on the phone, Mel replying she could see that, since the phone is in her hand. She walks up to the bed, asks what is going on......then wants to know what kind of games Chloe is playing with her dad.

Am guessing the last statement would indicate she did not hear, as she is undoubtably talking about the "let's get married, no we can't, yes I want to, no I don't" stuff Chloe has been pulling on Daniel.
Could a birth certificate be in the brown envelope? Oh, please don't let Chad be Stefano's son...
I can't remember Stephano running for any office that would require a Congressman's vote, can any of you? Or is the writers at it again adding story line for the past to cover the current story line? It looks like Kate saved Stephano that day, that's probably the blood that was on her hands and Stephano covered up the killing. The way Maddie is described it sould like she is very young back then and Kate was her mentor in the prostitution business. What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive!
It's probably a vote from the congressman to help push some bill through.

Looks like it could be heading to a Chad DiMera event.. I was hoping no.
If it is a birth certificate, or something similar, Chad would be way too young to be Stefano's son. Unless, the writers of Days are changing timelines again. Otherwise, this would make Chad closer to 30 than to 20.

Of course, this could be introducting a new charecter also, or chaning a present charecter's biological parentage. I always wondered if Chloe weren't really a DiMera because of her love of Opera. :)
In re: the Congressman's was for a construction project of some kind.

Back then,....I would have to agree that Chad is too young to be Stefano's son. Unless they got together years later.
So glad to see Lucas is back- and giving Sami the business! :) I can't wait to see this ep.
Thanks for the write up- great job as usual!
Maybe the kid is Arrianna I know she suppose to be rafe sister but maybe she was adopt she is around 30.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. So looking forward to seeing it tonight. Will be so nice to see Lucas and Allie back. So sad that Alice is doing worst. I wish I could be her nurse I would give lots of TLC to her.
I just finished watching the NBC DOOL Promo for June 21st..I love Days of Our Lives but this was the best 1:33 I've seen in a long time with Lucas, Sami and Allie. The chemistry is better than ever.
Yep, that is from the show on Monday. (tho it was supposed to be today's show....but the pre-emption a week or so ago has thrown it all off.
As the past characters of Dool start to appear I thought I would see a change in in Dool's ratings as seem on, but it seems to be the same. Maybe when the last of them arrive we will see a change for the time they are in town.