Days of Our Lives' Mon., June 24, 2019


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Days of Our Lives'
Monday, June 24, 2019

Kate visits Victor, expresses sympathies about Caroline, has heard Nicole taking job at DiMera, is concerned. Vic already heard that, doesn't trust Nicole. Kate fixes herself a drink, Vic is abstaining at home for Maggie's sake, she is going to meetings, but he is still worried. She convinces him to have one, she won't tell, what Maggie doesn't know won't hurt her, etc. She ends up offering to search “Nicole”s room since it is close by hers.

Hope is listening to a phone inside that room ring, as she is calling Ted. A male hand on her shoulder, it is Brady. She tells him the score, he suggests she call again, she does, no ringing inside.

Replay of Xander coming into Ted's cell, gun drawn, coming to end his life. Ted does some really fast talking, offers to give Ted the necklace he has on him. Xander wary, but has dealt in diamonds, tis the real bling. However, he still has a job to do. Ted figures Xander in cahoots with Nicole, thought file saying Holly not dead would impress Hope, doesn't understand why Nicole doesn't want anyone to know. Again, Ted talks, this time about being offered the DA job by the Police Commish. Permanently. Could do Xander all kinds of favors. They talk “Nicole”, who knows what she will do next. Xander almost pulls the trigger, doesn't, Ted takes advantage, Xander can't.

More conversation, Xander keeps the drop on him, finally decides that perhaps it is better to let him live for the time being. He starts to leave, Ted reminds him to take the necklace. Sarah might like it, give him a chance. Xander leaves, Ted recalls trying to gift Hope with the necklace, murmurs aloud he can now only pray that Hope somehow sees the necklace.

Rex is pressuring Sarah to get married, now, today, as Eric comes out of the elevator. He stops when he sees them, she is her usual hesitant self about an answer, Rex spots Eric, has good news, we are getting married today, & I was going for the chaplain, but would rather we be married by you! Eric is no longer a priest, but Rex remembers how so many of his parishioners wanted to be married by him after he left the priesthood, he got ordained online. Eric has his usual tortured look on his face, as Eric talks to Sarah, how much he loves her, how he realized he nearly lost her, how Eric talked to him, listened, & talked of his own love for Nicole. More in that vein. He asks Sarah what she wants, her hesitating looks is wiped away, she wants Eric to marry them. Rex is so happy.

Replay of Sami meeting up with “Nicole” in the square. She starts out saying “who the hell do you think you are?”, backs off, is sorry about Holly, knows the grief with losing a child, terrible. But Eric is not at fault, they argue about it, things get nasty, as Sami defends Eric, while “Nicole” blames him. Sami calls her a few choice names, she slaps Sami, who slaps her back and they are in a struggle, Sami fingers on Nicole's throat. She pulls Sami's hand away, just as Brady & Lucas come and pull them apart. Sami is looking at her fingers, saying Nicole is hiding something. Nicole is covering her neck with her hand, saying it is a scar, she is still sensitive about her burns.

Lucas pulls Sami away, she is still mumbling about her, Lucas reminds Sami that Nik just lost her daughter. Meanwhile, Brady tells “Nicole” he heard she is gonna work for DiMera, tries to talk her into coming to work for Titan, citing it would be better, blah, blah. He mentions Hope calling Ted, hearing phone in her room, calling again, no answer (it was dead battery). She says her phone, it was just a coincidence. He also tells her he was angry at Eric, but got over it, they are friends, and she will eventually forgive Eric too, which she denies. She wonders if she & Brady could possibly renew their relationship in the future. Nope, he would not ever go after a woman Eric loves so much. Well, then no, will stay with DiMera, she walks away........all the while holding her hand on her neck, (where evidently Sami pulled away some of the fake skin).

Brady comes to see Vic, talks of Nicole/Sami. Victor says Nicole is sleeping with the enemy, they have to watch it. Brady thinks not, Nicole won't do them any harm.

Lucas tells suspicious Sami that she came because she thought last time to see Will. He is going to be fine. She agrees, is happy about that, should go back to Italy & EJ (ugh).

Xander admires the necklace he wants to give to Sarah, as Hope comes up behind him. He quickly puts it away, telling her not to come up to him like that.

Kate gets into Nicole's room, begins searching. She finds Ted's phone with dead battery, looks in drawers, under pillows, in wastebasket, finds burned paper. Realizes there is a secret here. Opens closet, and spots the red dress. She pull it out of closet, just as “Nicole” returns. Nik quickly grabs her neck, while Kate holds the dress up, with a “what have we here” look on her face.
No one thought it was weird that Nicole kept her hand on her neck the whole time. And no one thought, huh, I hadn't noticed a scar. I wish Sami had ripped her face off.

Of course the reveal won't happen until Eric splits up Rex and Sarah. Which I have to say Eric is a real piece of - I don't think I can cuss here - for just going after his brother's girl. And was he really just going to blurt it out to Sarah right in front of Rex?! He'll split them up, profess is love for Sarah then find out that is not Nicole so then he will go in search of her! Ugh I'm just tired of the oh Eric and Sarah were meant to be together BS story.

So what is going to happen to Kate? How do people just keep saying but Kristen is dead? It's Salem, people come back from the dead ALL the time and especially DiMeras!!
She did say something like that. Scars from her burns, and how she doesn't want anyone to see her body, she is still sensitive about it. Sami did look at her own fingernails, something was on them, which has to be why she went after Nicole's throat..........(Ari Zucker (Nicole) has to be having a ball with this). She gets to make all kinds of faces, and voices, making fun of how Eric is making excuses for not taking care of Holly, and more,This is really ticking Sami off, thus she is calling Nicole names, telling her how happy she was when Eric said it was over with him & Nicole, and what a witch Nicole was......(spelled with a different letter, lol)
Any female that wears makeup should have noticed something peculiar. Sami should take scraping from under her fingernails to be analyzed
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Ahh, that is what we regular folk with brains would do. But for some reason, many Salemites seem devoid of logic, especially Sami. LOL
(Sometimes, when the writing is especially stupid, I just have to think that they are looking down their noses, feeling they are writing for those with IQs less than 50, or those under age of 12.) Then I shake my head, feeling that has to be impossible, after all they are WRITERS!
While this Nicole is really Kristen, and I hate this storyline, I hate Sami even more. When Sami told "Nicole" that she threw herself at Brady right after her daughter died, I was thinking "what about you, you dimwit? You slept with EJ while your son was missing or thought to be dead". Seriously, does that woman ever think before she opens her big mouth? Oh how I wish both Kristen and Sami would kill each other so we could finally be rid of them.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed watching the background people behind Sami and "Nicole".

Time does go slowly in Salem. Rex said they had 15 minutes to get
married. We still haven't seen it happen yet.

Rex seemed awfully pushy trying to get Sarah marry him right away. I wish
Sarah would have defended herself when he did that. Where will they live if
they get married? With Eric? At the K mansion?

Ted was smart giving the necklace to Xander. Will Hope see it?

Victor told Kate he was going to stop drinking at home because of Maggie.
If he really wants to do that, he needs to take the liquor out of the room.
Victor told Kate he was going to stop drinking at home because of Maggie.
If he really wants to do that, he needs to take the liquor out of the room.
If Maggie wants to drink, she'll do it whether or not the alcohol is in the room. She has to be able to avoid temptation. Hiding the liquor is no way to do that.
I'm usually glad to see fan-favorite Lucas on-screen, but in this episode I was wishing that he and Brady had made themselves scare so Sami could rip "Nicole's" face off. The results could have been very interesting. Why not let Sami do her worst? After all, when Rafe was bouncing EJ all over the Town Square nobody tried to intervene to save the career criminal from the thrashing that he so richly deserved.