Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 25, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 25, 2018

Lani wants to see her baby boy, she has to see him. Eli goes out, talks to Abe & Val, tells them. Eli returns, has arranged for the baby to be brought. Lani talks of a name (Lani is still very upset, crying, loves her boy, has to see his face). She tells Eli that she always thought David would be a good name, after Eli's father and grandfather. Eli agrees, then says he was thinking Abraham. They decide David Abraham Grant will be the name, as Eli notes, a good, strong name. Abe comes in, talks to Lani, who is crying this is all her fault, maybe if she came to the hospital when she got the first pain. Abe calms her, not her fault, you did nothing wrong. Val arrives with the baby, Eli watches as she lays it in Lani's arms. Lani holds, kisses, proclaims how much she loves this baby, he is so tiny. Later, a priest is present, saying prayers over them all, Abe and Val look at each other as he says the baby's name. Lani thanks Eli for being there, through all of this, he promises he will always be there, no thanks needed, holding her as she cries on his shoulder.

Gabi has comes to see Stefan, berating him for framing her. He fixes her a drink, She wants her company back, he no can do since he made a deal with Basic Black. She throws the drink across the room at him, calling him names, even reverting to doing it in Spanish, and he answers her in Spanish. (no translations). She yells how her daughter rejected her, Stefan figures she has been in prison before, so she spent a couple months, no big deal. She yells about being beaten, bones broken, etc. Stefan wants her to come back to DiMera Enterprises, run Gabi Chic. This gives her pause, why should she. He figures Gabi Chic would show more profit with her at the helm. They dicker, strike a deal. He leaves the room, she tells Stefano's picture she will bring him down from the inside now.

JJ anxiously is waiting word from Eli on Lani, he promised to let JJ know how it went when Lani woke up. Theresa is sympathetic, they talk of Tate, JJ hopes she isn't using Tate just to get back at Brady. Knock, knock, tis Brady & Eve, yapping about the lawsuit. Theresa says Brady said she could not see Tate, he knows he did, is sorry, was angry, it won't ever happen again. Bicker, bicker, back and forth, but Theresa won't back off, wants Brady to leave Eve, come be a family with her & Tate. No way, says Brady, not gonna happen. Eve figures Theresa is really mad at her, not Brady, so don't take her anger out on Brady & Tate. Soon JJ gets into the act. Brady says not his concern, JJ says you brought it to my doorstep. Talks of Theresa's sacrifice, how harsh Brady has treated her, eventually telling them to leave. Theresa is grateful JJ stood up for her, did not expect that. Surprised me, too, says JJ.

Abby is home, surprising Chad in their bedroom. He is so happy to see her. Hugging, kissing, I love you, etc. They are kissing, he gets a flashback of finding Gabby & Stefan together in bed....pulls back. Abby realizes why, talks of the the night she realized she had killed Andre, they made love, but she felt he was not quite there with her. Figures he was thinking about that. She says that Gabby & Dr. Laura are a part of her now, she had to remember all that they did, is sorry, but has to move on. Chad agrees, knows they have things to work through, but he loves her, always has. She asks about Gabi, learns what happened. Chad suggests they make a lunch date next week with Gabi & Ari. More kissing. She notices the Stefano ring, he explains getting it, says he is CEO of Titan, she figures Victor picked the right person, feels for Sonny, has to clear his name. Chad indicates he wants to do that, but not sure how yet. Figures Titan lawyers dig into Leo's background, will find something. She thinks Justin probably already did that.

Chad gets a call from the lawyers, leaves the room to take it.

Abby checks her calendar on her phone since she has a lot of therapy sessions scheduled for next week. When would be good lunch day. She suddently looks surprised. No, it can't be. Could I be pregnant?
Please not again: If Abigail's pregnant will the writers be so shameless as to recycle the well-worn, who's the daddy plot? This one reached its expiration date when Sami had twins by two fathers.

Turnabout would be fair play: In the future, it would be a good scene if somebody could say to Sleazy O. McSlime what he said to Gabi today: "I don't know what to say to somebody who just got out of the Big House."

Futile threats: As a veteran Salemite, Gabi should know better than to threaten any DiMera with legal consequences. Being a DiMera means not only never having to say you're sorry, but also never being convicted of anything -- ever. (Andre was the exception that proves the rule.)

That was quick: Abigail is fully cured of her schizophrenia already? This is good news for Ben. The next time Hope or some other nasty skeptic doubts his sanity, he can say: "Oh, yeah, what about Abigail?"

Subtle zinger: JJ got in a good shot against Eve when he said to her: "We've all done things we're not proud of." In fact, Eve, Brady, and Jeannie T. should all remember that Salemites who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Help wanted: Eli's expression while Lani was weeping over her stillborn baby (who looked like a folded towel, and might just be related to that old fan-favorite "doll-in-blanket") suggested that he was wondering if a resurrected Rolf could be persuaded to save the child with one of his magic potions. (Perhaps a few prayers by Father Louis could bring about this latest Salem miracle.)
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Eli and Lani: Once again, those scenes were very moving and kudos to Lamon Archey (Eli) and Sal Sowers (Lani) for bringing it once again. I understand Lani's need to see and hold her baby but at the same time, it made me uncomfortable. But maybe that was the point and if so I will say well done.

Gabi and the The Guy who Lives in the DiMansion: I have three words to say about this "YOU GO, GABI!!!" Reign heckfire down on that sleazebag! Shown him why you were once known as Gabi "The Hammer" Hernandez and make sure he never forgets it!

There is one thing that gave me pause it was when What's-His-Name said "I like you". I started to have an uncomfortable feeling that we may have be seeing them planning the seeds for a thin line between love and hate type of thing. I just want to say I really don't want them to go there. She's too good for him and I want her stay focused on bring him down and find love with someone worthy of her. It ain't this creep.
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(who looked like a folded towel, and might just be related to that old fan-favorite "doll-in-blanket")

Excuse me, but I am way better than a silly folded towel. Look at me, I look like a real baby, not some stoopid towel.
LOL, good question! They did move out of DiMansion........I believe this is at Jen's. They had mentioned going to stay with her mother for a while, when they first moved out......
Chad also thought it was Jennifer at the door.

Great Lani/Eli scenes. I'm enjoying a swan song at the moment. I liked the name they picked, but I would have gone with a surname of Martin-Grant-Carver-Price. Will Lani and Eli get more material now? (I'm not holding my breath.)

Gabi is an idiot for going to work for the snarky rapist. And no amount of snark will make me like this guy. He's making me hate the actor.
Thanks, Poirot.

Great scenes with Lani, Eli and their baby.

Interesting stuff today with children. Eli and Lani say goodbye to their
son. Theresa is fighting for full custody for Tater Tot and Abby is
wondering if she's pregnant.

I'm not sure if Gabi is thinking straight. She's hoping she can do something to Stefan
while working at DiMera. I'm pretty sure he's hoping to do the same thing to her.
Poirot, thank you for writing up this summary on a day that was busy for you. I'm just now getting to read it and won't get to watch until tomorrow. I always like to read before I watch, regardless of how late I get to it.

I could understand Theresa wanting to have Tate if she'd been told she could never see him again. But it seems more like she's just using him to get Brady. I don't understand trying to force someone to be with you after they've already told you they want to be with someone else and don't want to be anywhere near you. I guess she thinks she can force Brady to want her. I don't believe it works that way, but in Salem, stranger things have happened.
Hmmmmmm, I'm just thinking that Gabi's comment about bringing him down from the inside and Chad going to take down Stefan competitively and through his knowledge of DiMera enterprises could be setting Chad and Gabi.

Oh fine, and let's throw Kate in there because we all know she will be in the story. Anyway, perhaps they'll be working together to bring him down. Gabi from the inside and Chad and Kate on the sidelines. Just a thought.
Gabi and the The Guy who Lives in the DiMansion: I have three words to say about this "YOU GO, GABI!!!" Reign heckfire down on that sleazebag! Shown him why you were once known as Gabi "The Hammer" Hernandez and make sure he never forgets it!
Ripping into a vile DiMera may make the victim feel better, but the problem is that it will have absolutely no effect on the recipient of the accusatory tirade. Abuse, insults, and criticism just flow off Slimy O. McSleaze like water off the proverbial duck's back. He can't be shamed because he's totally amoral and has no empathy for any of his victims.
Hmmmmmm, I'm just thinking that Gabi's comment about bringing him down from the inside and Chad going to take down Stefan competitively and through his knowledge of DiMera enterprises could be setting Chad and Gabi. Oh fine, and let's throw Kate in there because we all know she will be in the story. Anyway, perhaps they'll be working together to bring him down. Gabi from the inside and Chad and Kate on the sidelines. Just a thought.
The problem with Gabi working to take down Creepy O. McSlime from the inside like a sort of corporate termite is that he'd have no compunction about calling in his own version of Terminix to eradicate Gabi.
And no amount of snark will make me like this guy. He's making me hate the actor.
Agree. There's absolutely nothing likable or even interesting about this guy. In contrast, Stefano, despite all his evil deeds was loyal to family (in his own way) and displayed some sophistication and savoir faire.
I don't trust Kate one iota. She wanted to take over Titan, never anything about undermining DiMera, and now she weaseled her way out of being exposed, and talked her way into being behind Chad 100%. Baloney. Kate is out for Kate, always has been. And she really needs to be found out, and pushed off that pedestal she erected for herself.
I'm sorry, but I don't see Gabi as a smart savvy businesswoman. I'm still not even sure what Gabi Chic is. Does she make the clothes? At least they threw in a reference about her baseball finesse from that made-up story to unite her and Chad.

I really don't see Chad and Abigail surviving all this. She said Gabby and Dr. Laura are now a part of her. So yes, Gabby, who was in love with Stefan is now a part of her. And now might be pregnant. And honestly, the only thing that would make that story interesting if it was Stefan's. I didn't remember her and Chad being together after she confessed about Andre so I was thinking the alters weren't sleeping with Chad but now I guess it is a possibility.

I liked JJ defending Theresa, and he was right on so many parts!

Now Eli and Lani. So so sad. I cannot even imagine going through that. A couple years back, my daughter had a friend that lost a baby. It was so sad. They had just had the baby shower, she was 8 months along and then she wasn't feeling the baby move a lot. Went to the doctor and the cord was around baby's neck and they lost her. They had her in the room with them all night to have time. My daughter's friend, the dad, did not want to let her go. I just cannot even imagine that. It has to be the hardest thing ever. They have since had another daughter but doesn't take away the pain. I totally understand Lani wanting to see him. I think you need that for closure.
You know the actress who portrays Kate in reality is five years younger than the actress who portrays Marlena. Yet we are treated to Kate day in and day out. Marlena seems to be an after thought. Hope has been relegated to an ill-fated star crossed insipid romance with Rafe when she isn't chastising her daughter, Ciara Alice. But we have Kate front and center.

What in the name of all things soap opry is this fascination with Kate, her extremely odd brocade clothing and bed head hairdos?

Could Theresa stop gritting her teeth when she speaks? It's like watching the old cartoon Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot.