Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 28, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 28, 2010
Episode #11,364 Taped 5/2 Director – Herb Stein

Bo & Hope stand by the casket, she asks him if he will come to the house, Gran would have liked him to be there. Of course he will. One of the roses has nearly slipped off, Hope goes to put it back as Bo does, too, their hands are touching as they are both holding onto the rose. No words. The rose is put back, Bo says he will be over there. Hope leaves and Bo has a flashback of Alice giving him some advice, (he is clean shaven in this flashback) and in the present, he says aloud he wishes Alice was there to help him right now.

Over at Alice’s the women are in the kitchen, getting food ready to take out to the back yard. Lucas offers to help, they have it all, just hold the door open, o.k. he will get the drinks. The women troup out, Carrie comes into the kitchen, calling Lucas back, wanting to say good-bye, her plane leaves in a bit, long flight. He sends his best to Austin, she is sorry for the way things ended between them, Lucas is o.k. with it all. Hugs and goodbyes, Carrie leaves.

Doug, Julie, Nathan, Stephanie, Jennifer are all laughing over an album of photos, reminiscing about Alice. They find one where she is dressed as Groucho Marx, for some hospital benefit (those were the DAYS, my friend!) & we actually get the silly flashback of Alice as Groucho, cigar & all, doing a bit with some sexy nurse. Everyone is laughing, Hope has come in, there is talk of Alice helping others, Hope comments how Alice helped her & Bo out more than once. Ciara, who is coloring, wants to know how Great gramma helped her & daddy, Bo has come in, Hope starts to tell the tale. And the flashback is when they were in New Orleans, escaping from someone, I guess, they are at a carnival and a wax museum. They rush up to the ticket taker…..none other than Alice who urges them in for free. Ciara wishes Great Gramma could help her mommy and daddy now.

Madeline is looking at the brown envelope, happy that Stefano and Kate did not get their hands on this, as Chad comes up, all upset as he just got a text message from Mia. They go in the Pub, he cannot understand how suddenly she left without saying anything, & then all he gets is a text message? Madeline assures him that if they were meant to be, Mia will return or call him or something. Chad is upset and leaves. Madeline is alone, as she pulls out the brown envelope, saying she is sorry, but it is better for everyone.

Kate is at Alice’s grave, the casket evidently in the ground, as she lays another yellow rose on the ones that lay there. She talks aloud to Alice, saying it was not her place to come to the service, but she is her son’s grandmother, and she just wishes that he could have had Alice in his life sooner than he did. She has a lot of regrets….and Bill Horton appears behind her. He has to leave, came to say one last goodbye to his mother. He heard what she said about regrets, does she want to talk. No, she does not.

Kim angrily comes into her brother’s house, furious at Shane, yelling about him just coming back like that and saying “hey”. Knock, knock, and there is Shane at the door. Kim goes off on him now, as poor Shane tries to explain, but is unable to do so, as Kim rants about never calling or coming to see her when she was fighting for her life, trying to overcome leukemia. She finally pauses for breath, giving Shane a chance to explain about being in jail, left to die, and how he did not know until he was being debriefed. Kim’s face softens as he is telling her this, talking of needing to see her, being worried, and could not wait til she got back to L.A., which is why he came to Salem. But Kim once again flies off the handle, ranting about him running around saving the world, all that more important than her or his children, and then yells at him to leave, opening the door, just leave, go, NOW. Shane does, but he is not giving up.

Back at the Horton house, Nathan has found a tape, only labeled “Special Day”, among Alice’s things, calls everyone in, and they all watch…it is a tape of Alice & Tom’s 2nd wedding, him declaring his love, and both reciting the vows from the Book of Ruth..whither thou goest, I will go, whither thou lodgest, I will lodge, your people will be my people…
Roman has come in, pulling Kayla aside, asking her if she has tried to talk to Bo & Hope. She already talked to Bo….now she pulls Hope aside, wanting her to try and mend things with Bo…they belong together. Hope protests that so much has happened, but Kayla points out that Bo came to house now, did not bring Carly and that someone has to make the first move. Hope is torn.
Roman is talking to Bo about the mugger case, how he has worked with Arianna, she is not guilty. Bo agrees, says he is going to be looking at the case. Hope overhears, gets her hackles up, accusing Bo of taking the case away from her. No, he is not doing that, but she has a lot to deal with, problems with Ciara, the case, Mrs. H’s death. Hope protests that she has DNA evidence, but Bo figures there has to be more to the case.

Meanwhile, Baker is reading the paper about Alice Horton’s death, realizing that his partner is the detective granddaughter of the deceased, which explains why he has not heard from her. He wonders if they will be resuming mugging. He flashes back to conversations with her about her husband leaving her, and figures that if they do resume, her husband will be the next target.

Kate meets up with Madeline, who says she received all her stuff back, thank you. Kate makes some remark about how she knows everything now.

Ciara & Theo are coloring, theo asking her about her treasures. No, Ciara hasn’t found them, she misses her treasures, they were wallets, and actually, they were mommy’s first. Maybe Mommy took them after “I saw her hugging that man”. Hope walks by, angrily telling Ciara she has to stop making up these stories. Julie is talking to Hope, asking if she is all right….Hope complains of being tired. Julie inquires about her sleeping pills, but Hope hasn’t been taking them since she was staying at Gran’s. But she is really tired, needs a good night’s sleep. Bo asks Doug & Julie to take Ciara home, they agree and leave.

A nurse comes into Mike’ room, to find an empty bed. We later see a fully dressed Mike holding a plaque that is dedicated to Alice Horton for all her volunteer work. He reads it, then talks to his Gran, has a flashback of a conversation with her, and knows her advice will be with them all…always.

Everyone has been leaving at one point or another, Abe has hugged Maggie, will be seeing her, Marie says good-bye to Maggie, promising to call when she gets home, Melissa is driving her to the airport. Maggie picks up a picture of her & Mickey, looks at it, telling him he will always be with her, as will Alice, in her heart. Bo has gone, and now Hope is alone. She wanders around the living room, looking at a couple of photographs, talking aloud to Gran and how she will miss her. Hope looks around, starts to walk out, looks around again, and leaves.

And over at DiMansion, Sami answers the door to find Rafe standing there, she is surprised and so happy to see him. He comes in, she asks when he got back – just now, had to come see her first. He asks about all the kids, especially Sydney, Sami says all is fine, tho Johnny had this little fever, but is o.k. Sami suddenly hugs him, she has missed him so much, so very much. Now he is telling her where he was, all about Anna, Calliope, the whole 9 yards. Sami is touched that he was doing this all for her, but Rafe backs off, saying he wanted justice. He tells about Anna being poisoned, how he was thrown in jail, and when he got out, Anna had evidently come out of the coma and was gone. Now he asks why she is there, and Sami trots out the ol “pipes bursting” excuse. Rafe wonders when they will be fixed…oh, they have been, EJ arranged to get it done. So, then, when did this happen. Oh, a while ago. And you are still here? Well, the kids seem to like it here. Sami is clearly uncomfortable now. Rafe figures she just may want to be near EJ, Sami says no, and nothing is going on. They seem to be on the verge of another quarrel, as Rafe tells her that EJ is going to hurt her, and he is not going to let that happen, and then Rafe just grabs her face, begins to kiss her. Their arms go round each other and they just cannot stop.

Thanks alot, the tribute to Alice as been great , soooooooo looking forward to the Sami and Rafe kiss , i will see that today:smile::smile:
Thanks for the write-up. It looks like I will be shedding more tears watching this episode. Yeah more Shane, more Rafe. I wish Shane was sticking around.
thanks for the great write up barb. and if you dont mind me asking. were there any previews for the next show? If so do mind saying what they were?
thanks for the writeup:)

Is lucas last scence is with carrie or does have another scence in backround
Yes, there were previews.....Chloe saying to Daniel "there's something I have to tell you".
Kate tells Madeline "I know everything"
And Rafe tells EJ "if you don't like it, you can go to hell". LOLOL
Yes, there were previews.....Chloe saying to Daniel "there's something I have to tell you".
Kate tells Madeline "I know everything"
And Rafe tells EJ "if you don't like it, you can go to hell". LOLOL
thanks barb.
@TB....the answer to that is in the Crystal Ball
Thank you for the preview, Barb. Looking forward to this show. Question... where do Doug and Julie live or stay? When Bo asked them to take Ciara home, I wonder if they were going to take her to wherever they stay or to the Kiriakis home or to Bo's.
I think to Bo's house........and I believe Doug & Julie have a place of their own. It's where Hope went with Ciara when she first left Bo, but then found there were some renovations going on. Marie was staying at Maggie's, Lucas at the DiMera house. Melissa is at Maggie's.....Kim seems to be at Bo's tho I thought she & Kayla were at Caroline's. Bill, Laura, idea.
Thanks for jogging my memory. Now I remember about Hope going to Doug and Julie's at first but the house was having repairs or some such.

I don't know why some of the Horton's couldn't/wouldn't have stayed at Alice's home while they were there, even after the funeral if they were still going to be in town.
Maybe Bill, Laura & Jen are staying there. After all, Bill is her son. And Alice raised Jennifer.