Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 28, 2010

I was so glad that some of the flashbacks included Tom. I wonder now if we will ever see either of them again -- now that the Horton house set is gone.
This is sort of OT, but I felt all the boohooing was a bit much for a 96 yr old person. Yes, the whole thing was very sad, but all the tears seemed weird to me. My Mom and Dad were 80 and 88 and there was no crying. My mother-in-law almost 101 and no crying. maybe we are jsut weird. But I think you should be pretty well prepared by then.
I know from personal experience that, no matter how prepared you may think you are, it still hurts to lose a loved one. Age has nothing to do with it!
Hi everyone! This is my first official forum post, other than something I wrote in the New Introductions section. Thanks for the great write-up, as I don't remember seeing a preview for Monday's show. I am still clinging to Days until the Alice memorial episodes are over -- then I may be tuning out for awhile (I've only just come back after a six-year absence). I adore seeing old characters/cast members. Is this Lucas's final scene/episode....???? Waaah, I hope not! I want to see him with Sami!!! Although I prefer Rafe to EJ, and of course want to see Sami happy and grounded, I want her to find that with Lucas. And I am not sure I am digging this watered-down version of Samantha Gene Brady. Oh well, delusional, wishful thinking I suppose! Thanks again for the summary, and thanks for having me here!
I am so glad that so many Days fans have come to rejoice in seeing and hearing all our old friends. And I hope the little snippets of ongoing that were interspersed here and there will entice them to stay for a while, taste and see. I know Days has been very happy with the reception the returning favs have garnered....and perhaps, we may be lucky enough to have a few return later on. Just remember......Days is under a very stringent budget, and it takes 3-4 months or more to write and get any kind of good story going for any character. Days is currently filming 2 mos. in advance. Mind boggling. So right now, they are filming end of August stuff. Undoubtably written in Feb., March.
Patience, people. Nothing good happens overnight.
I really think that they've done a great job with the returns for the memorial. The scenes have substance and depth and everyone has been written in character. Shows what they a capable of when they really try. Too many times we've seen returns like this where the appearances were merely hyped up cameos, but thankfully that has not been the case here, they've been able to tie in the returnees with their relevance to not only Alice's life, but to the remaining characters and their current lives.
The sexy nurse in the flashback of Alice dressed as Groucho Marx is Maggie.
I really think that they've done a great job with the returns for the memorial. The scenes have substance and depth and everyone has been written in character. Shows what they a capable of when they really try. Too many times we've seen returns like this where the appearances were merely hyped up cameos, but thankfully that has not been the case here, they've been able to tie in the returnees with their relevance to not only Alice's life, but to the remaining characters and their current lives.

i do not consider lucas written in character

just saying
So much happened in todays show & I loved every minute. Especially Kate's vulnerability when she was at the gravesite of Alice. How many times in the past have we actually seen her sorry for her bad decisions, not very often. Then Dr. Baker when he was analyzing Hope's next step. Could this be where how "Dick" redeems himself from his participation in the Grace/Sydney switch by coming forward giving Bo a heads up on what Hope may be up too! Just a thought!
And here in Phoenix... the show abruptly ended and the Sami Rafe kiss did not happen, not only didn't it happen Rafe was mid word when the commercial came on for Who wants to be a Millionaire....
My jaw truly just dropped, robin....that is hard to believe. Someone truly messed up on their timing in that Phoenix studio. (But, you WILL get to see it, as Scarlett O'Hara says.......tomorrow is another day.
Robinsnest im in Prescott Valley and the same thing happened to me. I was thinking it was just my vcr but i guess not. That so sucked:( And i couldnt find the episode any where else to watch it. So sad
It cut out here in Wyoming, too. But then came back for the very end and previews.
Wow!!!! Kim was sure assertive... and Rafe.... thanks so much for posting the link for the final few minutes of the show... only complaint... Hope's shoes... squeaking as she walked around... or perhaps I'm hearing things...