Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 8, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 8, 2020

John & Marlena talk of Claire, since Marlena up all night going over her chart & records. She feels Claire's parents need to make the decision about any release, and bingo, there is Belle at the door. Hugs, smiles, happy faces. Shawn went to talk to his mom & sis, to see how they felt about the situation. Great deal of conversation about the what if, then what, is Claire really ready, back & forth. Marlena is hesitant to say yes he should, but notes that if Claire loses hope she gets out, she could regress.

Meanwhile, Shawn has met with his mom, in the middle of the square of course. Hugs, same conversation as above. The upshot, Hope is on board with Claire being released, is not sure what Ciara will say. (By the way, both John & Marlena, and Hope all talk of constantly going to visit Claire in Bayview). Along comes Ciara & Ben, she heard her name, what am I supposed to be concerned about? Shawn tries to change the subject, Ciara brings it back, Hope then attempts to do so, Shawn gets a phone call, has to go, sorry. Ciara pins her mom down, what is going on, Hope tells her. Both Ben & Ciara taken aback, Ben especially, Ciara a bit, but then she says she wants to treat Claire, just as she treated Ben, give her a chance. Ben is leery, but Ciara is firm, she really misses Claire, yada, yada. She asks mom what she thinks, Hope says she loves granddaughter Claire, but Ciara her first priority. Ben has to go to work, Hope notes something else bothering Ciara, who only says Brady is back, & they did not hit it off, but all is o.k. Hope thinks there is more, but Ciara denies, blames lack of sleep, wedding planning, etc.

Meanwhile, Will & Sonny are trying to track down the missing Gabi, who did not come home last night. They decide to go to garage, meet Jake, note he really does look like Stefan, but Jake has not seen her. They all go back & forth with insults, Will & Sonny noting that Jake could have at least given Gabi a DNA sample. He doesn't like needles, they point out anything could be used, hair, saliva......aha! That is what happened to my toothbrush. He figures Gabi broke in when he was gone, stole it. The guys want to call the cops about Gabi, Jake says no, pointing out she broke in there, so violated her parole, could go back to jail. Ben comes in, shaking hands with the guys, why are they there. They tell of Gabi missing, asking Ben if he saw her. Jake stands behind them, shaking his head NO at Ben.

Claire is spinning on her stool or chair, Gwen comes in, surprised she is still there. They jabber about whether Claire will be released in time for the wedding, Claire pulls her in, shutting the door, be quiet, no one knows I know about taking the card from Ben's doctor's desk. Claire starts getting upset, talking loudly about how Ciara always one-upped her in their kid days, but she is over that. Gwen says actually, she is sounding now as tho she is not better. Claire calms down, rattles on about all she has done, therapy, groups, exercise, yet. But why am I explaining to a psycho. Gwen's turn, she admits she is not psycho, deranged, or anything. Faked a breakdown to get in here, nice spot to hide, roof over her head, a bed, free meals and green jello every night. Seems she is hiding from her ex-boyfriend, who was mixed up with some bad people. But they broke up only because he was scum, and they fought a lot. So one day, big fight, he storms out, doesn't know if he will be back, so she leaves, taking a few of his favorite things with her. And so he then was coming after her to get them back, stalking her. So, she needed a place to hide. They babble about Claire getting out, saying goodbye before she goes, Claire wondering how soon Gwen will then leave, but Gwen has not thought about her next move. Gwen leaves to go to arts & crafts, Claire declines, stays behind.

Back at Marlena's, Shawn arrives, they all talk more about whether or not Claire should get out. Belle says if it wasn't your granddaughter, what would you do? Marlena cites a few things, smiles, figures trial release, supervised, etc. Shawn & Belle hug, happy, and dash over to Bayview, Claire so happy to see them, nice family reunion. She ask why they are in town, they have good news, Claire is coming home. More hugs, happy talk. When, when? Belle says well, we have some stuff to iron out, but hopefully, you will get out today, and be on a plane to Hong Kong tomorrow morning. Claire stops.....what? Hong Kong? No, I am not going back to Hong Kong, no!
(By the way, both John & Marlena, and Hope all talk of constantly going to visit Claire in Bayview).
I liked this touch; the Time Jump makes it harder to believe though, except for John.

Claire has been in Bayview for 23 months. Not including his time on the run to break up the Paul/Sonny wedding, Ben did a combined total of 34 months for his multiple crimes (between Bayview/prison).
Bet Shawn-D is probably thinking he'd never see the day that he was giving a warm "welcome to the family" handshake to a serial killer, or that his own daughter is an attempted murderess.
Big talk was too common in Salem today.

Belle: She had the nerve to call Ben a "pariah." This is big talk for a woman whose daughter, an obsessive YouTube flop, tried to incinerate her supposed best friend.

Gwen: She had the gall to call poor Jake "dumb." Who's dumb -- the guy with a business who can rebuild automobile engines and transmissions or the woman who stole her ex's stuff and then thought that her best option was hiding out in a mental hospital?

Will: He told Jake that he was a liar to his face. It's too bad that Ben's boss isn't more aware of recent Salem history. If so, he could have responded by saying: "Oh yeah, aren't you the guy who lost his memory, thought he was lowlife EJ DiMera, and lived with a batty woman who was married to an Elvis impersonator?"

Claire: She claims that she's herself again. Whether she's sane is open to question, but she is herself again -- she's as annoying as ever.
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Belle hated the idea of Ciara marrying Ben, and did not like a reference to the fact he got out of Bayview, "he'a a pariah", she says. Marlena staunchly defends Ben, praising how he has become a different person, followed all his doctor's directions, takes his meds, has helped a lot of people. Belle concedes that if Marlena trusts him, then he is o.k. They all talk of Jordan, tho, how she managed to get the doctors to release her, fooled them.......and now she is dead. Belle is worried about Claire for that reason.Is she really o.k. to leave?

Gwen hoped Claire would not tell anyone about faking her way into Bayview. They pinky swear to keep each other's secret.
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem. The second day Gabi is missing.

Hope called Claire her granddaughter. WOW

Jake called Will Clark Kent

Ben told Ciara he called airports, bus stations, and train stations to look for
Gwen. Hopefully, he'll remember to check hospitals.

Gwen told Claire she was faking being sick. Is Claire faking being better?

Great seeing Belle, Shawn and Claire together at the end.

Belle said "All this shrink talk is making me insane"
The only thing I'm interested in, is what Gwen has that the bad guys want so badly. Claire can go bye-bye, the sooner the better.