Days of Our Lives - Mon. Mar. 11, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 11, 2012

In his hotel room, Chloe is kissing Daniel, who manages to push her away, saying, no, no. Chloe is sorry, she misunderstood, knew Daniel was upset, thought he needed comforting. Daniel is a bit out of it, but manages to push her out the door, she has to leave. He can barely stand, but calls Jen, gets voice mail, starts leaving a rambling message but says forget it, hangs up. He drinks some of the hangove concoction Chloe had made for him, grimaces. He goes out in the hall, leaving his door ajar.

Chloe goes home, tells Nancy she was right, and she overtipped her hand. She tells Nancy what happened, then gets a phone call from Anne, who is eavesdropping on Jen & Hope (see below). This sends Chloe back to Daniel's apt., tho Nancy warns her to think first. What she thinks about is though (we see this, is Jen coming over, acting sweet and innocent, Daniel saying he loves her, and them kissing. Chloe takes her mom's bottle of pills, despite Nancy's protests, and is out the door, arriving back at Daniel's to find the door open. She looks inside for the missing Daniel, hears his voice outside asking for ice. She really scrambles, nearly empties her purse, gets the pills, empties two capsules (egads) into that drink. She hears Daniel thanking someone for the ice, shoves her stuff back in her purse, hiding in a closet/bathroom?? She doesn't notice the bottle of pills has fallen to the floor on the side of the bed. Daniel comes in, grabs some ice cubes, holding them on his forehead, moaning a bit, drops one in the drink, down the hatch it goes. He sits on the edge of the bed, still moaning, and falls backward asleep. Chloe tiptoes out, her phone rings.
Tis Anne, telling her Jen is on her way out to see Daniel.Chloe tells her to do something, but Anne has stalled Jen a bit, cannot do any more. Chloe quickly pulls the covers up over Dan, manages to get his shirt off.

Maxine's party at the Pub is winding down, but Hope comes breezing in, all happy , thank Jen for letting them use the Horton House for the wedding, and asking a dejected Jennifer how it went. Obviously, not well, Jen admits a big fight with Daniel, tells Hope all about the scene with Nancy, and is ranting. Hope says she gets it, but why is Jen so upset at Daniel Jen talks of how he promised this go between, but Nancy?? Hope shrugs, thinks nothing of it. He did what he said, so why is Jen upset. Jen takes out her phone, sees the call from Dan, both she & Hope listen to it. He sounds bad. Maxine comes over, asking Jen why she is still there, advising her to go see Dan. Hope echoes the thought. Anne is watching. Hope leaves, Anne is outside coming in, when Jen tries to leave. They have a confrontation, Anne talking about a work project for Easter, Jen telling her to see her in the morning, (tis a silly sequence) they argue about it a bit, finally Anne steps aside to let Jen leave, but purposely bumps into her, Jen gets a bit ticked, but Anne is sorry, and off Jen goes.

Outside Daniel's door, Jen is primping a bit, checking her lipstick, knocks on the door. On the other side, Chloe messes up her hair a bit, wipes her lipstick off, and opens the door, seemingly surprised to see Jen, who is tightlipped as she observed the barechested Daniel, arms outstretched, apparently sleeping.

Brady & Kristen sit on the sofa at DiMansion, talking of John coming over, his gift, etc. Brady says it meant a lot, has a housewarming gift for her, goes upstairs. In comes Stefano, home at last. they exchange greetings. She tells him of Brady being upstairs, John coming over, Stefano laughs. Kristen leaves, telling Stefano to be nice to Brady.
When he comes down, finding no Kristen, he exchanges a few polite remarks to Stefano, manages to tell him that he loves Kristen, and agreed to move there to make her happy, but he has not lost his memory, and doesn't trust Stefano. Now it is Stefano's turn, and he claims he lost Kristen once, and if Brady hurts Kristen in any way at all, he will answer to Stefano himself.

At Common Grounds, John greets Roman & Marlena, who is glad to see him, did not know he was comign home. John is rather abrupt, "obviously" he says, referring to her & Roman hugging. Both protest he cannot be serious, but John wants to talk to his wife alone. He is curt, tells her about Stefano calling him to tell him about Brady moving in, enjoying every word, and how he went there finding Brady already moved in. She says something about them working to get Brady out. John say he is working on it. She realizes he does not want her help...asks "what about us". He says "one thing at a time". He leaves, is sitting in the square, where Kristen finds him. She tosses the plaque from the gondola on the table tells him...nice try, but it won't work. She tries getting under John's skin, but he is not falling for it. She doesn't think that plaque means anything to Brady, but John does. Ties him to his mother. Kristen doesn't think so....she thinks it is supposed to lead Brady to John himself. She gets up to leave, telling John to think about her, as she stands behind him, kisses his neck.

In the square, Rafe runs into Lucas, talks about Nick & Gabi being married tomorrow, and Sami doesn't know, so can Lucas keep her in check when she finds out. Sure enough. Back against the wall, Sami is waving a Lucas, but seemingly texting or tweeting with her phone. Rafe leaves, Sami rushes up, (by the way, Sami now is sporting Kate's red chunk of hair, which hangs in a pony tail), both exclaiming at how Rafe doesn't know that Nick is blackmailing Will into giving up his child. Sami explains to a reluctant Lucas her plan to get the stuff from the evidence room, that it is night, all are gone, blah, blah. He finally agrees, off they go. She has learned that with budget cuts the cold case evidence files are now in a storage room, and she knows a few folks with the key cards to get in. They manage to sneak into Hope's office (Cannot believe NO ONE saw them come into the station, unreal, lol), Lucas stays outside as lookout, while Sami rummages.thru the desk. She hears Roman's voice, hides in a closet, as Lucas is explaining about waiting for Hope. Roman says she isn't there, they come in the room, on with the lights, Roman talks of having to interrogate a prisoner for a couple hours. Lucas wants to leave a note for Hope, so Roman cheerfully leaves him alone in Hope;s office, telling him to turn off the lights. Sami comes out, is gleeful because she knows where Roman keeps his card, and he is gonna be busy for hours.

Off they go, and next are sneaking into the storage room, boxes of evidence everywhere. She has flashlights and gloves for them both, no fingerprints, and they start checking the file box labels, with Sami finally finding the "DiMera shooting, 2007" up on the highest shelf.
Outside, seems Rafe & Hope are both at work, he gets a call about an old case on Mission St. He promises the person to go get the evidence file from the cold case storage, and takes off. His card is in his wallet, but his first swipe attempt doesn't work. Inside, Sami & Lucas hear him, scoot down, hiding in different spots. Rafe comes in, turns on lights, manages to not see either one of them He easily finds his box, but as he leaves, he stops, ponders a bit, then leaves. Sami & Lucas are happy, and he holds her up so she can try and reach the top. It takes a while, but she finally gets her hands on the box, and manages to pull it forward a bit.
Outside, in Hope's office, Rafe is distracted, not really hearing, when Hope is talking to him. She mentions the wedding.....he murmurs "smell". She is puzzled, he thinks the wedding smells?? Huh? oh, no, replies Rafe. He is thinking again. "That smell, in the evidence room...I know it.".
That's exactly what I was thinking cryin4days! I thought perhaps he recognized her perfume and will confront her later.

Ooops, I missed the part where he actually said something. I was just guessing, based on the way he paused in the evidence room.
Rafe recognized Sami's smell (perfume hopefully).
What a surprise, the Salem P.D. is so unprofessional that its evidence room was easily penetrated by a perfumed Samantha. However Rafe deserves some kudos for his sense of smell. He's miles ahead of the so-called forensic expert who didn't smell a thing in the sorority house basement minutes after the weeks-old body of Ford Decker had been exhumed and removed from the premises. Rafe should be immediately assigned to all cases where the perpetrator was heavily perfumed or overdid it with the aftershave. In fact, the next time a the Salem P.D. is tracking a fugitive through the Salem Forest Preserve, Roman can forego the bloodhounds and have Rafe follow the scent.
As soon as Rafe walked into the evidence room I thought to myself, "I wonder if Sami is wearing perfume..." And sure enough, when Rafe got back to Hope's office he mentioned recognizing a scent. Gee, this show is so predictable sometimes. :rolleyes:
Sparkster ALWAYS predictable but I love Rafe being on to Sami! That is what drew me to them in the safe house. :D Whenever she thought she was about to get away with something Rafe was one step ahead. No wonder she was making faces at Rafe while snooping in Hope's office she knew she was in trouble! LOL.
I agree kt, that was very odd indeed. Then again, she's only using him, so it's to be expected.

As for the perfume, I didn't see that coming. I thought that Rafe would've just walked into the room and seen them fiddling around.
And Stefano asks...."For me???" LOL

I really did like Lucas & Sami working together....and the heck with Rafe's sense of smell. He turned on the that tiny room (at least it looked tiny...and never saw either Sami nor Lucas, each hiding behind a shelf of boxes.
But I'll give them a pass, since perhaps the room was larger than we could see.

But truly, how do two people walk into a police station, down a hall, into an office, and not a single cop sees them? Yes, I know, suspend belief. LOL
Sure enjoyed Sami and Lucas "breaking and entering" at the police dept.AND NO ONE NOTICED !
Loved Lucas' line "You brought 'tools' ? Sure she did... she's Sami after all !!
I told you she's the one with the brass you know what !
Stupid ol' Jen was still whimping around about Stupid ole Dan and then, decides to OPEN YET ANOTHER DOOR
AND THERE IS Chloe ! what a dummy
Jen should have taken the bottle of booze and hit the nearest park bench and quit boring our socks off !!:zzz:
I'm just now starting to watch today's show. What is with the weird color streaks in people's hair? Just got a glimpse of Sami's, as mentioned in the summary. At the beginning, when Brady and Kristen were on the couch it looked like she had green streaks throughout her hair. Maybe just the lighting or something, I couldn't tell for sure.
About a month ago, Alison Sweeney (Sami) was on Ellen and on the Today show a few days later and you could see that weird pink streak even then, so she must've had it for awhile.
I thought the Sami/Lucas/rate scenes were hilarious, loved them. Jen's hair looked great in Chloe's imaginary scene! But the Chloe/Dan drugging is just so stupid and over used. Dumb unimaginative writers!