Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 20, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 20, 2017

This is a hard summary to write, since it was a difficult episode to watch. Ciara has come into the apt., sees Theo & Claire on the sofa, looks embarrassed, starts to leave, drops something, the couch couple see her, put themselves back together, as Theo goes off into another room, while Claire screams at Ciara, berating her for coming back to the apt, being jealous, and more. Ciara leaves, goes outside the square, sits on bench.

Along comes Maggie, to listens to Ciara's tale of woe, sympathizes, feels Theo does have the right to know how she feels, advises her to give him the letter.

Abby comes into the living room, all dressed for the party, Chad compliments her, but wants to talk. He tells her all about his feelings and love for Gabi, also that he loves her, wants to spend the rest of his life with her & Thomas. Both are near tears, as Abby figures he is leaving her, he says no, he wants to cut Gabi out of his life, to spend it only with her. (sorry, this was all heart rending and ridiculous). He goes to bring the car around, and in comes Jennifer. Abby breaks down in tears, tells her mom all, mom sympathizes, but remains upbeat, Chad is committed to her, etc. She notes Abby will be losing her friend, because if Chad doesn't want to see her, then Abby won't be, either. Chad returns, Abby goes to fix her makeup, Jen has some encouraging and upbeat words for Chad.

Earlier, Jen was at the farmhouse, Eric had kissed her, but is saying he can't...he cannot be with her, or love her. But Jen feels that when Eric comes back to Salem, rebuilds his life, helps others, he will see he is deserving of a good life.

And so we see Eric coming to visit Maggie, telling her he is coming to be in Salem, Maggie knew he was released from prison, and how it came to be. He starts to do the I am sorry thing....she stops him. Tells him she knows all about amends, is a recovered alcoholic, once got behind the wheel while drunk, hit someone, was lucky, the person survived. Daniel would not want Eric to throw his life away, would not want Eric to waste the 2nd chance he has been given. If he can help people, does so, then the world will be a better place.

Gabi is complaining because the lights all went out in her bathroom, she doesn't want to use another. Dario gets into a conversation with her about Chad, Abby, how they both have unrequited love for that DiMera couple, he even figures maybe if they put their heads together, they can break them up, Gabi go with Chad, Abby can cry on Dario's shoulder. She says no, then talks of her date with Eli.....and finally she is ready to go to party.

At the club, lots of filler small talk. People milling around, doesn't seem much like a fund raiser for the high school sports dept. to me...but.....Abby goes to schmooze the DiMera board members, returns, is with Chad with Gabi & Dario arrive. Gabi goes to do something or other, Chad follows. Abby thinks the place needs some livening up, wants Dario to dance with her. (he tells her he and the girl he was supposed to bring broke up, but it's o.k. Women come, women go). Dario won't dance, don't ask him, lol, Abby wants to get those board members to dance, figures they have to get the ball rolling, but Dario just refuses and walks off.

Eric is unpacking a few boxes in his new digs, pulling books out of a box, takes one that seems rather old and used, sits down with it. (It appears to be a bible). Jen stands in the doorway.

Ciara returns to the apt. slips her letter into Theo's backpack. Claire watches, Ciara doesn't see her. Ciara leaves, Claire pulls out the letter, reads it, begins calling Ciara backstabber among a few other things, Theo comes out, though Claire was talking to anything wrong. Nope, all is o.k., as Claire hides the letter behind her back.

Chad has pulled Gabi outside, she is perplexed, she had just sent Eli a text. Chad asks who is Eli, I don't care. We have to talk. What is going on, Gabi wants to know. What is it, tell me.

And Chad blurts...I love you.....
Honestly, I just did not like this episode, except for Eric's scenes, it was that hard for me, a daily watcher, to stick with it.

Am really glad mid-March in Salem has such mild weather, unlike the rest of the midwest, who are still battling cold temps, icy rains, new snow & melting snow, slush, etc.

Chad confessing his love for Gabi to his WIFE was heartbreaking, just as Kate had told him, Abby was hurt terribly. So, it was eating him up. So what. Go tell Gabi you will be avoiding her, that she is not to come to the house, etc.

Theo realizes that perhaps they really are not ready to "go to the next level", but Claire is determined to get him in the sack. The girls really yell at each other, and I don't understand why Theo did not hear any of it. But hated it all.

I do try to be "neutral" when I watch and summarize, but this just ALL was a show full of scenes that I wish had been left on the cutting room floor. And just my opinion.
in addition to having different time zones with in Salem, heck within Horton Town Square, it appears that doors, walls, windows all have self sealing ability. Sometimes total conversations can be overheard, other times, the cone of silence descends.

I'm not looking forward to viewing this day's drivel.
Maybe it was just me, but can someone...anyone...tell me what was the terrific, wonderful music that was playing that made Abby want to get Dario to dance and get others going???
Maybe it was just me, but can someone...anyone...tell me what was the terrific, wonderful music that was playing that made Abby want to get Dario to dance and get others going???
When she said that, I specifically listened and only heard bland "elevator music" in the background.

Don't know how many times I've been in an elevator and wished I had someone to dance with. :sarcasm:
If Ciara was honest with herself she would know she only wants Theo because he is with Claire. He tried numerous times and she only shot him down. My speculation I see her getting the hots for Tripp. Stupid that she didn't turn around in the apartment to make sure no one was there.

The Eric/Maggie scene was nice. I'm gonna try to not to hate Eric and Jennifer. There are enough couples I hate.

The Chad/Gabi/Abby triangle is getting old. Chad and Gabi made out a couple of times. Even Gabi said they hadn't started a relationship so it's ridiculous they keep treating it like some big love story. They should have kept JJ and Gabi together.
Honestly, I just did not like this episode, except for Eric's scenes, it was that hard for me, a daily watcher, to stick with it.
Agree. Mostly, it was another subpar Monday. The next time there is another pointless go-round about the Gabi-Abby-Chad triangle in the DiMansion library, the portrait of Stefano should suddenly speak, saying: "Enough, you're boring me and the viewers to death." Things weren't much better with the Claire-Teen Ciara-Theo configuration. It might have made for a better scene if Ciara when she first walked in had said: "Oh yuck, now I'll never be able to sit on that sofa again." It might also have been interesting if Teen Ciara's consultation with Maggie about bratty Claire's efforts to get reluctant Romeo Theo to the "next level," had concluded with the Salem busybody saying," OMG, how awful. I'm calling Abe right away!" Finally, Salem's low standards for character were on display once again with foolish Gabi calling slimy Dario a "good man." Really? He's a career criminal, tried to steal the Orwell project," and ordered a hit on Deimos. If this is evidence of good character, somebody bad would be so awful that even Stefano, Andre, Orpheus, Clyde, Xander, and Yo-Daddy would be recoiling in horror.
By the there a female here who doesn't know how to change a matter where it is located? Especially just over a bathroom sink? Is there a male with a female relative who doesn't know how?

Sorry, but Gabi's hissy fit about the lightbulbs, and then the mentions of a "vanity mirror" had me having fits. Yep, even Gabi, who supposedly learned lots of stuff in prison, is another helpless female, unable to put lipstick on because she doesn't want to use the other bathroom. Grrrrrr.
I agree that the Eric and Maggie scenes were good. Since we actually saw a smile on Eric's face, I'm wondering if he may have finally turned a corner. But on the other hand, he had been "Mr. Doom and Gloom" for so long even before he started hitting the bottle and got behind the wheel on that fateful New Year's Eve that I'm afraid it may too much to hope for.

Maggie and Ciara. Aww, I don't know about the rest of you but this brought back so many memories of the other wonderful Maggie and Ciara moments we've gotten over the past year or so. There was the time Ciara was upset about Claire and Theo, and Maggie comforted her and gave her great advice. Then was the was time Maggie was walking through the town square and saw Ciara looking down in the dumps sitting on a bench and.... oh, wait.

Seriously, this reminded me of a scene we got in the Brady Pub of Jennifer and Caroline having a "bonding" moment that seemed to come totally out of thin air. This felt exactly the same way. I didn't think it was terrible or anything I just shrugged and said "Okay that was random."

Dario and Gaib. I do enjoy watching these two banter and I especially liked Gabi shooting down Dario's suggestion that they try to break up Chad and Abigail. That tells me that Gabi doesn't want to go down that road again and that's not who she is. And I'm sure nobody noticed this but I'm going to let you all in on a little secret: I'm kind of a Gabi fan. "blush" So that was a proud moment for me. :)

Having said I do think it's getting past time them to find a different topic of conversation. *snaps fingers* I know, how about elephants? LOL
Thanks for the summary. Truly, Poirot, I appreciate that you sat through this drivel and wrote it down for those of us who either didn't get a chance to see it, or won't be watching this terrible episode.

First, the positive. I loved the Eric scenes. He's still sourpuss-y, but slowly coming out of that shell. I loved Maggie's chat with him, and also, much as I squirm at the thought of them being paired together, think that he won't be able to resist Jennifer for long. In any case, it's about time that he come home and move on from the death of Daniel.

The teen scene, as usual, is as ridiculous as it is boring. The only character to root for here is Theo. The poor dude was rejected numerous times by Ciara before. Now she decides she wants him just because her niece is dating him? Moreover, he's being cornered by a self-obsessed Claire, whose only interest besides being mean to Ciara is social media. I will say that while the Maggie-Ciara scene was random, I genuinely enjoyed it. About time she spoke with someone besides Julie (though those scenes are nice).

I've no idea how to feel for the love triangle. Just confusing and dragged on at this point. Hopefully it picks up soon.
The Chad/Gabi/Abby triangle is getting old.

I wish it was just getting old. This thing is moldy, it is so old. And horrible and poorly written. And terrible, disgusting, awful, abhorrent, dreadful, nasty, lousy.

And it's not going to get better anytime soon, per the delightful promo. :beat::beat::beat: