Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 1, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 1, 2017

Still shaking my head, but... Sonny & Paul are with the pilot, wanting to know where Deimos is, the guy plays dumb, Sonny pulls a gun, the guy claims to only have this address (Nicole & Brady's), gives it to them. Off they go. Later, the guy is with Deimos, tells him about Sonny & Paul and what he told them.

Up in Canada, Nicole is pleading with Xander, who is just giving her a hard time, he's not dead, Surprise, yada, yada. The baby is crying, Xander saying she has a strong set of lungs, (not to me, sounds like a tiny newborn) as Nik kneels by the unconscious Brady, asking Xander to call for help. Nope. He says time to go, motions her out the door, leaving it open, and she has NO SHOES on. Is Canada that warm already? LOL

Deimos is in Canada. Xander arrives with holly, Deimos is happy, all went well, Nicole is chloroformed & in the car trunk. Deimos mentions Sonny & Paul being there, Xander mentions Nicole is head over heels for Brady. Deimos figures that is only as of right now Brady is her hero, she is confusing gratitude with love, and he thinks actually it will all work out. He will rescue Holly & Nicole from the big, bad, Xander and be the hero. Tis unfortunate Brady was shot, but one has to expect collateral damage. He assures Xander that loyalty is what he considers most important, Xander has proved his, thus as long as no harm has come to Nicole & Holly, Xander is safe from being hurt.

Meanwhile, Sonny & Paul rush into the cottage, finding Brady on the floor, Tate is crying. Sonny runs to get Tate, Paul calls for ambulance. And then all are at the hospital, Brady telling of Xander shooting him. And now Deimos arrives, pretending not to know Xander is alive, after all he killed him. Brady's expression shows he doesn't believe a word. Deimos goes on and on, really piling it on thick. Doesn't seem Sonny & Paul are buying it much either, proof. Deimos vows to use all his resources to find where Xander has taken Nik & Holly.

Back in Salem, Eli & Gabi sit at a table in the square, kissing, Chad spots them. His phone rings, he apologizes to them for interrupting, Eli gets a call, goes off to take it. Chad makes small talk, noting Gabi seems to have moved on, is on a date. Gabi more or less tells him it is none of his business, go concentrate on his wife. He leaves, she is down in the dumps, series of flashbacks of them interspersed with black & white ones of Abby sneaking around doorways, etc. Guess that was when she did not want anyone to know she was not dead.

Eli returns, can see she is down in the dumps, they talk a bit, she finally comes out of her blue funk, and before you know it, they are dancing (these are cute and fun scenes) both making all the moves, laughing and enjoying themselves.

Abby has tried to call Chad, but he did not answer the phone (too busy ogling Gabi & Eli) mutters something to herself, and along comes Dario. They sit and talk, with Dario being the good friend, listening, pointing out a few of her mistakes in how she is dealing with all this. Abby makes all her usual excuses, talks of seeing Gabi & Eli kissing, and how Gabi did not mean any of it really, just rebounding, attempting to move on. (It WAS tiresome listening to her). She insists Chad & Gabi belong together, and that while Chad saved her a couple times, he really did not love her wholly, and she deserves a man who will love her with his whole heart, not half. More blather about them being just friends, they go to Club TBD, Dario makes a couple drinks, they talk more. Again with the being just friends, Dario understands, promises he will be just that, and a loyal one. They begin talking of karaoke night at the club, and some dance off coming up, and how he pretended not to be able to dance so she would give lessons. He is sorry for that.

Across the room sits Kate, watching, telling Chad on the phone to come to the club, it is better they talk about this in person. And of course, Chad walks in, spots Dario & Abby at the bar, comes over wanting to talk to her for a minute, she doesn't want to, Dario sticks his nose in, the guys comes to blows. Well, not quite, just words, pushing and shoving. Abby gets in between, trying to stop it, Kate joins in, finally the guys calls it off. Kate follows Chad out, he yells at her, knowing she called him there on purpose. She admits she did so, telling him she wanted him to see for himself it was time he moved on!

Abby is figuring she should have talked to Chad, this all would never have happened, she scolds Dario for sticking his nose in. He claims Chad was harassing her, she clearly did not want to talk to him, so he just stuck up for her.

Up in Canada, Sonny & Paul want to go looking for Nicole, Brady wants to go with, no way, he is in no condition. Deimos intends to do so first.
Is Canada that warm already?

I don't know about Manitoba, but I can tell you in Quebec, we've had the worst spring in many years. In fact, we've just broken a record for the amount of rain we received in April. And today, it is of course raining with a ridiculous 7 degrees Celsius (about 44 Fahrenheit). Heck, in some regions, some people actually woke up with a little snow on their cars. :eek:

Seriously, gotta love how these people are dressed all the while saying it's so cold out ! :rolleyes:
I appreciate the summary. Last week Nicole was wearing what looked to be heavy long sleeves indoors.

I'm surprised even Dario hasn't gotten tired of Abby's lines yet. I think this is going to be hard to watch. At this point I don't know who is worse, Kate or Abigail.

Oh well, Gabi and Eli seem to be having a good time kissing!
Just a few comments about today's events.

The Writers I: It they were going to present a Salem version of Dancing with the Stars, the least they could have done was show a flashback of the Town Square dancing lady.

The Writers II: Will they ever stop using the utterly threadbare plot device of having somebody spotting the PDAs of other people?

Dario: Speaking of threadbare, when is slimy Dario going to stop sniffing around Abigail? Considering the paucity of customers shown in TBD, he'd be better off doing his sniffing over at the Salem Money Tree.

Brady: For a man who's been shot in the chest and bludgeoned over the head, he has remarkably good color. Could this be the result of having the heart of the perpetually-tanned Love Doctor?
Was the fact that Xander is working for Deimos supposed to be a surprise? Seemed like it since it went to commercial then. I don't think Xander or Deimos even mentioned Tate. So they were perfectly ok leaving a toddler alone with his dying father? This storyline needs to end.

Unfortunately a lot of storylines need to end. Chad and Gabi's "great love" needs to end. Why did he go up to her and Eli if he didn't want to interrupt. I am not rooting for either couple. Chad/Abby, Chad/Gabi. I do like Gabi and Eli and they seem to be having a lot of fun.
I'm not ten minutes into watching and several things are already bugging me.

1. I'm still having a hard time taking Sonny seriously as a tough guy.

2. When Chad stumbles upon Gabi and Eli kissing, Eli complains that they can't get any privacy. Excuse me, Mr. Eli, you are in a public place! If you want to make out, go get a room.

3. The whole scene with Nicole, Brady, and Xander. Nicole and Xander are standing there catching up on old times, while Brady is on the floor with a bullet in what looks to be very near his heart. Then Nicole pleads with Xander to please leave Holly there with Brady and Tate. Does she think Tate is going to take care of Holly? Finally, Brady makes an attempt to lunge upward to attack Xander, when he probably should be dead or at least unconscious by now.

Okay, I'm going to watch more of this exciting episode now.
Why is Brady not sedated? Has he been examined? Bullet removed? Surgery to repair? Why are Sonny and Paul and Deimos given free range in his room, to interrogate and agitate him, in his condition?

Once again, men are trying to "rescue" a woman who clearly does not need or want to be rescued. If Dario keeps that up, he won't even be Abby's friend for very long. Can't he and Chad both see that Abby's whole deal right now is trying to prove her own independence? I personally think it is rather silly of her but she seems to have something to prove right now, if only to herself.
I enjoyed Xander and Deimos. They both had funny lines. Deimos told Xander
how gullible the people are in Salem when they bought his story Xander
was dead. Will they believe his story now that he's not working with Xander? :)

Xander told Deimos that Nicole loved Brady. Deimos commented she confused
gratitude with love. Then Xander said the only warm blooded creature in
these parts was a moose and there weren't many options.

Xander told Nicole she was cursed. I laughed.

I hope Xander remembered to buy baby stuff since they left the cabin

without any supplies.

Sonny needs to stop using that hair gel. It's making him act weird.

The Canadian hospital looked like Salem's except for the white sheets and
the pattern on Brady's gown.