Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 15, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 15, 2017

Today seems like a lot of "filler" scenes, however....Jade sits on a bench with Tripp, reviling Kayla, and giving him a big story, half truths, of why her "hunch" is that Kayla killed Ava, Steve took the blame. She goes on and on about Ava kidnapping Kayla, no food or water, Ava telling Steve she would only let Kayla go if he slept with her. So Steve climbed into bed, not knowing Ava was filming the whole thing. And after Kayla was freed and all was well, she sent Kayla the porn film. Jade says that while Kayla claims she found Ava in her house with the morphine needle in her arm, only doctors can get morphine, right? So, Ava then gets taken to hospital, is telling everyone there that Kayla was the one who did the morphine, so....Kayla shut her up for good. Tripp is soaking this all in. Jade says Kayla appears nice, Miss Perfect in her cardigan sweater, but will quickly stab you in the back the minute you turn around.

Adrienne appears at the Kmansion, is back from Arizona, assures Justin the boys are all fine, she is well rested, the boys wanted her & Justin reconciled, she set them straight, she is with Lucas, period. Justin is glad she is doing so well, and had a good time.

Chad meets with the dealer, who gives him the amulet, glad to get rid of it & it's curse. Recounts his taxi driver getting into an accident, a fight with the other driver, but he is the one who took the punches. He leaves, Hope shows up, still keeping an eye on Chad per her promise, but is asking for a ride home on the DiMera jet. He agrees, and next they are in his hotel room. He has to pack, she hangs around.

An upset Abby meets up with Dario in the park. She decided to end it, filed for divorce, her lawyers are sending the papers to Chad's lawyers. No, she is not taking it slow, it is time to end it. He goes for something, brings her back a container of tea (bet that container is empty, lol, based on how he handed it to her). Along comes Jennifer, Dario leaves, Abby finally breaks the news to her mom, who says she is making a huge mistake. Nope, I tried, but Chad loves 2 women, and he just cannot commit to me fully. I thought it would work, it doesn't. It is over, I cannot do it that way, he kept wanting time. Enough.

Steve & Kayla wander the square, talking of Tripp, Joey, that maybe Tripp is coming round. They run into Adrienne, bubbly conversation, Adrienne wants Tripp's phone number, about time she met her new nephew.She meets up with Tripp, all nice chatter. She talks of how much family means to Steve, how tough his early life was. Tripp tried to look it up, only learned Steve's dad died suddenly. Without explaining the attempted rape, Adrienne only says he was killed, she did it, was very young, never mind the circumstances, but Steve took the blame. Is what he does for family and those he loves. Family means a great deal. Tripp decides he is going to get to know more about the family, but using a different approach.

He comes into the Pub, Steve & Kayla are happy to see him, tell him to join them, he sists down, yes, saw Adrienne, figures they all should get to know each other a bit better.

Jennifer is sitting with Rafe at the cop shop, talking of Lani having to take some of the Halo, and suffering some after effects. Jen asks if she has gotten violent, mentioning two different boys, one who smashed a window to smithereens, another who stole a car, and destroyed the interior. She may have a lead for him, someone called The Candy Man (& who is not going to think of Sammy Davis Jr. singing that song...??). Rafe says it figures that would be the nickname, since the pellets look like candy, but he is not the only dealer. If they are targeting schools, double the sentence.

Justin runs across Chloe, asking if she has seen Brady, she had...he lets her know she set all this in motion, Brady is dying, Nicole & Holly are being held prisoner. He walks out, she goes to the club, asking Dario for a drink. He makes something special, and joins her, having some sort of drinking contest with it.

Chad gets a message from his lawyers about Abby filing for divorce. He is devastated, blames Dario, that she is moving on with him. Hope isn't buying that, is not Abigail. He rants a bit, then talks of loving Abigail, not only for herself, but she is mother of their son. He is ranting, admits he also has feelings for Gabi, that he just needed some time. Hope quietly tells him that she can guarantee him Abigail did not file for divorce because of Dario. She thinks he does need some space, will see him at the airport in an hour or two. She leaves.

Chad now has a series of long flashbacks, complete with music, of when he was promising Abby to redecorate the mansion for them, of when he first saw her when she "came back from the dead", of them making love, of her taking off the ring and walking out, leaving him. Chad reads his phone, murmurs "irreconcilable differences", throws the phone down. He sits in a chair, despondent. Camera moves to show the "cursed" amulet on the floor.
Except for the end, when it is a vocal, I got a kick out of the music. Reminded me, sort of, like the music in old 40s/50s movies I see on Turner Classics. Indicating drama, or suspense, etc. Maybe it was just
Can Abby and her ridiculous story just go. Cannot begin to care. Chad is not the bad guy here. I don't necessarily want him with Gabi but Abby has too many issues. I know it's for better or for worse. But Abby is the one running away when the going got tough. She thinks she gave him long enough. Whine whine and more whine.
Ooops, I meant the music throughout the entire show, except for the end and flashbacks was like the kind in old movies. Maybe it was just parts. In order to do a summary, I have to play close attention to the characters and dialogue, so don't always pay attention to the sets, or background extras, but I really noticed the music. Ha.
A few comments about various people.

Writers: Why did they think that anyone would be interested in Abigail??? Based on the comments on this board, the number of people who care even a little could meet in a phone booth.

Abigail: The next time she starts in again on why she had to leave Chad somebody should call the Salem F.D. so they can turn a hose on her.

Dario: Sure, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but isn't he getting a little weary of the Abigail show?

Chad: After he dries his tears over Abigail, he ought to take a closer look at that amulet. It looks as if it came from a garage sale or flea market.

Tripp: Anyone else would flee town and get as far away as possible from the Johnson family circus. After all, he was told his dad killed mom, then lying Jade said it was Kayla, and now Adrienne has announced that she killed her and Steve's father. How much of this extreme family dysfunction can any young guy take?

Hope: She really should leave the advice business to real pros like Maggie. Based on today's performance, Hope is no better at giving personal advice than she is at police work. Chad should make her ride in the baggage compartment of the DiMera jet.

Jade: There are no words. This one has to go now. Is there any space in the Salem tunnels?
Guess not too many have seen the show yet, thoughts. Enough already with Abigail running away. She has taken a drastic step, entirely too quickly, in my opinion.

Enough already with everyone NOT talking whatever out. With jumping to conclusions. With guessing, but not really knowing. Overdone. Misunderstandings galore. So Abby is feeling upset about deciding to divorce the husband she loves, and calls upon the man who she knows is in love with her, in order to cry on his shoulder? Not her mom, her brother, but that guy???

And Chad...........sorry, as much as I love your character, it is past time, buddy. Way past time. You want your wife, then act like it. You have not. Want to be free of her 'cuz you have not had the chance to roll around in bed with Gabi to see what it would be like? Now's your chance. Go ahead. Take the plunge. And while you engage........just remember all you went thru for Abby, all you did, how you risked your life. Multiple times. And how Gabi stalked you back in the day.

Dario....I like the actor, and don't dislike the character. Hate his story.

I like him being a good friend to Abby, just as Brady has been to Nicole over the years. Don't like him always "being there" because Abby screws up. Although, guess that is what friends are for.

I do like the Tripp character. I think the actor is great, but I truly hate "stupid". Tripp is being portrayed as ready to believe anything, no matter what, that would put his birth mother in a favorable light, no matter what evil she perpetrated on others. Tripp seems to regard her as a saint or something,
There he is, swallowing all the lies Jade is telling, despite his research into it all, despite what he has been told by others, and not even asking questions.

heck, by now, he probably figures the Johnson family is just a bunch of murderers who get away with it. I have no idea why Adrienne was not specific and say Duke was going to rape her, but she only said, she was young, and self defense. Grrrrr
Without explaining the attempted rape, Adrienne only says he was killed, she did it, was very young, never mind the circumstances, but Steve took the blame. Is what he does for family and those he loves.
If only I could turn my skill for detecting bunko like this into a marketable skill....

I hope the cursed Amulet kills Gabi, Chad, and Hope and quickly.
Thanks, Poirot.

I think the one flashback with Chad and Abby was redone with the girl Daisy and dog Fluffy. I think we saw it
before Abby had a face change.

Poor Chad, he didn't listen to the warnings the amulet is cursed. Maybe he should toss it in the ocean
before it hurts anyone else. Or maybe he should mail it Deimos :)

Or maybe Chad should give it to Jade.

Of all the days Adrienne comes back, just in time to talk to Tripp about how Steve took the blame
when she killed their father.

I know Hope wants to protect Chad, but she seemed out of place. And where was she
when he bought the amulet ?

I like how the alley set is decorated with the bench and flowers.
I have no idea why Adrienne was not specific and say Duke was going to rape her, but she only said, she was young, and self defense. Grrrrr

It wasn't attempted rape, he did rape her and was coming back a second time when she shot him. I vividly remember that scene when I saw it 30 years ago. It was the same day that Kimberly got Andrew back after he had been kidnapped for nearly a year. This was back when the show knew how to juggle several storylines at once.

I supported Abby leaving as she and Chad needed space for them to work out their problems. However, this divorce is way too soon without her trying to work the issues out with him. Chad whining to Hope about Abby was too much (again, why is Hope even in Greece holding Chad's hand?). Hope was correct in pointing out that Dario is not the reason Abby is filing for divorce. Chad needs to reflect on his feelings for two women and if he wants to stay with Abby, fight for her instead of running off to a foreign country for an illegal amulet.

I liked Justin with Adrienne at the beginning, but why was he going off on Chloe that all the events that led up to Brady in the hospital and Nicole held captive was all her fault. Um, if you want to blame someone other than Nicole making bad decisions, just look at your uncle, Justin. He is the reason all of these events have been occurring. However, he and Nicole would make a great pair since they both like to find a scapegoat for their problems.

The less I say about Jade, the better. Does she really think this is going to help her get Joey back? But Tripp is so gullible to just automatically believe anything that girl says. Although Adrienne had good intentions, she just reinforced his idea that Kayla killed Ava.
It looked like Tripp was starting to pick up on why Jade is down on Kayla. The Johnsons might as well resign themselves to the fact that Tripp will hear the true (as we know it) Ava murder story. Then they, as a group, can decide if they will either deny, or admit. Period.

Adrienne's return from Arizona was given authenticity by her twice using the word "downright" during her meet/greet with Tripp. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Once again, I must give Dario credit for his not taking full advantage of Abigail's vulnerability.
Justin was representing Nicole during the custody hearing, and strongly felt Chloe was being unfair. And she was. When she offered to become a surrogate, she agreed she would give the baby up when born. She did not. She kept the origins of the baby secret, despite the fact Nicole helped deliver the baby, AND get her into the hospital when she went unconscious and into the coma.

I think Justin (Brady said this, too) that if she had not done that (sued for full custody) none of this all would have happened. Nicole would have stayed in town, sharing custody with Chloe. Brady, then, would not be shot & dying, Xander would not have gotten to kidnap Nik and the baby. Everything snowballed, and in a negative way.

Chloe has a son who she has not seen in months and months......he is in NY with her mother. Instead, she is panting after a child that is not biologically hers, who she promised to turn over when born. Yes, she is not the first surrogate to do this. But neither the egg or sperm were donated for HER benefit.