Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 18, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 18, 2020

This is an episode I wish had been completely pre-empted for me. Zoey has told Rafe everything about Orpheus and Evan causing the accident, Maggie being innocent. He gets a call, his babysitter cannot make it. Zoey offers to watch David, Rafe declines, but she convinces him that she would not run off with David, it would go against her for custody. He agrees.

Orpheus is with Marlena, wants 10 million dollars, will get offshore account for her to wire the money, he figures that will help him raise David in a way he deserves. He will be in touch, leaves. Marlena goes to cop shop, tells Rafe. He realizes Orpheus will be going after David, leaves. Marlena goes back to her office, looks at John's picture, calls someone saying “I need your help”.

Orpheus goes to Rafe's, finds Zoey there, lets her know he came for David, tells her to pack him up. She doesn't think being on the run is good for David, he claims he is clear via the ISA. She now notes that since then he kidnapped Maggie, caused an accident which killed both Adrienne & Sarah's baby, then framed Maggie, sending her to prison. He gets rough, starts to strangle her. Later, Rafe rushes in, finds her tied up and gagged, figures Orpheus already has been there, took David. Zoey confirms it.

Brady is sitting with a drink, having called Tate, saying he misses him, loves him, will come visit soon. Sarah comes in, begins to argue with him about drinking, he just got Rachel back. Yada, yada, as he tells of Kristen leaving with Rachel, and it being o.k. With him. Sarah has a fit, Kristen dangerous, Brady does his whole “Kristen has changed” bit, then tells about how Victor was mastermind, Xander just followed orders, rehashing. They realize firing Brady & replacing him with Xander was a payoff to Xander. And Victor, who manipulates everyone, will get off, like always, his herd of lawyers, etc. etc. They vow and toast to revenge on Vic.

Nicole sits with Eric, who now feels too harsh on Brady. She understands, remembers when she took off with Holly, Eric remembers Brady helping her, yes he did. She reminds Eric that at least he got to spend some time with Rachel, & notes that it has to be hard for Brady. Eric figures he is lucky, has Nicole, Holly but Brady has no one. Hugs.

Victor is reading Maggie's letter to him (her voice is narrating it) as Maggie herself is reading aloud the one she just wrote to Sarah. Maggie scolds Victor for what he did, how he made Brady & Kristen suffer , no matter he doesn't like her, and now the truth is out, and it is Eric & Sarah who suffer. He did not have to protect Maggie, that was wrong. She hopes he does his best to get Brady back, & think hard about what he thinks is best for others. She says goodbye. And same as she finishes reading the letter she wrote to Sarah, saying she will no longer be there where Sarah gets this letter. She signs it, into an envelope, sets it on top bunk.

Victor, realizing Maggie is going to commit suicide, finally is able to get his phone off side table, calls Xander, who is rushing thru park to try and find Sarah (he had talk with Rafe who told him the truth about the accident, & Maggie's innocence). Vic tells Xander to get to Statesville, he has tried to call warden, keeps getting put on hold, Maggie. Xander rushes to Statesville, as Vic again attempts to call the warden, constantly being put on hold. Maggie meanwhile, has been sadly tearing sheet in strips, making herself a noose of sorts. (Sorry, I just cannot be any more descriptive here). Xander has rushed in, guard won't believe him, prisoners threaten all the time. Xander insists, guard finally agrees to go check, but first is going to boot Xander out. Xander knocks him out, takes the key, gets to her cell, finds Maggie in sitting position on floor next to bunk, noose around her neck.
Thanks for the summary. What the heck is with this show and strangling people???? Today sounds like a good day to watch The Middle reruns or Criminal Minds. Not this.
Apparently I caught the "good" part, and then got a phone call and missed the sad parts. The show has gotten to be so depressing.
Xander: All hail the conquering hero -- taking down the moronic prison guard and getting to Maggie's cell. Once this mission is completed, he should be unleashed on Orpheus. The muscular X-Man could break Orpheus into pieces, toss them into Salem Harbor, and then bring Baby David back to Rafe and Zoey II.

Sarah & Brady: These two have caught the Kristen disease -- wanting to inflict awful revenge on Victor and Xander. They'd be better off drinking themselves into oblivion at the Pub. This way their stupidity would only be harming themselves.

Marlena: Congrats to the Doc for ignoring Orpheus's threats and going to Rafe. All the do-it-yourselfing by Salemites over the years has gotten tiresome. Hopefully, the mighty Rafe will get his man and then call the ISA to say: "Eat dirt. I've arrested your sicko, Orpheus, and this time he's not getting off."

Maggie: She was being too hard on grouchy Victor for his transgresssions. After all, she knew he all about Victor's ways when she married him and any idea that he'd turn into a cuddly, old grandpa were totally misguided.
I guess, in the past, Xander has done some underhanded things, usually at Victor's direction, & got rewarded by being designated as the gardener. Xander has always been seeking approval, some feelings. He is a nephew, just like Justin, but doesn't merit the same sort of loyalty & love Justin & his family get. Victor is long overdue for payback. The closest he ever came was when Deimos got him to sign away the company, his house, etc.

Unfortunately, the writers decided to kill Deimos off (thereby depriving Days of the wonderful actor Vincent Irizarry) thus Vic got it all back.

But viewers like Xander, don't like that he gets the ........let's say muddy end of the stick all the time. It's time, past time for Vic to pay the piper, and for Xander to get something good from the messes Vic has caused.
I'm thoroughly disgusted by Brady. He preaches forgiveness for Kristen's innumerable detestable crimes yet her boldly says he wants to make Xander pay for wronging him. Brady is nothing more than a hypocrite of the highest or rather lowest order. I detest this constantly enabled lonesome loser:angry:.
Hi all. Haven’t posted in ages but check and read regularly. Two things bugged me especially today:

1. How does the police commissioner not have a top of the line security alarm on his house? Orpheus comes and goes like he lives there, but Rafe doesn’t have a Ring alert on his phone or something? I mean really! I check my phone app every time the Amazon guy delivers something. haha

2. That may be about the most ridiculous scene I’ve seen in a while at the end of the episode. Maggie is sitting on the floor with that makeshift rope that looks like it could have reached the ground. I mean I know most of the time we’re supposed to suspend reality for Days but it would have been better if they just didn’t show anything and then tomorrow we see Xander carrying her out of the cell.
Good to see ya, ShaunP......and I agree completely. That last scene floored me.....I could not understand how she could be there, in that sitting position.
However, as much as I did not like the whole idea, I will give a small clap for Days not showing anything more gruesome. Would have preferred not seeing her making the thing, taking the single clap away. And actually, I would really have preferred Xander finding and stopping her...or finding her and getting her back to life or something today. Yes, I absolutely hated this.
Thanks, Poirot.

Why did Orpheus have to choke his daughter on the day Maggie did
what she did?

Anyone else wonder how strong Maggie is since she was able to the tear
the sheets? Or maybe the prison sheets aren't very thick.

Brady wished Theresa a nice Mother's Day. What a long day, especially when
it was Mother's Day when everyone was in Europe.

And what did Brady buy Theresa for Mother's Day?

Do John and Marlena have 10 million dollars? Are they ones who put
money on the Salem money tree?
Honestly, tho I knew a couple things were going to happen, I wish I had been unable to watch. I don't want to start some depressing dialogue here, but just let me say this was not an episode I would want to see repeated, even parts.
I could not understand how she could be there, in that sitting position.
It's possible to hang yourself in a sitting position by making the slack on the noose short enough to compress the airway when you lean forward or sit down. That's how actor Robin Williams died, using a belt, putting it into the crack of a door before shutting it and apparently sitting down. Has also been shown as a cause of death on a number of crime-based shows like Law & Oder SVU or CSI.