Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 8, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 8, 2017

Definitely was hard to stay awake today, so, just giving a heads up if you will be watching the show. lst 5 or so minutes, and the last 5...and you will have had the entire show. But, since some won't be able to view...Jen & Eric are talking over his plan to go to Greece too track down Nicole & Holly. Jen wants to go, he says NO, Brady knows Eric dealt with Xander before both in Africa & Salem, knows him, and Xander cannot get even a hint anyone is on his trail. If Jen wants to notify authorities, she has to wait to give Eric a good start.

Maggie talks with Deimos, a long conversation about finding Nicole, with all of Deimos usual lies and assurances he just wants to bring her back safely. Maggie worries that Nicole will lose Holly, go to jail if she is back in Salem, Deimos promising to do all in his power to avoid that.

Chad is going to Greece to meet up with the amulet dealer, Kate disapproves, they argue a bit, he talks of seeing Abby to watch Thomas or something. Meanwhile, Dario comes to see Abby at the cop shop (this is soooo lame), wants to take her to dinner, celebrate first day of work. She agrees as they are just friends. (Yes, rolling eyes here). He leaves, Chad arrives, tells her he has to go out of town, and can she keep Thomas for a while. Sure enough. She makes a remark about him doing something illegal probably, Chad hates that, knowing it is true.

Chad goes back to DiMansion, complaining to Kate about it not going well with Abby. Kate starts up about Abby leaving him, he shuts her down, Abby is still his wife. So, of course, Dario meets up with Abby in the square, she has Thomas, so they play a bit with him (yes, we do see him) and naturally, while they are laughing and talking, Chad & Kate happen by, Kate has to pull Chad away, he is upset. Abby makes sure she tells Dario, that while it was nice of him to have dinner with her, she does not love him, and will always just be a friend. He knows that, is a big boy, can take care of himself.

Chad & Kate are in the Pub, he is ranting about Dario being with Abby, Kate notes Abby left him, can be with whomever she wants. Well, he doesn't want Dario anywhere near Thomas. Kate does her usual "face it", until Chad wonders "is it really over?"

In Greece, Xander taunts Nicole, who wants to be with her baby. He has hired a nanny, not to worry, but finally relents, lets her out to hold Holly, but gives her a hard time about his revenge, about Eric, Brady, how she has not forgiven Eric yet, which is a bit harsh. After all it was an accident. She adds "plus a bottle of booze", but Xander notes that something must have bothered Eric to have him start drinking, wasn't like him. He talks of Eric's state of mind, yada, yada. Nicole doesn't seem to like the direction of the conversation, tries to change it. She thinks that Victor & Deimos will be after Xander, Victor very angry because Xander shot Brady. She wonders if he plans on keeping them there forever, with holly growing up, knowing Xander is keeping her mother in a cage. Xander says he doesn't like kids, so the raising of Holly will be up to Nicole. He also mentions something about dealing with Deimos or Victor if they find them, try to rescue Nik.

In Salem, Eric has come to see Brady, he has a lead. Brady is very weak, tells Eric that the because of the trauma of the gunshot, even tho bullet removed, his body is starting to reject the heart. He wants Eric to rescue Nicole, Eric does have a good lead.

Eric is on the phone to a friend, learns about the private island Xander has, and makes plans to be on his way.

Deimos goes to see the weak, maybe unconscious Brady, and brags of tracking them down, says he thought Brady was an ally, but he stabbed him in the back. He is going to find Nicole & Holly, and while she may have been in love with you, I am going to end up with her, that is a promise, and no one will be able to stop me.

Xander has put Nicole back in the cage, has the baby (yes, we get to see quite a bit of Holly today, too) who is fussing, Nicole trying to talk to her. She asks Xander if she will be able to hold her in the morning...we'll see, he replies. He leaves, she promises herself that she is going to escape with Holly, Xander will not keep her there.
Deimos promising to do all in his power to avoid that.
Deimos' machinations are what caused this mess in the first place.

If Abigail had the sense she was born with, she would know that continuing to see Dario, knowing he loves her, is just making things worse. She should try to avoid him, rather than being his "friend," and vowing it will go no further. Famous last words....

I hope Chad doesn't get as crooked and evil as his dad and his brothers.
LOL, Kate said that in reality, Chad is "going after" Deimos, which is a good thing. She is just impossible, I swear. That is the excuse for another dabble in "antiquity" market.
Aside from Kate, Maggie and Deimos, this wasn't a bad episode. But of course I had the luxury of fast forwarding those scenes.

Nice to see both Thomas and Holly today. Thomas is still obsessed with the overhead lights. Adorable.

Shirtless Xander is not a bad thing.

Eric was great in all scenes as usual. I liked that Xander and Nicole talked about Eric as well and that Xander was defending Eric. I hope the show finds a way to either redeem Xander and/or keep him as a long term villain. I'm just guessing that his stay may be short on account of what he's doing. Interesting that he owns the villa and island. I still wonder if he is playing Deimos.

As for Eric and Jen, I liked their scenes and the kiss. It does seem like we are headed for a triangle.

I thought some of the character interactions seemed more developed today. I liked Abby turning down Dario's advances and being honest about her feelings. They didn't bug me as I much as I expected them to.

Kate REALLY needs to go.

Marlena has Tate!!! Not Maggie not Victor but Marlena! It would have been nice to actually see Marlena and Tate instead of Kate meddling with Chad for the 50th time.
This episode might have been entitled "The Sins of Xander Cook." The shirtless wonder has:
  • put Nicole in a cage and compared her to the family dog;
  • not only put Brady in a hospital bed, but now has mocked him, calling him "Mr. Frittata"
  • actually called the sainted Dr. Daniel Jonas dull;
  • and worst of all, he's endangered the Love Doctor's sacred heart, the most beloved object in Salem.
All this occurred in one episode -- Stefano and Andre would be jealous.
I like Xander, as a bad guy who sneers and jeers, he can be down right scary! I think the actor is quite talented, and I agree with Heather, a shirtless Xander isn't a bad thing.

At first I didn't care for Jennifer and Eric, but it's growing on me.

Abigail, saying over and over how you are just friends, doesn't give you a free pass to out with Dario.

The other day Brady coded, did Dr Grant save him by shining the flashlight in his eyes? Or did they show them getting his pulse back? I have to say, it's nice to actually see a hospital patient look sick and weak!
It's officially sweeps, a man took off his shirt.

Nice to see the kids on today's show instead of being in a
blanket or a baby buggy.

I was surprised to see Abby at Hope's desk. Maybe they will be
sharing it.

I hope Brady was listening to what Deimos said to him.

Will Eric find Nicole in time? Will she stay in hiding if he does or will
she want to
be with Brady?

Line of the day goes to Xander when he told Nicole "The hottest woman on the
planet and she's fallen for Dudley Do Right". I've been calling Brady that for years.
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Well, Abigail said the right things to Dario re friendship. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I sincerely hope that we will not see a plane, packed with Salemites, on a return flight from Greece! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Does the SPD building include a day care center? :rolleyes:

Maggie looked nice in that green top.
Thanks for the summary. Seems I didn't miss much on my first day abroad. Soooo tired of Deimos and Xander. And why on Earth is Kate still meddling in Chad's love life? Also, I think Abby doth protest in terms of her non-feelings for Dario.