Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 14, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 14, 2016

"What we did for love". That song title seems to cover the day today. JJ is sadly telling a very upset Gabi about his cheating down in Miami, She is asking questions, he answers, tells the whole story completely. She is distraught, hollars at him, he tries to explain how he felt, why he drank, how he doesn't remember anything, tells about the note, no name, no phone number. He checked his phone, no new additions, his wallet, money, credit cards were all there. Goody for you, says the outraged Gabi. You cheated on Paige, cheated on me, that is what you are, a cheater. I don't want you to ever speak to me again. She storms out.

Victor comes in, finds the unconscious Theresa, cannot wake her, shakes her, calls Kayla, begs her to come over, explains why, no he cannot call for EMTs. She comes, has medical equipment with her to pump Theresa's stomach, then makes arrangements, per Victor's request, to get Theresa to the hospital privately, under and assumed name. No one must ever know, especially Brady. She is going to call her sister, Vic says fine, but no one else besides Kim & Shane. He figures they can get Theresa into the hospital via some back door .

Kayla call Kim, who is pretending to be in CA, tells her about Theresa, advises her to come to Salem. Kim (who is in the Pub) says they are already on their way, Brady had called them, will be there soon. Kayla says to come to the hospital, don't ask for Theresa, asks to have Kayla paged instead. Shane had already come in, was listening. They hurry out the door as Kim cries "what have we done, what have we done".

Later, they are in Theresa's room when she finally awakens. They are so glad she is o.k. (calling her Jeannie) asking what she was thinking. Theresa is sorry, this is all her fault for ever hooking up with Mateo, for her past life, now she must pay. She bemoans being unable to make Brady give up on her, he keeps trying to save her. She wants her parents to help her, but never ever tell Brady, she has to keep him & Tate safe. They agree, but only if she promises to never ever try something like this again. She agrees.

A handcuffed Hope is brought by a female cop to the area outside the interrogation room, letting the puzzled Hope know that no one on the force blames her for what she did, and her confessing took a big load away from an investigation of the entire P.D. Hope goes into the room, Rafe is there, hugs, kiss or two. Justin arrives, it is late at night, Hope is surprised. He has been talking with the D.A., managed to get the other charges dropped, except for Murder One. He is going to talk to her again, hopes to get it down to involuntary manslaughter. Hope thanks him, he has done more than anyone else could have done. Justin leaves, Hope & Rafe talk a bit about all the people supporting her, Jennifer arrives, bringing some clothes for tomorrow. Rafe leave, the women hug, Hope asks about Ciara, Jen assures her she is doing fine. Hope thanks her, they talk of how much they love each other.
Jen is gone when Rafe returns, they talk more of the people who love and support her. Rafe tries to be upbeat about the possibility of the last charge being reduced.

Andre comes into the study, startling Abby who is bending over the crib, talking to Thomas. He wants to know what she is doing, that she had promised to stay where she was...but she just wanted to see her son. They go over the whole scenario of her running away from the sanitarium, coming there to leave the note for Chad, *(this a a newly filmed flashback), giving it to Andre, him asking what she was planning to do now, her having no plan, just wanting to get away, have her husband move on, she could not stand to have him coming every Sunday to visit his crazy wife.

Right now, she wants to check on her mom (she had heard about JJ) and see about him as well. But especially to see her son. We hear Chad's voice, Andre hides her, and lets her out after Chad is gone. He has already told her she owes him, and some day, in the future, he will be collecting. She knows that.

Both she & Andre are gone when Chad gives up working on his laptop, goes to talk to Thomas in his crib, notices Wrinkles (the stuffed animal that Abby had picked up after Chad dropped it, and put in the crib with Thomas). He wonders where it came from, decides it was there all the time.

Jen returns home to find the dejected JJ, who tells of telling Gabi finally, and her reaction. Jen is sorry. We can see Abby peering through the window at her mom at times, Jen is looking thru an album or book. But when Jen looks towards the window, no one is there. She goes back to the book, Abby is once again peeking in the window.
Just a few assorted comments on today's doings in Salem:

JJ confesses: Things didn't go very well. Perhaps, young Mr. Deveraux should have consulted EJ's best-seller, 1001 Great Excuses for Men Who Cheat.

Abigail reappears: When Chad finally sees her will he say: "Abby, you look so different?" Or will he discuss this with somebody in Salem? Chad: I can't get over how different Abigail looks"; Victor: "Relax, Philip's now on this third face and we just go with the flow."

Victor saves Jeannie T.: Is the king of snark going soft? Not so long ago, he might have left this object of his extreme displeasure to her fate.

Justin pleads temporary insanity for Hope: Kudos to the writers for a rare touch of legal realism instead of having Hope get off on the grounds of in-crowd immunity.

Judge Fitzpatrick: More kudos to the writers for actually remembering that she's in the pocket of the DiMeras.
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Victor saves Jeannie T.: Is king of snark going soft? Not so long ago, he might have left this object of his extreme displeasure to her fate.
Remember when Carly slipped and hit her head on the front step of the K-Mansion? Victor came out, stepped over her, grabbed the paper, came back in and told Henderson to get rid of the trash out front.
Chad: I can't get over how different Abigail looks"; Victor: "Relax, Philip's now on this third face and we just go with the flow."
JS, I'd forgotten about Victor ignoring Ms. Polka-Dot Bra. Perhaps, his reactions to women in distress have a sliding scale.

Unsuitable women who were once involved with himself (e.g., Nicole, Kate, and Vivian): :angry::angry::angry:No mercy -- leave them for the rats.

Unsuitable women involved with a son (e.g., Carly and Chloe): :angry::angry:No mercy -- let the sanitation department dispose of them.

Unsuitable women involved with a nephew or grandson (e.g., Adrienne and Jeannie T.): :angry:It all depends on how he feels that day.
I missed about the first five minutes thanks to Obama's press conference and judging by the rest of episode I would have been okay with that. But I missed the first scenes with Gabi and JJ which of course is unforgivable. :angry:

I think we have a winner with Marci Miller (new Abigail) I feel for her all ready. Sadly she doesn't seem to have improved much if she really buys that Andre has somehow turned into a humanitarian. She apparently missed the buzz words he was throwing around like how he had done her a "favor" and that sooner or later he would be coming to "collect." She seemed to totally miss his meaning and doesn't realize he is not her friend. *sigh*

Well with Gabi and JJ I had my :cry: for the day. Since I don't think JJ actually cheated I wasn't as fully on Gabi's side as I would under any other circumstances. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame her for being hurt and angry; and I definitely wanted to give her a hug but I was surprised that she was that unforgiving. But I'm thinking maybe her reaction isn't totally about JJ's alleged indiscretion. Maybe what we're seeing is also due to the left over scarring from past relationships.cough Nick cough.

On the bright side she something that should be music to fans of any couple and that's "I never want to see you again." And yes I really mean that because as long time daytime fans should know that when someone says that on a soap that usually can be taken as a sign that the relationship is not over. LOL
Unsuitable women who were once involved with himself (e.g., Nicole, Kate, and Vivian):
Unsuitable women involved with a son (e.g., Carly and Chloe):
I think Carly should get 2.5 angry faces, since she was married to Victor and also involved with Bo!


Victor & Carly's wedding Carly & Bo's "spiritual" wedding
I'm lost on Abby's motivation. Apparently she's well enough to travel independently now, and not seeing Ben hourly, so...why not come home?

We'd better get a vision/tale of Ben horror in her next appearance or I'll quickly lose sympathy for this story.

Gabi/JJ: I feel for Gabi but fear this is leading to a crummy quadrangle.
Thanks, Poirot. Your title is perfect for today's show.

Jason, I hope it won't take too long to find out what happened with Abby
after she talked to Andre. Somehow she got her grandma and we have
to assume she helped her. Did Abby have PTSD ? It was mentioned today
this was probably Hope's problem.

Nice to see Kim and Shane together.

I kept smiling when Theresa was telling her parents Brady wouldn't stop
saving her. Interesting to see Victor save her this time.

FYI, NBC should have the show on their web site now. At least, in the central
time zone.
Thanks for the summary. Good show throughout. Some really emotionally tough scenes. Glad to hear Abigail is getting more front and center at last---just hope it isn't too long from now when everyone sees her back in town and knows the truth.
I thought this episode was another editing mess. Really bad transitions and sudden jumps between scenes.

They seem to be ending the Salem day but I was really surprised Abigail didn't reveal herself to Jen at the end.

I'm lost on Abby's motivation. Apparently she's well enough to travel independently now, and not seeing Ben hourly, so...why not come home?

I'm also lost on her sudden friendship with Andre and how Laura is working with the 2 of them. There is still a lot more here that I need explained. Interesting that Andre didn't fake the letter as many of us suspected. Other than that, I agree that Marci Miller (Abigail) seems terrific. That was some heavy material for her first day.

The JJ/Gabi stuff would have been a lot more powerful had they shown them building up their relationship to this point. I really hope JJ didn't actually sleep with someone but Gabi did make a good point about him coming back and sleeping with her.

The Jeannie T stuff is just awful. It makes no sense whatsoever and it's almost impossible to feel for a couple that has no business being together in the first place. Always nice to see Kim and especially Shane but I hate that they are wasted on this and I also hate that they speak to Jeannie T as if she were a child.
Agree about the transitions and editing. But from what I can gather from that newly filmed "flashback", Abby had come to the house to leave the note for Chad, and ran into Andre. And being Andre, his mind immediately begins twirling around as to how he can take advantage, use this to better himself. She is sick, desperate, he doesn't want her to disappear so that HE would not know, she needs help, but that hospital was not doing her any good, and she loved her husband so much she wanted something better for him. (see Theresa and her thinking). So, knowing that Laura is a psychiatrist, Abby's gramma, he convinces Abby he will help her hide, contacts Laura, convinces her...and now he has looked good in the eyes of two people, and has Chad more or less where he wants him in re: getting back into "the family".

Just guessing on my part probably all wrong. Andre is evil, but he never does anything unless it benefits himself in the long run. :)
I'm fairly positive we will be seeing Ben flashbacks over and over and over, day after day after day for a long, long, time.