Days of Our Lives - Mon. Nov. 18, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 18, 2013

Samantha wakes up to find EJ kissing her, apologizing profusely for not telling her what Kristen did to Eric, blathering about how much he loves her. She smiles, and kisses him, and ..thank goodness it is only a dream. (nightmare for me) Sami wakes up, glances at the empty place next to her, and next trots downstairs to find Johnny doing battle with pretend Darth Vader Harold. She relieves Harold, who leaves, and then takes over, and they sword fight away with their lighted swords, as she questions him about the wereabouts of Daddy. Persistence pays off, as Johnny finally remember Daddy was meeting up with Justin.

And over in the park, indeed, that is who is meeting. EJ wants Justin to team up and work with him. Seems Father gave Kristen some responsibility towards some companies, and she fell down on the job. LOL, as Justin socks it to EJ. Let's see, the last time I helped you in a hostile takeover, (EJ interjects how well he was paid) I ended up defending Sami who was on trial for murder. And you lied to me all along the way, every single time. I am not stupid, EJ. Your father hired Bernardi to kill Rafe, and I know what you had to do to get his help. And in the course of it all, Sami almost lost her life, I almost lost my wife...he adds a few more things. LOL :clap: No thanks, EJ, find yourself someone else.

Gabi is going over the modeling contract, Will comes out, she puts it away, says she still has to talk to Justin this morning. She starts to tell Will about the terms of the contract, but he sees something on his phone, and has to leave right now, takes off. She goes to meet Justin, who looks over the contract for her. She wants to give him money, he refuses, but realizes she wants to do so because of "confidentiality". Not necessary, won't say a word. He comments the agency really wants her badly, offering all kinds of perks, including daycare, and 12 plane flights to Salem a year. She mentions Will & Sonny coming any time to NY. Justin asks if she has talked to Will about moving, she says she tried to this morning, but he had to leave. He reminds her Will is Arianna's father, she retorts that she is the mother. Doesn't she have rights, too? She adds that she & Will don't really have a custody arrangement....Justin stops her right there, says he now understands why she wanted the confidentiality thing between them...but he doesn't want to hear another word. He will have no part of this.

EJ is back in DiMansion, Sami comes into the study, they get to quietly arguing once again about evil Kristen, and what she did to Eric, while cheating on Sami's other brother. Will barges in, has read about what happened, is it true. Yes, Sami explains a bit, Will wonders why Kristen is not in jail, EJ says no one knows where she is, including him, and changes the subject to Will's trip. They all sit and talk about the seminar, etc. etc. Finally, Will leaves, Sami thanks EJ for seeming interested in Will's life, he says he really is interested. She wants to continue their discussion, and why he did not tell her. He says if she doesn't know why, then it is pointless for him to try and explain. She notes him being so cryptic, (and always insisting others play guessing games).

Jennifer comes downstairs, surprised to find JJ home. He says he has no first period that day. (Great school, in most you have study hall, but always have to be there at the same time as everyone else). She offers to make him breakfast, no he doesn't want any. She spots his guitar on the sofa, is all excited he is playing again, that he had not touched it since he came home, wants him to play something. Nope, is too rusty, was just working on the strings. She goes on and on about his talent, but finally leaves for work.
At the hospital, Karen stops her to apologize for gossiping about Theresa & Daniel, and not taking into consideration Jennifer's feelings. Jen is very gracious and understanding. Karen explains how she was in on a secret and was so tickled, it was like in high school, when the popular girl would tell her something about someone, urging her to tell everyone, and she would, thinking the popular girl would then like her. She should have known better. Tis o.k. all is forgiven.

Theresa enters the Pub, greets Gramma Caroline, and is surprised there are no customers. Caroline explains they are closed, and out come SHANE & KIMBERLY, surprising Theresa because she did not expect them til tomorrow. They talk of being worried about her, Shane cut his trip short so they could get there.They were really worried...and so are we says Roman, as he, Kayla & Hope come out. Theresa feels everyone is ganging up, but that is not the case. She is claiming she changed, knows what she did was wrong, but Shane & Kim have heard it all before, over and over. She agrees to go get help, maybe AA, but Kim says they don't know if it would be in California or here. Theresa protests about going back, the judge would get wind of it and throw her in jail. She claims she still has a job, Kim notes she got fired. theresa insists Anne gave her another job, but Kayla notes that is not up to just Anne. That everyone in the hospital knows she OD'd, so it goes against her. Theresa seems to be directing her beligerance at her mother, Shane takes her outside, warns her not to try pitting him agains her mother. It won't work.
He realizes he was gone a lot, and tries to make Theresa realize that Kim had her hands full trying to be both parents to her. And now she is a grown woman, has to take responsibility for herself.
Inside, Kim is blaming herself a bit, knows how Theresa blames her. Shane has told Theresa to wait right there (outside) as he & Kim are going to get someone, and goes to get Kim, they leave. Eventually Caroline comes out, convinces Theresa to come inside. Kayla, Kim & Roman try to make Theresa understand they are all trying to help her.

JJ sits on the sofa, strumming the guitar, seemingly going thru chords, when there is a knock on the door. He opens it to find Kim & Shane, has no idea who they are, til they introduce themselves as Theresa's parents, wanting to see Jen. JJ tells them she is at work, they ask to have her call Shane, they leave. JJ grabs his jacket, rushes over to the hospital to his mom, tells her Theresa's parents are in town, and were at the house, want to see her.

Shane & Kim return to the Pub, just as Hope gets a text, a tip/lead on Kristen's whereabouts. She & Roman have to go will be in touch with all, and will let lhem know.
Theresa wonders what is coming next. She tells her parents she knows they went off to decide whether she goes back to California or not. So, what did you decide?
Sami dreamt of being in bed having SEX with Ej...Reiterate that she is nothing but a sex-craved first class cretin!

I bet my top dollar that Sami will soon go find EJ in one of the other bedrooms seeking SEX... Loser!

Justin is truly the epitome of intelligent and brain.... I love the fact that he fears the consequence he would have to endure by working with Ej again would be insurmountable... And he told Ej to look elsewhere...Bravo!

Sami's massive ego is bruised...She expected EJ to grovel/beg at her feet for forgiveness.. I think she is utterly outraged that he's acting so smug face and non-chalant!
Wow! Jennifer looks great, today! Y'all have to admit it. Hair, makeup, a becoming (much better than that blue one with the perforated top :rolleyes: ) dress.

How do you guys like Sami's costume change? :eek:

Note to Gabi: Either stop tossing your hair, or pick up some barrettes.

PS: I guess I should fix myself a saucer of milk...
I tried to watch today….opening with the nightmare of Elvis/Sami was disgusting and nauseating. Jen trying to take care of her wittle boy all he has done is lying to her, Abby, Daniel anyone that would listen to him, I don’t care and boring. Shane/Kim were one of my favorite couples eons ago it was nice to see them, but they are only one for a few episodes not enough for me to invest my time. So I switched channels, if this is an examples of what sweeps in going to be bye-bye 2.1 rating.

I read the recap and I’m glad that Justin decided to keep his brain. Elvis does really think he is the cats meow he screws everyone over but when he calls everyone is supposed to be a good little solider and march along side of him. REALLY!
Elvis very definitely was told about Dr. Chyka by Kristen. So once again, EJ is lying to Sami, and there she is..initiating conversation, him playing his games, more or less ignoring her. It really is too bad she cannot keep her spine for more than 2 minutes.
Justin was certainly rudely exposed to the type of people who need lawyers in Salem -- EJ the lying criminal and duplicitous Gabi. He was wise to refuse to represent them, but he really needs to get an office. If word gets around that he meets prospective clients in places like the park, Salemites will pass him up for a "real" lawyer. As for Kayla, she seems out of the loop about Salem University Hospital hiring practices: what Anne Milbauer wants, Anne Milbauer gets. After all, her superior, Mr. Burns, is both clueless and invisible. On the subject of hospital employees, Karen really needs to get with the program. There's never a need to apologize for gossiping in Salem -- it's a way of life. Finally, Shane and Kim certainly had bad timing, showing up at the Horton home on one of the few days that prissy Jen actually bothered to go to work.
I tried watching todays show because I wanted to watch Shane and Kimberly but Sami and Ej ruined that . I did watch the part about Sami telling Ej that
Kristen raped her brother ................Hello Sami ....Ej raped you also and has done so much to your family and yet you continue to have nasty sex with him.
Wow! Jennifer looks great, today! Y'all have to admit it. Hair, makeup, a becoming (much better than that blue one with the perforated top :rolleyes: ) dress.

How do you guys like Sami's costume change? :eek:

Note to Gabi: Either stop tossing your hair, or pick up some barrettes.

PS: I guess I should fix myself a saucer of milk...

Meee-owwww!! You're a bad kitty today!
Is it 1990 or 2013? Wow--Kim, Shane, Kayla, Hope, Roman, Caroline, Justin and Jen all in the same episode!!! I also noticed the framed photo of Shawn and Caroline on the bar. Has that always been there? Kind of a weird spot for it. So, Kim and Shane are remarried. :) I agree that it's GREAT to have them back however, it's also disappointing that this will be short lived. I haven't figured out whether they are truly advancing the storyline or just here for November sweeps ratings. :confused: I enjoyed seeing the Brady clan together but Bo was noticeably absent and aside from Kayla, nobody else was really involved with the conversation. Seemed like filler to me.

I fast forwarded through most of Sami and Jr. Just disgusting. I did catch the last scene though and it seems Sami is more upset that EJ didn't tell her rather than being upset about the fact that he knew. Sounds like a rehash of the Rafe/Nicole situation from last year.

Sami and Johnny were adorable playing with the lightsabers though! They looked like the custom ones you can make at the Disney Parks.

I thought most of the wardrobe today was awful, men and women. But it does look like they are starting to recycle outfits. Sami wore those pants about a year ago in the Square on one of the episodes leading up to Christmas.
Characters DO wear their clothes more than once. Usually what the wardrobe people do is add jackets, scarves, sweaters, different tops, etc. They have racks and racks of clothes, and multiple shelves of boxes filled with the accessories - jewelry, shoes, scarves, hats, gloves, sweaters, t-shirts, ties, belts, etc. etc.
Do characters wear their OWN clothes on set or the Wardrobe Department provide them with pieces and also are they allow to keep the pieces they wore on set?
"Why don't we all hold hands and sit in the prayer circle for Eric later" said with arrogance and disdain to the sister and nephew of the man raped by his sister. Still failing to see the appeal of this character as a romantic lead or just as a human being in general.
Do characters wear their OWN clothes on set or the Wardrobe Department provide them with pieces and also are they allow to keep the pieces they wore on set?
I believe Suzanne Rogers (Maggie) brings a lot of her own clothing, but for the most part, the wardrobe department gets clothing for the actors to wear. Traditionally, they are not allowed to keep the clothes/accessories, unless they buy them.