Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 25, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMansion: Replay of Eli talking to Gabi about Chad and Abby, who are up to something, and committing "himself and DiMera" to helping find Mickey. He is snooping around Chad's computer, allegedly for security reasons, when Abigail stops him. A bit of back and forth about the computer needing and update, being DiMera property. They argue about trust, Eli reminds her that Chad sent Charlotte to Stefan and committed Abby against her will. Abby says that's in the past and despite being Stefano's son, Chad is trustworthy. Abby tells Eli that Gabi tortures those closest to her.

Hotel limbo: Chad enters a room and calls out, "Father?" Rolf is there. Chad is angry. Rolf speaks in the present tense. He has a message from Stefano: Correct your wife, who has overstepped.

Prison: Ben pleads with Clyde to return Mickey. Clyde feels he has Xander where he wants him. Ben says Clyde shouldn't trust Ray. Clyde is suspicious.

Safe House: Replay of Ciara talking to Mickey rather than bolting. Ray grabs her, aware of her trickery. She pushes him down and slams a plant on his back, then zips off with Mickey.

Police Station: Xander gives "Hope" his sealed confession, imploring her to read it.

Eric's Apartment: After recapping the kidnapping, Eric proposes to Nicole. (Apparently he's been on the fence about it for awhile.) Nicole says she can't, because she's been keeping a secret, a big one, important one, that will hurt them (and on and on). Xander isn't Mickey's father. She explains how Sarah didn't want Eric to take her back solely because she was pregnant, and Xander offered to say he was the baby's father, but they were only together once. Nicole has known for a year.

Rafe's Work Space: Rafe assures Sarah they're looking for Mickey. He gets a call from Ciara (on a cellphone and speaking in a Russian accent that would make her dad flinch) that is anonymous. Ciara wipes the phone with her jacket and dumps it by a trash bin. "Hope" and Xander come out, Rafe and Xander leave. Hope gives Sarah the envelope that Xander gave her.

Prison: Ben and Clyde are still arguing. Ray texts Clyde, who rushes off to make a call without saying anything.

Private area: Rafe and some uniforms, with Xander, find Mickey. Rafe radios to get help. (Ciara is eavesdropping and leaves.) She is brought back and Sarah is relieved. They found the burner phone, but have no answers for Sarah. Xander grabs Sarah's bag (envelope inside) and they bring their "precious girl" home.

Prison: Ciara has made it to the prison somehow. (Another time jump?) Ciara informs him that she removed the baby from Ray's and returned her, lest he lose his final appeal. She vows to find proof that Xander killed Jordan, giving Ben hope he'll be freed.

Gina's Royal Loft: Gina enters and is angry that Steffy/Stefano isn't home. Later, someone enters, but it's Rolf, who has a report for Stefano. They both seem pleased that Stefano rethought his meeting with Chad and are dumbstruck as to his whereabouts.

Kmansion: Sarah asks for a teething ring from her bag, Xander finds the envelope. Sarah wants to know what's in it.

DiMansion study: Chad tells Abby that Stefano's teaching them a lesson over her agenda. Abigail calmly says this feels like Chad's being forced to choose between her and Stefano. Chad assures her, but will follow Rolf's plans. Abby has hidden Chad's computer, they must be careful around Eli. On and on. Eli's listening.

Prison: Clyde is angry at Ben for trusting Ciara over him. (Ray has spilled about Ciara's involvement.) Ben tells him that Clyde was using the kidnapping for his own gain. Clyde says Ben's still his son, then threatens him.

Kmansion: Ciara has entered (in the foyer) and listens to Xander tell Sarah the envelope contains offshore bank account information to pay as a ransom. Sarah feels Xander's been misjudged; Xander will protect his family. Sarah goes upstairs to put Mickey down (Ciara is concealed behind a door). Xander puts the envelope in the fireplace as Ciara watches. Later, she fishes out the paper. (Apparently Titan doesn't have the money for a shredder.)

Royal Loft: Stefano's shoes and ring enter. Gina scolds him, but praises him for avoiding the meeting with Chad, who would have had "quite the reaction" to Stefano.

Kmansion: Sarah tells Xander that he has been the most devoted father to Mickey, despite not being her biological parent.

Eric's apartment: Eric is angry that Nicole allowed his child to be raised by Xander. He resolves to go find his daughter (who he still believes is missing) and stomps out. Nicole cries hysterically.
That was quite a lot for Eric to take in, and he did without yelling.......but also without reassuring the very insecure Nicole. Is Xander's confession not burned in the slightest...since Ciara is able to fish it out?? Xander has been a good father to the baby, so Eric should have no gripe about that.

How stupid that Chad is sent to a room and Rolf is there. Same goes for him going to see Gina.

And then there is Eli? Where does he get off wanting to check out the laptop? And if there is DiMera business being conducted, why not all on one computer? Like..maybe a desktop. Chad needs to lock his laptop with a password or something? Maybe Chad & Abby should go move into the now empty cottage where Ben was staying........I mean Eli does own the Martin house, right? Or is he permanently using Gabi's room to sleep in?
When are we are going to see Steffy?

Wow that was some rock Eric had for Nicole! Where'd he get that kind of money? I'm glad she told him but I am still hoping like crazy that it is Rex's or even is Xander's!

I don't think Mackenzie is little enough to be held they way Sarah was holding her. And I absolutely expected Eric to come storming in when they were putting her to bed. Probably tomorrow.
So... My biggest gripe today was Nicole telling Eric all of this, and then when he says "My daughter has been kidnapped, I'm going to go find her," she says "WAIT!" Like he's actually going to stay and hear her out. I couldn't feel sympathy for her today and I think Sarah deserves whatever brooding behavior he throws her way, too. However, I don't mind Sarah with Xander and I also don't mind Xander in general right now, so there's that.

I don't like what Eli has turned into and I also don't really care about the whole Stefano angle because it's ridiculous. I'd almost rather be seeing Sami and EJ.
Must say it was funny when Chad said something to Rolf to the effect that maybe he was wanting to be Stefano. LOL

So......The police commissioner has no interest in going to see if that is the kidnapped baby in the square, because of a big commissioner's meeting??? Since when. Wish Rafe would get a clue.
Thanks for the summary. I'm having trouble maintaining any interest in these stories. They keep doing things I don't like. It's especially irritating to see Gina continue to talk to "Steffy" with no response from him but she appears to be responding to what he says (without us hearing it) or his thoughts or something. It's like she has an arm and a hand for an imaginary friend. Maybe the fingers tap out Morse Code or something that she can decipher. :angry:
Poor judgment abounded in Salem today.

Xander: Why didn't he wait to leave the K-mansion living room until he was sure his incriminating letter was burned to a crisp?

Nicole: Why did she fess up to the sourpuss? All she's done is to guarantee herself more misery. And instead of asking the high-and-mighty Eric for forgiveness, she ought to be begging the viewers to forgive her for making Eric's facial expression look even more miserable than usual.

Hope: She actually gave Sarah a document that had been given to her in confidentiality? Of course, she's now Princess Gina, but when the truth is out about her status, poor Abe will have to do a lot of explaining about making another poor choice for commissioner.

Eli: Who does he think he is, snooping around Chad's computer? And if he wants to do this, he ought to be more careful. This guy has certainly fallen a long way from when he was an FBI agent.

Clyde: He really can pick 'em. His guy, Ray, was even worse at playing a thug than he is in choosing a wardrobe. (Does Clyde pay him so poorly that he can't afford to buy a new shirt? Under what rock did Clyde find this guy?
Ah, DR. BF, you said all my thoughts, except for Nicole/Eric. So, echo them all.

But in re: Nicole/Eric......yep, I like them, make excuses, and don't feel the same about Eric's ever present look of misery. I hate that the writers/directors have him always looking/being so morose, and Nicole always so insecure and in tears.

Yes, I would have written that entire scenario very differently.....making Eric so grateful & happy for Nicole to have told him, despite her promise to Sarah, & would have them BOTH go to have Eric claim his daughter. Together. And since it is Salem, & these writers felt o.k. in having Kristen become pregnant against all odds......then Nicole would also have done the same. In fact, I would have rather had her be pregnant than Kristen. If Chloe can do surrogate for Nicole & Daniel, why not someone for Nicole & Eric?? *(if she could not carry herself)

Greg Vaughan (Eric) has been seen in other TV shows, smiling, laughing, clean shaven, reason Eric has to be always frowning, sad, etc.
Thanks, Jason.

I was wrong on Friday about who Chad was going to see at the Salem Inn. Because Chad was
at a hotel room and not the "Tower of DiMera" where Gina and Steffy are. I guess Stefano
let Chad win so Rolf could give him the special message about Abby.

Nicole talked about how she and Eric have been so happy. I guess we missed all of that when
the time jump happened.

Line of the day goes to Gina talking to Xander "We're doing everything we can to find Mickey.
I have all my best people on it" Really, the Salem PD? :)