Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 30, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 30, 2015

In Steve's room, Hope is trying unsuccessfully to convince Steve to go with her, track down the people responsible for Bo's not getting treatment in time to prevent his death. She finally accepts he won't go with her, as much as he might want to, and gets him to tell her where to start....with Claudia, the woman who pretended to be Britta's daughter.

Claire is in the square, talking to her dad, about him & her mom, but Shawn doesn't say much. Claire knows they have not been getting along. Shawn leaves, Ciara comes along, Claire tells her much the same. Ciara really has no idea what is going on, has other things on her mind.

Shawn is talking to Gramma Caroline, he is leaving right after the funeral, going home, and he has no idea what Belle is going to do. He tells a disappointed Caroline that they have been having problems, and he isn't sure he even wants to talk to her ever again.

Chad is pestering the daylights out of Rafe, who has no info, nothing came in on the APB yet. Chad has notifield every hospital within 50 miles, sent pictures, etc. Rafe gets a call, a man fitting Ben's description was seen with a midwife named Wendy in Mammoth Falls. Chad is ready to rush there, Abigail has to be in trouble. Rafe tells him to let the Mammoth Falls people deal with this. Nope, Chad will find this ****** himself.

Steve comes into Kayla's office, they banter a bit, Kayla is still upset about the anonymous texts. Steve isn't worried, they actually have been harmless., nothing has happened. Kayla suggests they stage a fake argument in front of a lot of people, Steve laughs, what would they argue about. She teases he is a smug, arrogant, ******, he laughs, that would do it. He remembers how when they disagreed on something, they used to just take a walk, but Kayla says she has to work now. She notices her copy machine is empty, will go get some from the supply closet. He goes along, hey, they are taking their walk after all. Laughs. They go into the supply room, he gets the box down from the top shelf. We see Joey sneak around a corner. Kayla takes a couple of pkgs. of copy paper out of the box, as the supply room door closes behind them. Steve tries to open, it is locked. They are pounding on the door, asking if anyone can hear them, let them out. On the other side, Joey stands, his hand on the door knob, just listening.

Belle is telling her parents that it is over between her and Shawn, and admits it is all her fault. She talks of them settling into this small town, thinking they could work things out there better, as they were just not getting along well. Shawn, though, was gone a lot, Claire was older, not needing her much any more, and she got involved with a man. Well, small towns are all alike, no secrets. Marlena gets a text, John asks "is it her", Belle realizes it must be Sami......and rants a bit how, like always, even though Belle has been gone a long time, has huge things in her life, that Sami once again takes the spotlight away, and isn't even here. So, how is she, what is going on? Marlena figures it is better not to say, John just murmurs it is financial. Belle laughs sarcastically. Guess when you marry into the DiMeras, there has to be trouble of some kind, right?

Andre' is trying to placate Stefano about the money being gone, confirms that Hong Kong says it is all gone, but they don't know where. Andre' tries to assure Stefano he wasn't trying to take control behind Stefano's back, but Stefano thinks that is exactly what he was trying to do. Andre' claims that he only was dealing with Samantha quietly because Stefano had that heart attack, and he did not want him upset. Later, Andre' is gone, Stefano is on the phone, insisting to be informed whether Samantha has left the country. He is not a happy camper.

Andre' runs into Belle in the park, does his usual snide commenting, but offers condolences on the loss of Bo. Belle is silent, but finally tells him she wants nothing to do with him, and to stay away from her. She walks off, Andre' chuckles.

And at the cabin, Abby lays on the bed, cradling the baby, as Ben returns, shovel in hand, complaining how the dirt was hard as cement. Abby is still upset, Wendy did not have to die, she helped them. the baby would not be alive if not for her. Oh, she has to die, replies Ben. She knew too much, would have told the cops, FBI, and then all 3 of us would be in trouble. Ever hear of Waco, or Rose Ridge? He remembers that they all stayed, so WE have to leave. Abby is trying to talk him out of it, saying too cold for the baby, he gets ticked off, insinuating that Abby could die as well, he will take the baby and leave her there. She talks of having to nurse him, that their baby's safety is of the utmost importance, and because of that, she will go with him. Ben packs up, has evidently unlocked her shackles. She is telling him she wrapped the baby in all they had there, thinks it still is too cold out for the baby. She looks out the window, it is snowing. She tells Ben......he looks out the window, then opens the door. Snowing hard. He tells her they won't leave now.......but first thing in the morning. He pulls out the shackles, she gets up on the bed with the baby, as he once again cuffs her ankle to the bedpost.

Hope comes downstairs with her suitcase, then takes out the lockbox where she keeps her gun. She takes it out, checking the chamber, as Ciara comes home. What are you doing? Ciara sees the suitcase, starts crying about the funeral being tomorrow. Hope says it is not important now, but Ciara needs her, are you going to make me go to the funeral alone. No, no, I am not leaving you, just making sure I will be ready to go. She hold Ciara, comforting her, I am not leaving you.
Later, she sits alone, holding the gun, and sees Bo in her mind's eye. She says she is sorry, she cannot go now, Ciara needs me, I cannot leave her. Bo agrees. She wonders how she can then possibly talk to Claudia. Bo says if you cannot go to Claudia, then you make Claudia come to you. He fades away.
Thanks for the summary.

LeeBee, normally I'd agree but even Sami isn't concerned with Will's death.

I'm with Belle--it's annoying that Sami always hijacks everything going on with John, Marlena, and the DiMeras. Can we just forget that this storyline ever happened and have Andre and Stefano do something more useful than arguing and pestering the residents of Salem? And why is Andre interacting with Belle? Unless they have some past I'm not aware of (I have only been watching the show since the latter half of 2010), seems pointless. I'm also not looking forward to yet another super couple being destroyed, a la Belle and Shawn-D. Another affair? Haven't we seen enough of this and had enough sadness this year? Here's to hoping they got to marriage counseling instead.

I'm ready for the storyline with Ben and Abigail to conclude. Glad that Rafe and Chad are putting the pieces together. I'm also looking forward to Hope getting some justice regarding Bo's capturers. And smart idea, Joey, for locking your parents into the closet. He must know that they have a knack for getting people together, as they did for Abigail with both EJ and Ben, and also the boiler room incident with Eric & Nicole.
I understand Hope is grieving, but she is running around being nothing but a bully. Hate the way she is treating Steve. She is being terrible to Kayla also. She went from agreeing with Kayla that Steve was terrible for leaving his family to trying to get him to lie to Kayla and leave to go help her.

Abby, how about wrapping the baby in that big maroon blanket that's right there on the bed??
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I'm with Belle--it's annoying that Sami always hijacks everything going on with John, Marlena, and the DiMeras.

I really hope Sami isn't coming back to Salem. We all know what it usually means when there is this much talk about an offscreen character. And I hate that John and Marlena are being wasted on this nonsense when they have 3 other children plus grandchildren IN Salem who need them as well.

Another dragged out episode in the cabin. Can we end this PLEASE?

Since when does Belle know Andre? And I think her affair excuse was pretty weak. I predicted before she even said it that she'd say Shawn wasn't around. So where was he? Interesting to hear Claire call Shawn "Daddy". Let me guess: down the line when Andre does something to Belle, Shawn will wake up and suddenly start apologizing for Belle's affair.

Hope was really annoying today. Why would you brandish a gun in your own living room when you have kids in the house?
First thing I said when Belle ran into Andre'....How do you know who he is? And if you do, why are you not shocked he is alive?? So either editing, or she was informed by family off camera. Just was weird to me.
Belle and I have the same opinion of Sami. But she sounds ridiculous criticizing Sami and then throwing around her me! me! me! attitude. A move that is straight out of Sami's playbook. I hope she doesn't try to sell Paul on the black market.

The Serial Killer shouldn't be so morally judgy. I really need Rafe and Chad to save Abby and her son and then have Ben find out that Chad is the baby's father. When Benny Boy goes nutso at news Rafe can shoot him in the face.

So Hope decides to take on an orphaned teenager and then abandons him and her own daughter. That's almost reaching Sami Brady levels of parenting. Almost.

I don't think Shawn is leaving Salem to get away from Belle. He's leaving because he's sane and wants to get away from all the dysfunctional loonies.

Joey, if you're going to lock your parents in a supply closet, you don't stand outside and listen, you little weirdo.
Poor Belle, just could not keep it in her pants and now selfish Sami is taking all of the attention away from her.

She is supposed to be the golden child but she showed no concern for her sister's pain or the loss of her nephew.
Why would you brandish a gun in your own living room when you have kids in the house?
To be was teen Ciara. She makes me want to brandish a gun. LOL. I bet Hope would never have tried that with Lauren Boles (ex-Ciara)!!!
But she sounds ridiculous criticizing Sami and then throwing around her me! me! me! attitude.
These scenes irked me as well. YES - Sami is a horrible character and far too much time is spent on her. But does Belle not know that Sami's son just died!?!?!?! Marlena's need to mother her grieving (because of losing a child) daughter rather than her grieving (because of her own affair) one is totally within reason. However, given this is Sami, I think Belle was right in sentiment but not in tone.
LeeBee, normally I'd agree but even Sami isn't concerned with Will's death.
Exactly. But I still didn't like how Belle reacted. Belle should be the bigger, more mature person. I wasn't watching a lot of the Belle years (her SORAS made me quit watching the show after 15 years) but I remember her being more level-headed than she was today.

Elsewhere...I have no further use for Ben. But I want the baby to be his, and Chad's arrogant presumption is, I hope, a red herring. I would like to see Chad rescue Abby and then Rafe rescue the both of them, however; I am firmly on team Chad/Abby after some waffling pre-psycho-Ben. (Though I still feel cheated that we were given yet another lopsided triangle with no real viability.)

Too much to hope that Paul's "friend" from Winterthorne is bisexual and just happens to also be the one whom Belle took to bed? Now that would be a soap-worthy twist for Days. (And it would be absolutely implausible except for in Salem, Genoa City, Oakdale, Llanview, Springfield, Port Charles, et al...LOL).

Note: Those are the fictional towns where Y&R, As The World Turns, One Life to Live, Guiding Light, and General Hospital take/took place.
An interesting day in Salem. Everyone is still wearing the clothes from
Thanksgiving and the pub is now open to the public.
Doesn't anyone feel sorry for Stefano... Sami stole his money :sarcasm:

Ben said Waco and Ruby Ridge. A strange thing to say since he's alone with
Abby and not with a group of people.

I laughed when Ben said the ground was hard. Of course it is, it's winter :)

So Joey locked his parents in the supply closet. Do all of Salem's
children want
their parents get back together after a divorce?
But I still didn't like how Belle reacted. Belle should be the bigger, more mature person. I wasn't watching a lot of the Belle years (her SORAS made me quit watching the show after 15 years) but I remember her being more level-headed than she was today.

This version of Belle made me quit watching. The character changed so much when they did the recast. I hate her.
Can Abby please just go into a hormone filled rage and beat Ben? She's had the worst birth experience ever, and now she's stuffed back into those skinny jeans and boots postpartum. She deserves just to go crazy on him! Like shooting him with that gun in his private parts, and asking him how he likes it without an epidural. Too much?
Ben got in a few good lines today. 1) "I have grown up." :eek: 2) "I'm not a bad person." :eek::eek: 3) "What kind of man do you think I am." :sick: Now that it's snowing heavily, the best way for this sick plot to end would be for Ben to end up like the Jack Nicholson character in The Shining. Over at the DiMansion, Stefano appears perplexed about where in the world is Sami Brady. Perhaps, he could hone his location detection skills by getting a copy of the old "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" computer game.
To be was teen Ciara. She makes me want to brandish a gun. LOL. I bet Hope would never have tried that with Lauren Boles (ex-Ciara)!!!
Since when does Belle know Andre?
I may be wrong, but during the deranged crime spree that marked the finale of Andre's last tour of Salem, didn't he lock Shawn and Belle in the Pub walk-in refrigerator, and Shawn then foolishly tried to use a fire bomb to blow the door open?
Today's episode didn't sit right with me.

As for Hope, I don't like how she is treating Steve. And I don't like that they still have Peter Reckell (Bo) showing up as a ghost/Hope's imagination. I rather have my last memory of him in the park with Hope the night he died. Not as he is now posing in their living room with a black tank top and his hair ironed straight. Ughhh! I am glad Hope is pulling herself together. But I wish she were focusing more on her children and Chase.

Ben and Abigail. Ben keeps getting more deranged and psychotic. Abigail needs to go into survival mode and protect herself and her baby. Be resourceful. Stop trying to reason with Ben. I'm ready for this storyline to end. I would be relieved if Abigail would put Ben out of his misery. And Abigail got pregnant in June. The baby is 4 months early. The baby is about 25 weeks gestation and those babies are usually on ventilators and oxygen and must be tube fed or intravenously fed. It looks like she has a full term baby. I'm annoyed.

Belle. I love the actress playing Belle. I mostly liked her chemistry and relationship with Marlena when she was on 2004-2008. It's very strange that Belle and Shawn have a teenage daughter. I will have to get used to Claire being grown up so fast. Belle's comments about Sami today were insensitive. She should realize Sami just buried her son, Will. Why is Belle assuming Sami is trying to upstage her? The writing today wasn't good. Didn't like the way these characters were written (Hope, Abigail, Belle)
I liked how Steve kept telling Hope that she has kids here - at least some is acknowledging that! I am also disappointed in Ghost Bo, why does he need to be in a tank top?

Even thought the baby looks big, I did like how Abigail was looking at him. Ben is sooo crazy, I can't believe he started talking about Waco.